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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. Players in the TOC are usually really good. So, they're faster and clear the board. It's not some conspiracy from the producers giving them extra time. The ToC has nothing to do with clearing the board. There have been no unplayed clues, both boards have been cleared, no money left, in games played on October 25, 28, 29, 30 and 31, and November 1. That's six straight games before the ToC started. Perhaps there are more, I did not go back earlier than Oct. 25. This info is posted for every day on TheJeopardyFan.com. Ryan Fenster found a puppy at the top of a very steep pyramid and left it there. Then he got to come back to Jeopardy on some technicality which enabled him to combine both of his appearances to get the five wins to qualify for this tournament. Ugh. Am I the only one who came up with Cab Calloway for yesterday's FJ? (I'm still not able to watch the show, even President Eisenhower's videos lock up after a few clues.) Today's FJ was a snap for me. Not only did my five years of art school pay off, some years ago I had a litter of dogs that I named for artists. One was registered as The Cubist, his call name was Braque. He finished his championship easily and went to live in California. He was white with odd blocks of tan on his head and body.
  2. I wasn't a fan of this episode. I thought Dex hooking up with Fiona was patronizing, maybe because I didn't see any attraction in Fiona whatsoever. She was barely unable to function without help, even to knowing where she was going next. I'm surprised she even remembered Dex. And how did she know Dex is now a PI if they split years ago. And so she got some notes so she's THREATENED by some rando stalker? Gah. But I did laugh that Dex can get in a knock-down drag-out and get her head smashed into the side of a car and come out of that w/o a mark or bruise, but kiss/get kissed by Fiona and she has lipstick smeared all over her face. Ansel breaks how much stuff during his tantrums and no one bothers to tell him to knock it off and grow up? And the breakage will come out of his paycheck? I assume he gets paid for working there. Do Grey, Ansel and Dex all live together? Why would Ansel be afraid Grey is leaving if he owns the bar and Ansel works at the bar and Dex hangs out at the bar that Grey owns. None of that made sense to me. I liked Grey's new girl too. Hope she sticks around and she's good for him. So Dex is still mad at Grey because he kept secrets from her and hadn't told her every single detail about every minute of his life? I have things in my past I'll never tell anyone. Doesn't make me less of a friend to someone. Dex needs to STFU and get over it. Meanwhile, Tookie and the Lt. were the best part of this show. I wonder if Lt. had her eyes on Tookie and his recipes and sent the inspector to shut his truck down. I know, I know, that's a reach but it's all I got. More food next episode please! I so want to eat at that truck.
  3. Reading here helped me a bit to understand things, although I'm still confused. Who was trying to kill Emily when she was being hidden at that woodsy motel. Is Kindred even real? Does he even know what's going on since no one seems to be trying to murder him. How did that SWAT team find Benny and Jo in the underground bunker. And how did they get inside so easily. One LOL moment was when they were escaping and Benny and Jo were told to cover their ears, so they did for a few secs while the noise knocked out the bad guys but had no effect on B and J. Didn't they cover their ears in the woods when they got captured there and it didn't help? How did the cops know to come save B and J and where to find them in those obscure woods. If Piper conjured up Kindred who was really Emily that whole time, is Kindred now the good guy? And if Piper controls the avatar, why make Emily appear in bad-person red gown and big old earrings? Why not make her look like Jo or Mia. Dad was wearing a bright blue t under his shirt. Everyone else was wearing normal blue colors. Not sure if that means anything. Best scenes were Mia and Piper. The writers know how to write for kids that age.
  4. Does anyone know how judge votes are combined with live votes? So someone gets a judge score of 30 and is at the top of the leader board, if they get NO votes from America, can that person end up in the bottom two? Then some dancer can get a score of 15 and be in last place, but how many live votes does that person need to get out of the bottom and be safe? I would imagine hundreds of thousands of votes are phoned/texted in. How do voters' votes tally up, and is there a place where total scores are listed?
  5. Thanks! That was the best line and best thing in the entire episode. I was shocked at the writers giving the line to Mom (instead of the weird medical examiner chick).
