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Everything posted by shapeshifter

  1. Yes. Friendly female deputy was perfect casting and writing. TPTB should seriously consider reworking the spinoff to include regular B plots that would be like a reboot of The Andy Griffith Show. Maybe lady cop and Connie become roommates raising Ceecee while Mandy's away at college and Georgie works with his father-in-law. That was odd. Other shows have had similar out-of-season seasonal plots due to the Writers Strike. Maybe this was supposed to air around Halloween? It could also be a demonstration of how Sheldon misunderstood a lot of what was going on in his childhood — which I think is par for the course for most folks IRL, but which has troubled a lot of viewers who do not want any deviation from TBBT canon.
  2. …and, also from S01.E04: “Love Knocked Off”… maybe a Hamptons purchase?
  3. Best lines of the series! Kudos to Lorre or whoever made 2 R's feel like the good guys to the D's watching. Give the responsible writers and directors (and maybe actors) a Peace Prize! Cece and Dale with the guitar was golden. ************* The negatives: I hated George holding a pain (albeit in his side) after he and Mary ran up the courthouse steps to Georgie and Mandy's wedding. If the situation in this show had happened in the 21st century, Cece would be in foster care right now. 🥺
  4. Speak of the devil, from tonight's episode, S01.E04: “Love Knocked Off,” I give you The Puffer Coat: Ooo! Another: Makes sense, knowing Elsbeth is from Peoria, where the winters are even more like Siberia (being further away from the moderating temperatures of the lake, which, even when frozen, is still a relatively balmy 32°F in comparison to say, a -32°F windchill).
  5. Episode description from DirectTV.com:
  6. Thanks for the info! So, not that. Daylight Savings Time had started just 2 days before the Regular game was taped. If the contestants want to blame that, I'm okay with it, I guess.
  7. Excellent point! And yet, at the time, there seemed to be at least a lot of self-questioning and even some positive reckoning regarding race and handling of evidence by police as a result of that circus, which might have not come out if the focus was on TBI — even if TBI was more to the point. I don't think we can definitively know if TBI was a factor unless arrangements were made to test his brain for TBI after death. I hope such arrangements were made, but I doubt it. My now-elderly cousin was on TV in LA reporting about the trial. She hasn't posted about his death on FB as of yet, but I'll be interested in what she has to say — if anything.
  8. Everything about the game (including FJ) makes me wonder if the players were not prepared in some way (even just psychologically) to play that day. If the JIT had gone to its maximum length, and assuming they are taping 5 games per day, the regular Jeopardy! game would have started the next day. Right? For FJ I could only say: A movie like Encanto that came out in 2017.
  9. They should all be suspended and enrolled in therapy. Right?
  10. And they go back at least a few hundred years for most Western European and some Eastern European ancestors. They work with what’s available at this time.
  11. Test-wash a small area and see if it looks noticeably better than the area around it. This should also give you an idea about how much effort it will take. Maybe: If you have a strong sense of smell, see if you notice any cooking odors on the walls.
  12. For anyone with the means and the physical constitution and the desire to see the next total solar eclipse: I wonder if the cruise ship could change course a bit to escape a localized cloud formation?
  13. I had the exact opposite reaction. I imagined that HLG Jr had always wanted to explore the pasts of regular folks, but doing the genealogy of famous people drew an audience. I thought maybe now that the show has an established audience, he will be more free to do non-celebrities. But that's just my musings. Just like the featured people in this episode had their own musings about their ancestors. And I’m sure HLG Jr does enjoy meeting the celebrities. I noticed that too. They all spoke so well and so distinctly. I do seem to recall a lot of the celebrities discovering at least one ancestor who was involved in the same type of artistic endeavors as the celebrity was. If they do another episode of non-celebrities, it could be interesting if, for instance, one of them is a music teacher in a public school, and a connection is discovered to a musician was who relatively famous in their own time and neighborhood or town. IDK. I like to do laundry and had great-grand uncles and aunts who ran a horse-drawn laundry service in New York around the turn of the 20th century. 🙃 One of this episode's people was a school bus driver. It could have been fun to discover one of her ancestors was too.
  14. Sure. But when your turn the TV back on, it still just goes to the Roku home screen, not back to whatever you were watching, right?
  15. I'm guessing he was too distracted with the new restaurant stuff. But credit goes to the writers for Jay's lines that seem to indicate he was on autopilot with regards to the rewards points: [JAY] Hey, Jeremy, can I interest you in signing up for our Woodstone Rewards program? Oh, I'm actually already a member. [JAY] Are you sure? Because it's free to join and... Oh. Wait a minute. I don't have to do that. Jay was apparently used to offering the Rewards Program to guests and having them say no, likely (IMO) because they didn't want to get on a mailing list, and, sadly, because they weren't likely to return.
