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Everything posted by MitaJo

  1. Finally, the Lance Bass Daily Popcast with Miche is released today. I'm five minutes into the episode and he's already blaming editing. He has an answer/excuse for everything. I didn't watch the feeds so I don't know this to be true, but he claims he didn't like David because David used the word "retard" a lot in the house. He also has shifty eyes or something. He also gives David a lot of credit for a strategy of getting into Miche's head that I just didn't see. I don't think David was a smart as Miche seems to give him credit for. His explanation for being mad at Holly for not wanting to have sex (though he says it wasn't just about sex) is also very self-centered and all about him. Never mind that they're on TV and that may have been her apprehension. I hate him even more after this interview. He seems very rehearsed and believes all the crap coming out of his mouth.
  2. The show isn't the same without all of them on. I'd also prefer they keep their significant others away. Well, Mike's wife is cool. She fits in with everyone. 24 was way too obsessed with Angelina and Jenni is too stupid to notice. He couldn't keep her name out of his mouth. Jenni thinks she runs this show. She's the most annoying of them all. Super loud and bossy for no reason. She acts like her shit doesn't stink. She's so fake now. DTF?
  3. Heads up! Lance Bass has a new podcast and his co-host just so happens to be be Holly's roommate. They said that they'll be an interview with Holly and Tommy on this Thursday and Jackson later on. Lance is a big fan of Big Brother so he wants to have more cast members on. The show is call The Daily PopCast with Lance Bass. ETA: Holly, Tommy and Jackson will be on the show Thursday (10/3).
  4. He looks and sounds like he's got a lot of screws loose. I swear I can't understand why he's still not in jail.
  5. I agree! I wish Ronnie would have gone to jail and that we didn't have to see him anymore. I don't like the actor who plays him (not personally), I don't like his voice, his walk, and he doesn't have the best acting skills. I mean, a lot of these actors aren't the best, but he's the most annoying.
  6. After watching Jenelle for all of these years, I don't believe she'll ever leave David. She's never been able to be single for too long. Now she's married to this lunatic and they have a child together. She didn't have her father around, Barbara isn't the most loving parent. Jenelle believes that David loves her, even if she's a little/a lot afraid of him. I don't think she'd leave him unless she had a backup waiting. She's got three kids, two of whom are with him the majority of the time. She sure as hell doesn't want to be stuck taking care of them on her own. This has been her pattern for YEARS. Sadly it's going to take someone (her or one of the kids) getting seriously hurt for her to finally come to the realization that he is a piece of shit.
  7. Maybe it's because I watch a lot of TV but can't the police can go on their property if they have a warrant?? They sound like they're really scared of David. If they have cause to go to the land and search, I'm sure someone will give them the proper paperwork to do so. I had no idea people could just tell the police they can't come on their property and the police say "okay". What kind of shit is that??
  8. Had a free trial of YouTube Premium and decided to watch this show. I've binged both seasons and I love it! Some of this stuff is a bit contrived but most shows are. Samantha is probably the most annoying, next to Hawk (I can't stand that kid!) She kept Miguel a secret from her parents, but didn't think to explain to him WHY? All she had to tell him was that her father hated Cobra Kai and she didn't want him to know about them yet. Also, WHY didn't she tell her dad that Robbie tried to get her to not drink at the party? And she's pining over Miguel for all these months. She's a horrible girlfriend. Daniel needs to get his head out of his ass and realize that his daughter isn't this perfect angel. Johnny and his love of the 80s is endearing to me, but was he in a damn coma? He really should have some basic knowledge about pop culture. He had a job in the real world. I loved the episode when he linked up with the old Cobra Kai guys. Just when I think that he and Daniel are going to mend fences, something trivial comes along and gets in the way. They're too old for this. And they got all those kids playing out their bullshit. Maybe that can be something that happens in season three with Kreese still around. That MFer is also too old to be messing with these kids. Hopefully he gets what he deserves. That fight at the school was brutal. I can't believe there weren't more teachers/security there to get involved. That never should have been allowed to happen. I'm so sad about Miguel but that's not all on Robbie. I hope he doesn't get into trouble. They were all out of control and it was an accident. I hope he recovers, but I swear he was going to be dead after that fall.
  9. I just watched this week's episode. The second-hand embarrassment that I had for Schenna was unbearable. Clearly she didn't learn anything from the Rob situation. She's regressing and it's not pretty. Her marriage didn't work so she's decided to be as wild and extreme as she can to do...what? Snag a rich man like Lala? Become the next Khardashian? I don't know what she's aiming for and it's kind of sad. She used to be one of the cast members who I didn't totally hate. She's nothing like her former self and I hate to see where she ends up in the next five years. Speaking of, outside of Jax who's in his 40s, are these other people going to still be working at SUR when they get as old as he is?
