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chunky junky

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Everything posted by chunky junky

  1. What really irks me are all the enablers that come back with the line "If I don't do it she gets mad at me."So????Let them get mad.You have two legs and a butt use them.Leave.What will she do get up and chase you down?If you are willing to run for food for them chances are you care enough to make or buy them a healthy meal instead.They will learn that is all they can get from you and either accept that or go food bother someone else.I know this is over simplifying the issue but I hate seeing people give others the power to control and manipulate them.Been there.Got the t-shirt. Where it gets hard is when it is the children that are being controlled like this.We are taught to obey and respect our parents.It is hard to look a parent in the eyes and say no.A wish I have for this show is that therapy is offered to the children. They are the ones that need it the most.
  2. There is no normal length of time for a person to grieve.Grief is a process and is not on any timetable.It can be a long lonely road.Someone else may seem to travel it faster.There is no shame in saying I need a hand to make it down that road.You have recognized the eating issue and you realize you are never running out of tears.(Please don't tell yourself you aren't allowed to cry.)Maybe it would help to seek out some grief counselling.A caring trained person may give you some support until the intensity of your feelings are more more easily managed.This person will be able to assess if medication could help you see your way.We don't naturally want to seek out help for our feelings but they need care just the same as our body does.I have walked that road a few times and each journey was different.The most difficult part is admitting to a Doctor that you are finding it hard to be strong on your own.Reach out.There are people out there trained to really listen to you and to help you work towards healing.Safe journey and reach out here as well.
  3. Maybe Griften Cash or Griftfor Cash. Good name for twins or consecutive babies would be Griften Cash then the next one Aiden Griften.We really do wish them nothing but healthy babies but I am sure enjoying this.
  4. I got to thinking.Perhaps Annie could feel like she won the loser lottery.Her choices: 1) remain a bar rat in water buffalo central or 2) Mr Personality in the good old US of A.David Pour is an obese diabetic alcoholic.Three strikes against the performance plan.Things in his nether regions may remain pointing in a southerly direction most of the time allowing Annie to put her joyful availability joyfully into more pleasant areas.Sadly he may be her lesser of two evils. Brain Bleach please plus a finger bowl of it to dip my typing fingers into.
  5. Jyn,I am assuming since you mentioned Navy and NS you mean Halifax.That is where our naval base is in the east.Both my son and his wife were stationed there before transferring to the west coast.I am in PEI the land of Anne of Green Gables so only a 4 hour drive.Right now it is hot 28C.No break from the heat although we do tend to get a breeze at night.Another place to visit would be the Bay of Fundy.A bit of a drive but worth it especially if you watch the tides go in and out.Good luck with either choice.
  6. I am so happy that you are cleared for Alheimers.i also hope you get cleared for M.S.My youngest daughter has it and it is tough.She was actually fired from a job she held.She was a case worker at a half way house for male offenders.She was twice accused of being under the influence at work.This was before she was diagnosed.Even though she demanded that they test her (its not like they don't do pee tests there anyway) and when they said no she went on her own and got tested which both times came back clear.They fired her anyway still using that as a reason plus saying her personality wasn't the same.She fought it after being in touch with the Labour Board and Human rights and they had to offer her her job back and had to remove the accusations from her otherwise glowing performance review which was done only a month before this.She told them where to shove the job after making sure they would have to give her a good reference.She was lucky.A woman that was a supervisor when she was doing her on the job training way across the country had transferred out to the same city my daughter now lives in hired her.She told my daughter that when she saw her application she thought no it can't be the same person.She had heard the story of what had gone on through meetings but was fair enough to interview her.One of the added responsibilities my daughter was given was to represent her half way house at those same meetings where she would have to see her former boss.Her new boss thanked her former boss for not recognising a valuable employee and she told my daughter to come on say something to Miss Former Boss.My daughter said thank you for letting me see what its like to work for a decent company.Unfortunately she was diagnosed with MS a year and a half later and about a year after that she had to quit.This company was great.They modified her duties all they could but it got to the point where she felt her safety could be at risk.She is now on disability because her neurologist doesn't feel she should be working.She has the Relapsing type and now that they have finally found a good medication for her she is doing as well as she can. A story about Early onset Alzheimers.I work in a long term care facility.They like to do the consistant staffing thing so I for the most part work with the same group of people.A couple of us had been noticing changes in a fellow worker.His work was not up to his normal standard and he seemed sort of distant.He asked me to help him with his flow sheets because no one ever showed him how to do them.He had been working with us for a few years and it is what you do each shift.I tried to show him and realised he was unable to follow.I went to two different supervisors I trusted and expressed concern.One said she felt he was just lazy and it was an act to just get out of work.I am a shop steward so I had a talk with my Union president and explained everything including his inability to operate our lifts safely and that a co worker checked the results he recorded of the diabetics blood sugar levels.