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Everything posted by DoubleUTeeEff

  1. Wow. I think I went through the 5 stages of grief along with all the Roy kids. Denial: Surely this is just Tom pranking them? Bargaining: They're still doing chest compressions and defibrillating him; he could still make it! Anger: I was supposed to get a fun wedding episode! Sadness: Oh, the poor Roy siblings. Their last interaction with their father was so terrible and Roman even left him a nasty voice mail message. Acceptance: Logan really is dead. I liked Shiv's manifestation of denial. When she first heard the news, she said "I can't have that!" She got angry at Kendall for not getting her sooner. But she reached acceptance a lot quicker than Roman. She about broke my heart when she called Logan "Daddy" on the phone. Sarah Snook really stood out to me this episode although all of them did such a great job reacting to the sudden news. Tom really stepped up. He knew it might be a last chance for Shiv and the others to express their feelings to Logan so he made sure to make that happen for them by holding up the phone for them. Sponge cake (or loony cake as he calls it) is real bad news for Conner. I'm glad he still got married but I wonder if it's going to hurt him or the other kids in the future. I mean won't people call him heartless for getting married right after his father died? Like Kendall said, "what we do today will always be what we did the day our father died." Then again as Shiv has said in the past "The Roys don't get embarrassed." I'm glad Gerri got a reprieve just because I want her to stick around for awhile. I think Kerry is basically gone now. She was only Logan's assistant and now that he's dead, she's got no position left to fill. (That sounded like a double entendre but I swear I didn't mean it like that.) Now that Logan is dead the siblings no longer have a common enemy. I fear they will tear each other apart, starting with Roman since he betrayed them by getting on board with Logan. Or maybe they will have to stick together in order to fight the board and then tear each other apart.
  2. The Greg I know and love is back! "He's terrifyingly moseying." "It's like if Santa Claus were a hit man." "It's like Jaws if everyone worked for Jaws." Kerri thinks she will tear him apart like a human string cheese but we all know Greg is just a benign fungus. He'll be fine. I liked how taking the bad news to Kerri traveled down the food chain from Logan to Tom to Greg. I don't know how someone seemingly as smart as Kerri could have such trouble just reading aloud. So I'll admit I'm out of my element and have no idea if "squeezing the Swede" will actually work. On the one hand Sandy and Stewy seem to think so and they (or at least Stewy) are serious players unlike the Roy kids. On the other hand, I'm inclined to believe Roman's instincts since he's been right in the past about that sort of thing. Kendall didn't think it would work UNTIL he got the phone call from Mattson so maybe Kendall thinks it's a case of "the lady doth protest too much" and Mattson totally will pay more but obviously really doesn't want to. I guess I'll see how it plays out. I think Logan is 100% targeting Roman because Roman is the most likely to be manipulated at this juncture. No other reason needed for Logan. Stay strong, Roman. He really should just get away from his entire family and do something on his own with his money. I could see him being successful if he surrounds himself with the right people (like Gerri). I love the song (Famous Blue Raincoat) that Conner was singing at karaoke so I was hoping he wouldn't ruin it for me. Roman was absolutely hilariously killing me with how much he hated it. Just the way he said "oh, my god" after he ignored the phone call from Logan and Conner started singing again was so good. *points to Conner* He's still Conner. He just won an outing with us in an auction. I am really looking forward to the wedding!
  3. I'm excited to see this last season and I think this episode was a good start. My only complaint was too little Gerri. I just love her. It is so infuriating to see how out of touch all these people are. For starters, Conner who "will be a laughingstock" if he doesn't get 1% of the vote. What ego. He will actually inspire more ire if he siphons votes from another candidate in a tight race. Curious if this is where the story is headed and what it would take for him to stop campaigning. Next up, Nan. Ready to throw the 4th estate under the bus as a "responsibility to the shareholders" and because her family needs wants to maintain all their assets. At least it went to the Roy children instead of Logan? And the Roy children, who spend less time deciding to buy a company and negotiating the sale of 10 billion dollars than I do buying a new chair. At least Roman pointed out how much half of a billion was. I did like how accurate the Roy siblings were in psychoanalyzing each other. Kendall knew that Roman was afraid of confrontation and Roman knew that Kendall really wanted to stick it to Logan. It must have to felt good for them to hear that they got under Logan's skin "Congratulations, you said a higher number than me, you morons!" after the events of last season. I guess this is the end for Shiv and Tom. They gave it a go. At least Tom got reassurance that he's good with Logan even if he and Shiv divorce. Not that that's worth much coming from Logan. Shiv really pushes everyone away; even the dog doesn't recognize her. So was Tom lying to Greg about Logan having cameras everywhere? I usually like the antics that Tom and Greg get up to but that was probably the least funny of their exchanges to me. Maybe because we've already had so much weird sex stuff with Roman.
