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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. Bless your heart, teebax, for sharing your story. There is physical abuse and mental abuse. Sometimes I think the mental kind is even worse than the physical that you can see and TRY to defend yourself from. The mental abuse comes in small doses, over a period of time, until the victim is unable to do anything to defend her/himself. Yes, men can be abused too. I totally understand when someone finds the only way out is to kill the abuser. It's called being at the end of your rope. And until you have walked in those shoes, it's easy to tell someone what they SHOULD do. Being able to actually DO it (example: leave) can be impossible for so many reasons. The scars an abuser leaves on his/her victim never go away. NEVER. I'm so glad you got the help you needed, teebax, and I hope your life is better now.
  2. So many times juries don't get to hear testimony that would help either side, and some evidence can be withheld from trials for so many legal-loophole reasons. Our legal system is pretty much a quagmire. Some heavily biased evidence can be admitted while other testimony/evidence isn't allowed.
  3. She gets to live forever with Rob. I mean Jimmy. That would make me pretty happy. Although yeah, you make a great point.
  4. Yeah, Harlee was in all kinds of right for killing Miguel in self defense, although now there are no witnesses and she's got a dead body in her house to get rid of, and no jury would let her off. Which is why I'm hoping she knows about the crematorium, and Cady can come over to help her carry Dead Miguel. Now someone needs to break into Miguel's mom's house to grab that $200,000 back. Is that Harlee's sister who lives in Jersey, the one who Cristina got sent to stay with? I, too, was interested in seeing Tess go back to work and see how she managed being in gunshot-wound pain while on the job. Although I guess morphine works pretty good, not that I know anything about that. Guessing she called in sick, blue-flu bug maybe? Woz vs. Stahl at the diner is still my fav scene of the entire season.
  5. Wow. That statement alone is incredibly depressing. How all those abused and battered women choose to deal with the abuser ... their decision I guess. A jury's verdict is not always the correct one. OJ Simpson comes to mind.
  6. Abused spouses, especially battered women, will tell you that is easy to write, sometimes if not always, impossible to do. There is no way for someone who has never been abused to even imagine what that situation is like. Words are easy, actions are not. Especially when an action can cause a very serious REaction from the abuser.
  7. I don't have any problem with any timeline, real or imagined. On other shows, people drive from DC to middle America in less than two minutes, solve a major murder in less than 20. This show going on over a period of viewer weeks while X weeks/days IRL, or in TV-show real life ... not a problem. At least I didn't have to talk about a time-space continuum here like i do with so many other tv shows. It was way out-of-character, although she knew she was on the carpet for letting the kidnapped guy get murdered on her watch, so why not TRY to work Stahl to get him to alibi her so she could keep her job. It was a gamble (abeit a sleazy one!) that didn't pay off. Maybe she can now join Woz's crew! I don't see Harlee having Stahl on video makes any difference to getting Woz off, although it could show him in a bad light. I really don't know why she planted a camera in his apartment. I'm looking forward to next season, I love this show. I also liked Tessa actually showing pain and the results of being shot, unlike every other show where someone gets shot five times and jumps up to join the fight and is back at work the next day, without so much as a limp or gimp. This was one of the most realistic, if not THE most realistic cop show on tv IMO.
  8. Thanks Ohmo. She hasn't been sentenced yet then, right? What sentence does everyone here feel she should receive? Yeah, voluntary manslaughter is sure better than first-degree murder. Hindsight ... it's always 20/20. I only know about steroids from what I see on tv and read. I don't know if there is any residual affect, but yeah, if they gave him a propensity toward violence then, it could have set the stage for how he treated her in the future. Who knows how the brain works.
  9. I fell asleep and missed the last half. Was the woman convicted of murder? Right away I thought the guy was on steroids, he was beyond huge in those photos of him at the Olympics. That COULD also explain why they could not have kids (steroids makes men sterile) and his growing violent temper. I saw up to where her PJs tested positive for gunpowder and his abuse was suggested. Then ... ZZzzzzzzz.
  10. Or keep it under the house, in the crawlspace. *coughbreakingbadcough* I believe the actor was JLo's boyfriend IRL, Casper Smart. At least that's what some posters here have said. I didn't pay a lot of attention, but thinking back, the guy sure did look like Casper. I didn't see credits, but Casper Smart should be in them. Wings, your questions will be answered when you finally get to see the episode. Don't get ruined by reading here!
