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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. What's wrong with me that I haven't noticed this? Gah! While no animal was harmed during the used-car-bull scenes, the steer (yes, steer, a totally different animal from the one first shown as the rodeo bull) had some pretty realistic makeup on its neck once it was extracted and walking away. But settle down folks, that steer could have backed out of that car window at any time, it had its head in there because it was eating grain. Also, rodeo bulls don't have Texas Longhorn horns. But if a real rodeo bull had been used, there would have been no stuck-in-a-car-window scene. So there's that. The lightning-strike-on-a-golf-course scene was golden, it took me back to Caddyshack. I loved every minute of it. That it was the result of Judd's prayers was the best. Judd still rules this show, the actor and the character. He's the best reason to watch. Hoping Michelle's sister was one of the skeletons so her story line can be done and over, and she moves on to another tv show.
  2. Gene Barry played Bat Masterson on the series of the same name, which is being rerun on METV if you want to catch a few eps.
  3. I've never seen or smelled or tasted Limberger cheese, but I've known all about it since I was a kid, courtesy of The Three Stooges, The Little Rascals and various cartoons, including Tom and Jerry.
  4. I liked him because he reminded me of dog-show newbies. The correct way to hold a show-dog lead is to fold it up so it's tucked hidden in your palm. Newbies will wrap it around their hand multiple times, like Steve was doing to his buzzer cord. It made me laugh. Plus he had to be kicking himself guessing "the other one" for FJ.
  5. I'm terrible at that category. Next time though, I'm going to write down the source word to see if that helps. I doubt it, but any port in a storm as "they" say. Thanks for the idea!
  6. Just need @Sharpie66's score, then last week's winner can be announced.
  7. Here, @lb60. Take two of these before today's show.
  8. I'm with you on wishing the category would be shown along w/the clue, although unlike you, I forget the category when they don't skip around. Then I'm like, "Oh ... yeah" when I give the wrong response to an otherwise obvious category clue. Although I suspect remembering the category is part of the challenge.
  9. I'm expecting Dad to show up since he specifically asked for the name of Grey's bar. I mean, who cares about the name of a bar when your son who has been out of your life for a zillion years shows up unannounced and you have two minutes to "catch up."
  10. WEEK 24 • Feb. 17 — ONE asterisk * 116. From Screen to Stage. This 2007 movie came to Broadway with an all-female creative team including book & direction and with songs by pop star Sara Bareilles. * 117. African Geography. This West African country of 12 million doesn’t border the 1,200-mile-wide gulf of the same name. * 118. International Sports. It’s the only country that has played in every FIFA World Cup tournament, winning 5 times. 119. The Race to Space. In the 1960s this Mideast country had a space program & one of its rocket launches, the Cedar IV, is commemorated on a stamp. 120. International Award Trophies. La Maison Chopard crafts this annual award’s crystal base & 118-gram, 18-carat frond.
  11. Well, if they would just stop moving borders and changing names ...
  12. It was Thomas a Becket. Oh yeah, it was obvious Thomas a Becket is what you meant. :-0 I felt sorry for the fellow on the end, who appeared to be hyperventilating and having brain skips, both things that would affect me if I were on that show. I don't expect Everyman to be Brad Pitt suave the first time on national tv. I acted pretty much like him when I was chosen to be in a corporate film about the company where I worked. When it came time for my line, I turned to the camera, my mouth fell open and I stood and stared. Through multiple takes. Being a movie star ain't easy. Speaking of, I thought that fellow looked like one, one whose name I can't bring up due to my brain skips. I've lost interest in keeping track of TSs. I say them, just don't write them. I do wish one of the AT categories had been Good For You though.
  13. I heard about the arrest on Chicago radio early this morning, but not again and not on any tv news. Glad you guys are keeping up on it so I can follow what's happening. I'd be all for some "Guantanamo Bay" interrogation techniques to get her to tell where the boy's body is. The daughter might be dead or might have been sold into a poly-religious cult "marriage." I'm 50-50 on that.
  14. LOL! We had one of those here, drive through the V-hut and get a 'dog! When I was 17 and had my first job at Heap Big Beef (yes, a real place!), my boss was all freaked that Der Weinerschnitzel opened down the road, and sent us to check it out for him. Maybe that is the cause of my confusion? It became the battle of the A-frame restaurants.
  15. It's posts like this one that makes reading here so fun. Thanks for the laugh, @Commando Cody.
  16. Does LA really have a couple blocks that are full of nothing but homeless tents and homeless people on the sidewalks and in the street? That seemed a bit overkill to me (no pun intended), but maybe it's so. On Chicago radio last night, the host was talking about a friend of his who was an actor in Public Enemies with Johnny Depp, Christian Bale, Billy Crudup and ... Stephen Dorff. He said Depp and all of the other lead stars were great to everyone, kind and friendly to the rest of the cast and lesser actors, and made shooting nice. The only actor who he described as a "diva" and by other words not allowed to be spoken on airwaves, the only one who was NOT nice to anyone, was Stephen Dorff. I found that pretty interesting. Back OT, I sort of glossed over this episode. I kept wanting to get scissors and trim Cade's beard every time the film editor backlit him to highlight all the scragglies. I also don't see what the big deal is with Bill being appointed to Head Sheriff instead of having the approval of his wife and daughter to run for the position. I also wonder about that LA tv station that gave the other guy an hour or so to declare and give his running-for-sheriff speech. Slow news day I guess. While I liked Bill in his jeans last episode, this time I was not attracted to the baggy seat of those jeans when he stood up to hug wife. Eh.
  17. Then there's me, who has always thought Wiener Schnitzel is some sort of sausage or brat or hot-dog-type thing. You know, part wiener, part schnitzel, whatever schnitzel is. No way would I ever guess it's a breaded cutlet. I never would have gotten that TS in a zillion years. I've never ordered it in a German restaurant since I can get brats any time, why get them in a restaurant. Maybe next time I will now.
  18. Because of multiple discussions here about cedar trees on its flag, I knew that country was the Easy Answer to FJ. I just couldn't remember which country had the tree flag.
  19. Oh, okay, now the plastic wife makes more sense. I overlooked they were in LA.
  20. It does make me wonder what the show writers were thinking, two in the same episode. I totally did not "get" Tookie's wife or why Grey's step mom (!) had to be portrayed that way. A Stumptown/Modern Family cross over? Except Grey now thinks his dad ended up just fine, that's what he told Dex at the beach. He's no longer a loser because great house, greater trophy wife. Eh. As I posted earlier, not my favorite episode.
  21. Maybe I was just cranky but I wasn't a fan of this episode at all. I did like the house Grey's dad lives in though. I'd move in there in a heartbeat. Wonder what dad's job is now since he has the pre-requisite hot wife. So does Tookie. WTH is up with that. Dex better get some implants and wear tons of makeup if she ever decides to get married. I did like the movie set stuff. Those scenes were fun.
  22. You really need to keep better company.
  23. I totally missed your post due to the Primetimer window's habit of scrolling back to the top on its own, every time I try to scroll down. Actually, I'm thinking @opus IS Eddie Van Halen. Plus Portuguese is spoken in Brazil. So there's that, too.
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