  4. That's ignoring what the show has told and shown us, though. Is it actually scientifically realistic? No. In the context of the show, do Joel and Ellie believe it's scientifically realistic? Yes. If they didn't, A) they would not have gone to such great lengths to get to the Fireflies in the first place. They just would have stayed in Wyoming or started a sheep farm. Instead, up until the last moments Ellie was insisting that she needed to give her self up to them in order to save humanity. Otherwise, what was the point? She knew she was at least sacrificing her autonomy since she'd be a medical guinea pig at the very least. One can argue that she's too young to make that decision for herself, but in this context, I don't think you can argue that she doesn't at least intellectually understand what it means. B) Joel wouldn't have lied to Ellie. He would have told her what you just said. They weren't really capable of coming up with a cure and saving the world, so of course I had to save you from murder.
  5. I think we are supposed to accept the video game science that cutting out Ellie's brain would equal a cure that saves all humanity for the sake of the story. Basically, like we are supposed to accept that fungi zombies and all their traits and abilities exist. So taking off from that The imagery of a man taking away a girl's choice of what happens to her, while she is LITERALLY UNCONSCIOUS, made me sick to my stomach. That said, there are moral ambiguities here. She is only 14. But what did they think was going to happen? Wasn't the possibility that she would have to sacrifice herself always there? If so, why not say, we are staying in Wyoming until you are 18 and if you still want to sacrifice your life for the sake of humanity, then I will take you to the Fireflies? Or did they just think there would be a lot of medical testing and the Fireflies straight out lied to them? Which is it? Because if Ellie didn't know the full extent of what would happen to her, then what Joel did was justified. If she did know, there is a conversation. I think a 14 year old is old enough to decide some of what happens to her medically but maybe not sacrificing her life? Or maybe even that? It's hard to say how much of the decision we want to take away from her just because of the possible outcome. Can we take away her right to decide whether to have chemo if she might die of cancer anyway? Can we force her to have an abortion because she might die in childbirth? Of course, medical testing to help everyone else is a little different of a situation than those but there is something to be said for even a 14 year old having some say in what happens to her own body and her own life. And Joel was fine with it until the last minute when he made the decision for her. Unless of course, the Fireflies took away Ellie's choice first. It seems like everyone was lying to Ellie. Joel had a whole whopper of a lie for when she woke up and if I'm interpreting correctly, Marlene didn't really tell her the whole truth. Like Ellie didn't know she was going to die in that exact moment before they put her under? Or did Marlene just tell her it wouldn't hurt? I'd like to see what happened from Ellie's point of view.
  6. I liked the way the woman in the cabin told her husband the "gun is all the way over there," like she was too lazy to go get it rather than it was out of reach when Joel showed up. I'm still not sure why there was an either/or situation with regards to Joel or Tommy taking Ellie. I mean, safety in numbers, right? Couldn't Joel's last thing that he ever asked Tommy was to accompany them both? Really, they should have rested up in the commune, gained their trust, explained their situation and then had a whole posse accompany Ellie. I mean, if you really wanted to ensure the survival of humanity, it seems the fewer risks you take the better. I just have a hard time believing a group that's trying so hard to rebuild would be against getting Ellie to where she needs to go if it meant it would help so significantly. But maybe that's the point, Joel won't trust anyone. So, maybe I should spoil myself if Joel is dead or not. I assumed that according to the previews we'd get in the next episode and then at the end we'd see another deus ex machina and have a doctor show up to save Joel or something. But maybe he's really dead and no more Pedro Pascal for the rest of the season and all next season? That would be terrible!
