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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. Tyler ... is he the dancing construction worker? I thought he had a "T" name.
  2. I remember that tractor drive but couldn't remember FOR SURE that the women were wearing bikinis. I guess I, thankfully, had blocked that from my memory bank.
  3. Luke keeps saying he's never experienced anything like this before in his life. I take that to mean all the cameras filming him 24/7, the chance to "win" this show, the chance to be on DWTS, the chance to have his own reality show, the chance to be on the cover of People magazine, yada yada yada. And oh yeah, there's Hannah. Follow the script, dude, and blow smoke at her HARD so your script, I mean your feelings, come true. Hannah's a tool for buying such BS. Talk about being easy. So much YES to this.
  4. Luke P = dickweed. I'd be weirded out by some guy who was falling in love with me before he even met me.
  5. Oh, that was SO NASTY. All I could see were the socks, even with the camera focused on crotch shots.
  6. Did he get the first impression rose last week? I sort of mentally tuned out.
  7. Bachelorette history I guess with a Bach declaring his love on the first date. Ugh.
  8. Color me cranky I guess. I know this show has to make itself "interesting" and I know all the guys are mirror peacocks in love with themselves who wish they would get filmed naked in the shower, but I really don't want to see them strutting around in speedos. The closeups of the crotch is a bit OTT as well. I haven't seen ANTM for a long time so don't know if Miss J is still on that or not.
  9. Wow, that looks like the Pyramid of Cheops in the background, although I don't think that's on an ocean. My guess is somewhere in the Yucatan or thereabouts? Belize? I don't think that's Lake Michigan/Chicago, although I'd settle for that just to get out of where I am every day. Tell us more, @Abstract!
  10. As someone who lives in Illinois, an average yearly salary of more than $60,000 is a lot IMO. YMMV of course.
  11. Checks are held four months after the air date for that contestant's episode. So more like six months. A little harder to explain.
  12. LOL! I second that emotion. I still wonder what the deal is with holding checks for four months. Knowing James is back today is depressing me. It's like taking an old boyfriend back, one you've grown past and have no interest in dating again. I'd rather have the Teachers Tournament go on until the end of the season. Then a fresh new group of players to start Season 36. The bloom is off the James rose for me. WAY off. But, like everything in life, "tough rocks, Saber."
  13. Chris Soules is getting sentenced tomorrow for killing that man. He pled guilty to leaving the scene, not for anything else. He could get up to two years in prison. Somehow, I'm betting he gets nothing. Ashley I is doing radio commercials for some product that "plumps" lips. Her promo is followed by a disclaimer naming all the horrible things that can happen to you and your face if you actually use the product. Yes, it's a real commercial! I heard it three times yesterday.
  14. So much YES to this. Of course, the real reason for all the verbal and written communication and German dossier was to stretch this season out for -- how many? -- episodes over a bunch of BS that should have taken up one-half hour at best. Writers must count on viewers forgetting what happened 10 episodes ago when they finally get to the conclusion of their bogus story line. IRL, this plan could easily be done the same day. Mr. and Mrs. President go to a party, then take "the wrong turn" when leaving and drive off the Chappaquiddick bridge where Mrs. President doesn't survive. Easy peasy. No dossier needed.
  15. When I wrote my post, I was thinking of the California teacher who is on extended (paid) sick leave battling breast cancer, and she has to pay the sub teacher out of her own pocket, more than $200/day. According to CNN, the average teacher in that district makes $82,024.37. While others might disagree, I hardly call that salary "crap." So I checked my state. In Illinois, the average teacher makes $61,402. Again, hardly "crap" IMO. But then perhaps everyone here makes more than that. I worked for half of that, and that was putting in 80-hour weeks year 'round. And when I was "forced" to take my vacation days, I took my work home and still worked full time from there. So I beg to differ with anyone who thinks Jeopardy tournament winners are getting cheaped, teachers or students. I'd love to be able to spend a week in LA, be on my favorite game show and take home any amount of money. I wouldn't expect any winnings to pay my college tuition or permit me to quit my day job any more than I would expect the long shot I bet to come in at the track. It's icing, not cake.
  16. @Sharpie66 and @GrannySmith, you have both fallen behind in your scores. Be sure to catch up if you are on vacation or otherwise busy. We need you to stay in the contest, you could be surprise winners!
