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Everything posted by LadyChaos

  1. I don't know what it is, but I don't really like Violet anymore.....or Sister Monica Joan. And that Sergeant looks more like it belongs to the 1980's instead of 1960's.
  2. To Ayland's defense, it sounds like he still works for his father and doesn't have control over their families holdings yet.....so most likely he had no idea. What was Violet's excuse? She was on the housing committee and knew about how bad the buildings were....but did nothing until she had to. Sometimes I really don't like Violet.
  3. How does a baby get wee in his ears? Did you point the penis downward before closing the nappie?
  4. I have to be honest.....I used to love Sister Monica Joan, but I really am just annoyed by her by now.
  5. Welcome to the South....Especially the South East of the U.S.
  6. I grew up in a small town how obsessed over State, basketball instead of baseball.....it really is this bad. We went to state nearly every year, and every time ALL the students 7th grade and up were bused to the capital both days for the competition so the junior high and high school could watch. It we won, they gave the school district a 4 day weekend off.
  7. I think Cal's 'anger issues' are being poorly written/handled IMO....The good thing is, the fan is at fault...tho Cal could've handle the situation better. I'd bet money that Maddie gives Cal the 'I can't go through this again....' speech to him. TBH I'm getting tired of Annie dumping on her mom and hero worshiping her father. I'm interested in seeing what those secrets are too.
  8. If memory serves Ty, Kyle, and Annie were nearly inseparable in s1 so I think its good that they all kind of branched out and found themselves a little.....but Annie really was horribly to Ty the first have of the season, and suddenly in this ep she's joking with both Kyle and Ty again...and doesn't apologize for being such a crappy friend to both of them all summer? Also Dana Sue needs to tells Annie the truth about why she kicked Ronnie out....because I'm really getting tired of how Annie treats her mother so much of the time. and BILL! BILL!!!!! Another kid!!!! Isaac! Doesn't that mean he cheated on Maddie years ago too? Because I thought they were High School sweethearts?
  9. meh....we don't know how far along she was....she said her ex who left is the father....I mean if she was around the 7-8week mark I get telling your closest friends. Even still, when you just find out...you still usually tell someone. She did only tell Maddie and Dana Sue.
  10. I'm sorry....it doesn't matter how much Ronnie does to try to get back in Dana Sue's graces ....... nothing will take the taste of the scene with Ronnie in s1 where he got up in DS space trying to intimidate her and demanded to be allowed to come home because he served his time for cheating on her, out of my mouth.
  11. Im gonna be honest, and I know this is probably stupid.....but it seriously bugs me that nearly every man between the ages of 16-50 is a buff, almost body builder....
  12. Honestly I think WP will probably make cameos if JF comes back.
  13. JF has agreed to come back if there is, the one who hasn't agreed is WP.....and I think s2 will only happen if he agrees to come back. 75% of the viewers are GSR'ers...they'll need JF and WP to keep views up.
  14. I think the irony is that, Hodges witness testimony is the thing that sank Wix ..... because they had no concrete evidence against him outside of kidnaping Hodges.
  15. Earlier in the episode, she told Folsom when he worked the pawn shop murder, she had the urge to throw the key Mark had given her into the pile of melting guns......because she never wanted to move in with Mark. So Folsom took the key and melted it down for her....she's just holding it up, looking at the melted key.
  16. TBH....the answer probably comes down to: Wallace Langham was willing to come back and maybe the other cast members didn't want to.
  17. Grissom said he doesn't believe witness testimony. So Hodges told them to talk to Grissom.....that is my guess. But also....I don't buy that no one has not tried taking out the Grissom's since their the ones trying to prove he is innocent.
  18. Two episodes left. I think Sara will be at Hodges house in the last 2 minutes of tonights episode....and whoever is behind it all will come to kidnap Hodges and Sara will end up in the hospital while Hodges is missing.
  19. Im pretty sure it will be a joint venture.
  20. Amazing episode! Best for far. It really had the feel of the old CSI!
  21. I wasn't happy about it. I like her...but I think we all assume she will be back i charge by the end.
  22. When David Hodges goes missing, the entire CSI team searches for any piece of evidence that can help locate him, clear his name and save the reputation of the entire crime lab.
  23. The CSI team looks closely at the eccentric world of sideshows when a couple of performers are discovered burned in a pit. Also, Hodges mulls a plea deal as his criminal trial kicks off, while Max, Grissom and Sara search for evidence to exonerate him.
  24. I thought so too....either its bad acting or...she is sketchy.
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