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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. Well, not to be a downer, but maybe it is. Cracked pipe in the wall, tear out the drywall, repair the pipe, put new drywall up. Sounds like a project to me. Although the dishwasher does sound like a culprit. Can you just tighten all the connections?
  2. Awesome. That would have made my day complete. I wonder if some online site can help with the wi-fi thing. I can set up and repair your Mac computer, but smart tvs and cable business are beyond me, the person with an antenna ... that now only gets one network. Again. At least it's the one with Jeopardy. Hey, maybe the dude with the muddy shoes could help. Worth a try?
  3. Wow, @Mystery Author. Great story. You should write a book. (Joke! But seriously.)
  4. So @Browncoat, how was your Sunday, the Day of Peace, with that brand-new, shiny tv reception all to yourself? @Prevailing Wind, I hope your Young Faithful didn't "go off" every 90 minutes like Old Dad does, and was a "One And Done."
  5. I finally got to see all the acts for this week. I liked the Filipino singer who sang the two voices. Agree with him going through. I like Oz as a person, and his act was good except I’ve seen it too many times on this show already. No, I have no clue how he (or the others) do it. It was a good diversion for a few minutes. Good luck in your future endeavors, Oz. You do have style. The storm-trooper dance group ... my vote for the worst act of the night. Simon must have gotten some payola to put them through, or is being blackmailed or something. There were basically no dance moves, just a bunch of jumping around and some tumbling. And lots of flapping cod pieces that were there ... why? I got a vibe that half of the dancers were women. Not that there’s anything wrong with that. Being a Golden Buzzer, and a stolen one at that, sucked majorly. Ben Blaque the arrow guy has the most beautiful eyes. I’d watch his act just to see his eyes. Maybe skip the act, let me just look at him. I thought the four guy singers from Britain were good, but it boggles me when judges say they didn’t like the song when the show tells singers what song to sing. What’s up with that. I kept staring at their 60s Beatles skinny pants, wondering if those dreadful trow are really coming back. I guess so, so we can progress into bell bottoms. The plaid suit, where does one buy a plaid suit? Still, I’d vote to keep them around for another song. Ryan the comedian. Let me go down in history as the only person who doesn’t like him, doesn’t think anything he says is funny, and never wants to see him again. I guess I will though. *sigh* The comedian last week was better, and they canned him. I didn’t like Puddles when he was on his original season. He hasn’t gotten better. Bye. I was okay with the magician who came back as X for another shot at BGT. That was pretty smart. I was okay with his act, then ... SHIN LIM! OMG, he’s gotten even more pretty. Let’s just have Shin and his hair stand on stage for the rest of the show. Please. I still like the singing Broadway kid who looks like Modern Family’s Manny. The guy in the water-filled glass case ... eh. Waste of time for me. And that’s all I’ve got until next show.
  6. Thanks @3 is enough for the info. I've spent the morning reading about Canada's history. It's curious that American students aren't taught, basically, anything about Canada, it's just "there" to the north, and "of no interest." At least that's how it was when I was in school. Maybe geography/world history classes cover it now. That also might be why Canada Jeopardy! clues are becoming more popular. Not only to honor AT but because they can be TSs! I need to go back and reread that Labrador/Newfoundland clue, now that I can understand it.
  7. Remembering BASMOQ is more difficult than remembering Alberta is west of Saskatchewan. Although after today and all my Canada map lookin', I think I'm cured. I have no problem with remembering the Great Lakes, having dipped my toes in almost all of them at one time or another. Being there helps with geography!
  8. Gah, @Browncoat. It's always something. If I were you, I'd just grab a couple of @ABay's adult beverages, a blanket and that remote. (I hope the remote works! If not, add two more beverages.)