  17. Nor would I, especially since my flight to LA and my room at a plush hotel were also gratis. $100k, free flight, free suite, free food, tv exposure, local news exposure plus that Amazon Echo as icing *cough*. Heck, I'd even be happy getting a free $10k for just being in the tournament. It's more than a regular contestant gets for second or third place, and they have to pay for their trip/rooms. Plus Francois gets to be on ToC for another chance at more $. Sweet. Travel/lodging for this tournament was paid by Jeopardy. I think most schools are pretty happy when one of their teachers get accepted to be on the tournament, makes the school look smart for hiring them. Does their pay get docked for time off? Do they have to pay for the sub teacher out of their own pocket? Do teachers have comp days? Vacation days? Inquiring minds want to know. And frankly, taxes makes everything sucks, not just game-show winnings. People with $100,000/year jobs don't put $100k in their pocket every year either.
  18. I've decided that the writers think kids are like dogs, the ones we see on tv getting so excited to see their owners for the first time when they come home after six years gone in the military. So of course Agnes cried out "MOMMY!" and ran to hug Lizzie after their six years apart. These writers love dogs! I've spent way too much time thinking about this. I need to get a life. He's back to being the person no one anywhere can recognize. Until Lizzie calls in to some beat cop to ID him buying pretzels somewhere. Then he's busted for sure. But I guess we have to wait until next season for that.
  19. More like, "At that moment, we knew the writers were blowing smoke at us since Lizzie never once approached Agnes or tried to see her up close whenever she was spying on Agnes at the playground." That Agnes happily cried "Mommy!" was harder to believe than Lizzie getting everyone out of lockup in the Post Office. But since this show is more fantasy than anything else, then okay, I'll believe it. (not) My guess, none of the writers have kids.
  20. I believe @teebax said she got an Echo, it's in the Experiences thread I think. LOL that Alex got to say "Francois" multiple times. I have a friend with that name and it's pronounced Fran-koyz. Alex would not have been happy.
  21. Good point that I totally missed. Again, it's another example of the inconsistency that is this show. Some players get "NO" while others get "BMS." Some players get Trebek to finish their answer for them. Some players get "No way can you win" while others get "You're still in this" at FJ. It's a long and inconsistent list.
  22. As proven by Aram's password into the glass cube being samar. How old is Agnes? (I have no idea how to age kids.) And for all we know, this is the first time she's seen Lizzie? IRL she'd be screaming and crying and wanting her real mommy, Scottie, back. I guess writers all of a sudden remembered Lizzie has a kid so my guess is she'll play into next season when she's "taken" and Liam I mean Red is nowhere around to help. I was impressed by Lizzie having a scrunchie in her pocket so she could put her hair into a ponytail during the escape. She's never needed to do that during any shootouts or hand-to-hand with bad guys. Was that the same Mercedes Sprint van that was driving around broadcasting a few episodes ago? If so, RIP. Those things are expensive. I always wonder why SWAT guys in full armor get shot/killed so easily when everyone else in street clothes make it through a massive shoot out without a scratch.
  23. LOL. Like maybe the voice-over woman gets a script and reads it while the Alexa sits on the table? I wish Alexa would give the clues all the time just to get rid of the crummy bogus accents the other voice-over person likes to use.
  24. WEEK 36 — ONE asterisk *174. Americana. John & Priscilla Alden lie in the USA’s oldest maintained cemetery, which like a poem about the couple, is named for this person. * 175. American Women. In 2006 Arizona State University renamed its college of law in honor of this history-making woman & longtime Arizona resident. 176. Russian Composers. A 1913 piece by him was conceived of as the symphonic equivalent of a pagan ritual, to be titled “Great Sacrifice.” 177. 20th Century Bestselling Authors. He once said, “In all of us there is a hunger, marrow deep, to know our heritage…who we are and where we have come from.” 178. Photo Sharing. Publishing its first photo in 1889, today it has more than 4 billion likes & 100 million followers on Instagram.
  25. I had the exact same thinking about Life. Then National Geographic came to mind. I don't follow it on Instagram or any SM, but it's known for its photographers and I read articles on its site several times a week. (Great one today about how SM is contributing to the abuse of animals, especially elephants in Thailand.) Sara must have been one who was stymied by the Math category yesterday since if she had bet FJ wisely, she would be $25,000 richer. I mean, if you are assured of getting $25,000 for third place anyway, why not put it all on the line for a chance at $50,000? That she did not boggled me. I hope she is kicking herself.
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