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Everything posted by BathKol

  1. I figured something more was going on than what we are being shown. I'm sure that's not even the half of it. I think it would be interesting to limit the materials the designers choose. Especially for specific chalkenges for X Client who wants a Y Dress for Z Event. Then there wouldn't be such wide gaps in dresses and awkward judging. Like say, a singer name Lazy Poo wanted a gown to wear to the 500th Alternative Music Awards. You can only design a dress in either metallics, black, or lavender grey. No polyester please. And they should provide a portfolio of looks (like with Nikki Hilton) so that they can have a general idea of what style the Lady goes for. I could see that have helping in the Miranda Lambert Challenge, so that we could have avoided fringe galore. I think they should also have more entertainment based challenges. They have only done to my knowledge two challenges for television shows, three if you include Marge Simpson, but she isn't technically a 'real' person. Jean Paul Gaultier has designed costumes for numerous films like 'La Cité des Enfants Perdus' and that one with Mila Jokovich I can't seen to remember now (GAWD it's on the tip of my tongue, too!!!). Making costumes for films is great fun and you can be really creative at times. It's interesting they've never had a challenge like that. I guess the closest thing was Season 1 and the recycled clothing collections where Jay et al had that fun futuristic dystopian society look.
  2. And to also add: PR has such a Western/Eurocentric aesthetic that I think they are seriously overdue an overseas trip to Japan. I hated the ignorance displayed by Heidi and Nina Barfcia at Kooan Kosuke's designs. The Japanese have some totally cool and very beautiful avante garde/alternative trends like lolita, visual kei, some gorgeous gothic wear, and the best cosplay you could ever imagine. And seeing that Issey Miyake, Yohji Yamamoto, Commes des Garçons, and a few other Japanese or Japanese-based designers are big in fashion, it is an utter shame PR has not devoted more exposure to them, or been more welcoming to designers with a very Asian aesthetic.
  3. The producers would hate my presence in the Oval Office because I'd suggest: Mainly, stop with the pointless challenges. Seasons 1-3 featured some great tasks whose clothes were theoretically made to serve a purpose, go somewhere, or define/fill a role. Maybe they were updates and redesigns, like the USPS uniform challenge, or even the Miss USA challenge. Now what do we get? Designers, design a dress with wood chip clippings, but first, you need to cross the monkey bars over the cave of a dragon whom we didn't feed for 48 hours, so he's very hungry.
  4. Actually, thank you for telling me because it only confirms what I had already perceived - there is more going on than what they show. It wasn't just the print of the fabric. It was like some weird satin poly blend with an ugly sheen to it. Ew.
  5. I remember that...what a joke that was. Hypothetically, wouldn't even a juvie do some serious damage? Where was this hairy baby's mom? Even the corpse? Confused.
  6. Oh man I love watching this show when I'm brainstorming or even doing pastel sketches. Such a peaceful humming of monotony in the background. Anywho, my mother and I recently watched one of the latest episodes...I see they haven't changed the formula much. Matt/Mike/WhateverHisNameIs packs up the Motley Krew and head to some remote location in the U.S. which should remain quiet and untouched. After a rendezvous in a log cabin/Hooters/semi-Irish tap where a bunch of strange characters talk honestly or stupidly about something they saw running down a road. Or climbing trees, staring at them like a pervert whilst in the shower, stalking them in the woods... Then they head out into the pitch blackness of night on evenings where the moon, apparently, is taking her 3 day siesta. And make a lot of noise. I do enjoy Bobo's enthusiasm and just roll my eyes at Renee's diehard skepticism. Sometimes I wonder if she even believes rocks are real? By the time they get done flashing high beam lights, screaming, and snapping twigs anything with a brain is long gone. I think though if I was a squatch I'd terrorize these people just for fun. You know, throw rocks at then, shake a few trees, smear nasty stuff on their cars...
  7. Believe me, they do! Especially if the food is good... ;-) There was an article I read on a food stylist/chef assistant who worked on the set of a cooking show where she spoke about how they prepped food, etc. Usually they make two or three of the same dish for different shots and most of it is consumed by the crew. Plus those recipes are tested before hand (save Sandra Lee...BLEGH).
  8. My mother had this show on a few evenings ago and my stomach just balled up into knots. My cousin has hoarding tendencies and thankfully we've tamed her enough she doesn't have stuff climbing to the ceiling. I don't know how these people live in such an accumulation of filth and not be insane just looking at it? Start getting heebie geebies when one too many coffee cups sit around in my room. I even thake out all my clothes, lay them on the floor, and rearrange them neatly in my closet when they start getting messy. I just can't fathom...
