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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. I'm thinking, the way Joyce was so easily manipulated, it wouldn't have mattered if she were a civilian employee or NYS Correctional Department employee, the end result would have been the same. People can change the title on their business cards but not their personalities or mental make up. Maybe if the corrections people had been doing their jobs, this couldn't have happened? But a job is a job is a job, whether one is a doctor, lawyer or guard in a prison. Some are good at their jobs, others are not.
  2. Nightline last night did a segment on B boys. One they focused on owns a dojo, and he had the same hair knot as Mark. Maybe Mark is getting into martial arts? My comment about not caring about his hair was just me remarking on how Mark doesn't bother me at all this year, which pretty much amazes me. Used to be, everything about him bugged me. Maybe I'm getting sick ... Same here. I like Karina and was glad to see her and my favorite female pro ever, Anna, back. I'm guessing Anna will be leaving soon, too.
  3. Thank you Otto! It's come back into my memory now. I got a huge kick out of Carson being a real answer. I am easily entertained.
  4. I don't know if that's normal, but it is kinda funny using a fictional television show for real-life reference! A prison built near me has been empty for several years because of state funding, political tie ups, blah blah. It is now starting to be filled with prisoners, and the news says more than 1,100 civilian jobs will open up once the prison is going full steam. So I'd say yeah, lots of civilians are employed by the state prison system.
  5. I know. It's not like they were asking for the name of Lassie's first owner Jeff's best friend (Porky) or the kid Joey Newton hung around with (Packy) on Fury. Cheers wasn't THAT long ago. I thought me knowing Lillian Gish would set me apart from the rest of the crowd, but good on everyone here who also knew her name. Okay, I wrote down a note to post here today and cannot figure it out. The answer was "Who is CARSON!" in the Presidential Hopefuls category. I was so tickled to have Carson as an answer, I just can't remember anything about it today. Help, anyone?
  6. I didn't see any chemistry between the two leads either, but then again, I saw absolutely no reason for Jane to hug up to the FBI guy and snuggle her head into his chest for "comfort." THAT was more offensive to me than if they had throw each other on the floor and had at it. It's like this kick-ass woman needs that manly man chest because, you know, that's what EVERY woman can't live without.
  7. I did not see Alek and Linday's dance or interview, but I did see Hayes' face behind and between Erin and someone she was interviewing. I don't know who it was because I could only see Hayes making bug eyes and faces he considered funny, no doubt. My only thought: What a smartie pants he is, coming from nothing to ... what, a reality "star"? ... via this show that he's mocking? To quote Bugs Bunny: "What a maroon."
  8. I just got invited to take the test for College Week! Anyone studying for an undergraduate degree, check it out, they are looking for people to sign up/take the test.
  9. An episode with all categories devoted to Carsons would be stellar IMO. Or have all contestants be named Carson. "Carson Week." Yes, Roaster, to upping the dress code. Even to business casual if not the tie and sport coat. I remember when one got dressed up to take an airline flight. Lately, Homeless Chic seems to be standard ware on Jeopardy and talk shows in general.
  10. Conversely, I did not find that the least bit humorous. It just reinforced the stereotype of Stupid Americans who don't know anything about anything that's not "Made In Amerika." Heads where the sun don't shine. That might be something Paula would say, in fact. Interestingly, nothing about Mark bothers me this season, including his hair knot. I either don't care or I'm more accepting of everyone's right to be different. Although Bindi looking almost exactly like Shawn Johnson is somewhat unsettling. Another Topo Gigo?
  11. I wish more contestants were blind, just so Blake would STOP IT with his creepy finger-pointing "pick me" at his head. That has become SOOooooo irritating, I can't stand to see it any more. So Blind Joe was a refreshingly GOOD change for Blake.
  12. Both of you are correct. Here is what Natalie tweeted (@Natalie_Lips): "I'm glad more people are disappointed in me about the NATO answer than Final #Jeopardy. I KNEW IT WAS DUMB AS SOON AS I SAID IT"
  13. I could watch hours of backstories on the pros, although mainly the ones who came here from foreign countries to escape war and political oppression. It gives me pause to think of how their childhood and coming here for "the American dream" has influenced and affected them. Sorry to see Victor go, although I was uncomfortable with his saying he will "control" Karina like he "controls" American Pharoah. Victor, you getting a ride on that horse put you back on top after you had sunk to your lowest and were almost out of the business. Count your blessings, as some other jockey could have been hired instead of you to ride this wonder horse. It wasn't just you who won that Triple Crown.