  7. When someone has an incriminating letter that they need to dispose of, there is a roaring fire conveniently close by.
  8. What I find so interesting about this show is how we follow certain characters and end up having great sympathy for them but it could so easily be flipped. If we had followed Kathleen instead of Henry, 90% of the audience would hate Henry and be calling him names. (Hopefully not racial epitaphs like the gendered insults Kathleen's gotten, but probably still a lot of ire would be directed his way.) The other 10% of the audience would still see the nuance in the situation as they do as we followed Henry and Sam. In Kathleen's story, she and her brother are fighting fascists who in Henry's own words have been "raping, murdering and torturing for 20 years." Bill and Frank referred to them as fascists as well and we saw FEDRA in Boston hang people in the public square, ostensibly for trying to leave? Pretty harsh sentence. Basically, FEDRA are the Nazis. It's not really a head scratcher why people don't want to be ruled by them. If we had gotten a glimpse of people of KC trying to survive under their rule, we would have a lot more sympathy for Kathleen and her group of resistors. Then if we seen a story play out about a collaborator who turned in a neighbor for being a political enemy of FEDRA and gotten some apples as a favor, well, we'd probably understand why collaborators were rounded up. In Kathleen's story, Henry was someone who her brother trusted under these conditions and was then betrayed by him. What's amazing is that Kathleen and Henry can see each other's side but still end up at odds because the circumstances they are in are so terrible. Like what Kathleen said about how children die all the time. That's an undeniably terrible thing. It's terrible from our perspective because we are a supposed to be living in a civilized society and we hope that every member of our community is cared for. It's terrible in TLOU context because it's true. Children do die all the time, from infection, lack of medical care, poor nutrition, etc etc etc. Henry put his need to have Sam survive over the rest of the community. We can't really blame him but can we blame the rest of the community for feeling betrayed and angry about it, especially when so many of them have experienced the death of their own children, when probably in many cases it could have been easily prevented in an earlier time? Or perhaps survived if a corrupt government wasn't in charge? How would one feel to see someone get special favor because they were willing to betray their friends or they were part of that corrupt system? Kathleen's singular focus of overthrowing FEDRA and getting revenge on the collaborators did lead to her downfall, but it also resulted in KC overthrowing the fascist rule. Her brother had more compassion but he wasn't able to accomplish that. You can't exactly reason with Nazis so maybe you need someone like Kathleen to get things done under those circumstances. Of course, her inability to let Sam and Henry go led to her very appropriate death. She ignored the bigger problem and even in the midst of a fight with the infected, she was still focused on Henry. Of course, the point of following Sam and Henry makes sense. It's a way to see parallel versions of Joel and Ellie. There's the mirrored pseudo father/child relationship and maybe to showcase a different way of how everything could play out for them. To my larger point about flipping the perspectives though, you could even do it with the earlier episodes. If we had followed the raiders who had tried to break into Bill and Frank's place, it would look like two assholes who had fenced off an area and hoarded all the resources, setting traps to kill people when those people were just trying to survive themselves. If we had followed the soldier who had killed Joel's daughter, we would have seen his complete panic about coming into contact with an infected person. He's probably haunted by what he did, but he thought he had to do it. There's really no good decision you can make in a Last of Us situation.
  9. If she hadn't dropped her phone in the water she probably would have. There is a saying in war, something like "They can kill us but they can't eat us," which means you fight so hard that you end up skin and bones but will inevitably lose. That's what I thought of at Tanya's demise because it's going to look suspicious as hell that a boat full men riddled with bullets showed up around the same time as her body. Tanya ended up dead but will Greg be able to profit from it now? Hopefully it all leads to an investigation that keeps Greg from getting any money. Although it would be funny if he was back at The White Lotus in Season 3 with his "beautiful woman" (if the fortune teller was right) and Tanya was there to haunt them, even if just in Greg's mind. I think whether Ethan and Daphne hooked up is open to interpretation but I choose to believe that they didn't. I think Cameron's wife flirting with him was enough for Ethan. He just needed to know he could screw Cameron over if he wanted to. I also thought Cameron pulling up a chair at dinner after Ethan's and his fight just that afternoon was like, wow. Really, dude? I can't even tell from Ethan's side if he still considers Cameron his friend. I hope not. I liked Albie's whole story and how it ended. If 50,000 euros was really that inconsequential to Dominic, why not give it to someone who played your son like a fiddle if it makes him happy? I hope Alessio got a small cut of it for his part in it. I don't think Jack was meant to kill Portia, but rather just get her out of the way. He was hired for his services as an escort. Plus if Portia died at the same time Tanya did it would look a little too convenient. Portia hanging out at the airport trying to look incognito was a pretty funny visual as was Albie and Portia's whole "meet cute." If they end up together, they will definitely have a good story to tell people. I was really happy to see Lucia and Mia walk down the street together. After Valentina fired Giuseppe in such a public way, I was worried for Mia. I'm satisfied with the ending. All the people I was really hoping didn't die didn't die and while I like Tanya, her ending makes sense. I just hope Greg will pay.