  9. Katelen are those two annoying BFF who sync their periods and have a secret code language they only understand. They probably have the same birthday and were born 15 minutes after each other at the rate they're going. Kate was super feminine on S.11 but she seems to have gone totally powder puff now. I know having a baby is a wild ride and your last few months are rocky, but you'd think Alyssa was pregnant with a fucking triceratops instead of a human child. I'm scared she's going to give birth on the runway. "DESIGNERS, your challenge today is...oops. Waaaahhhhh." In reality, I don't think Chris was here with us. Once he realized what an insane asylum this show was he checked out mentality. Plus he's from the early years so he has a completely different approach. I like Fabio as a person but, as you said, design wise find him underwhelming and a polar opposite to what he makes. I still think he'd be a good stylist, more so now than ever. His kooture outfit this week was wrong on so many levels and his jumpsuit from the beginning looked like the twin of Benjamin's Oreo dress. I also wish he would comb or blow his hair. He looked like a horse had been munching on his head when they were outside the warehouse.
  10. GAWD Kenley's voice makes me want to run over chickens with my car. It is kind of forced because she's a singer now, and damn she has a great singing voice! I really couldn't believe it was the same woman. She has a little corner website with some really retro dresses and stuff but I don't know if anyone buys it? Is it even legal to live on a tugboat? It's one thing to have a sailboat or a yacht but a freaking TUGBOAT? Those things are no more than fishing boats without casting for nets and room for bait.
  11. Hey Princess, when I was little I felt a lot the same as you about the Senshi and their relationship with Usagi, but now later on I understand their personal sacrifice. Usagi is, to them, the light of their future and their hope. Everyone is trying to either destroy her (Nemesis, Dark Kingdom), possess her like Prince Diamond, is envious of her power such as Galaxia, or is just so nutty they'd suck the life out of a fly of they thought it'd get them somewhere (Pharoah 90, Nehelenia). And all this time Usagi (in the manga) is so very brave and believes strongly in the future she knows she will, despite the fact there is always darkness haunting her. I'm not a role model person, but I strongly admire Usagi for her faith. In many ways I can see why they viewed her as a Messiah in the Infinity Arc. Like Christ, she reminded everyone to always, always have faith. Believe in the future, and it will come true. Her character was absolutely amazing in StarS - she was so beautiful, so strong, and so selfless. I'd Iove and protect her just as much as they did. Sometimes, you give your life to someone because you truly believe in them. Okay, Imma stop now. Tee hee. ;-)
  12. Liquid food dye is like that. I'm a pro baker so I have made everything from bread to French macarons and know the horrors of food dye. I tried to make a red velvet cake, was crushed for time so didn't order the gel food coloring like I should. It totally ruined the flavor and did something off to the batter. I feel your pain. I hope he wasn't too traumatized, poor man? I'm a vegetarian, but the image your words painted terrified even myself. Meatloaf should be firm and golden and juicy, not suppurating like an old wound, misshapen and half decomposed. The only thing this chick knows how to make is anything with alcohol in it. I'm waiting for her to break down and make a big pitcher of Purple Drank.
  13. Yeah! Thank you!!! Bunny is cute - it reminds me of Sailor Moon's nickname 'Usagi/Rabbit'. To me, Panda is the equivalent of monkey; Chantelle is also African-American, so giving funky ass nicknames to her is bordering on falling into the race flame. Yu Tsai might as well just start calling her watermelon thuggette or chicken snatcher for all I care.OT but my cousin goes by the name 'Puppy'. I call her Vanilla Bean behind her back cause she just adores the scent of vanilla. Ugh.
  14. I never knew that about the whole Simpson last minute switch. That was one of the early Lifetime seasons I watched years after its original run, so I never quite got sucked into the whole Gretchen Vortex.On the subject of Tim Gunn, he's a walking oxymoron to me. He seems to, at times, play along with the producers and then alternatively backlashes at them by screwing the system, such as picking Charkita over whomever they originally wanted as the 'save' and fucking the judges over by giving out bad advice to the favorites. I think his behavior on Under the Gunn had a lot to do with the show not being what he had originally signed up for. I don't think he was planning on doing a Project Mentorship with a bunch of PR rejects and the three worst personalities to ever grace television screens. Anya was and always will be haunted by her sex tape scandal, Mondo exploited his own self for pity, and what has Nick done worthwhile? Other than be an annoying turd like Santino said?
  15. Believe me, I know the horrors of painting walls blue. I remember when I was younger my grandmother and I thought it would be fun to make the walls of a small office room sky blue. We got a beautiful, bright shade of azure and were totally excited. But the moment we laid it down the room went from tiny to minuscule. It was horrific. Blue is only good as an accent color - it is a nightmare on a large scale and can be frigid in the wrong area. If you want to go calming, pick a delicate shade of green or a clear grayish violet.
