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Everything posted by shapeshifter

  1. Poppy's pg again?? Well, if she's like I was, and has morning, noon, and night sickness throughout, that could make her face thin. Yes, more Jay is always welcome. Also Jane Curtain/Joanne and Dallas Roberts/Elliot--but I do not care for their making Elliot out to be a billionaire who doesn't need the job.
  2. Everything goes better with Lionel Luther/John Glover. If this show had a bigger audience of previously.tv posters, I'm sure there'd be vigorous debate and discussion about the Catholic Church, indulgences, and the way all the women in the episode seemed robbed of agency. And I'm sure I'd be tempted to take the opposing side to whatever the prevailing view was, and then get my behind virtually handed to myself. So, moving on then... Except. I am annoyed that Kate's father had to forfeit the game for no reason of his own. Maybe we are supposed to think he was genuinely happy to give up the tickets to charity so Kate could get the annulment?
  3. I'm not convinced there isn't a connection--well, at least an homage--given the whole tea with cream thing. I assume that corpse was the henchman--who later was discovered in the car doing donuts.I was just thinking to myself, "Everything goes better with Dr. Phlox...," and then...an ear. Ick. Later on the captioning had the henchman saying something like, "I thought you would go for the hand." Did anyone catch cartel lady's response? IRL both Sonia and Marco would totally have a pantheon of incurable STDs by now. I do think it made sense for her to have sexual relations with someone with whom she shared very strong feelings about the most important thing in her life. For most people, that wouldn't have been the case in this instance, but for her it did. The opening songs were so wonderful, I guess I can forgive the following mayhem.
  4. Even though I loved the bright palette of primaries (red, yellow, blue) on Smallville, I don't mind if a show doesn't do much color, as long as I can see what's going on--which pastels do allow, unlike so many shows these days that are shot in near total darkness, which seems to be a technique for skimping on special effects.
  5. Maybe it's training for a century-long mission in which only one person would be "awake" at a time while the others were in an age-retarding stasis state? IDK, you'd still think there'd be two awake at a time--or maybe studies had shown they'd likely get on each others' nerves and one would kill the other?Better idea: It was to study whether AI could serve as an adequate substitute for human companionship during long space flights.
  6. I was actually thinking she knocked over the cup because she couldn't afford to pay for it. If so, it's actually kind of clever--if you otherwise look respectable. If you look homeless, likely you'd be asked to pay for the drink and the cup. But if it looks like an accident, and now your coffee is on the floor in a puddle (what's left of it--which in her case didn't appear to be much), you probably just earned sympathy and a free 3/4 cup of coffee.Alternatively, she could be an ex-GR who still takes pleasure in making things difficult for people. And/or maybe she's an undercover GR, and all her survey taking is really just to suss out GR recruits. Maybe she is responsible for the lists of prospective GRs! But if my financial situation takes a turn for the worse, I'm so going to try the broken cup routine. I'm a frickin' aging librarian. I could so get away with it. Heh.
  7. I was going to suggest Etch-A-Sketch, but growing up, I was the only kid who could easily write on one--probably something to do with being ambidextrous. But if we're considering other means of silent communication that might include a bit of a learning curve: How about American Sign Language?
  8. She claimed she thought she was backing it up and accidentally hit delete--which would be a great alibi/excuse if they weren't apparently covertly filming her at other times, including (possibly/likely) on the mission. Right before she decided to interact with the Window Condensation Writer, she clipped something on her shirt near her shoulder and turned it on--which I assumed would record everything (and then get erased), but what we saw was the wrong view if that was the camera.
  9. While I'm glad Callum Keith Rennie got a few more lines, I did not like the plot resolution of him screwing up Smoking Man's life insurance by spilling the plan to the detectives and surviving his suicide to spend his life in prison. I wish instead Flynn and Vega had found him too late and pieced together the plot, but without enough evidence for a murder conspiracy for the insurance company to deny the claim. Angie threw us a bone with her line about not being in a hurry to notify the insurance company, but that just delays settlement.