  10. Which of the White Lotus guests die? 1. Two people think Bert's going to die so far? Oh, no! I like that old philandering horndog who shows up without notice at people's houses and expects a warm reception way more than I should. He does keep falling and hitting his head so I see where it's coming from though. 2. Who is the Other you think will die and why? ETA: I FORGOT PORTIA!!! Apologies. Some of the Others may be her. 3. Thanks to those who voted so far. I'm interested to see how right or wrong primetimer's audience speculation is. 4. Thread is open to replies if you want to speculate here.
  11. I wonder if Harper's doing a mindfuck on Ethan or if Ethan's doing a mindfuck on Ethan. We've seen Cameron do flirty and harassing stuff to Harper but I don't know if we've seen any real reciprocity. All of Harper's actions can be explained innocently this episode, while it's what's in Ethan's imagination is what he is obsessing over. On one hand, I get it, since Cameron went after all of Ethan's crushes in college but on the other, Ethan's obsessing over something with no evidence. No smoking condom wrapper, if you will. Maybe it's projection? Ironically, he's sees Cameron as a threat to his marriage when the real threat is his complete lack of communication. He needs to tell Harper if he's not attracted to her and why or if there is some other issue if he wants to fix anything. So Greg is the cowboy? I couldn't see the picture that clearly so I still wouldn't be clued in if I hadn't read about the cowboy theory here. I do think that the reason Jack got so wasted while with Portia is because he knows Quentin is up to something nefarious and he's having a crisis of conscience. I don't think it was supposed to be a comparison to Albie but rather an explanation as to why Jack became an escort and is helping Quentin even though he feels bad about it. I'm surprised Albie didn't offer up the money Lucia needed to pay off Alessio right off the bat. Maybe he's smarter than I think. He didn't even ask how much she needed. Did anyone else notice that the DiGrasso matriarch was yelling about the 3 guys coming for the "pretty money"? Do they actually have money? Did she think they were scammers? I loved this episode. It was very tense. Whenever Jack said "you never know how much time you have left" I was reminded that there are a few people who don't have much time left and enjoyed watching what might be their last moments. Not in an evil way, just an interested way.
  12. Sails out, Nails out! Interesting, I took it completely differently. I thought Tanya wanted to make sure Portia didn't embarrass her in front of "the gays." I do think Daphne and Cameron truly love each other but I think Daphne would much rather be monogamous. Her comments about "making yourself okay with it" and "I feel like you sow your wild oats when you're young and then are done with it" seem to indicate to me that she has compromised in this marriage, not that she is totally cool with an open marriage. She's chosen to go along with it but I think she would choose otherwise if she could. As for Harper and Ethan, I think that they do actually love each other as well but as friends rather than romantic partners. As to one couple raising kids and the other child-free, I've got to violently disagree that is a metric for a successful relationship. Some people want kids and some people don't. Either is fine. Plus, Daphne seems way more into the kids than Cameron does. In the earlier episodes, she was concerned with checking in with them and Cameron didn't seem concerned about it at all. Maybe Cameron financially provides for his kids, but I get the feeling Daphne does most of the raising and caring of and for them. "Nephew" is just a euphemism for rent boy. I think she is trying to cause maximum pain to Ethan. Who better to fool around with than the guy who has been an asshole to your husband all his life? I can't believe Ethan told Harper that "she should be happy" that he didn't cheat on her even though he had the means and opportunity. He is the worst. I think she is using Albie to get to L.A. Didn't she say something about wishing she lived in L.A.? Or was that Mia?
