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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. Oh, my. I missed that last one. Thankfully.
  2. Just like you can hear me SAYING the same thing, if anyone out there is listening. Yeah! I'm hep to Matt. I like him and his way to cutting to the chase and playing the freaking GAME for pete's sake, without giving a dissertation in order to select a clue. Plus he'd done no dancing, hasn't whipped out any drum sticks, hasn't quoted SNL or played to the camera, doesn't wear his hair in a freakish way, and he dresses politely. And, best of all, he's all about playing the game. I'll take 20 Matts before one Dancing Jennifer or Turdlinger Talia. Plus the guy is smart, so there's that, too, and quick on the buzzer. And I love me the runaway games. Matt is a win-win for me! Oh, my. You are missing a treat for the eyeballs. And a perfectly delectable way to learn about salmon ladders.
  3. Maybe there will be a couple of male guards she can sweet talk into bringing her cookies and brownies, and some escape tools in raw hamburger?
  4. Wow, this show is getting a lot of talk here, compared to the one that aired right before it. Everything I thought has been said, especially the Shonda Rimes thing. The Meredith/McDreamy sex in S1/E1 was so ripped off! I also caught a Blacklist vibe. But whatever, I guess. I'll be in this until I can't stand it any more or something better comes on at the same time. Nothing else for me to add, you guys have nailed it!
  5. Great recap, Shermie. Thanks. North Dakotans do have an accent, as demonstrated by Marge from Fargo, who nailed it perfectly. But maybe all these guys moved in from "off" to beat the locals to the oil money. Will everyone go skiing on those snow-peaked mountains during North Dakota's infamous -40F, blizzard-filled winters? And, how did I know the guy would fall in the cattle "mud" while running a half-mile to get to the house before the oil guys, who were already knocking on the front door?
  6. It was mentioned than Marya was heartbroken that her mom would not be at her graduation. An accident is easier for people to deal with than a suicide.
  7. I heard she got seven years. The news clip showed her bawling her eyes out and the judge pretty much saying she was full of b.s. The news clip also showed husband Lyle sitting in the gallery, watching.
  8. What else has this guy done?
  9. I agree 100 percent. Maybe 100 and 20 percent. When he was asked if he missed Susie, or whatever, he worked hard to get out the "we could have had a future together." But his face said the opposite. In fact, to me his face said more like, "Susie who? Oh yeah, HER. Whatever." The ex-husband, the guy with the horses and 'stashe ... at least he DID show he cared, especially when he started crying over his step daughter's death.
  10. Did anyone else think the killer was wearing make up in the ending interview with Keith? His cheeks were bright red, like he was wearing foundation and blush. Or else he was highly agitated and blood pressure was up, or he has a case of rosacea. I don't know why I'm still thinking about this.
  11. My local farm store has a sign on its entrance door, "No retractable roller shoes allowed in store!" I just saw a commercial for CardLock, a credit-card safe keeper. Commercials for it have been running here for AGES. I was wondering how it affected the Shark Tank guy since CardLock is now selling on teevee for FOUR for $10, free shipping. Beats the Shark Tank price of, what, $14.95 each? (ACK! The CardLock commercial is on AGAIN!)
  12. Or people lose their turn if they take so long staring at categories like it was the first time seeing them. My irritation pet peeve: When one category is left, and the contestant says, "I'll take Last Category Left On The Board, please, for 100 dollars, Alex." When just saying "100" gets the same result.
  13. Does anyone know if the show has to pay royalties when contestant sing a cover?
  14. I just couldn't watch this, after it got into the trial stuff and how it was swung to prosecute Mark Furman and the LAPD instead of focusing on all the evidence against Simpson. It upset me then, it's even worse now. I remember when the not-guilty verdict was given, we were watching at work and the one black woman who worked with us whooped it up like she'd just won the lottery. That's when I realized people were judging Simpson on a "us-vs.-them" meter. Didn't matter if he was a double murderer, he was black so should get off. That thinking boggled my mind. It still boggles me today. I can't comprehend it. Nor can I think that way. As for the glove thing, give me a pair of my own gloves and I can fake not being able to get them on, too. I hated this being on again, although seeing all the pre-trial stuff was good. Except it also reinforced how he was guilty as all heck and still got off Scot free to play golf in Florida whenever he liked.
