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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. Oh, I want to be an Alber Camoo Dancer please.
  2. Clay never did say what his injury was, just some vague "the doctor said it needed surgery NOW." But was it a break? A sprain? A what? He never said. Any ER doc could diagnose a green stick or fracture or break or even a sprain. But he needed an orthopedic doc to look at it? Plus he gave a better reason of why he was leaving to the other guys and sort of hemmed/hawed it around Becca. The whole injury thing also could have been faked, a way to get another producer plant off the show and add some drah-ma. Not that this show would ever do anything like that. Clay has a constant Elvis lip sneer that bugs me. I'm not sorry to see him go. Here today, gone tomorrow. Like everyone ... who doesn't make it to BIP. The David/Jordan thing is a repeat of the two women a couple seasons ago. One kept antagonizing the other. So of course they got the two-on-one, where the worst villain was kept and the lesser villain sent home. Look for a David/Jordan two-on-one coming to an episode near you. The TH of Long-Hair Leo saying he thought Long-Hair Blond Guy was a woman because he has long hair had to be put in for comedic effect. I guess it wasn't that funny since no one here has mentioned it. Although Long-Hair Blond Guy did get one TH this week, which is one more than he's gotten in the past. I wanted to know how David in the hospital knew that was Becca calling since it was CH's phone. Yet he answered, "Hi Becca." I guess they let people keep their cellphones while they are in INTENSIVE CARE? Kimmel showed the clip of CH telling Becca about David falling out of bed on his show last night, and even though it was what I had just seen, watching it on Kimmel made me LOL. You could see both CH and Becca trying hard to keep a straight face. David's face being pixellated in the previews for next week ... too funny. I guess even the show editors have to break up the monotony of this boring season. I suppose the Kim meeting break in is what kept the after-credits blooper from being show. So rats, the best part of this show we didn't even get to see. Garrett does have a nice smile. For a Nazi.
  3. This is hysterical and considerably brightened up my bleak and depressing horrible terrible day. So thanks.
  4. I missed the beginning of this show so thankfully missed any David OTT mugging. He was irritating throughout though, and became incredibly stupid in my eyes when he said Truth Or Consequences is in Texas and Yosemite is in Wyoming. I mean, freaking WHAT? I can see not knowing Italian Opera or 13th Century Literature but those things are in the United States and are on a United States map and have been for ages for anyone to see and/or visit. So good job, David, buzz in first so you can give your completely wrong and insanely stupid answers. I like the new champ. She's calm and collected, plus didn't give her answers in upspeak, a pet peeve of mine. Say it like you mean it, players. I took piano lessons in grade school, back when every home had an upright piano. I quit when I was old enough for gymnastic lessons as my mom couldn't afford both. I can still play Chopsticks (and maybe Twinkle Twinkle Little Star) on the piano if the band wants to include that. Otherwise, I'm musically stunted. That's proven by my FJ answer of bugle. Because "sackbut" means get your butt out of the sack, right? And bugles play Reveille. I have no idea what A/B and C/D means, but the measurements combined are about the size of a bugle.
  5. I wasn't into the dumpster diving but there is something very sexy about him, it's hard to describe. If you have to describe it, the other person doesn't "get" it. I totally get it. I crushed on Nick the first time I saw him on ANW and could care less about the dumpter thing. I'm guessing he no longer does that which is why now he gets no back story or reason for ANW to pimp him for a sob story, he's a WWWA. I wish they would back story him for the acro-yoga and poses he does with his girlfriend and other acrobats. Beautiful, amazing and gorgeous. He's living fine art. I could spend the rest of my life just looking at Nick Coolridge photos and be happy.
  6. The kind of hat worn by Morocco Mole was in Friday's "Squirrel" F6. So your pre/re-yell was right as far as I'm concerned.
