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Everything posted by LadyChaos

  1. It's safer for Archie, that Veronica not tell him what her husband roped her in to.....but immediately tells Reggie even though he was just working for her father who loves to toy with her.....that makes no sense.....except that it clearly hints that she trusts Reggie more... Betty ......no words for utter stupidity that move was....
  2. Its interesting that Veronica seems to be bothered that Archie wants to keep his distance until the divorce is finalized.....I mean its not like she didn't just sleep with her husband again because 'he made her happy one night' I'm also shocked with Jug taking all these drugs after everything he went through to get drugs off the streets....Its a complete 180 for him...and honestly I'm sick of the tortured writer cliche....it would've been nice to actually see Jug succeed and instead of becoming just like his dad was in the beginning of the series...And that voicemail, over a kiss? Not that the kiss was okay, it was wrong.....but one kiss is not a hookup so he clearly has some issues he needs to deal with.
  3. Honestly at this point, Im fastforwarding through all the Hiram Lodge stuff....Im bored with it. Of course Alice would believe that Charles and Chic wouldn't hurt them.....I mean its not like they haven't proved otherwise.... Glen.....If I were Betty I would've took the term paper and thrown it into the fire(yeah he'd just print another copy from his computer, but it would make a statement), and then reported him to their hire ups and his teachers for unethical practices around manipulating and sleeping with someone to use as a source..... yeas....corrupt military...shocking...moving on...
  4. I'm really over Alice blaming Betty for everything.....like she hadn't just checked out when Betty needed her....or the twins needed her.
  5. Good to see Alice hasn't changed.....she claims that Betty is her favorite.....while still treating her like crap in favor of the others...... Why exactly are Polly's life choices Betty's fault? Then again Alice was very clear that she never wanted Betty to leave Riverdale....so much so she drained her college fund.
  6. I wanted to hug Jughead as he sat there in that booth by himself at the end.
  7. Anyone else think Jellybean is a budding serial killer?
  8. I thought the abrupt addition of Betty and Archie suddenly kissing seemed weird and I think that Betty's explanation feels right. Things are changing and everyone getting ready to go their seperate ways so they latched on to the thing that always felt safe.
  9. I'll be seriously disappointed with the faked death if we don't get flashbacks showing how they did it all.
  10. You know.....one would think by now, that they would've learned to stop telling their enemies their coming after them.....just saying.
  11. I really don't think that Alice has any right to say 'How could you?!?' to Betty....like at this point she should just shut up and sit down......she may have been undercover....but she still drained all of Betty's accounts and stole all her money for her own end.
  12. I know that Riverdale plays fast and loose with what teens are and are not actually allowed to do in the real world.....but come on....what FBI agent would stand there and let a teen who knows nothing about explosives, deactivate a bomb instead of them..... And even after everything...Archie still hasn't learned to stop being a vigilante.
  13. I honestly think that this season could have been really solid.....if they stuck with the Black Hood psychologically torturing Betty for most of it, sort of slowly sending her into a spiral.
  14. Im just coming into this show now, but I don't think its really appropriate what Archie said..... There literally is no comparison between being forced by a psychopath into breaking all ties with your best friend and boyfriend because he is threatening to kill your pregnant sister while he continued to play sick games with you and willingly opening your eyes to your dad's mob's ways and willingly taking steps to join them and willingly manipulating and lying to your friends. Do everything in your power to save lives vs. trying to help daddy take over a town and make more money so you can still be the poor little rich girl who forgot she wanted to be a better person?
  15. Just finished season 4 and scouting around and seeing a lot of Mike hate and honestly I don't get it. Mike, Will, Lucas, Dustin, and Elle are like 14-15 yr old tops right? They're in their first year of high school...... Going into HS is a time when a lot of people change and a lot childhood friends start to grow apart. Its normal. Dustin loves his friends but he's branched off and kind of found a new core group with Steve and Robin. Lucas decided he wanted to be popular and not get bullied anymore. He came back sure....but he initially pulled away from his childhood friend group. Max was ignoring ALL of them. Will and Elle moved away....and yeah Mike wasn't as close with him as he used to be, but Will also admitted he pulled away from Mike....and I get both sides, Will is in love with Mike and honestly I think Mike isn't completely oblivious to Will's feelings. Its got to be uncomfortable for both of them. I think its valid that Mike told Will in s3 that they weren't going to stay in their basement playing D&D forever, eventually they were all going to get girlfriends and have lives outside of their group. Its just a part of life... I would argue though that, while everyone else seems to be branching out and making new friends and starting new things....its a little concerning that Mike's 'thing' is Elle....and Will's 'thing' is his unrequited love with Mike.......but their in their first year of High School and have time to figure it out. On a separate note, the Jonathon/Nancy/Steve thing....I like Nancy, I really do, and I think she is a strong, independent badass and I love her arc.....but I do think she is too selfish when it comes to relationships....I think she flip flops back and forth between Steven and Jonathan based on who gives her what she needs in the moment with no consideration for what they need.....and both Jonathan and Steve deserve better. So, I really hope she doesn't cheat on Jonathan with Steve, and I really hope Steve moves on and finds someone else. Also again though....their teens.