  11. That's a distant second to my favorite line, Woz to dead Donnie, wrapped in a rug, ready to insert into the crematory: "Where's the MONEY, Donnie?" I didn't know that was Casper, so thanks for that Easter egg. Cool he got a part. Even though it was small, it was good. Yeah, Harlee gave Woz an out over the phone, we just didn't get to hear it and will have to wait until next season to see what that was, and how Woz gets clean. So to speak. Chen coming on to Stahl? WTH? Girlfriend, that was all kinds of bad judgement. I mean, he's not THAT hot, is he? Or did she think Stahl would then save her from getting in trouble for the kidnapped guy being killed? I really don't know how Donnie got into that room to kill the guy, or why Donnie wanted to kill the guy. Not that it matters. Lohman was all kinds of awesome in this episode. Donnie comes at him with a knife, then cut to commercial while I'm yelling HEY! from my couch? The nerve of that show! Heh. The Lohman/Donnie fight was excellent, Donnie thought he could get the drop on Lohman, who turned out to not be such a pansy pushover after all. Harlee giving Miguel $200,000 was all kinds of stupid. Of COURSE he's not going to leave, unless it's with Cristina AND the money AND Harlee AND everything else he wants. Now Miguel's mom gets the cash. That's all kinds of wrong, too. Gramma didn't know Cristina existed? Wow. Really. GREAT episode. Woz was incredible meeting Stahl in that diner. Great scene that Liotta ate to pieces. This show is No. 1 on my fav list right now. Great writing, great acting, great everything. Although Harlee snapping Miguel's neck like that is a little freaky since my chiro does that to me for adjustments, and I crack my own neck like that. I haven't died yet ... I hope Harlee knows where the key is to that crematorium since it appears Woz might be busy for a spell.
  12. I liked Miley as a coach since she SANG examples of how to improve the contestants instead of just saying they were pitchy and sing softer or louder or longer or ... whatever.
  13. That would explain his magical healing powers ...
  14. I saw that too, and it wasn't edited, she just walked off the stage to hug Xtina. I figured she was gobsmacked about winning and lost her brain, so just toodled off the stage in a haze. Although having been a child actress, she should be pretty aware of her surroundings -- which means she should be aware of how snubbing her opponent would make her look, so she would have done the hug even if it were fake feelings. So, I'm thinking she had a brain dysfunction and giving her the benefit of doubt. While Miley Cyrus hasn't been someone I think is a great role model for young girls, she is fabulous at marketing herself and I think she has a great voice. I love all her songs. She also seemed to be a good coach (too funny, she and Xtina swinging their hair and Miley saying hers was going to fly off) and I got a hoot out of all of her great clothes. I wish I were young enough to wear some of them. I think she was pretty helpful to everyone, and I'd have a heart attack if she told me she wanted to be my backup singer like she told that one contestant. FREAK OUT! So glad Ryan is staying. I don't care if the boy can sing, I like to just look at him.
  15. This made me laugh since the biggest (pun) reason a male dancer can't lift the female is she is too hugely heavy/fat/weighs a ton. Women pro dancers are tiny things for a reason. So, back at you, Paige.
  16. About Mischa: My problem with Mischa is, Mischa is SUPPOSE to be an ACTRESS who ACTS a certain way because it's in the script. So WTH can't she ACT like she's enjoying herself on this show? Keep the petulant attitude for your trailer or any other off-camera time. When the camera is on you, that's your time to become someone else, Actress Mischa, like maybe act like a person who likes to dance. Or is that role too difficult for her? I, too, remember Geraldo on Celebrity Apprentice and had to quit watching when it became obvious Trump was all about the self-serving Geraldo staying and other better competitors being "fired." His Trump skit was extremely uncomfortable for me to watch for so many reasons, including the fact that one of Trump's exes is on the show. Just poor taste all around.
  17. This made me laugh because I was not thinking about them needing HAIR bleach ... I was all, YEAY! when Lacy lost the battle, then all WTH? when she got stolen. AGAIN. Everyone was all amazed she's a rocker and looks like that. What are rocker chics suppose to look like, trolls from under the bridge? I had a dream Lacy went home but I guess mine didn't come true.
  18. Heh. Yeah. I was waiting for the waiter to come and ask if they wanted more tea or egg rolls with that, all while the teens at the next table were cell-phone videoing the argument. Dumbasses.
  19. When Weller got it in the neck (jugular, no less, that should be spurting blood like a twisted garden hose), I was shouting HOORAY! because surely the docs will have to shave that gross neck hair so they could patch the hole and sterilize that filthy neck area. No such luck. Instead, we get full-screen close ups of that grody mess, all those nasty black stubbles filled my tv screen. SO GROSS. And yes to all the interesting and fun characters getting knocked off and Weller et. al. continues to survive. What's up with that? That amnesia med must have eaten through Jane's common sense or she would have been gone ages ago. She needs to trust her flashbacks and note that Weller is NOT in any of them. ETA: It's unfortunate that the artist in this episode was obviously a Banksy rip off, and to top it off, the paintings/graffiti were done in Banksy's style. WTH, show, can't you at least make the artwork in a different style than his? X Files did the same Banksy rip off a few weeks ago.