  6. Andy Dick comes to mind! Seems like this show has a redemption person, an old person, an ABC family person, a kid's show person, an obscure singing group person and so forth every season.
  7. This will never happen unless someone pushes him down some stairs. No one gets hurt when they stand in one spot and wave their arms around. LOL that his dance was "a storytelling jazz." There was no jazz, no storytelling, no dancing. And 7s? TPTB must be telling the judges how to score since the scores do not match their comments. My guess is both are to fire up viewers ... and those non-viewers who are voting anyway. I remember Master P getting 4s. That was back when this show was ... well, better IMO. Alaina got ranked on for "goof ups," but at least she was dancing when she "goofed up." When someone just walks and waves arms around, it's (nearly) impossible to goof anything up. Hannah's Angry Bird eyebrows were in full attendance last night. She takes Alan to her home and freaking shows him her bedroom? WTH girl, are you 12? The dance-off pairings were so rigged. I knew Kate would be with Sean. Sorry to see Kate go. She and Alan were my favorite couple, so much fun to watch. I hope lots more doors open for Kate now, she is a joyful person. Even her exit was graceful and fun.
  8. So much this. How did Tevin get out of his cell, does he just walk around and do whatever during the day? And how did he get the knife? From his lunch tray? And wasn't a guard killed? Sure, I wasn't paying that much attention, but that entire segment, then finding out Whitley planned the whole thing, was so ludicrous. I guess Whitley and Tevin and the other crazies just hang out together in Gen Pop ... when Whitley isn't chained to the wall. That psych hospital must be federally run by our tax dollars at work, there is no other explanation for the stupid going on there. Where did that scalpel come from, Ainsley had it in her purse? Speaking of Ainsley, she is a crap reporter. Her first question was, "You cut out a man's heart just to see how long it would take him to die. Why?" Geez, Ainsley, didn't you answer you own question? I hope the camera guy got loaded up with some good antibiotics from all the dirt and germs that fell into his insides during that procedure. And poor Dr. Whitley, he doesn't even get a full roll of TP? There was barely a square to spare on that roll. Meanwhile, who has been paying for that separate phone line in the basement for the past 20 years? And why is mom still living in that gigantic house? Get an apartment on the Riviera girl. Or at least in the Hamptons. Laughed at the last scene of Whitley's restraints on the floor of his (former) cell ... it was all locked back together. You know, so it'll be easy to put the good doctor back in it when time comes. Thank god no one can visit him now, even though he is the best part of this show.
  9. Same here, all the while being happy I watched Gerard Butler, I mean the movie 300 a zillion times. Except that was Thermoplyae, not Marathon. but the Running Man tipped me correctly.
  10. I think for the same reason people don't buy a sharpener and sharpen their own knifes, they'd rather pay $48 (or whatever it was) to mail four knives so someone else can do it. Convenience.
  11. Maybe go back to seeing empty squares, like the one I see in your quote above. Sometimes ignorance really is bliss!
  12. No, but you do get a GOOD FOR YOU! (tm Trebek) which makes you spay-shul.
  13. I totally saw the doctor's point about online ratings running the show. Some people are haters and use those ratings to diss everything and everyone because they can. I see it in product reviews all the time. And what's up with prescription drugs ads all over tv these days. Even if I felt fine, after watching a string of those I'd think I need at least five of those drugs, so doctor, give them to me. As usual, Mark was an a-hole and a bully, who stopped anyone else from hearing about the product and the doctor from getting an offer. Who knows what his product was about since Mark turned it into The Mark Show. I wish he'd take his basketball and go home. Can't stand him. Let people talk for pete's sake. The shovel kid was cool, I liked how he called the sharks sir and ma'am. Do kids ever get shouted down and told their product is full of cr*p? Maybe the doctor should have hired a kid actor to show his product. I didn't see the plus about the razor. So it's heavy and made of stainless. Does everyone who uses a multi-blade razor get ingrown hairs and beard bumps? And other razors have the blade injection thing, I saw it advertised years ago. I think Wilkinson Sword has it. I would have bought in with the doctor before the razor. But the guy was nice to look at, so there's that plus. Did price ever get discussed with the pili nuts? I saw lots of opportunity with that deal.