  16. Yikes! Thanks for the heads up. See more about it: https://about.usps.com/newsroom/national-releases/2024/0409-usps-recommends-new-prices-for-july-2024.htm That's me! I hadn't bought any since they were 57¢ for a letter in 2022. I usually wait until something strikes my fancy, like these even older John Lennon stamps: about.usps.com/news/national-releases/2018/pr18_069.htm I still have 2. I guess when my bf was drafted into the Army for 2 years during the Vietnam War, and I mailed about 600 letters, it cost about $36 over 2 years. about.usps.com/who-we-are/postal-history/domestic-letter-rates-since-1863.pdf This would be $306 today. usinflationcalculator.com Never mind the price of scented stationary and sealing wax with wax stamps: pinterest.com/pin/815573814413193303/
  17. Thanks! Makes sense. Same effect in cities set in mountain passes. But Chicago’s moniker of “The Windy City” has long been attributed to its ”long winded” politicians — which came into play in The Good Wife, and might yet be revealed to relate to Elsbeth’s mission in NYC. I still have my almost ankle-length puffer coat from Nordstrom Rack in Northbrook Illinois, 2001. I’ve worn it every winter. Yes. Elsbeth in a long puffer coat watching the ball drop on NYE! Maybe a white puffer coat so she’d look like the Michelin Man. The wind off of Lake Michigan in Chicago can be fierce too, but that’s more often in East Chicago (Indiana) because the wind usually comes screaming across the prairie from the west — like Siberia, hence the affectionate reference to Chicago in winter: Chiberia. If the show’s season 2 starts in the fall, Elsbeth should show up in at least one full-length puffer coat by the show's winter break.
  18. I don't get it. You originally said (it's been since edited out, but someone else quoted it), "No worries, as the relatives are packing legally, lol. We feel safe." Why would a relative packing a lunch make you feel safe? I’m guessing it was a play-on-words joke that just didn’t work? The “feel safe” could mean it’s funny that the only “packing” that makes them feel safe is “the legal kind” — meaning sandwiches etc. But since carrying guns has (I guess?) become legal, the joke is a stretch. Personally, I do feel safer packing my own lunch, but that still didn’t lead me to that interpretation. Maybe it would have worked as a joke if 20-something Jerry Seinfeld delivered it on stage in the 90s?
  19. The ones we saw would be her spring and fall coats, or for just getting from a parking garage to a courtroom in winter. Plus, like Dad was fond of saying: If you don't like the weather in Chicago, wait a minute, it'll change. After 20 or 30 years there, it was more than a figure of speech. I'm retired, so I gave away the 3, more stylish wool winter coats I had over the years when I left for good last time. I'm still in the same climate (different Great Lake), but I don't have to brave the elements if I don't want to, and if I do want to go out in it, stylish isn't what I want — more like down fill and waterproof with a hood. I remember one time about 9 years ago deciding to walk the mile to work for a noon-5pm Sunday shift, rather than having to shovel snow off of my car when it was time to go home for my dinner break. I wound up with needle-like sleet in my face all the way there. Should've had a scarf. I still have at least a dozen scarves, including a bunch Mom knitted. Two are kind of like Elsbeth's.
  20. IMDb: Detailed recap: celebdirtylaundry.com/2024/fbi-recap-04-09-24-season-6-episode-8-phantom
  21. Probably regional. I was living 30 miles north of Chicago when I used to drive past the Grainger property, and the clue was: William W. of this last name founded his eponymous "for the ones who get it done" industrial supply company in Chicago in 1927 Still, I didn't get it. But I did leave the area 3+ years ago and have an aging memory filled with other stuff — little of which seems to be FJ material. But, then again, I don't recall ever seeing or hearing that motto — just riding past their huge campus and wondering what kind of business it was. IIRC, there was a stop light at their entrance. Which station? I had canceled cable in 2009, so I use antenna, Hulu, etc.
  22. Kidding. Of course no guns. Double Phew!! It seems about once a year I am surprised/traumatized to learn someone has a gun, and it's been about a year.
  23. I used to drive by the big Grainger signs about once a week, and I didn't get it. I had wanted Andrew to win today, but after the heartwarming postgame, I was happy with the outcome. Plus, ditto on this:
  24. On my 2 Roku TVs (different ages and manufacturers, so look different and work differently in some ways), if I just turn off the TV without leaving the streaming app, when I turn it back on I am at the Roku home screen.
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