(long story why but it wasn't because she was checking up on him at first she was looking for one she did in the machines memory and caught a mistake he made).I told her I wanted his rights protected but I had to consider the safety of our residents and wasn't sure what my approach should be.She called my Nurse Co ordinator and told her that these concerns were brought to her and asked her to ask my co worker for a medical evaluation.She ignored it and the one that discovered the blood sugar mistake and I got a talking to.Her worse than me because I will speak up for myself.I just said we are concerned for the safety of all and if he has any dementia starting I want him to get medical help.My friend was told that she was out of line and to mind her own business.I tried one more time after that to bring concerns to her.By this time people were not wanting to work with him because he was unable to handle his work load.I went back to the one supervisor and told her that we were now at a point where something had to be done.He had progressed to where it was getting too noticable to hide.She went to my boss and they pulled him off for medical evaluation.His wife ended up calling me to ask if he needed a Union rep would I help.I got her talking and found out that she had noticed things but out of fear embarrassment and not wanting to admit a problem was there she just tried to hide it.He was diagnosed with Early Alzheimers and at least is now on medication that for now is slowing his progression.Thankfully we pay into a fairly decent long term disability insurance because he has many years before he reaches Old Age Pension age. Sorry I forgot to add the part where I wanted to strangle my boss.After my co worker was diagnosed and removed from duty one of the supervisors came to me and said guess what Mrs.Nurse Co ordinator said?I said what.She said first you have to promise not to say anything because she will know I said it.I agreed and she said that my boss said "I can't believe no one noticed anything."
  7. Way way back when I was just starting out in my working in long term care life I had to listen to this tape of an inservice some guy gave.I cannot remember who he was or what all he talked about but almost 35 years later I still remember him saying in so many cases we are not prolonging life we are prolonging death. My partner had open heart surgery.That night he had to go back into surgery because there was bleeding in his chest.We knew his recovery was going to be long and hard due to his many health problems.He remained in intensive care for a week.The nurses said he could use the one on one.After the week I had to go home.I should mention this hospital is 4 to 5 hours away.He wasn't great but things were looking favourable.He went into the next stage of care one nurse for 2 patients.I was talking to him by phone and I knew something was wrong.I am going to make a long painful for me story short.Minutes after me calling the desk and telling them something was wrong he suffered what they later called a catastrophic brain injury.I was trying for 45 minutes to reach him.No one picked up his phone.I figured he was laying in bed and I knew he couldn't reach it so I called the desk and asked about him.They said he was taken to intensive care and would not say why.They never even bothered to call me.He was full code at that point so when he arrested they crushed his ribs and broke the wires doing chest compressions so in he goes for surgery number 3.He remained on life support and unresponsive.Our winters here can be brutal and that one was one to remember.Travel was almost impossible and I couldn't get more time off work and could not afford another trip there.Most of his nurses were decent but there were a few that really made me feel like I was imposing on their day.Finally on friday the 13th in December I received a call at work in the middle of a crowded dining room from a neurologist telling me that their team has done everything possible and the time has come to decide whether to remove him from life support or put in a trach and see what happens. For my sake I am going to skip some and go to where I get a call from a hospital 45 minutes from home just 10 minutes after a doctor at the other hospital tells me he will be staying there and life support will be removed soon,informing me he is being transferred there the next day.His departure was delayed 8 hours.A freezing rain storm hit here but it was snow where the hospital he was going to is.He was to arrive at 8pm.The police were advising people to stay off the roads.The intensive care charge nurse calls me to ask when I will be there.I said how?Its pure ice on the roads.They said so you aren't going to be here when his breathing tube is removed?I begged them to please leave it in until the next day that I should be able to get there by then.She sounded a bit sympathetic and said let me call the doctor and see what he will do.She called back less than 5 minutes later and she said the doctor says if he doesn't do it tonight he will put a trach in.I said absolutely no trach.She says I guess you want the life support removed then.They called me through the night twice asking me when I was going to be there that he may not live long.Could they not guess at the load of guilt I was laying on myself without making me deal with them as well?I did get down and I was racing a snowstorm on its way in.I stayed as long as I dared but had to get home to feed some animals that I had nobody to get to do it for me.And got totally snowed in.Yes the hospital called.I couldn't even get down my driveway the road was plugged the plows were off the roads and I live 45 minutes away.They want to know if I am coming down.They continued calling me about once an hour.I would have appreciated the calls if it was to just update me.I had had a brutally honest talk with his internist when I was there and she didn't think he could survive long but like she said the human spirit is an incredible thing and we just don't know.I had no false illusions.All I asked of her was to not let him have any pain.Even if the dose would be high,give it to him just no pain.I watched the weather all evening and into the night just hoping against hope that I could get out.I finally got rather rude with them calling and told them unless they were calling to tell me there is a change to just leave me alone.I would call them for updates and be down if I could.He died at almost 4 am.I have never forgiven myself for not being there.I will never forgive that doctor and I hope those nurses end up needing a little compassion and getting someone like themselves (not in this type of situation though it hurt too much).There is more to the story but I am still a mess when I go over it.I guess I was a mess at the time too but I am very grateful to my family doctor and his family doctor who are partners in a wonderful clinic for helping me let go of a bit of the bitterness and getting me over the worst of it.
