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Everything posted by ilovebeaarthur

  1. I don’t blame you one bit! The black dots look like holes and I can’t look at it, makes me feel weird. What is that anyway?
  2. I’m so glad you said something. I thought maybe I was misremembering how she looked. Something seemed so off. I looked at old pictures, and it seems she had her lips done, maybe fillers?
  3. What a beautiful little girl.
  4. Agreed. I married into a South Indian family, and almost every "curry" we eat usually consists of shredded coconut, chilies, and curry leaves.
  5. Yes, a wonderful example of what not to do!
  6. She said she’s gonna carry the baby for 11 months 🙄
  7. 38 year old suburban mom here. Not only would I be embarrassed to act like this, I have secondhand embarrassment from watching her act like this. I don’t know where she finds the time for social media. I can do it in my downtime, but I only have one child, not three.
  8. Anecdotal, but my pediatrician only recommends it in small amounts for constipated children. Other than that, milk and water.
  9. What a beautiful dog! I have a Boston, so I'm a bit biased 🙂
  10. I was thinking this exact same thing. It'd be fun to watch some of the more iconic/interesting seasons again.
  11. I hate to be that person, but did she not save any baby things from her previous children?
  12. I caught her saying that as well. She’s setting up that little sweet baby to have her own food issues.
  13. There needs to be a cringe reaction button.
  14. Oh god, I ate so many of those when I was pregnant. I hadn’t eaten them in years, but I had such a strong craving that I couldn’t help myself.
  15. She’s free range, cage free, and all natural.
  16. I have so many questions, but why is a grown woman with four children, a sinking home and animals to take care of making shitty dance videos on tik tok?
  17. A wise philosopher once said, “Money can’t buy you class.” It also can’t buy you taste.
  18. At least Vaeda can finally get some love and attention.
  19. I did the same thing! I can see Chelsea falling into an MLM route.
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