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Everything posted by shapeshifter

  1. Or they're rehabbing Senator Asshole just in time for him to get assassinated. But then Bess would give a heartfelt speech about how that's no way to treat one's enemies—which would be giving him too much martyrdom for my taste. So, yeah, at this point, maybe let him just fade away. And, anyway, before this episode, he was kind of growing into too much of the enemy we love to hate. We've already got a cartoonish superhero in Henry. It's probably better to dial back the supervillain. Ah ha! I too was wondering why Henry was only a Sergeant. Perfect. :D
  2. Yes, but I think we can assume she was a bully because of her own childhood traumas. There's the episode where she cries to Beverly about her dad treating her like a boy because he wished she was a boy. I don't need or want to know about any other bad experiences that would have lead to Penny being a high school mean girl to believe there were reasons.
  3. I like the way they gracefully retconned the vanilla white guy (Tush) into an "other" race category, showing how that changed his view of other groups and their views of him as a result of his changed viewpoint.
  4. I couldn't hear very well on my iPad without my headphones on, but there was a really nice jazzy number. Anyone* catch what it was? *Where is everyone? Has Stemitri driven away all the viewers?
  5. The directing and camera work deserve awards for this episode, because it can't be coincidental that all the actors reactions were universally spot-on. That took me entirely out of the story. It would have been so much better to have Henry performing his Arm Candy duties at the par-tay. Bess and Henry could have had a Cute Couple moment while she passed along her spider-spy sense of something being up with the traitor's son. Then Henry could have done a holiday product placement bit by passing along the info a la Dick Tracy via his Apple iWatch.
  6. And they never suffer from torn rotator cuff or other potentially long-term shoulder or wrist or back injury.
  7. I can't stop breathing a sigh of relief that at least one show's stars have been re-vetted and found to have no sexual harassment skeletons in their closets. Or am I assuming too much?
  8. Heh. I hope it happens just like that in the final scene of the season's final episode, and then the show is cancelled. But I'd also be happy to see that next week.
  9. Especially since the rape victim said she didn't want Monster to get in trouble/be punished (I forget her exact words). Assuming she will continue to feel that way, having him punished seems like it would make her feel guilty, which means she is being punished too. And why? Because Benson and Barba weren't going to be satisfied with the (as yet unknown) catfisher being convicted of anything less than a felony—because they believe "doing hard time" somehow fixes things, or at least prevents future rapes. But in the case of rape by catfish, I doubt prison walls are that much of an obstacle. </cynic>
  10. How about Little House On the Prairie style clothing and modes of transportation with light sabers and Klingon language vows?
  11. Can we get this as a back door pilot to a reimagined Perry Mason, please? This is could be a gold mine of ethics and law on a real legal drama. If they had found the hacker/catfisher first, they could have told her The Monster was willing to sacrifice his career to send her to prison and offered her psychiatric institutionalization in exchange for confessing to cybercrime etc. Or it could have gone down the way it did with just more focus on cause and effect. I dunno. Would it be too awful for Monster to join the #metoo campaign? Yeah. As it was, it all seemed a little too easy that the local cop was going to find someone to take care of the perp's mother's poop. And why the blazes not? Child actors need breaks and naps; they grow when they shouldn't; they turn out to be terrible actors at least half the time. And having Noah killed off would give Olivia all kinds of reasons to act dramatically. But I do have to complement the Show on having the good sense to replace the Noah actor when it was necessary. Like Darren on Bewitched. That actually sounds like a good idea. Or: Finn and I say: True dat. Seriously. I guess Carisi and the audience really dodged that soapy bullet. Same reason a lot crimes. Poverty + Bad luck + Despair + Envy + Resentment.
  12. I wonder if this episode was inspired by the #metoo movement. A lot of the "teasing " on this show could easily be considered harassment. Heck, they've even said so in the scripts. Remember Howard greeting the HR lady by asking how were her husband and the kids, implying that he'd been called in so frequently for sexual harassment complaints that he'd probably overhead bits when she was arranging her schedule, or he'd crossed paths with them outside her office.
  13. Instead of the Capital, it's more like the J. Edgar Hoover building was blown up with only Hannah and Chuck surviving. ETA: and Forestal
  14. My elderly mother has always carried grudges against any family members related by marriage, and yes, it's exhausting. I skipped last week and might not watch anymore. While the audience has to be familiar with the situation to find a joke funny, I am not amused—just too familiar.
  15. Regardless, Angela's mother being dead parallels baby Wellick's mother being dead because of The Cause. Since Elliot is our hero, I think he'll do both. I could see Angela getting killed off in such a way that surprises the audience by how much we care.
  16. It would be nice if this arc ended with everyone being nicer.
  17. I hate it when Mommy and Daddy fight. And so OOC for season 1 Kirkman. Season 1 Kirkman would've sorrowfully said, "I know, Honey, but you're stuck married to a man of character." I'm assuming the yelling was so Kirkman can weep and wail great groans of guilty man pain when she's gone. Or worse!
  18. Only on TV does someone excusing his or herself to go to the bathroom always indicate some significant secret is being kept, and it's not number one or number two.
  19. I just happened to notice that The Internet Archive (at https://archive.org/ and aka The Wayback Machine) accepts bitcoin donations.
  20. I think this is entirely plausible, but I'm not quite sure yet. There's the argument upthread that supports this theory that Mohammed's parents would not have left him home alone after the death of his sister, which makes sense, but I'm still waiting to get a definitive declaration onscreen regarding whether the Mohammed we saw spending time alone with Elliot in this episode was real or imagined.
  21. I remember that. Catherine never went through though. from http://stargate.wikia.com/wiki/The_Torment_of_Tantalus: So, yes, @ganesh, heretofore Catherine Langford has never been known to have gone through the gate. But my 89-year-old mother does not admit to a lot of things. She didn't even admit to her age until after she was 80. There are a lot of family secrets I would like to ask her about, but she has hidden them so long that she no longer believes they happened. I am open to a similar scenario regarding Catherine's possible gate travel at the time and age that Daniel met her. Or, Catherine could have not gone through the gate in the timeline of Stargate seasons 1-8.18, but after the events of "Moebius" concluded, not only were there fish in Jack's pond, but Catherine had gone through the gate. I'm willing to see how they deal with Catherine-gate before I start yelling "Retcon!"
  22. Airs December 4, 2017. Thanks, @OnceSane, for posting the episode intros; they keep the all-episodes thread from getting jumbled. This episode was a little more like the season 1 episodes. I liked the physical comedy, like when Randy told Fawz that 400 years ago she would have had him killed and he moved down a few bar stools.
  23. i was pleasantly surprised that he looked so good in the role. While there's no logic to my thinking, the fact that they managed to cast an alum of both the Stargate and Trek franchises who still looks good gives me hope for the rest of the production.
  24. This episode held my interest more than most. But then I was also a fan of the polarizing Breaking Bad episode, "The Fly," which many also found slow or boring.
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