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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. Hey, that made me suppose that Jo's mom left/vanished because she was abducted by aliens and Piper is Jo's alien sister come back to earth. Well, it worked (sort of) for The X Files.
  2. It was AGT Season 493, which accounts for the crappy music and average singing.
  3. Hilarious, since that looked like cocktail sauce that dropped on his jacket, and lobster is eaten with drawn butter. Unless that club served lobster with cocktail sauce, a new invention, or unless Jack couldn't tell the dif between shrimp and lobster, and his calling shrimp "lobster" just reinforced what a wrong-side-of-the-tracks moron he is/was. @bettername2come, thanks for that "spoiler"!
  4. I was just going to post that same thing. Yeah, we got Milo's full back-al in the first episode. It was quite the sensation (!) and he got asked about it on all the talk shows. I'm guessing there are some screen caps of it out there!
  5. I was thinking Jo said that was her old room. I guess the house is big enough that it wasn't needed until Piper showed up. That, plus it was probably plenty cold in winter and Dad might have shut the heat off to that attic unused room. I didn't see anything creepy or scary about the little Piper girl at all. She has an innocent look to her IMO. While @walnutqueen might be out, I'd be good with Lost's Desmond showing up every once in a while. It's Selective Magnetism! I think we'd better get used to it on this show.
  6. This was another reason I thought modern Jack had vision. He was driving?! Unless he can.
  7. For me, an episode without Toby AND Kate is a big win win. If I were a writer for this show, I'd get rid of both of them. And in the most drah-mat-tic fashion!
  8. That was my thought too. I guess it's "stay tuned!" to see if we are right! Because what would this show be without some tear-jerking thing happening after we get to know and like a character. (Plus side is, they never really die, like Milo!)
  9. I was going to ask why the broken/fixed plate was framed, but @ams1001 answered it for me, so thanks! The dog switch irked me because that was a full-grown American Eskimo dog "playing" a puppy, then they switched in a big white dog that resembled a Samoyed for the adult, and boogered with the ear so it was flopped like the Eskie's. I'm a show-dog person so it's something I notice and can snark on. Jack Jr. (and I add "jr." to distinguish that character from Milo's character) appeared to be able to see in the proposal scene, where he took the bag from the dog's mouth. I was rather distracted by how handsome Milo was in the dinner scene.
  10. Add me to the list who thought that was Kevin bare-assed in bed, and the empty bottles meant he was waking up from a drunk. That Jack Jr. should look more like an uncle than either of his parents is absurd. And it would be cool if one could be sure a child would look like handsome uncle instead of disgusting ugly dad, although I do not believe we have that option IRL. Heck, for all we know, Kevin IS baby Jack Jr.'s real dad. New twisty storyline, folks! Kevin made extra cash selling sperm to that in vitro clinic! Check out the pic @spinxella posted; Jack Jr. looks more like Seth Meyers than mom or dad. He should have at least acquired his parents' tendency toward overeating if not their facial qualities. I'm positive he's Kevin's kid. The whole Jack Jr. storyline confused me. First, he's blind and has an American Eskimo dog. Then he appears to be able to see, like his blindness has been cured, and he has something that resembles a Samoyed dog. WTH. Thanks, show, for telling more people how to wear clothes and then return them so they can be sold to unsuspecting people who actually PAY for them.
  11. I really liked this episode and actually stopped doing other things to give it my full attention. That seldom happens! I very much liked the Marge Gunderson cop, finally, a lead who looks like a normal person. The little girl was good too, I believed her acting all the way, no snark needed for her. I didn't watch any of the shows referenced by other posters, except Lost. But I'm not thinking everyone on this show is dead (yet), so I don't see the comparison. I missed the first 10 minutes (This Is Us ran long) so didn't see the crash or the discovery of Piper, but I guess that wasn't needed. The cop's right-hand man looked too young and was obviously (to me) not trustworthy. He looked familiar, turned out he was on Nightshift. (RIP) His was the only character I didn't find believable, the actor didn't fit the role iMO. All the other actors are new to me and were perfect. The only thing I questioned was, no one noticed all the stuff flying around in the basement? Like the washing machine taking off across the room was normal, no need to comment on that? Okay then I guess. I also wondered why Marge didn't go up the stairs to confront the intruder. She had a gun, warned the intruder she did, yet they all bailed out of the basement window? In real life, people get shot and killed by cops while sitting in their own apartments minding their own business. A tv perp should have been shot/killed on the spot. Or maybe the show wasn't ready yet for more people to vanish into thin air. I'm glad the show was good, and I'm okay with overlooking some of the crazy based on the quality of the cast and acting. See ya'll next week!
