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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. Where was Dr. Noah Kaufman and his gold lamé jumpsuit when they needed him?
  2. Your avatar has no body. That's a different category entirely! The "Floating Head" avatar.
  3. I think all of your theories are correct re: Derek. Just put "Bach audition" as the third bullet point.
  4. LOL. Kristian respects Derek "as a human." As opposed to ... what?
  5. That just proves he doesn't have a clue how this show works. It was scripted for Angela to be there just to eff with him. LOL! Best post of the night.
  6. I've only seen that once before, it was an old farmer outside in winter, when he had no hanky and was far from the house. WTH with JPJ, like he didn't know the camera was on him and that was going to be shown? I've been flipping channels yet I've seen it twice already. Maybe he got paid extra for it.
  7. I know, right? (tm Emily) Editors had fun with the crickets sound effects with Blake sitting alone though. So this Matt dude is Farmer Matt McDonald who got sent home early on Hannah's season? Okay, rock on. I hope he doesn't turn into a jerk cuz I liked him on the B-ette. The two minutes he was on anyway.
  8. This season: A special prize for Avatars Without Pants. Two contestants so far ...
  9. Just one more reason for that creepster to go home. If I were Taysha, I'd tell JOHN to buzz off. I'd rather be alone/celibate than hook up with that dude.
  10. JPJ went from being a fun side-show persona to being a creepy mc creepster. Can't wait for some interesting new guys to come on. And for JPJ to go home. This show really likes when people cry. The promo leading up to this episode was all shots of different people crying. And now the extended scenes of people crying. Is that a fetish or something? (I remember the foot fetish guy from a few seasons ago. I just don't remember his name.)
  11. I agree with that emotion. I typically post the questions Friday night or Saturday. I don't say anything about the clues/answers until after that, but I see your point. If you come on Sunday to find the clues, you can be spoiled by any posts. That's mostly my fault since I started posting FJ comments here after the Season 35 thread turned so ugly that I could no longer tolerate the hate and left there. Maybe the S36 thread people will be nicer this season. One can only hope. @opus, you are already in the lead for one of the prizes. Good for you! Sorry. That is not allowed and will not be tolerated by the Contest Captain.
  12. The new Jeopardy! season is almost upon us and a new FJ contest to go along with it. The Season 35 contest was lots of fun for all players -- at least that's what I was told! I hope everyone from S35 will be back to play S36, and new players are welcome and encouraged to participate. There will be prizes awarded at the end of the season for a variety of winners, so if you score high, low or somewhere in between, your chances of bringing home a prize are excellent. Plus, it's FREE! And asterisks are back! As before, I will keep track of FJ TS clues. If you know the answer to a FJ clue that stumps all three players, you'll get an asterisk for that day. And qualify for more prizes at the end of the season. It's a win win! FJ clues will be posted weekly, so even if you miss a day or two, you can catch up here. Then post your score for the week. I will give it a "heart" once it's been recorded. Remember, this is all for fun. No finger pointing allowed! Discussion of FJ clues and answers is allowed though.** I hope to see lots of familiar and new avatars here, starting next week. Questions? Just ask! **Please: No comments or FJ discussion until the week's clues are posted and scores are posted. Late players thank you!
  13. I clicked on your link, JudyObscure, and I ended up watching the Marbles birthday video and LOL'd more than once at her descriptions combined with Marbles modeling his clothes. "He's just a boy who likes to wear dresses," and "The tank top shows off his broad shoulders and muscular arms." All while his little grey face, squinty eyes and tongue falling out were so funny, yet adorable. The girl has a talent for talk. And her husband (?) is pretty good with the video editing. Plus Marbles is a super model for sure.
  14. Oh wow, that's interesting. Annaliese Nock got shot out of a cannon in her AGT audition (I think it was last year), got voted through, then disappeared and didn't show up again and was never mentioned again. Simon hated Bello when he auditioned on AGT. HATED him. Bello did the "hamster wheel of death" that the Vegas act did on this episode. I mentioned it in my post for this ep. Seems like Simon X'd him. If he didn't, he sure wanted to. I like Bello so I'm glad he's still working it on these Got Talent shows. After BGT, he and his daughter can head over to Ukraine's Got Talent.
  15. I agree. The show at first tried to make him look guilty, he's in the store that obviously was trashed/robbed and didn't look for his manager who was dead in the back room. But I was thinking the same as what he said later, that when he got to work and the store was locked, he thought, "Oh, shit, was I suppose to open? Now I'm gonna get canned. And who closed last night and left all this stuff laying around." I could feel his stress over thinking he had screwed up. He sure looked different today compared to his photos of when the murder happened. But then I guess we could say that about pretty much everyone. Including me! When they showed the feet of the murdered woman, it looked like she was laying on a sheet of plastic. I thought that was kinda odd. I felt she thought something was up but didn't go to police right away because, gah, her husband is violent and a rapist and murderer and she was pretty much stuck with no way out. That I understand, the hopelessness of being stuck in an abusive relationship. But good on her that she did blow the whistle once she saw she had an out. I was thinking when he asked her to shoot him after he taped her up and raped her, I might have shot him in the leg or foot, then drove away and called the police and left him writhing around on that deserted road and hopefully crippled for life. But that's just me. The show sure used every photo of him they could find that made him look like some deranged satanic devil worshipper. He looked normal in his arrest/court videos. I didn't get to the end of last night's episode, the two women searching for their sister's killer after she was targeted/killed in her parking garage. So ya'll are spared my thoughts on that.
