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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. Posters who have been on the show say the make-up person is wonderful and makes them look beautiful. So of course they would do the same magic for you. I THINK our last poster who was on the show was Teebax, and she got excellent support from all of us. So, go for it girl!
  2. Based on that, I should have no upholstery left on any of my chairs or couch. Which is maybe why I'm sitting in a wooden chair right now. I'm thinking Alex might have jinxed Kevin with the double talk about his making it to the ToC, this done some 20 minutes before he had to play again. Psych.
  3. As a Type B person, I did not get today's FJ. I did get some TSs, but with the wind making my antenna drop so often, I did not keep track. Yesterday when the wind was even worse, I followed the game on J-archive, which is handy if anyone else has ultra-bad rural reception.
  4. So very sad to learn about Ashley and JP.
  5. A former Chicago radio talk-show host has been in four episodes of Chicago Fire, plus three other tv shows. She's also a writer, stand-up comedian and is running for political office. She is a member of the Screen Actor's Guild (SAG). What is her profession? Another Chicago man I know was in Grumpy Old Men, Little Big League, Drop Dead Fred, Untamed Heart and Crossing the Bridge. He's a member of SAG. Is he an actor? I agree with these posts from TJF: "I thought the “Not an actor” to be poorly phrased and misleading. He was an actor and did act in many of his appearances. I took that to mean file footage or something along those lines so was looking for an historical or political person. I think it would have been better phrased as ‘Not primarily known as an actor’ or something like that. Saying ‘Not an actor’ to mean he didn’t appear in a part or acting role. I wonder if anyone misses it could rightfully challenge the question?" and "I got it right away, but agree the wording was not great. 126 IMDB acting credits is a lot of acting credits for someone who is not an actor." As for Hitchcock, sure, he has acting credits for 39 of his films, but not one speaking part, which Stan Lee had, nor did he do voice-over work, which Stan Lee did. Plus Lee was in several television shows and also did VO work. Was it an oversight he was left out of the SAG In Memoriam tribute? 'Nuf said.
  6. Correction made, with appreciation to "that guy."
  7. I knew you would be a True Believer, @opus. Sad to see my boyfriend Daredevil did not make the cover of that book. Some years ago I had a Marvel superhero litter, all finished their AKC championships: Spiderman, Catwoman, Silver Surfer and my Daredevil. I currently have grandpups of Daredevil, although they are getting older too. RIP Stan Lee.
  8. Here, let me help you out: "Not an actor, this man who died in 2018 appeared briefly in some 40 mainly action films with a combined $30 billion worldwide gross." ETA: My question about what constitutes an actor makes me ask, is Arnold Schwarzenegger an actor? He's appeared in a few more than 30 films while Stan Lee has been in 127 according to IMDB, or "some 40" according to Jeopardy.
  9. I really like this show, more fun than Masked Singer. I try to figure out who is the bad singer; sometimes I'm right, sometimes not. It was interesting to have Nicole sing last night. She's always on shows as some kind of judge but this is the first time she's performed. Hey, who knew, she really CAN sing. (Disclaimer: Have never seen/heard Pussycat Dolls.) I thought Bee Girl would bee a good singer, so I was fooled. I was glad the contestant went home with money. She needs it to buy more revealing dresses to help secure her wanna-bee acting/reality career. Sorry for the snark, but that dress ... really? The panel of "experts" is pretty much a waste of time, which they need to fill out the hour. I think some are producers or somehow connected with the show, and that's okay. Still, this is one of my fav shows at the moment. It's good fun, something I can use more of these days. Bring on next week!
  10. I've read all the books and have seen all the movies and I missed it. Not sure what that says about me. If it were the Forest of Hagrid, I would have guessed England. As for FJ not being an actor, what qualifies someone as an actor? Does it have to be one's first and main occupation? Stan Lee has 127, yes, 127 acting credits on his IMDB page. I think calling him "not an actor" was one more poor FJ writing choice. ETA: My post of "Excelsior!" will be understood by any Marvel fan. I had a huge crush on Daredevil back in the day. Was disappointed he did not transfer well to film. But in the comics? Hottie!
  11. Lucky you for being able to sleep w/o dogs waking you up every few hours so they can go outside. As for Kevin, Trebek made several announcements, before and after the play, that Kevin would qualify for ToC if he won that day, which he did. That's never been done before, saying who would be in the ToC.
  12. That was Tyler, age 27. He's gone baby, gone now. There is another lawyer, Riley age 30, although he is listed as an attorney, which must be way so much better than a simple lawyer since he's still there.
  13. She sent eight home: Jordan 30 (the tall guy), Mike 38, Jeremy 40, Tyler 27, Chris 27, AJ 28, Robby 31, and Page 37. Not all got to say goodbye to us
  14. Color me extremely disappointed about those little kid ages. There were 11 in their 20s, seven that were 30/31. A 38 and a 40 got sent home. Blake the professional manscaper is the oldest at 41. Boy Band Kenny is 39. I wanted to try it this time, keeping track of names/ages/occupations, who stays, who goes. Because I usually don't know who anyone is until hometowns, and even then I don't always know who is what person. I like Clare and was invested in her season. I'll be keeping my list for a few more weeks anyway.
  15. 23 after tonight's RC. I kept track! I think some other guy beat him to it so he had to do the strait jacket. They were almost out of props by then.
  16. I think it was because pandemic, no touching.
  17. That's Kenny and he's still there. To his credit, he's 39, a plus in my book. I kept a list as they got out of the limo so I would know who is still there and how old everyone is. I missed a couple of guys but figure I'll catch up with them next episode or two. The previews are AWESOME! I hope this lasts for many eps before I have to bail because ... well, you know.
  18. The names are on the roses. Little tags. At least that's how it used to be done. She looks down at each rose before calling a name.
  19. I was hoping Rule Breaker would have gotten it. You know, to keep things from becoming too ... on script.
  20. The books are so much better. SO much better. Like, really so much better. For real. I couldn't believe I got the TS of As You Like It because if I were on this show and a category was Shakespeare, I'd slam my money down on the counter, "I'M OUT." (tm Kramer) If those players had started at the bottom of the NASCAR category, "Daytona" would have been in one of the clues and then probably would not have been a TS. Just sayin'. Something tells me most Jeopardy fans aren't NASCAR fans. My copy of "It" is on the shelf with every other Stephen King book. Great book with an ending that totally sucked. Crazy FJ category, Literary Pronouns. That has to be a first.
  21. No kidding. I was wondering if they were all wearing Peds or put foot powder on to keep those dress shoes from chafing up a blister or two. High-water pants ... all the dorks wore those when I was that age. It hasn't improved over the years. I missed flip-flop guy. But fart-ring guy I would have told to turn around and catch the next limo out. Gee, any reason they saved Dale for last?
  22. Being 29 knocks him out for me, even if he does build flying boats.
  23. What's the deal with all the 29-year-old dudes. She could almost (almost) be their mom. Yeah, I was totally waiting for a Winter Games Clare recap. Maybe a pic or two of Benoit. All those guy crying because they got a q-tip stuck up their noses. What a bunch of babies. I would have sent each of them home just for that. "No rose for you!" I'm so happy this is back. I'll be here as long as Clare is here. Looking forward to some snark-a-licious fun. So far Road Runner is getting top billing. Yeay!
  24. He needs to dance, wear a suit, have a dying child/relative, make cakes, have promotional t-shirts pimping some cause. Maybe all of those. Because being a normal guy who is an outstanding athlete isn't enough any more.
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