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Picture It. Sicily

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Everything posted by Picture It. Sicily

  1. Podcast, such hard work. Do eight hours on your feet, then go home and be a mom, then get back to me.
  2. The more Ramirez talks, the more insufferable they seem. I'm sorry, but they have become so unpleasant. Even when I agree with them, they just grate.
  3. How has that home not gone up in flames yet? That looks like a photo you would show during a fire safety course, "How many fire hazards can you identify?"
  4. She has such a high opinion of herself. Whiner.
  5. Some people know all the angles to get what they want (grifters). For example, it wouldn't surprise me one bit if they cashed in on those PPL(?) loans during the pandemic. Would love to see them get busted for that. A couple of people have been busted for obtaining large sums under false pretenses.
  6. I could totally see Janine's mom using that word to get her way with Janine growing up, making it a trigger in adulthood. Ps, we did a sleepover at Franklin Institute. Best trip ever. I was obsessed with the heart.
  7. Little creepy of this executive looking through Quinta's school history trying to discredit her and paint her as a hypocrite.
  8. Great episode. Love the conclusion to the charter arc. Loved everyone coming together to keep Abbot non charter. Just wanted to mention a quick bit that had me rolling. Melissa getting called out for stapling a note to a kid's jacket and blaming "Jacob" was amusing enough. The kicker was on rewatch. The scene before in the lounge had her holding a red stapler with intent. A plan was in place! 🤣 Just love this show!
  9. Agreed. Though I absolutely understand Janine's feelings, I got no problem with Ayesha walking away. I think this storyline is really interesting. I like that the show is portraying it as neither is the bad guy. They both have their valid grievances and they're both being slightly unreasonable about certain aspects. It's very true to life to me. I do feel like we need to see their mom to really add perspective to why Ayesha and Janine are way they are. I imagine that will be quite illuminating.
  10. Wanda doesn't need to grow up. She isn't making a scene. She's following her conscience. We could use more of that in this world.
  11. Sorry, but his explanation stinks to high heaven.
  12. You enjoy it? Then put your phone down and listen! You might learn something. Doubtful, but you might.
  13. She stopped gushing about the Duggars immediately after the wedding of the century. I think the common assumption has been that Anna acted like her smug self during the festivities and it offended Jill. Whatever it was was enough for her to unfollow Anna on SM, but not enough for her to have a full public snit. It could have been anything, real or perceived, who knows with Jill.
  14. I love it. It's a thing of beauty to see someone tired of biting their tongue and just finally unleashing all the ugly truths.
  15. Nurie gets two short, generic sentences on her first Mother's Day? Jill, Jesus detests your self absorbed nature. It "greaves" him that you can write paragraphs proclaiming your own greatness (signing your children's names) but can never think of anything specific or tangible to write about the children you claim are so precious to you. You are a terrible mother. I hope you gag on the Russell stover you force your kids to buy you today. I hope the flowers make you sneeze. I hope the cheap teddy bear you add to the mountain of cheap teddy bears in your closet, while your children have no toys is made of something you're allergic to.
  16. There was one where Olivia helped send a man to jail for a rape he didn't commit, but the audience didn't have to feel bad for him because after he got out he became a serial killer murdering victims Olivia had helped. A few years later there was another case where Olivia again put the wrong guy away. Eventually the real rapist struck again with the distinctive MO. Instead of thinking she might have gotten it wrong, Olivia is convinced he had an accomplice and when it was clear it had to be the same guy, SHE ACTUALLY TRIES TO FLOAT THE THEORY THAT RAPIST BROKE OUT OF JAIL COMMITTED THE SAME CRIME AND THEN SNUCK BACK INTO JAIL TO ESTABLISH AN ALIBI. Thankfully she was wrong and she had to reckon with the fact that an innocent man went to jail because she browbeat a confession out of him. This was when I had had it with St. Olivia and stopped watching. I just could not anymore.
  17. Go away, Miss Both Sides. So damn sick of that rhetoric.
  18. Felicia "found the lord" (more like she said "sure I'm a christian!" to shut Jill up) and it's all about how good god is to Jill. She really is the worst type of christian.
  19. It's the little "apartment" (basement, rec room, guest room, etc.) you set up for your widowed mother in law when she comes to live with you.
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