  8. HFC loved the story.The picture is great.I get the statement it makes.Some of us in my family are the unconventional types too. I remember when my mom and I overheard a conversation in a store.Long story short this person was using the word invalid in the wrong way.Talking about this person being an invalid but calling them the word meaning not valid.We laughed for ages.What did I get for Christmas that year?A T shirt saying in capital letters invalid must be Frans kid.And yes I wore that thing til it was unwearable.Did I mention I was in my 30s? She passed away unexpectedly several years ago.I flew back and a brother drove me to the small town and I stayed in her apartment.She didn't want a service or to be put on display-her words,so we honoured that.We had a get together at the funeral home in town because the owner was a friend of the family and she wanted to donate the use of a nice room.We accepted the gesture and we honestly didn't know where else our family would fit.We had her Irish music tapes playing a little on the loud side like she always did and just laughed and caught up with each other.Of course we sang the songs that you just have to sing.Then we told some stories and called it a day.Two of my brothers and I had to clear out her apartment.I haven't got a clue who started it but we ended up auctioning off all her belongings.We each wrote a number on these empty cue cards we found in her recipe box and one of my brothers was the Auctioneer.For the most part whoever held their card up was respected as the one that valued the item the most and after the going once going twice ect.required ending a sticky note with the persons name went on it.For fun once in awhile someone else would hold their number up after one of us "bid" on something and we would kill ourselves laughing while outbidding each other.Of course the first "bidder" won.Occaisionally we "bought"something for each other when we knew how much it meant to that one.We also "bought" for other family members.The only thing that we all wanted was that darned Irish music that we all grew up with.My brother got it and agreed to make copies for all.We felt so close to her.We could almost hear her yelling stop it you fools.Not because she would think it disrespectful but because she would be laughing so hard the tears would be rolling. Gosh thank you HFC for the little trip down memory lane.I can feel her here with me.
  9. HFC.I was so sorry to check in here today and read this.All I can say is you did good and I bet your Mama is so very proud of the daughter she raised.May God bless you and yours.
  10. Anna you poor poor simple soul.If you thought 2015 was a bad year welcome to 2016.This will be the year of the inner turmoil.Last year was seeing your self through public humiliation.This year you have the King of your Heart home.There is part of you stressed to dress your body and mind to anticipate every real or imagined need or want of the almighty Joshy,all the while trying to silence that tiny inner voice that just wants to shout out loud why Josh why?I cannot imagine the inner torment of wanting to lash out at him (physically and verbally) but having to stomp it deep down inside because all that you believe in is telling you that you are the one that failed in your marriage.The anger will feel like a red hot poker burning at your soul.Yet all you can do is smile with your mouth while your eyes tell a different story.You will blame the devil for building this fortress inside you and try to pray for the fall of fort anger.When it doesn't happen you will find yourself somehow lacking yet again.I wish you could pray with a truly open mind and heart.You just may hear that the fault is not yours and you may be able to heal yourself but you cannot heal someone else.
  11. It is sort of on topic.When I get really angry I get very quiet except I either hum or sing very quietly, I got the joy joy joy joy down in my heart ect...I didn't even realise it until it was pointed out to me.One time at work I heard someone say oh oh and sure enough I was humming.Now I will sometimes say to a co worker I think I am going to sing now. Around here the men all say the very best.Its the standard answer for everything and I detest the sound of it.How are you?The very best.Thank you for cutting my grass.The very best.How do you like your new truck?Can anyone guess the answer?Gag me.