  14. I was hoping Red would say to the Ding Dong Ditch woman, "I hope you enjoy the bottle of Champagne I had sent to your table" before he disconnected that call to her. You know, sort of ruin her enjoyment of her Chinese take out.
  15. So what was that tank filling up with, ice cubes, diamonds or Calgon bath oil beads?
  16. LOL! I associate it more with Laverne and Shirley's theme song: "1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Schlemiel! Schlimazel! Hasenpfeffer Incorporated!" which, according to Penny Marshall, translates to: “A Schlemiel is an inept clumsy person and a Schlimazel is a very unlucky person. There's a Yiddish saying that translates to a funny way of explaining them both. A schlemiel is somebody who often spills his soup and a schlimazel is the person it lands on.” I think that defines Aram better than the Urban Dictionary def.
  17. I know this is a make-believe show and so much is hand waved, but I wonder where Nicky has his trailer, it appears to be somewhere isolated, yet he has a mailbox so he must own the land it's on. So there must be electrical and phone lines running to it. And is a septic connected? Kevin will have to be hauling his fifth wheel out somewhere for a sanitary dump pretty soon, although I've never seen a vehicle there, he and his lady friends all have to walk to it. Does Nicky have a vehicle? Because Kevin needs a pickup to move that big trailer of his. I know, I know ... hand wave.
  18. I just watched this last night. Cooper sending Aram to a sting where people are routinely murdered because he "needs field experience" was beyond stupid. But this is the "special" FBI task force after all. Ahem. I got a kick out of Aram's fly white suit, which he continued to wear after coming back to the FBI room, and then was STILL wearing when he and the Missus boarded the boat, or whatever that was. Then, mysteriously, he enters the party in an equally fly black suit. I guess the white suit was reversible. But good on Aram for not dropping any food on it or sitting on a dirty chair so it stayed Bright White. As a horse person, Aram's story about his racehorse could have been so easily checked by the bad guy. All he had to do was ask what the horse's Equibase rating was. Or, tell me the horse's sire, or what track did it race on, who was his trainer, who was his jockey, in what race at what track did the horse break down. And what insurance company did he have his policy with. It would have made more sense, and been nearly impossible to research, if Aram -- I mean Schmeel -- had lost a fortune in the stock market. Or made a fortune in stocks. Cooper continues to irritate by telling Lizzie since she's a single mom, she can come in late or skip work or do anything she wants because he has the hots for her. Okay, so he didn't say that last part, but it's so obvious she is "spay-shul." I still think Cooper is Lizzie's real father. So Cooper has two guards on Lizzie's apartment door. Odd that we've never seen them, plus I guess they just lean against the wall out there since there are no chairs. Red, you are slipping, you need to go visit your "granddaughter." LOL that Dom is either alive or dead, depending on how much Brian Dennehy costs. Aram had that transmitter in a shoe that Maxwell Smart loaned him. He should have called Cooper with the phone in there while he had the heel off. Mr. Schmeel shooting the tank holding his new woman was such a WTH moment, then breaking the entire tank with the thrown pistol was a real WTF moment. Then I remembered reading here that the bullets weakened the glass so the tossed gun could break it, and it was all okay. Although that scene was straight out of every 1960s western tv show where the six gun runs out of bullets so the gun is ALWAYS thrown at the bad guy. There must be thousands of empty revolvers laying around the Old West since obviously if a gun runs out of bullets, you just toss it and buy a new one that's loaded. Aram and the woman together is just gross. I'm saying the husband can still hear and think. I hope he regains mobility and kicks Aram's *ss. But I guess we're suppose to think that Cooper, by sending Aram on this deadly mission, made him learn to love again. (gag me) The lady buying Agnes the old-school fairy tale book was nasty, the wolf eats Red. But I guess Agnes didn't mind, beings her ma is Lizzie and all, people getting eaten alive are no big deal. Then there's Lizzie, who has a pot of day-old coffee cooking while she's out shopping so she can invite strangers in for a cuppa. No thanks!