  16. IDK....I feel like my Problem with Christopher is the remark he made about there never being a good excuse for a woman to not look her best. And remarks like that can make it hard for someone to really open up about seeing people are their worst, or to open up about their past when they weren't their best. This is why I think Matthew is better for her, he was shown the worst a person can be at...and didn't shy away. He jumped into the fray not physically, but emotionally. He didn't hesitate to help where he could help and do what he could do in any capacity. I mean, I just don't see Christopher running to their aid if he had been there. Matthew listens to her talk about her patients, and is there for her emotionally I think. I just don't really remember Christopher doing that.
  17. I kind of think that they should have had Nancy work with the girl instead of Francis. I'm liking Matthew more and more and I think he is better suited for Trixie than Christopher. He is kind of bumbling, but he showed that he can keep his head on his shoulders in a crisis.
  18. I imagine, for the uber wealthy like the Bridgertons, cavorting with political radicals does far less damage than spending time alone with a printer. With radical beliefs she can be the spinster aunt supported by her brothers.....but unchaperoned with a common man that she would've been forced to marry...well Lady Mary was a good example of what could happen to someone who marries someone who is deemed 'unworthy'. Ostracized, cut off, disowned, etc.... Eloise might act like she wouldn't care, but she'd care a lot if she suddenly couldn't afford books, paper and ink, good food, servants to wait on her hand and foot to help her dress, bring her food, take her wherever she wants to go, etc...
  19. Except in the Regency era she would be treated like at adult and expected to act like one. She is the same age as Penelope and could have been out in society like Penelope.
  20. Yeah....I don't think she is hero or villain either....I just think she is human and this probably snowballed for her....I don't imagine when she chose to write the first LW she really expected things to go the way she did..... I haven't read past the first book yet, but it sounds like it made more sense, from what Im hearing, in the books....then what the show did for no other reason than drama....
  21. I think part of the problem with LW is that you can tell she writes more than what we as the audience hear being told to us. Her scandal sheets are sometimes 3-4-5 pages long, yet we're only hearing a few sentences about the people we're directly watching about. Because of this, what we know is very skewed, but chances are 90% of what Penelope writes is probably just musings, speculation, and non-sense. There are also dozens of other scandal sheets besides Lady Wistledown, its just that her's is more interesting and taken as more accurate than others. We also have to remember that outside of Marina and Eloise...most of what Penelope wrote is gossip she overhears, which means most of her money is being made from her writing down what other people are already talking about. Even Burbrook was just something she overheard and wasn't witnessed to herself.... So, most of what she is doing is innocuous and it probably started as a clever way for her to make money and gain independence. I imagine Pen thinks no one will every marry her, so this was her way to making money to eventually support herself to get away from her mother's control. It turned into something else the moment she shared the rumor of Burbrook. But really, before then she was just another scandal sheet people were amused by. If Burbrook himself, hadn't left for the country which confirmed the rumor to be true....most people probably would've dismissed it for a rumor and it ignored it....but that gave LW more power than I think Penelope ever thought she would really have. With Marina....I do think Penelope was acting in the best interest of Colin. She tried to get her mom to stop it, tried to get Marina to stop it, tried to warn Colin that Marina didn't love him and he dismissed it. I think Penelope knew that if she told him outright, or told Eloise to tell him...it wouldn't have mattered in the sense that it is very hard for a man to call off an engagement without scandal. So I think Penelope outing Marina was a way she saw to protect Colin because if Colin called off the engagement he would've damaged his and his families reputation....but if Marina was exposed than Colin would've been the innocent injured party, and their family would've recovered from the scandel a lot easier. And Eloise...again it will be easier for Eloise to come back from the scandal of 'cavorting with political radicals' than it would've been for her to come back from: being alone with a man from the 'wrong side of town'. I mean, really....to protect herself, really Pen didn't have to do anything at all...she could've let the entire Bridgerton family be ruined. But she chose the path that allowed her to protect herself, her family, and incur the least amount of damage to the Bridgerton family.
  22. Honestly, given how much trouble Nancy caused laster season...she should be keeping her advice to herself.
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