  7. Congrats to lb60 for the FJ shoutout! I liked the outgoing champ. He was dressed respectfully in a suit, and was good looking in a brainiac way, which appeals to me. (Love glasses on men!) What was up with the new champ being all hemming and hawing over what to bet on his DD? Get out much, kid? His theatrics after he won were pretty OTT, like he was homeless living under a bridge somewhere, and now he would be able to buy a hot dog and get a room at the Motel 6 for the night. But after reading here, I might have to agree that he is a Master Thespian in his own mind. Did the players write "100" on their FJ answers? I wasn't paying all that much attention. But if so, they needed to be ruled incorrect. TMI. And Incorrect TMI at that.
  8. Great video, GalvDuck. But I wish they had turned the camera to the side to see water, water, everywhere. It feels like you are on a narrow road in the middle of the ocean when you are on this thing. I remember the first time I saw the ocean, it looked just like Lake Michigan. *yawn* Such a let down. Pontchartrain gives the same ocean view. My nephew was living on a houseboat on Pontchartrain when Katrina hit. He was evacuated via helicopter owned by a band he played with.
  9. The worst weekend I've ever spent was sharing a hotel room with a friend from LA. When it's 40 degrees, I'm wearing shorts. When it's 60 degrees, she's wearing that parka. If you scroll up, you will see my post about just that thing. I have lots of history with silver recovery in darkrooms. If you had played J6 yesterday, you would have been able to say Raspberry Beret and been correct. Thanks to Carpe, who posted after this, and Toothbrush, who posted before this post, for the correct way to say it. I never knew there was a problem pronouncing Pontchartrain and completely missed Trebek saying it. Maybe because I was just listening and therefore didn't have a clue what he was saying. That happens a lot, I have to see the clue to know what he just said. I think the clue was something like "These are called kirby grips in the UK." But I'm not looking it up to make that positive.
  10. Trebek goofed up with the clue that asked for the metal used in developing film and the player answered "silver nitrate." Trebek said they asked for the METAL and silver nitrate is not a metal. He neglected to give the answer, which is simply silver. Commercial photo lab darkrooms have silver recovery units that the used chemicals are run through to extract the silver that is then sold. Occasionally, the silver "disappears." I thought everyone knew Lake Ponchartrain, even if they've never been to NOLA. The thing is huuuge, and stands out on a map if anyone cares to look at one. And yeah, the causeway is terrifying. I got Little Red Corvette, Banana Republic, American Water Spaniel and of course The Beverly Hillbillies and Carroll O'Connor. It's odd Trebek said the players were "Too Young To Remember" those last two, even though they weren't too young to remember the Emperor Frederick II. Well, one anyway. My FJ of Falconology was close but not a real word as it turns out. The Latin speakers here were at a strong advantage with that clue.
  11. Bobby pins are kirby grips or hair grips in the UK. In the U.S. they are bobby pins. So we're good calling them that! If Trebek has to make the answer clear by adding the last (or first) name, then BMS is needed. Like for the Ellen answer. This caught my interest as I just re-read Patricia Cornwell's Port Mortuary, which has to deal with a man being murdered by a flying insect-like robot that was being developed as a weapon by the government. Sounds like Trebek might have read the same book due to his insistence that the CIA was involved. And the contestant's reluctance to comment on his spec.
  12. Oh, man, was he there? I missed his WWWA if he was. He's my favorite ever, I've spent much time watching his YouTube videos. What did he do to make this show hate him? More importantly, how far did he get? This made me LOL, so hilarious. Thanks for that, Lantern. I like Nick too, and his friendship with Grant is what makes me tolerate Grant, who always has irked me for some reason. But Grant did have a good backstory this time so I'm growing more lenient about him. Flip is up there as a favorite so I was disappointed to see him fall. Disappointed and a bit stunned to tell the truth. Glad he's moving on though so I get to see him again. I was also surprised about Kevin Bull, another fav. It will take me a while, maybe a couple seasons, to like these new ninjas and get to know some to root for. Meanwhile, give me all the oldsters to root for. You know, Flip, Nick Coolridge, Alaska Ninja, Bull ... and so on.
  13. You should know by now that if they did that, the category would have to be "Call Me by Your Female Name." This show doesn't mix the sexes. Maybe we should add it to our drinking game when (and if) they do.
  14. This is hilarious. Man pampering is bring him a beer while he reclines in his La-Z-Boy, wearing his underwear and holding the remote.