  15. This is true. If the killer really was going to kill her (I'm a poet and don't knowit!), he could have followed her into her apartment, turned on the lights, drawn the shades, THEN killed her. However, if that had happened, Brad would have done his part in seeing she made it inside her home and his commitment as her "date" would have been completed. I had a problem in that he didn't seem the least bit guilty about driving away before she even got to her building's front door. I would have been overcome with guilt, and even felt guilty if I had waited until she got inside before I left, and she was murdered then. But maybe that's just me. I think my friends are rude when they drop me at my car and speed off before I even have my car door opened. That it was suicide was implied by the interviews and the show. Town size means nothing. It's just courtesy to see that your friend gets inside and turns on a light. I do it always, never with a thought that a murderer is waiting for him/her, it's just so I know that person got inside okay w/o tripping, passing out, having a heart attack and dying on the steps ... anything. It's like asking a friend to call when he/she gets home after leaving your house and driving at night on an icy road. Keeping track of people you care about means you care about them. Brad was a cr*ppy boyfriend. Which makes me think: Does anyone know if he and his wife ever divorced? His eye was especially stinky last night!
  16. Yes, Tunia, a big YES to that. If someone lives three hours away and is worried about someone, they call the local police to do a welfare check or say they are on their way, or waiting outside, or knocking on their door. This guy knew she was on a date and was just checking to find out when she got home. Not home yet? Okay, you b*tch, I'm coming over to show you who's boss. His "follow up" phone call the next day really wasn't well-thought-out. "Hello, Sweetie!" Please. He should have been triple p.o.d and left a really mean message, except he knew she was dead ... because he killed her. Plus a regular guy would have been calling the authorities because she never came home from that date. WTHeck was up with the first group of investigators stalemating this arrest? No murder weapon (his hands!), but they had locating phone calls, the freaky voicemails, the bank video, her hair in his Lysoled van, scratches all over his back. What more do you need? If those guys had done their job, that husband/father and daughter might still be alive. Thank goodness the brother did not kill the murderer or we would have been watching his trial on Dateline. The SIL was heartbreaking, and made me cry along with her. Not being able to enjoy her own wee baby boy and all those lost years ... that Marty guy killed more than one person IMO. I TOTALLY LOVED Keith's stink eye he kept using on Marty there at the end. He so obviously disliked Marty, the show even had him appear in his prison orange so we all knew ahead of time that he got convicted. Hooray for once the police used phone records. I get so irritated on other Datelines when traceable phone calls are never talked about. Plus, it's so easy to find out who sets up email accounts, and this time the police checked on that, too. FINALLY! My takeaway from this episode, though, is the poor manners of the boyfriend, Brad, who drove away without seeing if she got into her building okay, made him responsible for what happened. I was taught to ALWAYS wait until someone gets inside their house and turns on a light before driving away, just to know they made it in okay. And ALWAYS wait until someone starts their car and begins to drive away if dropping someone off in a parking lot. It's just common courtesy.
  17. It's a sad commentary on the feminine psyche and how women in general are treated by society, and why. Sad but true.
  18. Although think how bad that makes his competition look ...
  19. Okay, you guys are totally cracking me up today. Welcome, SuzyLee. Don't worry about looking silly when you post. I post here all the time and look like a doofus nine times out of 10. What moron can't remember Ben Carson is a Presidential Hopeful? ME! It's all good! As for so many contestants blanking: I can answer many J. questions that I don't know or knew that I know, just because of the double clues each one contains. I surprise myself almost every game. But I guess if I were on that studio set and faced with real-life Jeopardy (and two smartie-pant competitors!) I'd tank but good. So I do cut everyone some slack. Well, most of the time. Well, maybe pretty much never.
  20. Those guys weren't picking her for her looks anyway, they needed a patsy. Her looks just made her their patsy. A woman with VS-model looks probably wouldn't have fallen for their manipulations, or have needed to. So I think a frank discussion of Joyce's appearance is directly related to a discussion of why those two chose her over some other female prison employee. If Joyce felt good about herself, she couldn't have been manipulated and swayed by those smooth-talking murderers. People believe what they want to believe, whether it's true or not. I'm guessing those two inmates made her feel good about herself for the first time in a long time, if ever. Of course, it didn't last long.
  21. Barbara Corcoran is a co-shark with Robert on Shark Tank. She's best known as a real-estate mogul in NYC. I agree. Now every dance is all "mucking around," to quote Len, and the multiple dancers to distract from the stars? That used to be one special episode, now it's all mucking around, all the time. I wouldn't mind moving on from Bruno and CAI though. I can't stand to hear either one spout their drivel while they primp and pose for the cameras.
  22. Actually, they did. They were giving Wentworth irritated-skin problems, he was breaking out from them. (Ha ha, I just made a joke!) Will Jane Doe become more covered up with clothing as the series goes on? We'll see!
  23. Wentworth Miller got so sick of his tat applications, he went to wearing long sleeve Ts for the remainder of Prison Break so he wouldn't have to suffer through their application/removal any more. Can't remember if he had them magically removed in one of the later seasons so Michael Scoffield could wear a regular t-shirt. Ressler!
  24. Ha ha! I can hear the contestants now when confronted with identifying David and Maddie ... *crickets* ... How weird is it that for some reason Moonlighting came to mind this morning, I haven't thought of that show for years. I was reading your brain, Bastet!
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