  14. Yeah, but they were put on all in one day, so practicality has nothing to do with this show. Each tat could be removed in just a few seconds of time in the Blindspot world. I like the idea of them being removed, one each week, until Jane is all clean and shiny again, with no tats to obscure the view of her naked body. This is an alternate universe we're discussing here anyway.
  15. Heck, I can't even come up with which years were election years, so I didn't even try on FJ. Even if I counted backward from 2016 by fours, I wouldn't be able to come up with candidate names. I never would write "T. Ferguson" though. I did run the "Dog" category the other day, so there's that if it speaks to my redemption. And yes to the missing BMS for the butterfly answer. Who knows, maybe there is a strain of Carson Butterflies?
  16. Although on the plus side, one can use this time to turn the channel and, therefore, watch two shows at once. (*coughdwtscough*)
  17. Ha ha, Helen, I read your entire post with my brain turned to up speak. I've heard of Tubular Bells but not tubular sweat glands. But what do I know.
  18. You guys are way too generous. I'm thinking three character actors with looks along the lines of Steve Buscemi. For Joyce, too. Steve could play two roles.
  19. Thanks for reminding me about the bone-thin calves on The Adonis, ClareWalks. Everyone (on the show) talks about the Hotness of Adonis, and the announcers go all GAH-gah when he takes his shirt off, yet no one says word one about his skinny bird legs. I love, love, love The Weatherman, but I was happy when his cousin Adonis failed this year. Interesting to know that he thinks well enough of himself that he has moved to LA to be in the movies. Someone needs to send Adonis a DVD of the Modern Family episode where Cam and Mitchell's friend had the calf implants done. I like Lance Pikus since who else has made a spider climb out of hay bales. Dr. Kaufman ... I cut him slack since he put that one competitor's dislocated shoulder back in its socket, on camera, a few seasons back. Although his gold lamé outfit of last year really pushed my tolerance.
  20. Since you guys are casting a movie, who plays Joyce? Because she needs more than her allotted 15 minutes.
  21. All I could think was, Jordan is so OUT in his first battle round. You know, when singers are judged on their appearance. I can just look at most battle couples and know which is going home based on appearance. All the judges were more about "Jordan, you are such a strong person, American needs you" than "I need you on my team." I can't even remember who did end up with him. I didn't think Jordan sounded like a woman at all, and I was looking away so as to just hear him. Someone could say Adam's falsetto is also pretty feminine. So what?
  22. When Trebek was doing his accents yesterday, it occurred to me that he needs the attention and craves being the star of the show. Or else he's so freakishly bored after all of these years, he's trying to entertain himself. I know ... I'm giving him a pass. Me, the driver of the Anti-Trebek Bus! Not that I don't enjoy all the accent posts above!
  23. I know. This really bothers me. The person then has to think, what, do I look better or worse than how I sing? Either way, it's an insult. But I guess if you wanna be on this show, you gotta smile and suck it up and say, "Hey, I pick YOU for my judge!" I have to say, this cracked me up, every time I saw it. I didn't think the guy from Harlan looked all that unusual. Were the judges all gushy because he has glasses, a normal-guy haircut and is on the heavy side? And a plaid shirt? Does a voice have to match the appearance to be successful or believable? Although in the show's defense, I'm guessing TPTB make judges go all goo-goo about those who look different, so as to teach a "lesson" and, mostly, to fill up time. They were all complimentary to the woman with the bleached blond hair and the one with the violet hair and crazy dress. THAT was okay. But an overweight guy with glasses? Somehow that's all wrong? Clay Aiken did okay on American Idol (and after) with his glasses and goofy haircut and clothes. As for the line about getting out of Harlan alive, yeah, the song is about black lung but I think if you grew up there you are entitled to make it mean anything you want. It's a double entendre.
  24. Good on you, Judy. I'm the same way about toilet lids. The argument about seat up or down means nothing because it's LIDS DOWN in my house. Amen. Prisoners have more luxuries than I do, and I have to pay for mine. And for theirs.
  25. While I can't believe one word out of this person's mouth, did she give a reason why her husband was targeted to be murdered? And what her role was to be in the escape, was she promised a life of luxury being the concubine of those two murderers? I did see the end, where she tearfully said others would be snookered by murder-convicted inmates just like she was. All I could think was, REALLY? Not me, sister. Oh yeah: And did the hubby know about her bringing in the baked goods? Not that we can believe what she answered to that question. I hate shows where the obviously guilty are given their Andy Warhol 15 minutes to lie about what great and honest people they are. Someone somewhere believes them, no doubt. ETA: Was she asked how she felt about the one escapee being killed because of her?
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