  12. I really wanted to yell "ROCK CHALK!" at you. Right state, wrong school.
  13. We just call them ag colleges so no FJ for me. As for the ice cream, a vet friend who graduated from Iowa State said none of the vet students ever got sick because they ate so much ice cream from their cows that got all kinds of antibiotics. I'm changing the name of this show to The Biggest Loser, starring me.
  14. Too funny. On the Emmy Purple Carpet, Gwyneth Paltrow was talking about some project her husband Brad Falchuk was doing, and I was all sad, when did she divorce Hugh Dancy, I really like him. Duh: Claire Danes.
  15. Too bad. Not You was a good player with a cool last name.
  16. I did get the Sgt. Pepper TS. My sister gave me that album for Christmas the year it came out. It was the first and last gift and only nice thing she ever did for me, ever.
  17. You would be quite the trendy person if you had mercurochrome-red hair these days. Or, half mercurochrome red, half grape-juice purple. With green tips.
  18. @Sharpie66, you mean the gigantic 48-ft.-tall Black Hawk statue outside Oregon, Ill.! I take that highway when I'm bored with the Interstate. There's a big hubbub about the concrete disintegrating so it was wrapped for a couple years while fighting went on as to who was going to pay for the restoration. After that was settled, the wrap came off. Now I understand the fight is back on and so is the wrap. The statue outside the museum at the 200-acre Black Hawk Historic Site in Rock Island, Illinois, below right, is more life-sized and pretty detailed as to how Black Hawk looked. BTW, he was never a chief. Future Jeopardy trivia there!
  19. No good deed goes unpunished. We kids used to sit on the front steps and watch the city spray the trees along our street for Dutch Elm Disease. No harm in breathing that stuff in. To say nothing of no seat belts. Of course, parents were also smoking in the closed car, while cig ads on tv told us how "cool" they were.
  20. Never been to either so I'll take your word for it. Although what skiers wear in Vail has nothing to do with Drew, born in Florida, or any Ninja wearing jeans on the ANW course. My point was, some people don't need the fancy schmancy clothes to help them perform their best or to do what they love. That is what I appreciate.
  21. You mean where all the out-of-state people go with their designer clothes and skis? No. Loveland, Keystone, Copper, Breckenridge.
  22. Yeah, so he can keep a Sharpie there to sign all those autographs for his fans.
  23. While I don't pay much attention to how players act or look, this reminded me that I meant to comment on Tuesday's Colin Kennedy, he was the epitome of sartorial splendor, something I greatly appreciated.
  24. While I know Chinese names are the reverse of American names, surname first, given name second, I'd say the vast majority of Americans don't know this. So, the show let it go with the given name being ruled correct. We even hear it wrong on the news with Kim Jong Un, many think Kim is his given name when in fact it is his surname. Even Secretary of State Mike Pompeo called Kim "Chairman Un." The judges probably (maybe! might have!) knew the given name was answered but it would have been more confusing to viewers if the correct surname were given. Backward logic, I know. I have many Chinese friends and all have adopted an American given name to use with their Chinese surname, probably because it avoids confusion in America. Great post and question though. Thanks for posting!
  25. Sacco and Vanzetti is one of those trials that -- somehow -- I learned the name of early in life, but never knew what it was about. Same with Leopold and Loeb, although I recently saw a tv show about that one. Both are named as two of the top trials of the 20th century by Mental Floss, along with ones we all (should) know like Manson and OJ. Interesting reading.
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