  13. Harper seems shell-shocked by the fact that what she thought was true about her and Ethan--that they tell each other everything--is not actually true at all. She tests the theory by giving Ethan multiple chances to tell her what happened but he doesn't come clean. I can see why she didn't immediately confront Ethan about the condom wrapper but I do think she will have to eventually. As for Ethan, his motives are less clear. Does Cameron have something on him? Does he just feel guilty since he wanted to cheat on Harper although he didn't end up doing it? Did he want to sleep with Mia or with Cameron? Last episode, he watched Cameron and Lucia have sex, kind of like it was the closest he could get to sleeping with Cameron himself. If that's the case, Cameron definitely knows since he had sex on Ethan's couch rather than in his own room. The show surprised me when after Portia threw Albie over for Jack, Albie ends up with Lucia! I know it's too much to hope but I do not want Albie to find out that Lucia is a prostitute or that she was his father's prostitute first. I liked how delighted Bert was to have a half naked woman in his room. He's probably the one who will let slip to Albie who Lucia actually is. That man cannot keep his mouth shut. "Four for dinner" really made me laugh. Good comedic timing there. Mia telling Giuseppe that he can't die was funny too. Whoever ends up on that boat to the island seems like will have a good chance of being a drowning victim.
  14. I think the conversation between Ethan and Cameron about Cameron investing Ethan's money is 100% why Cameron set up this trip up. He's pretending to be Ethan's friend so he invited Ethan and the wives to make it look like a vacation but for Cameron, it is all about getting some of Ethan's windfall. He's so entitled about it too. He wanted insider information about Ethan selling his company! I don't think we know enough about Ethan yet, but I hope he is smart enough not to give Cameron a dime. I think Ethan is intelligent but smart people do dumb things all of the time. He did say he'd sit down with Cameron and "the guys" to talk about it but maybe that was just to appease Cameron in that moment. Or maybe something will happen on this trip to make the whole deal blow up anyway. That's what I'm leaning toward. Daphne is obviously not an idiot either but I do think she's fooling herself. All her "punishment" to Cameron did was give him time and space to party with and cheat on her with a prostitute. He did not have any "FOMO" about missing the palazzo and it's pool. I liked the juxtaposition between the scenes of Cameron, Ethan, Lucia and Mia partying with the scenes of Daphne and Harper in the quiet palazzo. Not that I wouldn't love to chill in a palazzo with an edible, but they were very different vibes. We still don't know what Greg's deal is unless the tarot card reader was right. Tanya is so full of it, saying that she's looking for an "authentic, old world" experience and then getting angry when she gets one! She's infuriating--making you feel bad for her when she crawls into bed for a nap after her husband leaves her and the tarot card reader tells her her husband is love with a beautiful woman who is not her--and then the next minute telling Portia to sit on the couch and read a magazine or to go wait in the bathroom. I was right about Portia being her emotional support animal. I shouldn't be but I'm kind of impressed that Dominic told Lucia and Mia not to come around for the rest of the week. Is he really trying to change? Can he? I guess they had to free up Lucia and Mia so that Cameron could be his sleazy self. I'm curious how Albie is going to handle the disappointment of Portia ultimately rejecting him. I think that's where this is headed. Albie has learned and can articulate all the right things but what happens when he actually experiences a woman making a different choice than what he wants. I think this show is much more straight forward than people are speculating. I am amused by the wild speculations though, so keep them coming... I guess?
  15. I can't wait to find out what Greg's deal is. Has he been fired from BLM (Bureau of Land Management)? Is he using Tanya for her money in order to help someone he loves? Does he really have another woman? When Albie described the type of women he's attracted to as "pretty wounded birds," I thought, oh Portia. He's talking about you. I can't tell if she's self-aware enough to know that. It seemed like there might have been a flicker of recognition in her expression. In lighter news, Portia spilling all the tea on Tanya was pretty funny, even if it was dark. I wonder if there will be a switcheroo type situation with the couples. Is the fact that Harper and Ethan don't have sex just a symptom of a problem that can be fixed? And is the fact that Daphne and Cameron do have sex just a way for them to paper over their problems that can't be fixed? Dominic is an idiot. He probably will get what he deserves.