  10. Does dumbass David not realize that by sabotaging Jenelle's filming, he's eventually going to mess up their money? Does he work? Will he be able to support the entire family without MTV money? If so, then she should just quit, but after numerous threats to do just that, I'm pretty sure that they don't want to get off this money train anytime soon. Jenelle can't hold a regular/normal job to save her life. She better wake the hell up and get out of that abusive marriage while she still can. I can't stand her but I'm really concerned for her being with him. I see the talk about Leah sexualizing her kids but calling a 9 year old a hoochie is totally wrong. Like it was mentioned, she's in cheer. All of those who compete wear a lot of makeup and do those wild hairstyles. I can't believe Chelsea, who has shown her house on tv, would post about being away on social media. Regardless of the fact that other homes were broken into (the thieves probably just capitalized on the opportunities since they were already there), as a public figure, that was a rookie mistake. I don't even do that and I don't have shit in my house worth taking. How could she not have an alarm? Kail's moaning about not having support is tiring. Imagine how much support she would have it she wasn't such a bitch to everyone. If you haven't spoken to your sister in a while, pick up the damn phone and call her. I'm sure that girl has a job and other regular people stuff she's dealing with, on top of being pregnant.
  11. Thank you! Not going to college doesn't make him a loser. Trying to be a rapper is cheesy yes, but after it didn't work, he let it go. Not many come to that realization. He moved his family to another state to be with his son. I too think that Jo is one of the best dads on the show. I wish he was on more so that he could make the kind of money the moms are. He did help to create Isaac. They wouldn't even be here if not for that. If he wants to try to do real estate then good for him. I wish him the best.
  12. Is Bone the girl she met in the hotel last episode and the one that teased her about no one coming to her launch? Also, didn't they have a falling out?
  13. I swear Brianna was faking it with Stella when she kept saying "mommy's here" or "you want mommy". She had a smirk on her face whole time. She was loving that shit. We get it, the baby doesn't know her dad. Maybe she should have gone to an actual kiddie park and he could have played with Stella on the swings or something. I guess that didn't fit into the whole story line they started building up last week and needed for Stella to cower away from him. I too was embarrassed for Kail when Chris arrived. But a part of me was amused because she's getting a taste of her own medicine. She used to/still treats Jo and Javi like that. The push and pull, teasing them with possibly getting back together. With them she had control because of the kids. Yes she still has Lux but that doesn't work the same way with Chris. He still gets his time with his son and doesn't have to kiss her ass. Addie is my favorite person on this show. The fact that we didn't have to talk about Adumb and visitation bs this week was a breath of fresh air. It made me wonder if the producers push that narrative all the time to keep Chelsea interesting. Newsflash producers! We were more entertained this week than any other week before BECAUSE we didn't talk about that loser. But yeah, Cole is trying way too hard. No one is that damn perfect.
  14. I have hated him since this very moment. I don't understand what she ever saw in him or why she continued to give him more chances. I don't get why these girls are always talking about "I want us to be a family!" all the time. He showed everyone who he was and what he was about from the very beginning.
  15. Kail gets on my damn nerves. She's allowed to treat her sons' fathers anyway that she wants and as soon as they give her what she's given to them over the years, she acts like she's a victim. I feel so sorry for those boys. She is as toxic of a mother as her own mom was for her, just in a different way. She won't talk to Jo, Issac notices that. She won't talk to Javi or even be nice to his girlfriend (who is going to give birth to her son's sister), I'm sure Lincoln notices or will eventually. She's too damn immature to be anyone's mother. And yes you DID know that Jo was right there. You knew his ass was at the gym and that Issac was going home with him. Ugh, I can't stand her. Chelsea's constant badgering of Aubree is also annoying. Just stop it already! Aubree will let you know what she wants you to know and when. Every time you ask her a question, it lets her know that it's an issue. You aren't even subtle about it. She's at the age where she can pick up on things. And quit trying to force Cole into being her "daddy". He's in her home, her name was changed to include his, Cole is very involved in her life. He's her daddy in all the ways that matter. Why can't that be enough? Adam is a piece of s*&t scumbag, but you slept with that fleabag. You have to deal with him for however long he chooses to string you and Aubree along. I feel that with his parent so involved in her life, he's never going to sign over his rights. I don't blame Leah for asking Jeremy if he wanted to have Addie every weekend. His ass needs to do his part. That baby wants to be with him, every weekend isn't that much of a hardship for him. I'm pretty sure if you count the actual hours he will have her, it won't even equal to a full 48. He didn't pick her up because he was "sick" and she just needs to get over it. Well, who the hell keeps the girls when Leah is sick? I can't stand these deadbeat ass dads who think they get to enjoy life and silence when their child's mother just has to suck it up and deal with it. Briana is another annoying POS. I don't blame her for filing child support on Luis. He convinced her (lied) to keep Stella, talking about how much he was going to do and he just ghosted on her. What happened to "truck driving"? What school is he about to graduate from? And just like Kail, Briana can't go too long without a dick in the picture. She just up and goes on trips all the damn time, leaving her mom to watch her two kids. No wonder she's so stressed out and bitter. And when the hell are they going to get out of that small ass apartment? They can't rent a house somewhere? New York guy better make sure he's stocked up on condoms because I fear he's the next baby daddy, messing with Briana's hot ass. Jenelle is the classic battered woman. After watching her on TV for all these years, she needs to realize that we can recognize when she's lying. She also needs to quit talking about quitting this show because we all know that she won't. What else is she going to do for money? Whatever products she's endorsing can't possibly bring in any money. Kail and this hair line business. Girl! Why would I buy any hair product that you're involved with when you look like crap 90% of the time? Chelsea has great hair, although I'm sure most of it is extensions, but she could sell a hair line. Hell, JENELLE should look into a hair line. I wouldn't buy any of it, but she could pull it off better thank Kail.