  15. Excuse me, but you are all kinds of wrong. Jordan is a MALE Model. And a Wilhelmina one at that. And don't you forget it! (Jordan will remind you next episode just in case you do.)
  16. Someone upthread guessed Dorian as well. I don't know if he had a mustache, but he was certainly vain. So, not a bad guess. And yes, to the poster who commented on it, Walter White had a published obit too. "Breaking Bad" fans took out an obituary in the Albuquerque Journal for him. Here is Poirot's obit in the New York Times.
  17. I totally loved her for that. It was a Trebek burn, whether he knew it or not.
  18. My take was that being in BW meant they were OLD. You know, before color film was invented. That means no color photos are allowed to be taken of The Alamo. Right? I'm with you on this. We could tag team the judges. This made me laugh. And also slightly disappointed that you spared us. Thank you though!
  19. I only saw the last half hour so missed most of the acts discussed here. I was unfortunate enough to catch the old couple "dancing." OMG, what's up with MelB being the only judge with taste? Doing a simulated sex act on stage is NOT my idea of dancing, nor entertainment. Or appropriate for a show that airs during family time. So gross. The Golden Buzzer singer ... before he even sang I wanted to just say "Put him through to the next round" since I couldn't see any judge X-ing him after that back story. He was an okay singer for this show though, so that was a relief since I knew we'd be seeing him again. Although I think he needs the practice of on-going rounds, the Golden Buzzer isn't exactly his friend when he needs his nerves -- and voice -- to settle down. Now he goes straight to finals. No pressure there!
  20. I just watched all the performances posted here. I thought last night, and again just now, that Charity & Andres could have been Adam Rippon and Jenna on DWTS, or any pair on STYTYCD. Yeah, they were good, but they could have been any contemporary pair anywhere. Fabulous Sisters: Take away their red skirts and tell them to not move their arms and you've got a bunch of people standing still. Hated them. Guess I'm not a fan of Arm Dancers. Connection: Looked like every other dance group until The Lab kids came on and did it better. Connection can go home IMO. Pasha & Daniella: Oh, my. Best of the night, whether NeYo agrees with me or not. BDash & Konkrete: I liked them very much. Fun and very good at what they do. I can't believe only six dances in an hour. Man, what a time waster.
  21. I thought more they were Childish Colors (TM) which made me immediately like him. I'm all about being bold and primary. Colorwise, that is. Other than that, I'm not paying much attention to any of the players lately, what they do with their hands or buzzers or what they wear. I've become apathetic.
  22. I was doing other things while this was on. The groups are all looking the same to me, doing all the same things. Only the names are different. I went back to what I was doing instead of watching them all the way through. The dance that made me stop what I was doing and watch transfixed was Pasha & Daniella. Wow, those two were smokin' hot and great dancers who interpreted the music, just the opposite of the frantic Karen y Ricardo who got such raves last week. Then NeYo shades them? WTH. I guess I don't know anything about dance but I know what I like and it was Pasha & Daniella last night. I guess one has to be loud and shiny and formulaic, as crowceilidh said, to get anywhere on this show. Thanks for posting the routines, ElectricBugaloo. I'll rewatch Pasha & Daniella for sure!
  23. Yes. It's lust a matter of probability and coincidences. We ignore all the times where people have survived being a clue on Jeopardy! and only notice we they don't. Also, a fair amount of answers refer to people who are already dead and often have been for decades if not centuries. Well, duh, if every living person died after being a clue/answer on Jeopardy, I think more than just us PTV posters would notice. Although if they all did die, it makes my mind race with so many possibilities. Since it's no fun posting that So And So was a clue/answer but isn't dead, we could add Clue People Who Are Not Dead Yet to our drinking game. That way those people won't feel so bad about still being alive.
  24. Make sure to tell them to stay off your lawn, too. That'll larn 'em.
  25. Hey, that's a great guess. I like it! Mindthinkr, never fear. Episodes are up on YouTube almost as soon as they air on the east coast. Knowing that makes me less cranky when I have to go somewhere that can't be helped.
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