  16. It's his accent - and Russian/Eastern Euro people have such a great sense of humor. They're not as cynical as my French friends but they're just so honest in a semi-serious way you can't help but sniggle along with them. I like how in Epi.3 Dmitry was all like, "Chris's dress is so...*eyes momentarily glaze over* I DUN LIKE IT, OKAY?!"
  17. Thank you, my lady! ;-) I have always admired Sonjia's personal style so I could totally see her rocking it out at a magazine.
  18. Probably one of the cronies that holds fort on set. TV productions are notoriously tight because their greatest fears are ethics violations and lawsuits that can shut you down for years. They probably told her she could only be outside of the hotel room by 300 yards and that someone would be with her always.
  19. It's a mixture, I think, since in the beginning he was firm with everyone but not mocking. I'm no stranger to teachers being hard on you - it's part of life. But after the Ice Rave Challenge, Yu completely went south. I really enjoyed his observations of Adam Man's awkward frat brat behavior in the beginning of the season. Maybe he hit his head in the shower or something and it changed his personality? Who knows. I hope now that Chantelle is gone we can go back to the routine we had sort of established.
  20. Haha, you remember that, too? I thought that was so mean of her - she just didn't want Patricia to even BREATHE in her general direction and now she's just all love and squirrel babies. She's something else.
  21. You're right, Northstar, but I think it was more or less a minor situation which the PTB used to destroy Chantelle.Yes, there are a lot of weird ass photographers in the industry that get away with some freaky stuff. But, ever since Chantelle was brought back from the dead, there's been some evil darkness haunting her every step. I agree she's not a sweet and welcoming person, but I guess she wasn't following the script so they sent her to the gallows. I have beef with Yu Tsai because he seems really eager to get into the bad photographer mode - almost too easily. He's been gnawing at these peoples' bones and when he found a tick, he immediately sunk in. He's less 'inspired artistic awkwardness' and more 'lame middle aged man with attitude problems'. He deliberately says stupid shit to people in the hopes someone will pop. He knew Matthew was not Matt and his whole issue with Denzel was pathetic kettle stirring at best. Adam seems to be a gentle person when he's not trying to pickle himself, so Yu can't get an inch with him. Lenox and Shei are feeding off one another's presence so I guess he can't take them both down. That left Chantelle. Rawr. I think she needs to learn not to say things to people, no matter how innocent. She could have told Shei she saw Keith putting strawberry goobly gop lip balm on and it would have come out as he had on a wig, high heels, and a pink bra. Shei is not stupid. She knew what she was doing. She found an opportunity which Chantelle gave to her and used it against her. Never let the wolf taste your blood - he will be back.
  22. As other people have mentioned, I'm wondering about this whole hook up whatever thing Shei spat out in the bedroom. I find it very odd and suspicious that we didn't see one clip? It's not like these people have any privacy, even when they have to go wash their hands or brush their teeth. Plus, how much of it was Shei exaggerating and how much was it that Chantelle really honestly said? I guess we'll never know. And Kevin is full of bullshit, talking about Chantelle is too young. Dude, you had your junk dangling openly on TV when Kari was still around. If you're that shameless I doubt Chantelle's age disturbs you as much as you claimed. Adam for what it's worth, seems to have more sense than we give him credit for. Not once during this whole feud did he even squeak. Will, you're no better either. Even if Chantelle is a jerk, seeing as how broken up he was over Peahead Denzel, he should be a little more reasonable, but no.
  23. He hasn't been saying as many fun things like he used to. We just get lots of eye rolls and shoulder shrugs.
  24. Yes, but, there is a little thing called morales and consciousness which her fellow competitors and superiors lack. I don't care if Chantelle is arrogant, mean, etc. it does not warrant the treatment she has been given. These people would die if someone did what they are doing to them. Yu Tsai is supposed to be a professional. He shouldn't even have any relationship with Chantelle other than a working one. Calling her Panda - lovingly or not - is unprofessional and toolish. Would he appreciate it if she called him Boxman? Cause he looks like he lives in a dumpster and picks mold off of cheese. Lennox has been dogging the girl ever since she came back. She's obsessed. Keith's behavior disturbs me because a few episodes ago, he was calling Mirjana a bitch and not in a playful way. I am just going to be blunt - he acts like he has engaged in humiliation of girls before. It's a common problem on HS sport teams, one people don't like talking about. At the end of the day, Chantelle could be Satan incarnate. But she still deserves a modictrum of respect. Even if it is grudgingly given. No, they don't have to bosom buddies, but I wouldn't want to know any of these people.
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