  16. This episode made me so mad. At Sheila, at Nick, Rich Dollaz with his bum ass and his sicko nephew. Sheila was delusional. I mean, I get that she had every reason to believe it was him since it was his verified account, but she gave up the goods way too easily for someone she never spoke to or saw in person. Why is this the norm these days? And the fact that she got into another "relationship" with someone online she still hasn't met proves she didn't learn shit. Rich better watch his social media a little better because that stupid, perverted nephew of his could get him caught up in some scandalous stuff. Thankfully the nephew isn't on his accounts anymore, unless that was a lie. Nick annoyed me at first because he just came off as goofy and corny. But he started spitting some good responses to pervo about the stuff he was doing to Sheila and other women.
  17. Make it 6. I can't stand L6 either. None of them are likeable. The ones I did like are so dumb that I can't even enjoy this season like I want to. I didn't even watch the eviction episode until yesterday. I forgot it was even on my DVR, that's how not into this season I am. Yet another season of people voting out folks who have no game whatsoever and I've found more interesting things to watch (like every episode of The Office). L6, whenever they're in the HOH position, never puts anyone on their side up (unless I've forgotten someone) and yet the others can't see that they're possibly working together. That should have been the first sign. JC irks me the most! How anyone else in that house can even stand him is beyond me. None of that food even looked appetizing and if I were in that house, I would have been making my own damn meals. Slop looks like it would be a better option than that shit. And for ONCE I wish the women on this show would stick together. Always attaching themselves to some man, thinking that he's their best chance at making it to the end. They win HOH and start putting their personal feelings in front of the finish line, getting rid of other women just because she may or may not like you or she's "coming after" you. Newsflash, everyone in the house is coming after you! Especially if they came to play/win. Then you have Sam who is the worst of them all, for the way she acted during her HOH. Does she not realize that she's exactly what she accused Hay and Kaitlin of? Her blind devotion to Tyler is sickening. Why did they even come on this show? Clearly it wasn't to win because as soon as they stepped in the door they were latching on to a guy. Tyler isn't going to cut anyone, if he can help it. He'll keep letting everyone believe that he's on their side so that they do the choosing and he gets taken to the end. Unless he decides in Final-3 that he has to win to guarantee he makes it to the end. I'm still not sure where he stands on that.
  18. Same! The stuff he did in Paris, when he was a raging lunatic, all of it. I always liked him and wanted him to win. I guess I knew deep down, he wasn't that bad of a guy.
  19. Seriously! Why are they so cramped in that place, all on top of each other. Stella, Nova and Briana all sharing a bedroom? Something doesn't sound right. Maybe that's what Adam was making since he was on since 16 and Pregnant. It probably took him six seasons to get that kind of money. However, I do think that between the three of them (I'd bet the kids get paid something too), and their regular jobs, they should have enough to get a bigger apartment or rent a house somewhere. Briana is spending money on surgeries and shit. Even with a discount for advertising, that's still money she could have used to get them a bigger spot. We all know she won't move on her own because (1) she's not mature enough to (2) she has built-in babysitters.
  20. Guys! I just saw that Jenelle was saying David can't be racist because he's black and I near about peed myself laughing. Before I even saw the whole series of tweets, I wondered if she was basing that off of Ancestry.com profile or something and it WAS. LMAO! That has to be the funniest thing I've seen all year. I'm late, I know but this just made me laugh so hard.
  21. That was hilarious!!! I need this power app explained. So the evicted person isn't automatically kept in the house? They just have a "chance"? Does that mean they have to do a competition? I'm so confused. Yeah, Sam is no longer cool with me. There is no man in that house that needs to "stand up for himself". Every year, these men string the women along and the women play up their sexuality to stay in the house for as long as they can. For once, I'd like for the women to really stick with their guns and play WITH each other. Team Bailey (or however she spells it). Swaggy left so I hope she makes a run for it.