  10. Pretty much, but what got me was that Halle's character reminded me of myself as a wife, mom, and single person.
  11. I didn't realize he was supposed to be hot until it was spoken by Liv Tyler's character, but now that it's declared, I can see it.
  12. I was thinking about how Walt always catches the perp, and how that could thwart a lot of both Nighthorse' and Malachi's operations, so killing his nearest and dearest would be the only way to destroy him and get him out of the way. But then there's this: --and "suffer" doesn't quite jive with just wanting him out of the way.
  13. My guess is jet packs on their backs that propelled them through the water.
  14. NPR (National Public Radio) station WBEZ Chicago gave the show about a 15 second ad this morning. I thought it was odd that they said 10p.m. since this isn't in the Eastern Time Zone, but that might just mean the announcer is not a fan.
  15. Maybe it was just to throw Walt off his game?
  16. I vaguely recall that at the end of last season we thought this season might feature Charlotte as the Big Bad. ETA: By "we" I mean posters on other boards, of course.
  17. I just hope they give enough "previouslies" to trigger my memories of the show. It's been a while, and I'm getting old--which also means my TV viewing skills were honed in an era of broadcast-only TV with a full summer of reruns.
  18. ...Better the science teacher than the used car salesman.I ♥ your whole post so much, Camera One, that it was hard to edit it down to the best bits. It would be a great start to a thread of, maybe, "Why Watching Under The Dome Will Give You Mental Whiplash" or something--not quite sure of the title.* If someone was writing about this show in a PhD thesis in pop culture, the words "influenced by Sharknado" would surely appear. *Maybe the thread would be titled "Things That Make Us Shake Our Heads And Almost Keep Us From Becoming Brainless Zombies While Watching Under The Dome." Regardless of the title, this would be on it. Ooo! Ooo! I got this one! They actually said this at the beginning--which made Joe's hostile reaction to Norie's attempt to comfort him for the loss of his sister right after her own mother died make no sense at all--although what probably makes no sense is Norie making out with her new boyfriend days after Mom dies. But when Joe pointed the gun at the girl in the jail cell, I was sure that The Dome was making him do it. Maybe that would be the thread title: The Dome Made Them Do It
  19. I was hoping the camping trip would create sparks between Branch and Vic, who actually seem suited to one another, IMO. When Cady climbed in Henry's window, I thought: She really did grow up on a ranch. But then she went all stupid once she got inside.
  20. I think it's an interesting choice, linguistically, but don't actors get paid by the word? I wonder what the budgetary impact for the show is. It just occurred to me that she didn't have to pay for it after that.
  21. Not enough to warrant the carnage we saw, but: it would be pretty easy to destroy bodies and claim they "disappeared," plus: --which is not unheard of in times of war, past and present. I hope it's not supernatural. I would really prefer that they disappeared into a parallel universe because someone like Walter on Fringe had an experiment go wrong.
  22. I LOLed at the flashbacks. Jay Ryan has been nailing the comedic lines this season, but I guess neither he nor Kristin were up for old timey accents. When this show ends, I hope he gets to do straight comedy.
  23. I realize there are no detectives left in Domeville, but surely there are folks who have watched way too many crime shows. 1. Find the murder weapon (and dust it for finger prints) 2. Find the motive (Barbie pointed out the handprint on the locker, but New Sheriff DJ stopped him from checking it out). So if Junior didn't kill her in a drunken blackout, Big Jim might have done it and planted the evidence on Junior. Didn't Junior tell Big Jim that he and Angie were planning to kill him?
  24. Good idea. Better yet: http://www.lewiswaynegallery.com/tom-jerry-magic-slate-magician-1985-unused-magic-p-4983.html
  25. Probably. But I would prefer if it turns out he's a eunuch, and it's a twist that would fit with the level of violence we've seen thus far.
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