  20. I know. I was looking for the missing door when the Ghost Plane landed itself. Thanks for the laugh, Netfoot.
  21. Well, this episode took this show from being my favorite to I absolute HATE it and I hope to dear god it's cancelled. That was the worse bunch of writing I've ever seen. I hate, hate, hated it, every last inch of it. Duvall continues to be a jackass. Your dad has just a few hours left to live and you keep on with your petulant little boy "I hate you, Dad" whiney crybaby stuff? Please. You are all grown up, you have a daughter, and you are still all hatefilled about your dad who has come back from the dead so you can bitch him out 24/7? No wonder Jimmy said he was ready to die again. I would do suicide for real if Duvall were my offspring. Then Duvall tells Jimmy to never see his family again? WTH? Really? After Jimmy has saved his ass week after week? Jimmy needs to tell his son where to step off. Duvall needs to be thrown off a bridge. I like how falling out of a jet aircraft lets people fall to the ground to be found fully intact, like they just fell off of a ladder. I also like how the plane landed by itself and Jimmy/Duvall go inside of it and never even ask "Where the hell is the pilot." Do planes just land themselves as a matter of course? And Mary goes back to India, even though we didn't know she had any connections there (her parents were killed when she was small, and living in U.S.A., am I right?). Then she becomes a teacher? Yeah ... right. Maybe she is grieving Otto, but what about Jimmy? What about her company? What about those poor IT guys that didn't get that million dollars? Although that was the best line of the night, her answer to "what does it do?" about the tank. Then Otto's last message that Jimmy would now turn violent because one of his fish started biting another fish. The heck, fish just freaking DO that. If the goldfish were eating each other, that would be different. I have absolutely no interest in seeing RK become some wanted violent man that, of course, FBI agent Burke will have to hunt down and/or keep hidden. Just ... no to that. Please, please, cancel this train wreck while I still have a couple of fond memories of it. Not a lot, but some.
  22. About Miguel not beating Harlee ... we saw the flashbacks when Harlee was in uniform and Woz helped her to frame Miguel to get him away from her. Miguel was going to end up killing Harlee if Woz didn't help, Harlee was a big-time victim of battered woman syndrome, which is why she did not report Miguel. Hence, the "I fell down the stairs" BS story. NO ONE gets a bruised face like that from falling down the stairs or anything else beside a beat down. Miguel was abusing Harlee mentally AND physically. This is one reason Harlee and Woz are so close. Miguel is a lying liar who lies, and he's working Cristina against her mom because he can. He's a manipulator, lying liar, and an abuser. His time in prison didn't do anything but concentrate his anger and rage. Trust me, we'll see the "real" Miguel either next week or next season. If she choses, Lopez can shoot botox into whatever she likes. She's a beautiful woman and whatever she does to look that way is fine with me. I mean, really, who gives a care? Just enjoy the show. If not, then turn the channel. It's pretty simple. Also, know that actors pack on stage makeup to make their faces look smooth and to cover up zits and other whatnot that all people have. That makeup can make a face pretty immobile, it's not always the botox thing. Try troweling on a layer or two of professional stage makeup and see how much YOUR face moves afterward! ETA: About the "falling down the stairs" thing ... everyone here who has fallen down the stairs (1) and, if so, got their face messed up (2) raise your hand .... No one? Okay. I thought so.
  23. I like LaPorsha, she has beautiful eyes and her hair is fantastic, I totally love it. Plus I like her singing. So I'm fine with her winning. But Trent with his "Miss Sia" and "Miss Jennifer" and "Thank you, Mr. Keith" is really endearing. Fake or real, who cares, he's saying it and I like it. Plus I've really come onto his team with his singing. I'd like a finale with those two. MacKenzie ... man, he can't get off my tv fast enough. I hate, hate, hate when contestants eyeball directly into the camera, then follow it as it moves to the side. That's been an AI thing for ages, and it continues to bug me. Dalton got some reprieve from me with that last song. Plus his eyes are lovely and he has great hair. Hey, isn't that what so much of this is about, besides having a good voice? I've seen Sia on several shows and know hiding her face is a thing. I don't have any problem with it. Miley Cyrus has a tongue and boob pasties, Lady Gaga has a meat dress, Sia wears a BW wig. Who cares about gimmicks as long as those people have talent to back it up. (And, IMO, all three of those named do.) Watching this season, my brain has said, "Wow, that's pitchy Dog," so many times, in a Randy voice. Miss you, Dog.
  24. Cristina is the only character I do not like. But she is written like how a lot of teenagers are ... smart-mouthed, petulant, know everything and can't really be trusted to be where they say they are. Hey, nothing against teenagers, but they can be very trying. I wish she were less "teenage-ie" but then again, I wish that for a lot of kids I know! And she fits the storyline of an impending run in with Miguel/Harlee. I liked that Woz told his wife to get Cristina and both go to a motel.
  25. Wow, GREAT EPISODE! I enjoyed the whole thing and was right in there for the ride. And I'm a picky one. I loved, loved, loved this one. Thanks, Helena, for telling me the junkie had the money. I couldn't see what was in the room, my tv is old and I was sitting sorta far away. I was just happy to see the junkie guy again, I really like his character. And yeah, he was a cop so he would know how to hit a car "cop style." That twist just adds to how much I liked this. Just fantastic. Liotta is brilliant, everyone was believable. Kudos to the writers of this show. The stooges who write for Blindspot need to take a lesson. Twenty thumbs up. More if I can find them.
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