  22. As much as I really don't care if I ever see Jenelle on the show again, I'd hate that Barb and Jace won't be filmed because of her. This is Barbara's income as well. I think she said she retired from Walmart, so without this show, she's now unemployed. She didn't ask for this but here she is and if the show allows her to to pay for her lawyers, that help her keep Jace out of Jenelle's home, then she should be filmed. Jenelle isn't even his primary guardian so how does she get to say he won't be filmed? And even if she doesn't want to talk about her cases, no one else can? Nathan can't discuss how his custody case with her is going? Barbara can't speak about any she has? We really don't even need Jenelle on this show.
  23. I do think Jenelle is pretty, but her personality, her spirit, her overall being is very unattractive. Regarding Devoin (what is with that spelling? I've always wondered about it) sleeping in Briana's bed. That apartment they ALL live in is so cramped and packed, and Brittany is often lounging on the couch, it makes sense to me that he's in her bed. He was going to be there a while, so why not give him his own space? And doesn't Nova also sleep in there? I was going to say something about them upgrading with their Teen Mom 2 money but do they even have any, with Bri getting plastic surgery AGAIN?
  24. Is Jenelle even allowed to have a gun? That smile on her face after she grabbed that gun was creepy. She really is a psycho and I hope she loses all of her children. I can't stand that bitch. Running over that man's mailbox talking about "oops ,my bad". What did she expect that man to do? Acting like a victim when she put herself in that situation. White woman tears, indeed. I hate that Jace is even allowed to spend time with her.
  25. I have never understood why no one thinks seriously about this. Unless they have plans to do more farming or build an amusement park, they have enough space to build homes for the whole family. Instead they choose to live on top of one another and have awkward run-ins. Jeremy always just assumed he would get the big house. Like why? It's better suited for an LP anyway, but why the hell don't you build your own shit and let your parents have the home that they actually earned? Zach too for that matter. More on that though. Amy's insecurity is the one thing that keeps me from being completely on her side. It's getting in the way of her making sound/practical decisions and she should probably seek therapy. I think there is a little part of her that wants to stay on the farm because she raised her kids, but it mostly seems like she just doesn't want to be left out. She says that she wants to either stay in the house or sell the farm altogether. So Matt doesn't get to hold on to the farm that he built and put so much time in, much to your disapproval? And I in no way want to side with Matt because he is a douche, but I can't get over the fact that Amy didn't and doesn't really do anything to help with the farm, yet wants to claim ownership over everything on that land. And yes, I get that it was created in their marriage and she's entitled to benefit from it and whatever, but still. If Matt died tomorrow, she wouldn't be able to keep that business going, at least not on her own. Karen's ass probably knows more about how that farm works than Amy and that's a shame. She better step up her game before she gets tossed aside. Even Chris knows what that land/business is worth and that she would be stupid to not hold on to it. Matt customized that house for the BOTH of them, yet she got to keep it in the divorce. That's fine. Now that he wants to build a home for himself that meets his physical needs, she's doesn't even seem sympathetic. He never asked her to help pay for it, unless I missed that. She's just so paranoid and defensive about everything he says, every idea he has. He's right when he said she would benefit from whatever he does on the farm (she's benefiting from it now), but she's too worried that he's trying to screw her over to see it. I don't see Matt in anyway screwing over the mother of his kids, as sneaky as he is. I don't think Matt just wants to give the farm to the boys, regardless of how they portrayed it. He built the farm for the kids, to keep it in the family, yes, but I don't believe for one second that he's just going to sit aside and let them have full control. Jeremy and Zach are such entitled little shits, but I blame Matt and Amy for telling them for so long that they would run it. I don't know how Molly and Jacob really feel but its clear that they want to live their lives outside of the spotlight. Doesn't mean they don't want their share of the family business though. I would. Jackson is still the cutest little baby ever, Ember still looks like the saddest baby ever. Amy's dog scared the crap out of me. I thought it was some wild animal that wandered onto the farm. Oh most definitely. In the early days, I always wondered how and why they were even together. There were a few tender moments, here and there, but for the most part, there was always some kind of tension. She didn't want him to tell her anything about how to take care of the kids (he often had feedback or complained about stuff they did), he didn't want her to tell him about what to do on the farm. She kept a filthy and he hated it. I'm so glad to see that she has improved in that area because there was always discussion on the boards about how dirty the house was and the kids didn't seem to have chores. They didn't seem compatible at all so it was only a matter of time. I don't know if Matt cheated or not, but the fact that Amy wasn't completely sold on the divorce surprised me. Neither of them seemed happy to be with each other.
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