  16. "It's a penis, not a sunset." I'm actually glad Tanya is back. I find her amusing enough that I don't mind watching her fairly repugnant antics. She's self involved but I don't think she's intentionally evil or anything. I'm getting the impression that her assistant is basically an emotional support animal rather than fulfilling any type of practical role in her life. I hope she can help Tanya see that Greg is no good for her. Also, if Greg suggests scuba diving, Tanya definitely needs to say no to that immediately. The two couples dynamics are interesting to me. I wonder what the deal was with Cameron changing his shorts in view of Harper. That's a basic power play move but maybe he's just oblivious? So far Cameron and his wife seem shallow but I'm sure there's more to them than meets the eye. I hope Portia and Albie get to hang out, I like them both so far. If the theme from last season continues, I fear for the prostitute and her friend. I don't want them to drown! Poor Valentina seems like she's at the end of her rope already. I assume a lot of the guests would be into paying for sex so there's really not much point fighting it, which makes me wonder why Valentina is? Maybe The White Lotus is supposed to be more family friendly? I'm glad I've got a Sunday night HBO show to watch again.
  17. The people of Landford are just desperate for romantic partners. First you've got Louise who is willing to put up with Dan's enmeshment with his family to the point that she moves in with him even though she's got a perfectly good condo. And she has to fight just to get him not to break dates with her when he's needed for babysitting. Then you've got that guy that Darlene was dating last season who went to meet her entire family on their first date. Then there's Ben for which I'll just say: it's Darlene. He doesn't seem like as much a wet noodle as David but she's still, you know, Darlene. Then there's this guy who is flirting with Harris and Becky (gross) so his willingness to date someone reaches from a 20 year old girl to a sober but still alcoholic single mother in her 40's. Not that there is anything wrong with the latter but that is still quite the gamut for women he's willing to date. Plus, giving someone who got sober a second chance isn't so terrible but when the circumstances of their break up was Becky starting a fight with a bunch of bikers? I don't know, seems reasonable to me to let that person go at that point regardless of whether they've changed or not. Who knew Jackie's relationship would end up being the healthiest out of all the Conners? I liked her and Neville's plan to recreate the pottery scene from Ghost and also her line about how she still has her "life coach muscles" when she was mediating between Harris and Becky.
  18. I think it's even more than this. I mean, if Macy was found dead on the scene there is no way to prove or disprove whether Stephen left her to die. And Stephen doesn't seem like the type to just come out with the truth especially it's going to hurt him. I haven't read the book either so this is pure speculation--but I think Stephen must have been the one driving and he put Macy in the driver's seat before he abandoned the accident scene. He was probably drinking and/or doing drugs so he knew he'd get in trouble and that's why he fled after setting Macy up to take the fall/possibly also die. I bet she knew she was too impaired at the party to drive herself so she trusted Stephen to drive her home instead. I don't know whether this would make Drew more or less or equally responsible as Stephen, especially if he had been drinking/doing drugs as well but Stephen's doing his best to spread the blame to anyone besides himself. Of course, my hatred of Stephen might be coloring my view, too.
  19. LMFAO at Gavin whipping that slightly sharpened stick at the boar and taking it out with one hit to it's side! It stayed in tact enough for him to continue to walk around with it all day, too. Just slightly blood-stained. And then they managed to slaughter the boar enough to cut off pieces to eat. And make a fire to cook it without any supplies. So ridiculous. Aldridge continues to be annoying. I wish they picked someone other than Scott to team her up with. It's a waste of Scott. So many disparate things going on. Giant building with a secret entrance through a mud hole down a staircase that Aldridge has to break into without getting killed in order to "save" everyone. How? What? Bunch of dudes with body armor and spears going around kidnapping people, including Eve, who will need to be saved. I like how Levi just jumped in along with her. Are they cannibals? Why would they let him join in? Riley and Wolf Snack stuck in 1988. I missed that the Hollywood sign went down in 1988 in the beginning. I totally thought it was 2022. They kidnap Silas to get information out of him and he refuses to drink for what purpose? Who does that hurt besides himself? I mean, he ended up giving them information; they just had to wait him out. He might as well have had some water. Isiah has been carried off somewhere, I guess just to live out his life, meet Eve and create Wolf Snack. I forget what happened to Young Lily. Is she in 1988, too?
