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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. May lightning strike any future player who says, when he/she finds a Daily Double: "Make it a true."
  2. I give thanks to the many gods who combined together to get rid of my personal nightmare that was Ryan Dickweed. Finally, some good news came out of this show. Of course, he continues his self-absorbed jackassery by telling the world he "carried" his quiz bowl team. Thank goodness you were there to "carry" your teammates. It's too bad they were all brain-dead morons. What was the deal with Trebek announcing right away that Dave looked too young to have played professional baseball. If you have to explain the joke, don't do the joke Trebek. Belonging in the Dumb Ass Answers category: The Tocantins River is named after ... the Toucan. Well, no kidding. Meanwhile, Trebek continued his Ryan love by starting the show telling Emily and Dave how great Ryan is so, pretty much, they are screwed. Then R. is behind after the Jeopardy round, but Trebek announces: "Don't be worried about Ryan our champion, you know how well he performs in the second half." Yeah, he showed us his great performance today Trebek, who sort of switched his allegiance once he saw Ryan was tanking. I did a LOL when Trebek corrected Ryan's $12,000 bet to $1,200. For sure Ryan had fallen all the way out of favor when Trebek wouldn't let him change his Appalachian Trail answer. Somewhere, Trebek favorite Michelle is laughing. And I guess that makes Ryan no longer the smartest person ever. I noticed he did not blow on and put away his "smokin' hot buzzer" today, and his expression changed dramatically from the grinning ear-to-ear nimrod of his intro to a really pissed off poor loser at the end. Bye Ryan. See ya, don't wanna be ya. Meanwhile, game well played Dave. Stay long enough to qualify for ToC so you can kick Ryan's ass again.
  3. Oh, I know. Weren't they though? Now it's such mind-numbing dreck. Snarkable though, it's the only thing that saves it (for me).
  4. Consider it done! I was just 40 minutes from there two weeks ago. ETA. I wonder if other Dutch bakeries make Dutch letters. There is a Dutch town (complete with a working windmill) close to me. I need to check it out.
  5. If Ryan is lurking here and doing things on the show to provoke us, then I give him credit for being a time traveler since shows are taped well before airing, a couple months at least. Don't make me give him time-traveling props. I've seen an American version of the Great British Baking Show. The older British woman judge was on that, if it still exists. I'm currently without PBS shows and can only get two network channels, this will last until winter when the forest around me deforests. Next time I go past Pella, I'll stop and buy some letter Ss.
  6. I know. I didn't think it was possible, but there you go. Oh, cr*p. Yeah, that puppy climbed up there all by itself. And down again. Riiiiiiiight ... Thanks for a very informative link Pallida.
  7. Not even close. Pyramid steps are high, steep, narrow, and even humans with vertigo or fear of heights or fear of falling can't climb them. Up OR down. You guys are OLD. Git off my lawn. Me too. (Although I'll root for anyone but "HIM" to win today.)
  8. Well, one would actually have to know that, wouldn't they. Star Wars was a pretty viable option in my mind. That's what I'm starting to think. Age plus his accident/surgery. And generally maybe not caring all that much any more. Or being "above the law" like so many of the rich and famous.
  9. I hope you are not in Marshalltown. Our news hasn't announced the other two yet.
  10. Maybe that's why he is UNEMPLOYED.
  11. Highly recommend. For so many reasons!
  12. Does anyone else think Ryan stands in front of a mirror to make his bangs precisely that way, like Superman always has that curl in his forehead? Ryan has very.exactly.divided.bang.sections. Was that some sort of joke homage to Ellen, the lengthy video of the hockey team that showed and talked about the team getting the most bears for charity thrown on the ice when the clue was to name "this chocolate town in Pennsylvania." (Although maybe that's where Chocolate LABS live, right Prevailing Wind? LOL!) So the answer was "Loyola" and Trebek adds, "Loyola Chicago." WTH. Remember our discussion here about the two zillion Loyolas around the country? WTH happened to BMS. I noticed it before but didn't even want to type his name. That was a real WTF moment. This show is getting on my nerves. Don't have one set of rules for teacher's pet, another set of rules for the redheaded stepchildren players. Star Wars. Most definitely. Because that was my guess. One GFY drink was not enough for this episode. Justin drove me crazy with his cheapass DD bets. He gets all of them (right? Or almost all.) and he bets a freaking $800 for the first one? A whomping $1,000 for another, wow, such daring-do. Plus all of the DDs were toddler level. He could have won the freaking game if he had any ... well, nerve. Ryan's sister isn't doing a good enough job telling him to shut up. I told him STFU several times and he doesn't listen to me either. This. But without the forks. I could have taken her being champ for a day. If only. Ryan's blowing off his "hot buzzer" at the end of the game was just OTT. And reinforced what a jerk face he is. The TS of Poldark ... speaking of if only, if only they had used THIS photo of Ross:
  13. While I'm not a dairy expert by any means, I did use to raise registered dairy goats that I milked twice a day for many years. I would sell the goat milk to people with allergies to cow milk and they could drink it fine. It also is okay to give to dogs/puppies whereas cow milk isn't good for them. Goat milk is naturally homogenized so cream doesn't rise to the top so I couldn't make butter, but I made plenty of cheese. And BTW, goat milk tastes exactly like cow milk, I fed my goats alfalfa hay and dairy grain. If I fed them the corn husks after putting up sweet corn though, their milk would taste vaguely like sweet corn. What goes in, comes back out is true of milk, too. The news right now is talking about a proposed ban on non-milk products using "milk" in their labels (soy, almond, etc.).
