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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. I thought she won that year, beating my favorite, Prince Poppycock. Although that Talent Around The World episode showed me that child opera singers are everywhere, Jackie wasn't that special or different. These shows totally leave my memory bank after they are over. I guess that's a bonus, I can watch reruns and they are all new to me!
  2. I completely agree. When watching the singers, I always imagine how many chairs would be turning around for that person. Same with dancers. So far, I haven't seen many who would have even made it to choreography on another show yet get put through with glowing reviews on AGT.
  3. I like Mat Franco too, and enjoyed his wine-bottle trick last night. Don't have a clue how he did it. I also liked Emily, but was glad to see a magician win over a singer. It was nice to hear last night that she's also having success. In fact, the success stories all were interesting and "heartwarming."
  4. But Bugs, an antiquated "gal" should be a woman, not a girl! Isn't Juelia the one who went on the horse-riding (and I think, target-shooting) date with Chris Soules? That she spoke up and volunteered to go with (I've forgotten who it was) who had the horse-riding date card, sort of invited herself, tells me she likes to go horseback riding. Nothing wrong with that!
  5. AMEN to this. I am constantly irked by show hosts who introduce "the girls and the guys." The heck with that. Until "girls" are "women," those BOYS are "boys." This goes for this franchise, too, where the MEN/BOYS talk about all the "girls" on the show. I am refreshed when one of the MEN talk about the WOMAN he wants to date. Doesn't happen often, but I give whomever says that big points for maturity. GAH! This opened the scab (heh) on one of my gigantic pet peeves! I think Judy means "Joe." And yes, Ian was sure correct about the "bodily function" jokes that all the GUYS (or boys) thought were so hilarious on Kaitlyn's season.
  6. Yeah, me too. I think the background dancers TPTB gave them did them in. TOO MANY SINGERS! GAH! I know. So much THIS to that. I would have picked the sparkly contorsion lady over that boring guy singer. I'd prefer to sit and stare at her just standing there for an hour over hearing that guy sing for one minute. I missed the opening singer, but yes, "Cheerleader" is all over the radio, 24/7. At least the radio I listen to. Would have been interested to hear him sing on the show, but I tuned in late. I know the song because "cheerleader" sounds like either "terrier" or "derriere" when I hear it on the radio. Sometimes both. Was hoping the stuttering comedian would go home, for a variety of reasons.
  7. Yeah, I'd break up with my partner, too, if he/she did that where I eat.
  8. I keep forgetting that the same editing monkeys create this show that create The Bach and Bach-ette. So, we are being manipulated to think whatever TPTB want us to think. Although if someone says it and it's shown, then the bad is on those people. (Thinking of Joe and just about everything, including the "close your legs" PA comment, and Josh's fascination with drug use.) Something else might have happened between Jared and Clare that we were not allowed to see, since "old-age discrimination" generates a lot of water-cooler talk, making more people keep tuning in for the continuing saga. Including me ... I could watch this train wreck every single night and not get bored!
  9. I didn't realize that. I was waiting for a review of each act and their voting numbers at the end of the show, but it didn't happen. I had already forgotten what acts went first. A Lone Bra (too funny) said she got a call because "a spot opened up." Does anyone know who dropped out/was kicked out?
  10. Dateline gave her the opportunity to tell her story and she declined. Make of that what you will. So I guess if you spend a lot of money on your kid, throw big parties and take him/her to lots of fancy places, that equates to a "wonderful upbringing." Interesting to know that about you, Samantha/Savannah. Lots of luck with that if you ever become a parent.
  11. All true, Palomar. Although with Ashley, Jared is assured of staying until the bitter end, and being one of the "couples" who might (MIGHT!) get some sort of prize at the end. Or, at best, a few more days/weeks of freeloading on ABC's dime. Plus, he knows more women are coming on as I'm guessing he got photo cards too, before going on the show. Clare would be likely to dump him before the end of the show; Ashley, never. Besides, isn't Jared still "in love" with Kaitlyn? So, "whatever" to him I say. IMO people who do drugs or drink heavily are in the same class as people who sleep around with as many partners as will have them. Not for me, my mom raised me to be a bit more selective.
  12. Wow. Like ANYONE who comes on this show is making a selection based on a person being able to produce a multiple number of children? How about backing it up to these people come on the show to MAYBE find someone who will actually DATE them IRL for more than two weeks after this show is over? Too much is put on age anyway. Watch a guy do a 180 when he finds out a woman he's been dating is actually older than he is. She was fine when he thought HE was older. She doesn't change, just his perception of her does. Too funny about Jared. Thanks, poster upthread, for pointing out he's a restaurant manager for freaks sake. And Michael is ... what? in the lawyer world?
