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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. My vote goes to this. Then they can plead their background checks didn't show whatever it is, even though any of us could find it via google. Or making a few phone calls if you want to get old school.
  2. I thought it was a COA (Cover Your Ass) excuse. But bullshit works too!
  3. I hate this going against The Bachelorette. What does that say about me that I am addicted to both shows? Talk about different strokes! I wish Geoff and Isaac had gone up that rope side by side so there was one clear winner and only one First American Ninja. I know Geoff was technically first, but he went up the rope first. Isaac gets so much hate for beating his time. I hope Geoff does well when he comes back. That would be sweet for him to finish and take home the $ next year. No pressure there!
  4. Thanks, JenE4, for the Alex info. I'm sure that is who Page Six was talking about. I'm guessing they covered that story on the show, I don't get to see it every day. But the reporter talked like everyone knew about it. Wow, I guess if Becca cuts all the guys with criminal pasts, it narrows her choices down considerably.
  5. Thanks Bazinga. I should have written down everyone's scores and then the bets, then I could have (might have!) seen that. But once the bets are revealed and totals changed, I forget what everyone had. But yes, that could have been a Cliff Clavin Moment. It would have been pretty cool if it had happened, the second-place person winning. Especially given Trebek's "It's a runaway, she can't be caught" comment. LOL. My computer monitor is bigger and has better resolution than my tv. Plus it doesn't drop reception when the wind shifts.
  6. This story was on Page Six last night. Lincoln is now a registered sex offender, on SO lists everywhere. Page Six contacted ABC and the Bachelor franchise owner asking how he got on the show at all given they are suppose to do such thorough pre checks, and got a reply that his assault didn't show up in their screening, and they are investigating why it did not. And yes, he was convicted during the show's taping. I guess we stay tuned to find out if and how the show gets rid of him. Page Six also said this was the second criminal person that's been on the show. Anyone know who they meant? Not sure if they meant Chris Soules since he killed a man after he was off the show, but he had plenty of drunk and other arrests before.
  7. One word: YouTube. A poster here put up a hidden spoiler before yesterday's game saying to pay attention to the FJ wagers. Even with that tip off, I couldn't follow the wager (non) strategies nor make it through any discussions of the same here. My brain already hurts. And you mean there are strings in the Pisces constellation? I even looked it up and don't see strings or a knot. I feel amazingly stupid today. But I did LOL at Kathira's "Irregardless, I'm glad to see you made a 360 degree turn on that. It's a mute point." So I'm not totally ready for the grave yet I guess.
  8. No kidding. Trebek needs to be reminded that what he drops on lunch at Spago's is more than what some people make working 40 hours a week for a year. He's such a jackass about what people win/don't win on this show, like he gets a bonus if people win more than X amount. Yes, he was much appreciated by me.
  9. "Cut the cheese." Who else did a LOL? Fat bicycles are all the rage now. And Trek is being sued by Chris Farley's family for naming it's fat-tire bike The Farley. WHAT! Trebek pronounced "Don Juan" as "Don WHAN" instead of "Don JOO-whan" as he has always done in the past. Is that the real Trebek or an imposter? This was taped before the Tonys, of course, but Springsteen got TONS of social media attention after those awards. I got the TS of Tokyo, although I've forgotten the clue. I was positive FJ was Sagittarius, because the archer and all that. I figured those bow strings had to come together in a knot somewhere. I guess the key was knowing where Alrescha is. Which obviously I don't. But Sag is my sun sign so I was sticking with it.
  10. I'm not sure I would be all about seeing one of my high school teachers topless, even if it was a guy. I know teachers are real people, but when I was a kid, they weren't. They never had a RL or were anywhere other than in the classroom. And certainly never shirtless flexing and Tarzan yelling. And I guess while I'm at it, wearing little bootie shorts either. I admire Drew for wearing a t-shirt and long pants to compete. He seems to do pretty well without having to strip down or make a big show about how much he works out. He just gets to the buzzer faster than anyone else, which speaks for itself. Now git off my lawn.