  14. What channel? I don't get any cable stations, and many people didn't have cable back then. Survivor was/is CBS, a network station. I've never seen The Real World. Not that it matters. I guess I'll change that to Survivor was the first reality show everyone was able to view -- without paying for it.
  15. Survivor was the very first reality show, it was such an amazing ground breaker at the time. (Now you can blame it for the glut of crap reality tv we are stuck with.) I watched the first season, everyone everywhere was talking about it. But The Bachelor franchise has so many more episodes per year, Bachelor, then Bachelorette, then BIP and the B Winter Games. I could figure out how many $60,000/episode paychecks CH gets per year -- except I'm too lazy.
  16. I didn't watch this episode but it will be rerun later this week. So I came here to see if my tv boyfriend Nick Coolridge was shown. I guess I'll have to hope I catch the 5 seconds the show devoted to him. AGAIN. WTH show. You guys are making long-time viewers mad by continuing to skip over Nick. And now Eskimo Ninja got the same crap treatment? The hell. I guess TPTB are playing to viewers who just want to see people fall. Don't they realize we have long-time favs we want to see for as long as possible? *sigh*
  17. That made me laugh, but also made me think about his trips to the bank. So I looked it up. Chris Harrison is reported to have a net worth of $16 million, but he is one of the lowest-paid hosts at ONLY $60,000 per episode while Jeff Probst makes $200,000 per for Survivor. I think CH is ahead though since he basically has to do nothing except travel the world on the company dime and tap on a wine glass a couple of times. Meanwhile, JP has to spent time in some hot, sweaty bug-infested place ... when he's not in his luxury hotel room. CH might have gotten paid more for having to endure the Colton FS speech though. At least if I were him, I would have had my agent negotiate that.
  18. Well, when Kimmel's crew imposed Rudy Guiliani's face under mom's hair, it did look like a helmet. I guess I've never thought about helmet hair before and what its definition is. So I plead ignorance of what it's suppose to be! To me Chris had more of a "I'm going to burst out laughing if this camera doesn't get off of me NOW" kind of look. A big AMEN to that.
  19. Hey, I looked up CliffsNotes and all answers would have been correct according to this: "CliffsNotes (formerly Cliffs Notes, originally Cliff's Notes and often, erroneously, CliffNotes) are a series of student study guides available primarily in the United States." So I demand Jeopardy call me back to play tomorrow. See you guys then.
  20. LOL! But you will have to no doubt see a chiropractor, or buy a back brace after that "handshake." You need to knock that sh*t off. Although I hear Reefer Madness makes people forgetful.
  21. That is too funny. While she was telling the vegan-cheese story, all I could think was go to Walmart and buy that cheapass crap that doesn't have any dairy in it, it's all vegetable oil fakety fake cheese. But I guess that wouldn't be such a warm and fuzzy personal story, "I don't eat dairy so I buy Walmart fake oil cheese." Sparknotes ... definitely AFTER my time. I've never heard of it. After My Time should be a new drinking category here. I'll be the first to take a sip.
  22. Of course I will. (And Saber gives IB60 the Bachelor Handshake in return.)
  23. Trebek: "Genre." Me: "Drink!" Is it wrong that I LOL'd and knew Kyle was going to answer the clue about the beer with a star on its label? Kyle might be ranked on here for his hair (not yet but I'll bet he will be), but the minute I saw him I thought "Eliot Spencer, Leverage." And that is NOT a bad thing. Shout out to our Colorado Carpe and Louisiana Toothbrush (I think) for the two new-player states. I said "Cliff Notes" for that super-easy DD/TS. So yeah, I'd be wrong. We always called it that, never knew it was a possessive Cliff's. Or plural Cliffs. Go figure. I dislike Ryan with the strength of a thousand suns, but it was all kinds of wrong when he gave a wrong answer, then tried to give the right one and Trebek said, "No, you can't correct yourself." WTH Trebek. I guess that's true if you're not Michelle or some other woman you are crushing on. You play $100,000 Pyramid and let them give multiple answers. That was SO UNFAIR.
  24. The acrobat mat was obviously hidden by the flames that were on the front of the stage, not under the acrobats. Trapeze artists leave the trapeze to fall into the net below on their backs. I'm guessing acrobat woman did the same last night, we just didn't get to see it. It was interesting she wanted to do the blindfold trick again and judges said no and put them through. In an earlier audition, some person fell and they let him do the trick again, and the judges only let him get through because he "brought it" that time. But typically on AGT, if you aren't "perfect" in the judges' eyes, you are toast. What? You mean the sword guy isn't really cutting things with his sword and shooting things with his arrows? The heck! Although I can't imagine any of the judges being part of that act if it weren't somehow faked. I'm still rooting for Circus Cats to win this entire thing.
  25. Jeopardy.com has this posted on its home page. WTH show, it's not a freaking STREAK. The guy came back and won ONE game. Since when is that a streak? This show. Makes me wonder what went on behind the scenes. You know, the real story. Lawsuit anyone? Which is why this joker doesn't have to work a real job any more? JMHO of course. YMMV.
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