  13. I was wondering how many viewers at home got sent into seizures by the flashing lights behind all of these acts. I swear, I couldn't see half of them, lights were blasting my eyeballs. The Gentlemen made a mistake having those girls dancing their same steps in the background. It just made me realize that the boys weren't all that good after all since those girls were doing their steps better than they were. What's up with buzzing an act the judges have put through to the live rounds, where their buzzing means nothing? The heck with that. Their crummy critiques will sway viewer votes enough without the useless dramatics of buzzing. I hope viewers put Triple Threat through to next round just as a "take that" to the smart alec judges. I wish Howie would have picked box 3 for Piff's act. I'm sure he would have had an out and a joke if it went that way since yes, Mr. Piffles really WAS in that box the whole time. I've seen Piff before, and this time I disliked everything about his act. I'd be okay with him going back to Vegas on his own dime. I like the ventriloquist too. At least I could see his act without being blinded by flashing lights, neon-colored boxes and a mis-mosh of background dancers and singers to distract me.
  14. I've never heard of Molly before this show, and I keep up with pop culture pretty well. But yeah, to me it's a big deal if someone is wanting to get wasted on anything, Molly or Jack or weed or heroin. Smoke a cigarette and you are out of my dating realm. Bragging about getting "wasted" and wanting to do it more indicates a lack of maturity IMO. And color me fussy, but I do ask for my partner to at least be mature if nothing else.
  15. Jade was the pot calling the kettle black. Jade was dissing Clare for "calling attention to herself" and wanting more screen time. So what does Jade do? A bunch of THs to "call attention to herself" and get more screen time. Like I said, Pot, meet Kettle. Have we even heard Jade speak before then? (Plus, to be shallow about it, she looked majorly ugly in those THs.) Do these people know who all the contestants will be? Because how does Joe know Samantha will be there, or should be there? I watched every minute of Chris Soules's season and I was all, "Samantha WHO?" Oh yeah, the one who never said one word the entire time she was on. So how does Joe even KNOW about Samantha? By the same token, I watched every minute of Des's season and I'm still in the dark about who Michael and Dan are. Don't remember them from Adam. Still, everyone seemed to know Michael is an educated lawyer or law clerk. That, to me, is worth a couple of roses. Ha ha to Ashley I's quick comment during one of her BHs (Bawling Heads): "My make up is running!"
  16. Kirk was brought back out of obscurity for BIP. He was dropped like a hot rock when his dad's basement taxidermy business was shown on the home-town b-ette date, never to be seen nor heard from again. Well, until this season of BIP.
  17. Actually, yes they did. That raccoon was wearing a collar, you can see where it is in his neck fur. And it actually looked healthy instead of all moth eaten, diseased and moldy like the wild one of last season.
  18. Or, more likely, the orange tiger-striped stuffie moving up and down to give the illusion it was a real tiger.
  19. Oh, gah. Or even worse, Piers. I dislike both of them so intensely. Are there no qualified (and well-liked) Americans who need a job?
  20. All the cut aways to the host and judges was a waste of time for most of us viewers since I (maybe you, too?) didn't have a clue who any of them were, and could have cared less about their staged reactions. Sort of echos my feelings about all the cut aways to staged reactions of America's host and judges ... I don't care about them, either, I'd rather watch the acts. But at least I know who the American judges/host are. Interesting, though, to see all the countries have the same film editors and same acts, just different faces.
  21. Who is Jaclyn Swartz? Was she on one of the Bach shows, or is she coming on BIP? More than four. ABC is rerunning BIP here tonight. This show must get great ratings, it's on ABC almost as much as AGT is on NBC. Maybe more!
  22. He's my pick for this season's eye candy. Ginger, and if I remember correctly, a runner. My kinda guy. (Except that he's on this show, but, whatever.) I like the poster who said BIP is a breath of fresh air (well, take that with a grain of salt) since there is no fake "My husband/wife is in this room." It's just people being themselves, or whomever TPTB told them to be. Less "obvious" pretense, more people just behaving badly because they can.
  23. Yeay for Clare taking over Michelle Money's hairdo duties! I wonder if she did the braids some of the women were wearing at rose ceremony. The mushroom on Mikey's head did make me like him more. He might be this season's "sleeper."
  24. Because Jared is still MADLY IN LOVE with Kaitlyn, remember? That's his hook for this show. Matters not whom he gives a rose to, he only wants to give all his roses to Kaitlyn. Jared doesn't want any of the women on BIP, he's just there because ... well, because he is. I thought the same thing on Chris S's season. Then she turned into a snarling, vindictive shrew full of evil and nastiness once she discovered she was in Chris's friend zone. I'm waiting for that to happen on BIP. She is one of this franchise's biggest beyotches IMO.
  25. My point was, those two guys weren't talking to ANYONE, much less Ashley. They could have been talking to each other about football, high school or where they get their hair done, but no, both were just sitting there like mud sticks while Ashley got all the THs about her struggles with inter-personal relationships. Way to make Ashley look bad and those two guys look like prizes when NEITHER are, neither had a grasp of basic manners, social skills or etiquette. How about asking one of those two guys about THEIR struggles making polite conversation to get to know their fellow BIP competitors? What a couple of time-wasters. Making the woman look like the loser is a Fleiss manipulation. Was it Mikey who appeared later in the show with the tiny mushroom hair clump on top of his head, like he was trying to do a ponytail or man bun? Hilarious.
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