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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. I understand players aren't allowed to eat on the dates because of the smacking noises made by chewing and swallowing. Funny, since they have no problem with amping up the smacking and sucking noises during every make out session. I'd rather hear someone eat than suck face like that carp fish from two episodes ago. New chick's THs are really pushing me to want to change the channel. NOT FUNNY or even vaguely interesting, show.
  2. I wish this franchise would bring back Love It Don't Come Easy Wes for a private serenading session. Now THAT would be golden.
  3. I've decided that if I were on this season, I'd battle it out to stay as long as I could, just because free vaca, but if I made it to FS night, I'd show myself out. I don't find Matt the least bit attractive in any way, shape or form. Smart men are sexy, regardless of physical appearance, but he isn't even that. Now this Heather chick is getting a TH. Like we care. Do any of us care? She's had since forever to "meet" Matt at any Bach Nation gathering. But I guess TPTB's gotta amp it up to try and save this dreck season.
  4. Behind every tree is a big electrical socket so we can plug in all the rides. And charge our phones. Stuff like that.
  5. I guess there's a b-ette named Ryan there. Who knew. Yeah, we kinda missed that part, didn't we.
  6. One of the women: "My heart is, like, beating." And that pretty much sums up the IQ of this franchise.
  7. At least Jessinia isn't gloating like MJ would have been, so thank you for that, show.
  8. Matt: I've formed a relationship with both women. MJ is a great person. Me: Bwah ha ha. Idiot.
  9. Well, if MJ stays, I hope Matt enjoys watching this segment tonight. Both of the women looked totally PO'd when Matt walked in. At least one of them should have smiled, jumped up and hugged him and said how good it was to see him.
  10. You just described my dream job as a kid. After I got my first horse, I worked cleaning stalls in a 35-horse hunter/jumper stable, this after working 8 hours in my federal government job. In exchange, my horse got free board and I got free lessons, although it always seemed lessons were held when I wasn't there, so I seldom got any of those. I also managed the barn on weekends, when everyone was at shows. Horses make noises like burglars/monsters/serial killers late at night in a dark barn. Moline (Illinois) Maroons! They still are the Maroons. No mascot, just "Maroon and white, fight, fight, fight." The toughest area team was the Rock Island Rocks. Not sure how they came up with their team name. Obviously, eggs were important to your mom, @zoey1996, so I don't begrudge her buying them all the time. I'm guessing that gave her some comfort. But yeah, it takes a while for one to develop a rattle.
  11. Lucky you. I spent my youth watching cartoons and saving my milk money for a horse. I finally had enough to buy one when I was 15, much to my mother's dismay. But by then, Bugs, Popeye and others were embedded in my memory bank.
  12. There are two, two, two contest winners this week, Week 21. It just so happens they sit next to each other on my score sheet, and they've posted identical scores for the last four weeks. Not that I'm implying anything. But @theartandsound and @Toothbrush are being awarded the very special The MIRRORmirror Week 21 Award, created just for them. Enjoy your special week, you two. And I might add, those scores for four weeks running are pretty darn good. It will be a long time, if ever, you are seated at Saber's special table. Congratulations! and good luck, or rather, good knowing, this week!
  13. I just discovered this show on ION. When I saw it listed, I assumed it was the old Jack Lord version so didn't tune in. Found out it was the Alex O'Loughlin version by accident, and now I am hooked, baby, hooked. I tuned in the middle of season 3; it started season 5 yesterday. I was a huge fan of Moonlight, the first role I saw AOL in, and was bummed that 5-O was to be on CBS since my antenna won't pick up that network since tv went digital. When I caught it on ION a few weeks ago, I checked and was stunned to see it ran 10 seasons. I'm looking forward to more Friday/Sunday viewings, but eager for the series to start over again (I hope!) so I can catch the first episodes. I'm already invested in the original cast and am not looking forward to them leaving.
  14. A reply to his Feb. 3 post about Wile and other Looney Toons characters teaching the Internet.
  15. I think a bigger improvement would be if Lizzie came back looking like Ryan Eggold. So a bigwig FBI guy like Cooper doesn't lock his car? If he lived in Chicago, that car would have been jacked within minutes and he'd be out of a ride. And the thumb drive.
  16. To prove FJ has gotten more difficult from Week 19 to Week 20, I did a small survey of our Contest players. From Week 19 to Week 20, players who scored ... Higher: 1 The Same: 5 Lower: 18
  17. Yes. There was a photo shown of the SGs in their flamboyant uniforms on some game show recently. None of the players could ID them. Might have been a Jeopardy episode. I've never had cable so said Nat Geo for that FJ clue. Everyone, feel free to laugh.
