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Everything posted by shapeshifter

  1. I wasn't sure whether or not I wanted Helena to return, but I am very glad Art is back. At this point, he's the only sane one. I knew it was Sarah being Cosima because she was looking over the glasses instead of through them. I wonder if that was Tatiana's or the director's choice. I thought Paul's "in the face" comment was more of: Oh. Good one. Plausible deniability.
  2. I'm confused. Are the scenes with Keira and the Freelancers in the "present" time where there are 2 Alex Sadlers?
  3. Just caught up with season one. Now that it has been revealed that Donnie is a monitor and the nosy neighbor really was just nosy (and is now dead) I really want Allison to hook back up with the neighbor's widower so she can mellow out with his cannabis. I've scoured the internets, but don't see any definitive explanation as to why Beth's finger prints would not have been put in the system when she became a cop. Is this a setup for a reveal of her being different than the others?
  4. About the underage drinking: Isn't there some sort of ban on network TV for this kind of depiction?
  5. An okay episode, but, yeah, nothing to write home about. I was surprised they had Tawny Cypress doing a lot of the scenes Poppy Montgomery would usually do. These episodes were filmed a long time ago, so maybe it was right after her daughter was born last year. On these crime shows where someone was wrongfully convicted and spent decades in prison, or in real life, do they get any monetary compensation automatically? Or would they have to jump through legal hoops first?
  6. Color me confused on this point. I just assumed there was some comic book knowledge I was lacking that will be revealed later, because what does mercy killing Evil Ivo have to do with the cure?
  7. I was creeped out by how much the dead people looked like that old black and white footage of stacked bodies found in the Nazi camps. They got the triangle right. I can't recall if it was 3 or 4 or more times I woke up after a first time with someone to see a greeting card just arrived from the girlfriend who was back in town. In Finn's case, he really wasn't likely to see her again, so that makes him the most forgivable character at this point, but that's not saying much. I think the red haired guy with the daughter going blind who was the first "volunteer" was the same guy who played young Hammond in the Stargate SG1 espisode, "1969."
  8. Just watched this episode on my lunch break: It should be mandatory viewing for all workplace supervisors, right?
  9. "Flowers" seemed very disappointed that there wasn't a real clairvoyant. I wonder what the question was that she wanted to ask and if she will go elsewhere to find the answer.
  10. More Patton Oswald and Adrian Pasdar, please. The only way I would be happy with Ward redeeming himself because of Skye would be if his true feelings for her are like a big brother's. It's not that I have a problem with the actual age difference, it's that she is sooo immature. I'm hoping Coulson's hissy fit will turn out to be one of the side effects of learning about Tahiti that May was concerned about. Maybe Coulson will eventually have such a big fit that he'll go all Hulk on HYDRA at a crucial moment.
  11. Coincidentally, I had just learned of ambergris--essentially whale poop--that was originally used in making perfume because of its staying power. Now they have a lab-created chemical substitute (unfortunately for me, as it is likely the source of my fragrance induced allergic reactions). So I assumed the purple stuff is a modern chemical version of the bird. But maybe it will turn out to be more like the poor Tok'ra who was kept in an aquarium for eons while her eggs were harvested because of their medicinal properties.
  12. Which episode had Sam and Thor spaceshipwrecked in the middle of a battle with the replicators for universe domination, and the two of them realized that Thor was too smart to figure out a solution, they needed Carter's inferior (heh) smarts to undermine the enemy?I never thought about it before, but that was kind of a meta episode for all the preceding episodes in which the humans outsmart the more technologically advanced ETs. The Asgard too? I think they're just justifiably arrogant.Back to the early Stargate: I appreciated how much Michael Shanks and RDA preserved the best of the characterizations James Spader and Kurt Russell created. And Teal'c always seemed like he stepped right out of the movie. Are we sure he wasn't in it? LOL.
  13. Just in case anyone doesn't already know and wants to know, this week's episode is airing in Chicagoland at 11 p.m.
  14. Just in case anyone doesn't already know and wants to know, this week's episode is airing in Chicagoland at midnight.
  15. Whew! I thought I was losing it. If it was True Detective, I should have recognized it. But do you mean they made scenes from a fake show for this episode?
  16. Are we sure his money didn't fund part of what went down? That he didn't "Orchestrate" it somehow? This. It was still quite moving. It probably would've been even better if she just said, "I know," as Tate was trying to tell her. And this too. She saw the fire breathing dragon but didn't see him escape? The writers have some 'splainin' to do.
  17. It seems like the reason this town is the focus of the "resurrections" is that it is a hotbed of morally screwed up idiots.
  18. I was annoyed that only NOW are they asking Hook about the missing year. Did they even bother to ask him about who the Wicked Witch was? As far as him making Black Beard walk the plank instead of finding Ariel's prince, I blame Ariel. She didn't give him a chance to make his own decision so he could save face in front of his new crew.
  19. I doubt that she is Jason's mother, since it's pointing to the fact that she must die and/or she doesn't stay with Alex.After watching this 15 minute cartoon, heh... ...I'm inclined to agree.
  20. I posted something similar elsewhere but decided this was sort of explained last episode when Kelly was expositing about the potential for "great good," that is, they want to have the option of having Diana's powers at their disposal. Or maybe the blood thing doesn't work for a half hexenbiest.
  21. I would have liked Howard to say something like, "I realize it's a little late, but can I reimburse you for your deposit now?" to which she would reply with "that's all water under the bridge now," which Bernadette or someone would follow with remarks that emphasized the obvious metaphors in that line. You know, like, "Actually, I bet it's still not water even if it has gone through the sewage treatment plant" or something more clever. Although I was more annoyed than surprised that my ex didn't know to turn off the water to the toilet when this happened to him, shouldn't Howard know?
  22. My understanding* is that Escher ostensibly hired her to become Alec's fake girlfriend so she could get the tech from him, but when she fell in love with him, she didn't want to work for Escher anymore, but Escher wouldn't let her out. I'm guessing Emily perceived Escher as a powerful man who did not have her or Alec's best interests at heart, who would hunt her and Alec to the ends of the earth--or something like that. This info from the Syfy linked Wikia (continuum.wikia.com/wiki/Escher) should be cannon: I hope in the next episode or two they do a DNA analysis of Emily to determine if she is Jason's mother.
  23. Did they? I thought Keira helped her escape. That makes sense to me. Digital media can be edited to align with the will of the ruling party. Print media stays the same, reflecting the thoughts and ideas of the author and society of the time.
  24. Yes, thank you, writers! I have always hated the hexenbiest woge. Why did they have to make it so hideous? I'm okay with the snakes and werewolves and whatnot, but I'm with Nick on this one. Well, I'd probably be happy to be with DG on anything. But I'd be happy to never see that CGI again.
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