  11. Oh, man, now you made me look up "charcuterie." I suppose it'll be a J clue soon, so "good for you," Mindthinkr. I'll take that espresso now, please.
  12. I noticed that subliminal arrow right away, so thanks for someone else "pointing" it out. "Oh, my" indeed!
  13. This show stunned me by having Bootie run first, which means he will crash and burn, then he actually made it to the buzzer. WTH show, you are changing things up? Great trick, laugh was on us. Flip has a car commercial! Holy cow. At least his commercial was shown here. Funny, I can't remember the car maker, but the scene where Flip jumps off of a high wall and into the driver's seat via the sun roof was pretty cool. Flip is a favorite of mine so the commercial did not irk, like it would if someone else were starring in it. No way in h.e.l.l. would I let anyone film me and my kids sleeping in our vehicle much less air it on national tv. I hope that woman was compensated well for that. I guess it's not as bad as a tv crew filming me dying of cancer though. The show doesn't do the POM Wonderful Run of the Night any more, but they did show a POM connection last night, either a commercial or something where the people were drinking POM. So I guess it is still a sponsor, just not the bigly money one. I was actually surprised to see POM anything given the run of the night is gone. It was said Jesse has been filming a movie, and she herself said because of her schedule she hadn't been able to train for ANW like she usually does. Still, she rocks. I wish every little girl would make Jessie their role model instead of some reality tv fakety fake person. Parents, pay attention. Isaac is back next week. He looked pretty good in the fast clip they showed of him in the crowd. Better than he used to anyway. He's always been a favorite of mine, so I'll root for him. I tend to like climbers who don't live by conventional societal rules.
  14. Oh no, no one did. And no one made a joke about the guy a couple days ago, last name Downer. It was so obvious, I didn't want to be the one who did. Guess what... To quote George Takai: "Oh, my." I'm smarter than I thought I was. And they still sound delicious. Carson (!) is a GYPSY! Yeay! Wow to the picture of the King of Gypsy's grave. Thanks for that. I know about placing rocks on a gravestone but now I have to find out about the Romani potato meaning. Once again, a FJ category that's suppose to be about cartoon movies is really about Shakespeare.
  15. Well, it's not like I invented it! You are welcome to use it anywhere you wish. Even if it is my life's story. Ha ha!
  16. I'm so poor at math and betting strategies that I couldn't even make it through the posts here discussing it. Long story short, if I were in a distant third, I'd bet zero. And that's the end of my betting strategy story. I had to laugh when Catherine was introduced with no necklace/pendant. I'm sure she had a new one with her but Trebek's snark yesterday made her leave it in her travel bag. And there went her power to win another game. So it's Trebek's fault she lost. He's such a dickweed, making my favorite lose. Everyone talks about vocal fry in every thread here, but I have yet to know what it is or even hear it. Catherine's voice didn't bother me at all. The new champ is on the fence with me. If she starts upspeaking her answers, she's on my "please lose" list. Huey Long was a clue/answer not too long ago. It would pay for future contestants to study up on him. Brown is a popular college for producing Jeopardy players. The Thespian David, College ToC Dhruv and someone this time too. The new champ? Anyway, you young'uns out there, consider Brown if you want to get on this show. I could have rocked the 1968 TV Shows category if it had gone on for hours. I watched every show back then. You know, when there were only three channels and the stations went off the air at midnight. I even spent time watching the test pattern. So of course I got Sebastian Cabot. Neutrinos ... I would have bet money those are cookies. They sound delicious. I had no clue for FJ, so I'm back to normal. Normal being I never know FJ. Sure, I've seen The Lion King but it just blends in with the bazillion other Disney animated movies. I have no idea how it relates to Hamlet so that clue was no help whatsoever. You have an interesting family and great stories. You need to be a Jeopardy category.