  20. I think the only motive JP needs to mess with people is that he gets off on terrorizing people. He uses his knowledge of Eva's infertility to make fun of her, his knowledge of Ursula's infidelity to mess with her, and his knowledge of the parent's car wreck to terrorize Bibi. I don't think he meant to crash the car and injure himself--it was truly an accident--but he was recklessly driving in order to mess with Bibi. Frozen paint balls is a pretty smart strategy. By the time anyone would look into it, the paint balls have thawed. As to there being no explanation to JP's villainy, um, his mother dressed him up in his dead sister's clothes. That doesn't necessarily turn one into a Prick but it sure isn't healthy. I found it pretty sad that Grace couldn't even enjoy a dance class. I was leaning toward her being the one to kill JP in the end but now I'm not sure she is capable of it. It will probably end up being a total accident. What is wrong with Eva's coworker? Wasn't it like 1000% clear that she was flirting with him? He should have disclosed his status before their "date." I bet she would have still hung out with him and then wouldn't have felt like a fool.
  21. First episode for me. Stephen: I will always use condoms with other girls. Me: How romantic. If you are in the mood for a very soapy melodrama, I think this fits the bill. The only person/couple I find myself bored with is Wrigley and Wrigley/Pippa. So Wrigley is learning disabled, BFD? I can see it being an issue if you grew up in the 80's but I didn't think that kind of thing was a stigma with kids today.
  22. I'm totally into it so far. I loved Sharon Horgan in Catastrophe and This Way Up so I'm excited to get to see more of her. Two of the sisters look older than she does so I was surprised that she was the one who raised the sisters after their parents died. I completely missed that The Prick is gay or bisexual or at least was looking at gay porn. I wonder why the sisters didn't go pick up Grace for the Christmas swim? They were all driving out there together anyway. I thought all 5 of them lived in the same small town. Beckah was annoying me with regards to Sandwich Boy. She was acting like a Nice Guy when she was getting upset that Sandwich Boy wasn't immediately responding to her advances. It's like she thought she was owed a phone call just because she gave him her number and asked him out. And I'm pretty sure this happened over the course of 24 hours. Like, let someone have a life, Beckah. The life insurance stuff didn't make much sense to me, either. I get that they aren't really supposed to investigate but are anyway because they are desperate not to lose the business. But, I don't understand how the accounting of the business works. I'm thinking I'm just going to have to hand wave it.
  23. Oh my god, "The Parrot Theory"! I loved that jab at "The Owl Theory" in the Michael Peterson case.
  24. Dave and Clara were both in the back seat and they looked fine to me. I thought it was definitely Zoe in the trunk and the cliff hanger was whether she was alive or dead. I'm guessing she's going to make it out of this whole thing alive. Fun fact: "Zoe" means life. I liked the juxtaposition of Chase telling Mrs. Hamzad that he wasn't a monster with a present day Chase kidnapping a woman and putting her in the trunk of a car. I, too, thought Emily might be Hazmad's biological daughter. Mrs. Hamzad is dead so why would he be so intent on finding Chase now? I'm not sure if it fits with the timeline or not though. Emily is 30, I think? I'm also suspicious of the Nosy Agent who Nobody Likes. Is he Hazmad's son? He seems to know that Emily has secrets and they are tied to Hazmad. I haven't read any Thomas Perry so I don't know if he writes fully fleshed out women characters or not. Maybe Emily was just written to be a pawn for Chase and/or Hazmad. If not, couldn't she have joined the CIA in order to protect her parents because she wanted to and not at Chase's bidding? Or even to find out more about her parents? She could have motives all her own. Who is Chip? Didn't Harper's son and daughter in law die in a car crash leaving Harper's grandson an orphan? Or was that his daughter and son in law? I guess the hitman who loves his grandmother is a loose thread now. I thought he was good at this! Or right, it's just Chase that is so much better. I do wonder how that bullet missed him. He must have moved at just the right time. I enjoyed how he hid under the cover of trees in order to take down the drone.
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