  9. Great map, @Bliss, thanks. I didn't know Nunavut existed until it was on Jeopardy one time, it was separated from the NW Territories long after I got out of high school AND college. Guess it didn't make the local newspaper either. Heh. I always wanted to go to the Yukon and Whitehorse, Maybe some day. Sympathies on your car. And blizzard. Our high tomorrow will be minus single digits with high winds. Wind today got up to 60 mph, not a good fit for my old farm house. Color me jealous of your cozy fire. Stay toasty, eh!
  10. I was going to say, auto repair guys wear booties when they get in your car to move it in/out of a bay, or they put down a paper mat. Maybe you should have offered the guy some coffee or pop (!) or cookies or something. Or a tip, like pizza delivery. Cable delivery. Meanwhile, into everyone's lives a little ... mud ... must fall. I guess. I'll take some mud (it will dry and you can spray/vacuum it out) over the -30 that is starting now here. Holy cats, try doing outside chores in that. I'm still wearing my hood-up hoodie and parka from being outside a bit ago. I think they will stay on until bedtime.
  11. Good luck @marypat57. I remember being in California decades ago for dog shows. A friend's sister went along and took the test at the studio. She was stunned that the questions were so difficult, no give-away clues like on the show, which was what she expected. That was way before Internet. I take the online test every year just to confirm the fact I'm not smart, and like Brad said on the GOAT, answers come slower every year. I laughed when I got a friend of mine to take the online test a couple years ago. Her comment afterward was, "And I thought I was smart." I told her the test is a good humbling experience. For me, anyway. She did not take the test again. Some of yous guys will pass, I am sure!
  12. Nonsense. All viewpoints are welcome for discussion as far as I'm concerned. The N/L controversy caused me to look up a map of Canada and give it some study. (I am always switching Alberta and Saskatchewan.) I also checked out that Devon island, although it wasn't marked on the map I had. ETA: Does anyone know why the official name is Newfoundland AND Labrador? Why they don't stand alone? Very odd IMO.
  13. The Black Candle case happened about an hour away from where I live, but I never saw it on the news, I guess because it was in another county. I right away googled Wink's, and that bar is still there. Its FB page featured pics of Keith outside, Keith with some woman (maybe who owns the bar now?) and a Dateline promo video. I also googled Annette's trials so knew she got a mistrial first, then a conviction and up to 50 years. Note the "up to." She could get out in a few. The ball bat was tested for prints and came back clean, no prints. The SIL needed to be grilled more. All we got from here was, "Yeah, maybe I protected Annette too much." More details, please! I guess back then those stores/Long John's didn't have security cameras, and if she paid cash at those places, no credit-card trail. So who knows if they really went shopping. Maybe they got some fish sticks after the murder. Interesting the dialogue changed to they went to Corey's house but no answer at the door. Yeah, because you killed him. Jesse's mom said some relative of Annette's was the police chief or sheriff or something, so to report to him what Jesse said she heard would be a waste, and dangerous. The trial part left that out, she said it to Keith. The trial ... her ex was sleeping with Annette. Wow, I hate to be judgemental, but Annette sounds like the Town Squeeze. Say what you will about small towns, and at population 3,755 (2017), West Liberty is a small town, people in those towns are all up in everyone's business. When I moved five miles outside the 1,700 population town I live by, the first time I went into the post office the post master asked me if I was done painting my house. I had never seen him before, had never been in the post office before, did not tell him my name, had never spoken to anyone who lived in that town. So, consider that when pooh-poohing how small-town folk know everything. I got a laugh from Annette's daughter saying her mom couldn't be a killer because she bakes and quilts. Right. I also laughed at the giant Taco John's red cup on the desk behind witnesses in the trial that had to be held in some common room. I wondered why the fiance's child was shut out from Corey's parents after some time. Seems it was okay when he/she was a baby, then it stopped. Unless the kid isn't suppose to know his/her real dad was murdered and the step dad is portrayed as being the real dad. Sounds like therapy on the horizon for that one. And the other child courtesy of Wendy ... Maybe no mention to protect that child too. Although wouldn't those kids be more than 25 now? They could have watched Dateline last night. I looked up to where Annette moved. Tipton, Iowa is 40 miles from me, 20 miles north of the murder scene. I don't think her occupation was ever mentioned. I can fill in that blank I guess.
