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Everything posted by Thumper

  1. This is me as well!!!!! (Hyperventilating) My dad always said "don't let the gas tank get less than 1/4 full." I follow that advice -- just one less thing to worry about. ?
  2. Buggy, carriage -- funny! We call it a cart in WI and MN. Love hearing the different names. BronxBabe, so glad to see you here! I am happy your mom's funeral was a sunny day and you had additional family attend. Just a thought -- when my dad died, the funeral home offered a daily email for a year, with advice and calming/encouraging thoughts for those left behind. Sometimes it seemed geared more for a spouse, but I appreciated them. You might check to see if your mom's funeral home has something similar. It might help you feel better, encourage you that you are not alone in your feelings, and provide some "next steps."
  3. Random question:. I keep hearing/reading the term "bathing suit." I say "swimsuit." Is this a regional thing? I live in the upper Midwest. Is "bathing suit" an east coast thing?
  4. Actress Jackie Hoffman (Mamacita in "Feud") is hilarious tonight!
  5. Ramona's hair didn't bother me as much as the too-tight dress and the stylish-but-ugly (IMO) black hoof booties. Watching Sonja and Rocco was hysterical!!! Rocco seems like such a good guy gentleman. Tinsley needs to get her own place. $9000 a month??? Yikes!
  6. I missed last week, but read most of the posts here. Now I'm watching the rerun from last week. I guess it IS all in the eye of the beholder, because I don't see Carole as being hateful or impolite in the ice cream parlor. She didn't like the taste of one ice cream; she made a face. I've done similar at the deli or bar when given "tastes" of things. I gather Luanne is very much in love and very very happy??? Just want to make sure I'm understandong her. ? Agree that the post-wedding party is pretty lame. Funny to watch Beth arrive as the first person!
  7. Cricket, we have been wondering how you and Joe were doing. Thanks for the update. Sounds like you have good docs, with a good plan -- hugs and prayers continuing. Snark Byte, you have been through a lot, too! My condolences on both losses. I am in awe of the strong women on this board!
  8. Does Ashley's son watch this show? It seems like she is all concerned about a divorce affecting him, yet she's put it all out there on this show for any viewer to see. He's going to know sooner or later.
  9. That $32,000 clock was ugly. Not something I'd find at Pier1 or Home Goods, I guess. :D
  10. What a great story, tiftgirl! You have a big heart! Amazing how you (and the vet) saved their lives.
  11. I think today is the funeral service for Bronx Babe's mom, too. Hope that she is doing okay.
  12. I never want Jill to come back. Bobby would be fine. :D
  13. I do not even like the smell of lavender, so the idea of it in food is not appealing.
  14. Trying to catch up here, so haven't read beyond your post -- but I agree very, very much about Dorinda. I enjoy some aspects of her, but I have seen too much "stealth" to trust her.
  15. Welcome, tiftgirl! I understand anxiety disorders. You dipped in your toes; the water is comforting here; come back again! edit:. Wonderful story about Chewy and its customer service!
  16. Coffeecup, thank you for that thorough explanation of your horrible PET scan experience. They should have provided you with written explanations of what to expect prior to the procedure! I would think some calming music while you waited might be patient-friendly, too. Also -- no one checked on you???!!!! Terrible. I had a stress test done last year. I did get information prior to the test, which was helpful. But I thought my head was going to explode by the end of it!!! Really. My head hurt so bad and I was so hot. One of the techs was more sympathetic and helpful, but I was scared and VERY thirsty. No one had suggested I bring a bottle of water to have afterwards, nor did they offer me one. I had such a bad headache, I was afraid to leave right away, although I pretended to be braver than I felt. The nurse did not seem concerned, said my bp was fine and that I probably needed some caffeine. So, I mentioned this not-so-patient sensitive experience to my sister, who was a CFO of a small hospital, and another sister, who is a nurse. Finance sister said she thinks some medical staff are just so used to procedures that they see as routine, they forget it is not routine to the rest of us! Both sisters suggested I write a letter to administration to let them know -- that it might be a way to see that procedures are improved. I never wrote the letter; probably would have made me feel better at least. At any rate, her comments helped me see that it isn't always intentional. Apologies for the length.
  17. We (metro Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN) also start after Labor Day, due to tourism as well. We are usually done the end of the first week of June, or beginning of second week.
  18. BronxBabe, I've been " off the grid" for a few days. I am so happy you found such a great hospice for your mom, and that you could be with her until the end. What a gift to you and to her. My sympathies on her passing. ❤️
  19. Wow. It sounds wonderful. BB, and I am so happy that you are pleased. God bless you and your mom.❤️
  20. This. Except for the Jill Zarin part. ?. She is awful.
  21. Yeah, this. Although I freely admit I only 1/2-watch this stuff. Jill Zarin was LOVING all the gossip. I think that dinner conversation pile-on was awful. NO to Jill Zarin.
  22. Yeah, my mom used to drive 6 hours each way to see her mom, who was in a nursing home. She used to tell us that being in the "sandwich generation" is tough -- balancing being a daughter and a mother. Interesting about possibly being viewed as a "pest" by calling too often. My mom is in Memory Care and there are enough of us kids close by to stop in about every other day. ( I am not local.). We feel like that is a plus -- they know we are around and checking on her. That isn't always possible, of course. And of course for our own comfort, we want to be checking in, as you are, Bronx Babe.
  23. I agree with Ennui. What does your mom want? Hospice will be able to talk with her, too. Thanks for the update. I know it is hard, and it sounds like you are doing this all on your own. That's a lot to bear. ❤️
  24. The paper pillow has me scratching my head, and yes, giggling! :-)
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