  18. If you followed Ken Jennings on Twitter, you would have known that answer. My aunt and uncle also had guineas, they are the best alarm system in the world, as @Driad said. They would sound an alarm for people coming to the house, not just varmints. Their little painted clown/mime faces take some getting used to, tiny heads, big bodies. And their regular walking around sound, they say "bow-krawh." If you are French, I guess that's beau-krawh. For eggs, we gathered chicken, duck and guinea eggs, duck being the largest, guinea on the small side. We never got to eat any peacock eggs. Heh. Black snakes were fond of raiding the nests and eating the eggs. I remember my uncle trapping one, you could count the eggs inside of it, swallowed whole. So he used his pocket knife and got the eggs back. I took a photo of him holding the snake. He was some 6 ft. 3 and he had to hold the snake's head way up on his outstretched arm for the snake's tail to just touch the ground. It was approaching 8-ft. long. Doing farm chores taught me to look inside the feed barrel before sticking my hand in to get grain. One mouse running up your arm will make an impression on you. They never lost any birds to cold, although I'm not sure where the guineas slept, if they went back to the barn or not. They did have some ducks that lost partial feet, victims of being on the pond when the water froze. The ducks would waddle from the barn, through the yard, to the top of the hill where the house sat, then fly/sail down the hill to the pond below for the day. Before dusk, they would waddle back up the hill and to the barn for bedtime. Very cute, wagging their tails and honking as they waddled by. When I was raising/milking dairy goats and raising sheep, I also had a large flock of chickens, layers, and sold eggs. I would buy straight-run chicks and grow them to laying size. After starting with the conventional leghorns, I got more fancy hens that laid brown and then the green and blue eggs. I sold eggs to my co-workers at the ad agency. No one would buy the green/blue eggs because those dudes though green/blue eggs were rotten. I learned that they would pay twice as much for the brown eggs, even though those are the same as blue, green and white eggs. As Bugs would say, "What a bunch of Maroons." Side note: Maroons was the name of my high school's team. Ha ha ha! I'm serious. Side note two: When hens start laying eggs, the eggs will be small and weird shapes. I found some I called square eggs. They'd be lopsided and other freaky shapes. I would never eat those, but would save them as oddities. After a while they would dry out and if shaken, would rattle like little gourds. I am easily entertained.
  19. My best friend in college was from Parkersburg, and now I am really upset she never mentioned pepperoni rolls, which means, of course, I never got any when I visited her. They sound delicious.
  20. I need to borrow your guesser. @secnarf, I used to work with the head photographer for the New York Times group. He was based in Florida and was at every launch during that time span. He said they actually got boring, hard to find new and interesting views to shoot. He also was one of the photogs waiting with reporters outside the Miami house where Elián González was staying, for anyone who remembers that. Tony had so many interesting stories.
  21. That's actually been my thought all along. Hence, the easy clean up in the park, no blood. How hilarious if Katarina is the Real Red and Fake Red Spader is the Real Katarina. Well, not hilarious, but you guys know what I mean.
  22. An easy peasy 15/15 for me, a regular Saturday-morning cartoon kid. Side note: Bill Leff, who hosts the new ME tv cartoon series, was a 25-year radio host, last on WGN Chicago. He had a fabulously fun overnight show, then got switched to afternoons with Wendy Snyder, so I didn't hear him so much then as I'm an overnight listener. Then he got fired, along with three other of my favorite hosts, all of whom talked about nothing more serious than pop culture, and WGN hired far-right extremists as hosts to replace them. I now listen to music overnight. Bill is a serious toy collector, and was featured on the show Collector's Call, hosted by Lisa Whelchel (from Facts of Life). Anyway, I was very happy to see him become host of the cartoon show, even if it's on too early for me to watch. Those cartoons were the best, and where I learned about opera and other "high-brow" things as a kid.
  23. Except last week we saw Agnes Leavin' On A Jet Plane with mommy and her lucky socks. So she lives to appear in future episodes.
  24. Hi everyone. I took a chance coming into this thread since I've only seen "friendly" names have posted here. So was relieved to see the chat is fun, and on top of that, about peacocks. I missed the day a player talked about them in his/her interview, but I do know a bit about those birds. My aunt and uncle raised Hereford cattle on a farm in the Arkansas Ouachita Mountains, and I spent every summer there from pre-teen through college. They would always borrow a horse for me to ride, and I helped my uncle put up firewood (house heated only with wood stove/fireplaces), plus was in charge of gathering eggs/feeding and watering chickens (water hauled from a bucket on a chain dropped down into a well, just like in the western movies). Anyway, after a spell, my uncle bought a pair of peacocks which roamed around the barn. At night they would roost up in the trees, and I mean UP in the trees, they didn't fool around with those low branches. They sounded just like jungle birds when they would call, which they did at dusk. I'm guessing a lot of those old movies used peacock calls for sounds during scary jungle/monster movies. The birds were not aggressive and pretty much minded their own business, but hung out by themselves and did not associate with the "lower" turkeys and muscovy ducks. If one decided to put on a show, which I would try to get the guy to do on occasion, he would spread out his BIG impressive fan, then to really put a scare into me, he could angle those big tail feathers, all sporting an "eye," over his back toward me, and rattle them, which made a very impressive sound, like a bunch of plastic or dice in a tin can. That would scare the bejeezus out of any attacking critter, for sure. My uncle had a side business selling fertile peacock eggs (by then he had more than the original pair) for $50 each. That was quite a nice income back then, and he had a waiting list. All one needed was a broody hen to stick the egg under, and voilá, some days later the hen would hatch out a peacock chick. I have more stories, about chickens and eggs, ducks and snakes, with a couple terrapins thrown in. But enough for now, my first venture out of the Contest thread. Scary!
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