  16. Not sure if last night's episode was a rerun, but it was new to me. The video-game clerk who was murdered in her shop. The show -- for once! -- made it obvious to me that the man who worked there didn't do it. I can't imagine being the wife of the killer and having to lie in bed next to him after he confesses that he's a murderer. She is indeed lucky she got away, and good for her for eventually having the bravery to come forward. At least now, with the guy in jail, she won't have to keep looking behind her and staying awake at night on the chance that was the night he was coming to murder her. It was a good lesson for all shops and malls to install CC. Now. LOL! Did she lose the weight when she got out? Inquiring minds want to know!
  17. I saw that on a newscast yesterday Cooks; thanks for posting the link. It boggles me that this can happen while, as Annber posted, people who commit violent crimes might get a couple of years, then parole. I wonder what his life will be like going forward. Surely prison has molded him/changed him. In which way, I don't have a clue. I wish him well.
  18. This made me LOL. Thanks. Cat does look like an STD-type person.
  19. LOL. Well, since you put it that way ... Still irritating to me though. A dog bites someone and it's put to death. Hinckley shoots all those people, one just happens to be the POTUS, and gets life support. And now he's out. And selling books. *sigh* I thought I put my Hinckley post in the episode thread. Surprise, it was here, which is why I couldn't find it. I'm getting close to needing full-time Hinckley mental-type supervision myself.
  20. The sniper guy was old, like Cat and her husband put together old. His face wasn't shown until Asian Cop pulled his gun and told him he'd shoot Sniper before Sniper could get his shot off. Before that, we only saw closeups of his black gloves, black flak jacket, black outfit, and the views through his scope, husband/scientist heads in the cross hairs. Now I will have to snoop around to find out who Sniper was. While I was busy doing other things and just sort of listening, I was hoping Cat would die and put this series out of its misery. I know, I am a horrible person. But next week is the finale, so there's that.
  21. There were back-to-back eps last night that I had on while I was doing other things, going in and out, and doing almost everything but watching. However, to answer your question @shapeshifter ... lucky you, I saw the end of the poison-lipstick episode. Cat and her two boyfriends were lolling around on the couch drinking vodka and summing up the plot of the show. It went like this: Some guy wanted to kill the scientist who invented the bio-bug that was put on Cat's lipstick. The husband and boyfriend tracked the scientist down, and he said the only way to cure her was to do a blood transfusion from him since I guess he had iron-strong blood or something, I wasn't paying attention, just wondering if transfusing AB positive blood into a B negative person wouldn't kill that person. But whatever. Anyway, after transfusion happens, the Asian cop goes for a walk on the beach while Cat is MAYBE! not going to die, or MAYBE! she is! Then we see a guy in the bushes outside Cat's house with a sniper rifle, and we see through the scope he's going to shoot husband! No, he's going to shoot scientist! No, husband! No, scientist! Yes, scientist! That's when Asian cop appears behind the sniper and tells him to drop it. So he does. Turns out, the sniper guy wanted to kill the scientist all along, but scientist couldn't be found. So sniper arranged for Cat to be poisoned because he knew husband and cop both loved Cat so much, they would never let her die and would ferret out the scientist at any cost to save Cat. Then sniper guy would be able to kill scientist for whatever reason he had. So husband and cop did find the scientist, saved Cat, but sniper guy went to jail. As it ended, husband, cop and Cat are a happy threesome. To be continued ...
  22. It's Simon's show so everyone is under contract to play to him, always. Dare to leave him out and your contract could be terminated Terry! I did laugh at one part where Terry was to the side of the judges' desk, on Howie's end, and was talking, camera on him. But you could see all four judges in the background, and Simon was raking and scraping his fingers through his hair over and over and over, like he had fleas in there or something. Finally Julianne said something to him and he stopped. I think a judge camera would be fun, so we could see what they say and do off script. Except they probably wouldn't let us see. She is naturally attractive. I laughed at the comparison of her hair from a few weeks ago to ramen noodles. I wish I'd thought of that.
  23. Watch for Neet and ITG on AGT next season. Auditions are going on now boys. Then you can write about yourselves next season. That'll be a win-win. For you.
  24. Personally, I believe it's more of a Sybil thing. (Google it.) At least one of them does.
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