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Everything posted by LeftPhalange

  1. We're never going to hear about Annabelle again. I'd be surprised if we ever heard about Hattie again as well. Saint Hope the murderer is free from the evil clutches of the Salem criminal justice system and shouldn't be forced to concern herself with the people who helped her in prison. "Stefano" is missing so presumably the only proof the scooby gang have that he's still alive are some pictures. Only in Salem would that be enough to get Hope released. I also like how no one is addressing the fact that she still shot someone, even if it wasn't Stefano.
  2. That site isn't reliable so take everything they say with a grain of salt.
  3. Wow, Hope finds out her nephew is dead and then runs off so she can slobber all over her precious Rafe. Gross.These assholes need to be backburnered for at least six months. I'm so tired of Nicole's pathetic ass and this damn baby.
  4. As a manager do you get free food or a discount? That's really the most important thing here.
  5. If Finn isn't going to start killing patients while high on fake heroin I don't know what the point of this whole thing is. Is Kiki still living in Nina's apartment rent free? Is Nina also paying the bills since that girl doesn't have a job or is her mother giving her money? Does Liez realize she acts more like a therapist, life coach, and mother to Freako than his girlfriend? 4 year olds need less coddling than this freak. She looks so pathetic. Jason should've sent Sam to the Quartermaine meeting in his place. I would've rather seen her there than showing up at Liez's house for no good reason. Ned and Olivia are one of the few couples that I still like for some reason. Maybe it's because most of their relationship is offscreen so the writers don't have a chance to ruin them. Is there any reason why Julian can't just shoot OJ in the head five times until she's dead for real?
  6. She can drop her off in Florida. She'd fit right in with the rest of the crazies.
  7. Hopefully Robin will be coming to pick up her mother and get her the fuck out of here.
  8. If Liez cops an attitude about her unlicensed rapist serial killer baby kidnapping boyfriend being fired from his job as an art therapist for troubled children I hope Hayden fires her ass with no remorse.
  9. They make Dillon look like such a loser. I don't think too many guys would put up with what he's put up with from Kiki. Most guys definitely would've kicked her ass out of bed once she started talking about her mother and her dead ex boyfriend right after they had sex. Damn, they even have Pip out here acting like Freako and Liez being together is acceptable and not gross. Hayden firing Freako was my favorite part of the episode.
  10. Why is Anna still carrying around Tony's urn? Was Sonny at Steve and Kayla's wedding or was pretending to be a big boy Kiriakis more important?
  11. Charlotte is eight or nine even though the embryo was created three years ago. Jelly don't care about facts.
  12. With the way Valentin is acting I'm wondering if those rumors about him being Anna's son are true, or at least that they're related in some way. Why is Nelly mailing the video to Carly? She's so stupid and lame.
  13. What exactly is it about Nelly that's supposed to interest Michael? All they do is talk about their childhoods (mainly her complaining about how she grew up poor) and how super exciting Michael is going to help her have fun. I'm not seeing much of anything there. Then again, this is the same show that has been dragging out the boring Dillon/Kiki crap as if they're the new Ross and Rachel, so what do I know.
  14. This episode was so useless I couldn't even come up with any commentary. I don't care about Maxie/Tree, Lulu/Dante are blah, I like Jordan alright but I don't give a shit about Andre or whatever is going on with Curtis and that girl, an expired jar of mayonnaise is more exciting than Kiki/Dillon, I don't care about Anna's stupid migraines or her obsession with Valentin, I sorta liked Valentin/Nina but he's all whiny and hunchbacky and that stupid embryo is getting too much screen time.
  15. I like that things with Kate and Carrie are awkward. You know, because the last time they saw each other Kate threatened her over her emotional affair with Rafe. I noticed Kate told Austin that Andre has "changed." I guess the writers really do expect us to believe this psychotic serial killer is semi-reformed. Whatever. He's still a waste of space. Hope and Rafe are sickening.
  16. The majority of their bland and broke down "relationship" consists of Kiki talking about Morgan.
  17. Yay! I have no issue with VI but this character is a disaster and eating the show. I wonder how they'll keep him around until the summer considering the writing he's now getting is writing a character gets when they're about to be killed off.
  18. Didn't they move back to Salem? I wonder how'll it will be explained why they suddenly left again.
  19. There should've been a Cara/David/Tad triangle. That pancake woman could've stayed dead.
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