  19. I looked up some Lincoln Log history and came up with this. As another poster said back during our previous discussion of the toy, they were invented around 1916 by John Lloyd Wright, second son of Frank Lloyd Wright. I remember being upset when they were made of plastic, it was just so wrong, but wood is back: "The toy sets were originally made of redwood. In the 1970s the company unsuccessfully introduced sets made entirely of plastic, but soon reverted to real wood." The difference is now all types of wood are used, not just redwood. As for the name, it's not clear. "K'Nex, the toy's current distributor, states the product was named after Abraham Lincoln—famously born in a log cabin—due to patriotism during World War I. Others attribute the name to Frank Lloyd Wright's original name, Frank Lincoln Wright, or the alliteration of the name Linkin' Logs." I seem to remember seeing Linkin' Logs on some packages; maybe my set. They came in a tin, I was very good about putting all the pieces away when I was done playing with them. They are sold in Canada. And it's the logs' 100th anniversary now. Here's the anniversary tin. (end of lesson)
  20. I didn't catch any Jello references in the episode (must have tuned them out) but back a few decades, Jello everything was a huge deal. There were scads of recipes for Jello molds in Better Homes and Gardens, and McCalls. Shredded carrots were encased in gelatin rings as were chunks of other vegetables. There was green gelatin that was typically used for veggies trapped in the stuff. Mayo was the topping applied after you took your serving. So there were gelatin main and side courses, and gelatin deserts. Thankfully, those days are gone. But I'm sure gelatin dishes were there (or not there) depending on the era when ya'll went to those dinners. I'm guessing some families continued the tradition after the Viet Nam era so it got written into the show.
  21. If Jack wanted to play the long con on the dad, he could go to the interview, get offered the job, then turn it down saying he's gonna stay working at the gas station. Which he was going to do anyway. Stay at the gas station I mean. Of course if I were Jack, I wouldn't have gone with the dad to play golf in the first place. That would have been a big no thanks from me. If Rebecca wanted me to get to know her dad/parents better, then order a pizza and some KFC* and lets eat it on the picnic table in the back yard. *It existed then, it just went by a different Fried name.
  22. I view it as someone being negative and putting a big damper on Toby's feeling good about himself and his weight loss. So he wanted to donate his pants, what's the big deal. Because they were his "favorite pants" 100 pounds ago? Why dwell on the negative that HE MIGHT gain weight back. Not everyone does. Let Toby enjoy feeling good about donating old clothes to Good Will. And if he does gain the weight back? Go to Good Will and buy bigger clothes. It's not like he's destitute and living in a cardboard box under a bridge. Support the good Salvation Army and Good Will does and buy some things there. Or not. A new pair of pants isn't going to bankrupt him. And that's IF he puts the weight back on. Saying he will is hurtful and negative. Try being supportive, Kate. "Tobe, you look so fine, let's go get you some new clothes to match your new hot body." Instead, we get "Don't give away your fat clothes loser, because I said so." Ugh. If I had Kate ragging at me day and night, I'd lose my appetite and shrink down to nothing just to get away from her, she's such a harpy. And a nine-month-old baby isn't going to die if you have sex in the next room for 10 minutes. Or just turn some music on and do it right there in the same room. I don't see the big deal, but then Kate makes a big deal out of everything.
  23. Word to all of this. I absolutely agree. But then, this is This Is Us we're talking about, gotta have strife and angst and conflict. I'd never turn down an interview for anything. Doesn't mean you'd get hired and doesn't mean you'd want the job. But jeez, at least it's doing something contructive. But then again ... this show ... of course, it went on later to show how deals are made on the golf course. *sigh*
  24. I think no screens on windows is a tv thing. None of the tv house windows have screens. So irritating. The pigeon scene was never resolved. As far as we know, the bird is still in the house somewhere. Thank goodness he didn't hit/kill it, but I would have cheered if it had pecked him a good one, then flown into his hair and got tangled up, like in a Hitchcock movie.
  25. I see them in posts all over this site. I "assume" they are emojis, like smiley faces or something, that don't display on this website. Maybe they do in some browsers or on phones, but all I see are empty squares.
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