  17. I can— dentist Ashley’s season Ashley's season was when they had a group date to a comedy club and all the guys had to perform on stage. One did a roast of Ashley, focusing on her "no boobs." At least that's how I remember it. Most of her guys were hateful. Except for the joy that was JP. Don't give up just for that. The editing monkeys play with us every season, including showing previews of things we are never shown. The fun part is using your detective skills to know when we are being played. Which is pretty much every episode, all episode long. This show is all about manipulating viewers to cause chatter. That, plus reading the snark here keeps me coming back every season. Where does it say this? Wills USED to work for TMZ, they said so on a TMZ episode, and everyone was happy he made it through the first night. Nowhere have I seen a TMZ reference to Mike.
  18. My two favorites of the night were Josh & Taylor and Elektro Botz, in that order. None of the groups made an impression on me and I don't care enough to rewatch any performances. The group dancers here and on AGT are all blending together. Most of the groups are made up of people who make me think I could be in that group in that they don't do much but stomp and wave their arms. It was interesting that judges sent LD Dance home after saying there was no way they could "step it up" or "bring more" if they got sent through. The heck? How do they know any of the people put through will "bring it" next round? Not that I thought LD Dance was so great, but at least it was different than groups of people stomping and waving their arms. Too funny that Derek learned that as one grows older, one gets too big to fit through a chair back. Oh, to be 17 again, right Derek? But what was up with JLo running out there to sit in the chair? Nice dance move. Not. I would have liked to have seen more of NeYo in the LD Dance costume though. That would have been worth a watch.
  19. You (red) ROCK, Carpe, in so many ways. I've been to Red Rocks but only when nothing was happening there. Story of my life. Always a day late, dollar short.
  20. I answered "gypsies." I've never met a gypsy, seen a gypsy, heard of or from a gypsy nor know where any gypsies live. I've only "seen" them on old black-and-white tv shows where they are camped outside the Martin farm on Lassie. I didn't know saying "gypsy" was breaking a PC rule. In my entire life, I've not used nor heard the word used, ever. So, who knew? According to Wikipedia, "there are an estimated one million Roma in the United States." So maybe I do know some Romani, although they are harder to spot if they aren't camping in their horse-drawn caravans in some roadside and reading crystal balls for money. I knew the answer of Harriet Tubman from a couple days ago, courtesy of that great tv show Timeless.
  21. No way it's fake. Profile view, it looks like an eagle's beak. If any surgeon created that, he deserves to be sued. She could set a coffee cup on it with room to spare. Colton is almost a twin for Becca's ex who crashed Arie's season. I hope he comes back this time too. And Becca gets him confused with Colton. Drah-mah ensues!
  22. Okay, I saw all of you, even the No Boo Hiss Singers, but no screen time for the Alber Camoo Dancers? I cry foul! It was suppose to be my big break into show biz. Nice sackbuts though guys. You sounded great.
  23. Hey guys, remember DAVID, the tool ex-champ who Catherine beat? I looked him up. He's 20 and a sophomore at Brown. This is a quote from him in the Brown Alumni newsletter: "My major is as yet undeclared, but I believe I’m going to declare English and theater studies. I’m really interested in studying literature and also studying performance and performing. So in addition to the knowledge aspect of Jeopardy! I’m drawn to the sheer acting aspect of performing this game in front of the camera.” I know ... surprise. NOT. This made me LOL. Thanks Carpe. Plus you made me remember reading Charlotte's Web when I was a kid. Who knew I could remember that far back?
  24. I was all WTH at that. So Trebek thought she ran out between tapings (what, 20 minutes at tops?) and bought that pendant from some Navajo walking around Studio City. Right. I saw that pendent right away when Catherine was introduced, and I loved it. I seldom notice clothing or jewelry but I love turquoise, and shop like crazy for it when I'm in Arizona. Unfortunately, I can't afford the really nice pieces but that doesn't stop me from loving them on others. So Trebek's snarky comment made me stabby too. I'd also like to know how "hawk" is a "beastly" term. A hawk isn't a beast. But I guess according to Jeopardy judges it is. Anyway, congrats to the now-two-day champ. I still like her. Calm, cool and best of all, no upspeak. I was a bit worried about her for a while, but she scored big at the end. FJ was insanely easy, proven by the fact that I easily got it. And guess what Trebek, I don't have any children. Yet I still knew it. How did THAT happen?
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