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Everything posted by Thumper

  1. That's a style. Front tucked in, back hanging out. I think it's weird, but it is a thing!
  2. Beth would only go to the wedding if it was a paid appearance or they'd use her products??? I thought Lu said she only invited one HW? (Forgot which one.) Sonja's denim pantsuit -- lol.
  3. I liked Katie's dress from the waist up (the floral part, not the striped part). It was not the usual strapless wedding dress. Also thought her hair looked pretty. Did not like Lisa's dress.
  4. Casual Erika is so pretty. I empathize with her about her grandmother, as we go through this with my mom. I see where she gets her reserve and tough girl persona, but because I tend to be sensitive and a "cryer," (even though I hate it!), I would encourage her to see that not everyone comes from her place. That doesn't make us weak, but different. I wish I were tougher, because that seems to be the right/tough thing to be.
  5. Yes, I admire her for being honest, too! I would never have had the guts to say that back in my dating days. Hence those awful racketball dates... :)
  6. I laughed when Stassi's date asked her what she liked to do for fun (hiking? biking?) and she said "um, no ... I'm pretty sedentary." LOL. Not sure he was that into her either!
  7. I did not like the Iowa to New Zealand couple. She seemed disagreeable and all he cared about were his toys. It might have been their storyline, though.
  8. How much eye makeup did Margaret have on???? Were her false eyelashes falling off, or what?
  9. I like Meryl and Ryan Gosling's reactions. But The Rock's is the funniest.
  10. All I see is the silver nipple covers on the fabric -- is this done on purpose? I think the ruffle is pretty.
  11. Yes. It was gut-wrenching -- so powerful and brought me to tears.
  12. I escape E! to get away from a Kardashian and ABC goes to commercial... I like Michelle Williams' dress. Simple but it looks good on her.
  13. Jessica Biel's face and hair looked so plain! Then Ryan asks her what she's doing; she says "I just finished blahblahblah on USA (?) network ... so, that's exciting." Crickets. Ryan:" Yeah well that's great bye now!" (Paraphrasing) Felt bad for her.
  14. I thought that couple was strange. The one guy who was afraid of an unfinished basement? He seemed very childish and kind of petulant about anything he didn't like. The other guy was much more reasonable. They almost seemed like parent and child.
  15. After Brooke's comment that she hoped she'd get to compete against Sheldon in the finale, I thought the twist might be that SHE was eliminated!
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