  14. It's quite common, actually. AT likes to comment that everyone lost the same amount, no loss, no gain.
  15. But especially for @lb60: Happy Winnie the Pooh Day everyone. #WinnieThePoohDay
  16. You are doing great and in contention for a prize, so don't get depressed. So far everyone is scoring higher than I did this week. Small consolation, but still a consolation!
  17. That's amazing, I was guessing he wouldn't even be there yet. Good your weather is cooperating. No way could someone dig up a cable here, everything is frozen solid, blizzard snow, wind like we're in Patagonia (I just watched a show about that). I mistakenly did not pull the big garage door all the way down to meet the floor, there was a quarter-of-an-inch space, and now everything in the east side of the garage is covered in snow. *sigh* So yeay to tv watching and a nice, warm blanket.
  18. WEEK 19 • Jan. 13 — NO asterisk 91. The Bible. This book of the Bible ends with “Fire was on it by night, in the sight of all the house of Israel, throughout all their journeys.” 92. World Geography. About the size of West Virginia, Devon Island is the largest uninhabited island in the world & a possession of this country. 93. Children’s Literature. Einstein’s theory of relativity & Max Planck’s quantum theory inspired this book that won a 1963 Newbery Medal. 94. Central American Geography. It’s the easternmost capital city in Central America. 95. DNA Makes News. In 1993 remains of the Russian Royal Family killed in 1918 were confirmed by comparing their DNA to this member of the British Royal Family.
  19. TS is Triple Stumper, meaning none of the three players answered. There is a handy thread here for commonly used Jeopardy abbreviations: https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/25226-what-is-the-jeopardy-glossary
  20. I was with you on the plum-pudding thing, which is why I had to look it up, and discovered a figgy can also be called a plum. So, technically correct although it did not fit the ditty. For the record, it was another poor clue/answer. I agree that the Extras episode with Patrick Stewart was the best. Although I think every episode is the best in that series. Some are rather, let's say, not quite PC, which makes them all the more hilarious. And yes, not for the easily shocked. Heh. Dutch door. I wasn't paying that much attention and will have to look up the wording on the clue, the same as @SoMuchTV. But I'm sitting here right now looking at a Dutch door. That I made. It's not like I don't know what one is.
  21. I got the TSs of troth, skoll, Extras (I have the complete DVD set!), barrel, Cat on a Hot Tin Roof. Yeay Maggie the Cat! I learned a plum pudding is the same as a figgy pudding. Both get set on fire. Dennis is a bartender. "Remind you of anyone?" -TM Craig Ferguson Players should have had to identify the lingonberries with those Swedish pancakes. East Lansing was a correct answer. Shout out to @Grundoon59! I had Prince Phillip for FJ, then switched and went with "the other one."
  22. I just caught up with last week, Anna and Ted. Anna is at a disadvantage being 6 ft. 2. As a tall woman, I know for a fact that men don't like women taller than they. I've been told a woman should "fit under my arm pit" by more than one man. But I digress. I did like her RESIST jacket. Jimmy, a stuntman specializing in horses ... my perfect man! I've had horses my whole life. Max ... I don't remember his occupation. (ETA: Sub teacher. I had forgotten that.) But his "She's cute, she was bringing it, and she's TALL" told me no connection there. I didn't see one with Jimmy either, and wondered why she was wearing heels with him, which put her eyes above his in that (not) romantic dance. I'm not surprised her date did not work out. But she's cool, so I hope this show helps her find someone. Meanwhile ... VAL! Not that his 'stash is a good look on him. But whatever. Ted was a twin for Ozzie Nelson, in looks and voice. He should be doing bit parts in film, he's handsome enough, and yeah, that Ozzie voice is NICE. I hope his dance partner lasts with him.
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