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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. Most of my FJ answers don't make sense.
  2. It's still Toot Toot Tuesday. I mean Twosday because this week we once again celebrate TWO winners in a Big Five OH OH OH week, the second one this season. Our two winners are OH OH OH @opus and Five Time Favorite @Browncoat who share the honors this week. To commemorate this Five OH special award, here is your very special FIVE OH medallion keepsake. Wear it well and wear it proudly you TWO TOO 2.
  3. Do I get extra points for being the only one who guessed Eiffel Tower for FJ? If so, I get another point for never having heard of Tivoli. Yeay, two points for saber!
  4. Hey, that would make a good spin off series.
  5. No doubt the editors are union. 'Nuf said.
  6. I ignore it the same way I ignore every ad on every site. No ads here now though. Not that I noticed until I checked just now, because, as I said, I ignore all that. I don't need to keep seeing my avatar up there as one of the biggest mouths. "What, doesn't that person have a freaking LIFE? Get off this site, dude."
  7. Champion Mike is an anomaly in that many people appearing on game or reality shows are wanna-be actors, they try to get on any teevee show as a marketing "look-at-me" publicity ploy. They give their career as personal trainer, software salesperson, "influencer" and so forth. (I'm looking at you, Bachelor Nation.) Check out IMDB and many have a holding page (they created themselves) with posts of little significance. Mike is the first "real" actor I've seen on any game show. Plus he is obviously smart. So there's that! No J here today. I'll check J-Archive to see what I missed.
  8. Maybe change the view theme? It changes everything when I switch from one to the other.
  9. LOL. That would give me more time to let dogs out and back in without missing anything. The new champ has a pretty full IMDB page.
  10. Still waiting for @helpmerhondaand @opus to report in before the Winner of Week 31 can be announced. I know you are out there Opus!
  11. Switch to the IPS Default found in Theme at the very bottom, below the FB and Twitter icons. I switched a couple days ago and now prefer it. It shows round avatars and the three upper-right-hand dots if I need to edit. The Forum Home page also is all white with show names preceded by a bullet, and can run two or three to a line as opposed to one per line with a yellow background. This view also is more organized in my Firefox desktop browser. I don't use any of the "My Shows" boxes. I just think, hey, I just watched 911 Lone Star, guess I'll go there and see what everyone says. I access everything from the Forum Home page. Old school.
  12. Since these shows are edited, the time between answer and when the host says correct or no can be added or taken out. I don't blame the host, I blame the editors if pauses are too long for some viewers. Seems to me boards have been being cleared lately so if players are too fast, pauses have to be added somewhere to meet the time allotted per episode. Those who want the host's response to be faster, do you want to see more commercials added or just some dead time with players staring at each other to fill the extra time. Your decision.
  13. I was wondering how doctors found out Grace was pregnant. That's such a trope, person surprised she is pregnant after being in a coma or something. Anyone know how that works? Don't wives tell their husbands when they suspect they are pregnant, or wouldn't the husband suspect on his own, because, well, TMI for here. Especially a couple like Judd and Grace, so close and bonded to each other. The addition of the pregnant thing was too OTT for me. That would have been better if Grace got pregnant next episode IMO. I've missed some episodes so don't know if they had been trying to have kids. The only part that bugged me (aside from the you're-pregnant thing) was Grace being in a coma with breathing apparatus, then a couple minutes later she's awake, no monitor or breathing help, and she's as bright as regular. I'd think when one comes out of a coma that person would be sort of drowsy and goofy, not all articulate. But, having never been in a coma or knocked out by an accident, this is JMHO. Don't hate me because I'm cranking on this episode. It was one of the best I've seen on tv for ages. I love Judd and Grace. The rest of the 911 crew can stay in the background, I just want to see more like this week with this couple.
  14. Wow, they totally skipped over that part of Judd's life, didn't they.
  15. BEST.EPISODE.EVER. This show would be tops if they got rid of everyone else and made it 100 percent Judd and Grace.
  16. It's a problem when someone knows too much about the FJ topic. And like the writers goofed with players by putting "Utah" in the Golden Spike FJ, they totally screwed with me with this: "... from the artist’s window in this piece." Well, the only Van Gogh I could think of with a window is Bedroom at Arles, so that HAD to be the answer. I couldn't remember if the view from the window was a sketch for Starry Night but maybe it was. Plus "artist's window" meant the answer HAD to be the Arles painting, done eight months before Starry Night.
  17. I would think a pit of dead and decaying animals or whatever would stink so much it could be smelled for miles around, and buzzards/vultures and other carrion eaters would be all over that place. That someone would "accidentally" fall in and then be all surprised is so far removed from reality, it borders on NOT hand-wave-able. One dead raccoon can be smelled from several feet away if not more. Plus, falling into a pit of dead and decaying critters, one would sink in and be covered in, let's say, fluids. Maybe TMI? Heh.
  18. Oh, that's the deal with the round vs. square avatars. I just switched to IPS view and now all icons are round and I have the three bullets in the upper right corner. The stuff on the right-hand side showing who is the biggest mouth on this site also got clean up and neatened. I never knew the view switcher was down there with the small print site-owner copyright stuff I never look at. Talk about putting it in a NOT obvious place. Maybe I like the round-icon view better. I'll try it for a while. In the square-icon view, my edit pencil has turned into the word EDIT. They are still sneaking changes in.
  19. Hokey smokes @shapeshifter. You even get circle icons while I get squares. Are you circles or squares, @Clanstarling, and a three dots or bottom icon person? ETA: And you get info about each poster under that person's avatar. I just get how long ago someone posted. If I hover over the avatar a window with that info opens. I find some of this creepy.
  20. Beg to differ. The edit pencil is where it's always been for me, bottom left of the message window in with some other icons I've never investigated. Here is what your post looks like to me, @shapeshifter. There are no three dots anywhere in any message posts. Directly above your post is mine, which contains the edit pencil. I've circled that area for ... well, because I wanted to.
  21. Aaron Rodgers X 5 is reward enough. Right? Right!
  22. FYI, I can still edit posts made before the site update, and can edit ones made afterward. Maybe you non-editable people need to get on a fancy-pants Mac with Firefox?
  23. Totally agree with this. I saw the Colton interview and the whole time his mouth was saying one thing, his eyes were saying another: "I'm a big fat liar and I'm fooling all you guys with my BS." IMO this whole national press event was for max exposure for his upcoming "reality" series. It had to be in the works and planning stages for a few years, so he has to "come out" in a big flashy way to get people talking and wanting to watch. I personally don't care who Colton wants or doesn't want to have sex with. It affect me not in the least. I do wish he would just go away, but that doesn't seem likely. We're going to be seeing a lot more of Colton and his lying eyes I'm afraid.
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