  12. HFC my kids used to sing Bringing in the Sheeps.They were in the choir,couldn't carry a tune but they would belt the songs out as happy as clams.My kids had this Boney M tape they listened to over and over and my youngest used to love singing Night Night Penis I better say it should have been Night Flight to Venus.I guess they came by it honestly because my brother and i used to sing along with my dads old records(he also had a fantastic collection of 78s in mint condition.I wonder whatever happened to them).Okay I am showing my age here.There was an old song called the Lumberjack song and a line was boil up some tea in an old tin can(i think that was it)We would sing had to take a pee in an old tin can. I decided today to take a run down to the nearist "city" to get a few groceries.It is 45 minutes away so I stopped at the only Timmies up here for a tea and a carrot orange muffin to sustain me.I plugged my mp3 player in and was happily listening to my tunes.I have a very varied liking in music and there is everything from classical to well, the foolish stuff like what I am writing about.Now my defence is I am extremely sleep deprived from being on a stretch of 12hr night shifts.I am also blaming all you nice folks for ignighting my spark of snark in the first place.Ray Stevens pops on singing Mississippi Squirrel Revival.I got picturing Bin leading everyone that thought they had religion or a demon then when it ran "all the way down to the amen pew where sat sister Bertha better than you" I was taking a bite of my muffin and equating Berth to Jessa and darn near choked on it.I had to pull over and try to catch my breath.A fella a couple of cars back pulled over to offer help because thats what folks around here do.I was waving him off hoping he wouldn't get out to see why I stopped.Thankfully he got my message and continued on.That started a tears rolling down the cheeks laugh fest.I wiped my face and got back on the road before someone else came to save me. All you guys in the path of the storm I hope you are safe and at home.I do admit I am happy it is not supposed to impact us in my part of Atlantic Canada. WELLFLEET when you were listing what you hope they all had I must have been reading quick because I saw porn.I said what and looked again.I apologise,you said popcorn.
  13. I am not trying to be rude,just wanted to make sure people are aware that knitted cat beds for feral cats tend to get damp and are actually cold for the outdoor cats to lay on.I guess I am an official crazy cat lady as well.When I buy my cat food I always get the wow how many cats do you have?This is for the food I buy for my feral colony.Nobody really notices me buying food for my indoor cats since I buy it from my vet.My only answer I give when I am asked how many cats I have is many many.
  14. I am just going to take the advice given.Maybe make a donation to my cat charity through the donation ceramic cat in my vets office.I do believe donations should be made without expecting praise so a nameless one suits me fine.I am still puzzled but I am going to respect that it may have been from someone with the same thought.The rest of the money will go towards the winter tires I had to get but could not afford.HFC you made me chuckle with your comment.
  15. I have a mystery.Someone at work bought a fundraising item I was selling for the feral cat group I am a member of.She told me she would leave the money in an envelope on a table in my work area for me.She was on a night shift and I was coming in for a day shift.I got busy right away then remembered it when I saw my initial on it sticking out from under our binders.I grabbed it on the run folded it up stuck it in my pocket and kept going not looking at it.Later I stuck it in my lunch bag and when I got home stuck it in my drawer I have a habit of sticking things I don't want to lose in.Then promptly forgot about it.Last evening I thought about it and thought I should go put that money in my change purse before I lose it.I searched the drawer and could not find it.I sometimes put things on a stack of dishes I never use so I looked there.Sure enough there was an envelope that had been folded and had my first and last name on it.I opened it up and found a $100 bill with a little slip of paper in there too, with you are amazing hand printed on it.I stared at it I am sure with my mouth hanging open.I knew this person was on a 12 hour night so I called work and asked her why she left me so much money and she said well you told me it was $15.i asked her if she had left anyone else money at the same time and if she did is it possible she mixed up the amounts.She sounded confused and said what are you talking about.I gave her the story and I said I don't know where this came from if she didn't make a mistake.She said I left you an envelope with to(my name) from(her name).That was not what was on this one.Just my name was on the front.I finished up our conversation saying I must go find hers.I went back to the drawer I thought I had remembered putting it in and opened it up and there was a folded envelope right on top plain as day in the same drawer I had just rifled through.I unfolded it and the wording was just as she said.Inside was the $15.Now where did that other one come from.I do not remember putting an unopened envelope in there.Yes it is a place I sometimes put things but the drawer is my usual place.The stack of dishes it was on is at eye level in a cupboard I use daily.Why had I not seen an envelope with one end sticking straight up sitting there when I put my lunch bag away on the shelf above it for the last several days?I am basically anti social and don't have people in.If I want to see people I will meet them outside of my home.The last time I had someone in was a plumber about 6 months ago.My doors are locked at all times because people here find it acceptable to walk right in and I will not risk my cats being let out.Where would I have picked up an envelope with just my name printed on it folded it and put it away without remembering I had it?Who would give you that amount of money without making sure it would get into your hand?I live in the boonies where snow plows kill mail boxes so I have a post office box.This did not go through the mail.I am just not wired to accept things without saying thank you.This is much too much to give.I think I am still in shock.I just cannot fathom an answer to this mystery.
  16. Ahh Seasons in the Sun.Hate the Terry Jacks version.It's sappy and has no feeling.I love the Brel or the Rod McKuen version.I got addicted to Rod McKuen at about age 12.His voice is different oh but his words.Another Brel song he does that I love is If you go away.He has a French and an English version.My absolute favourite McKuen poem also put to music is The art of catching trains.Seeing the Peanuts movie is being talked about I shall mention that Rod McKuen wrote the music for another Peanuts movie I can't recall the title but it was the one where he goes to New York(?) for a spelling bee.I love the song Champion Charlie Brown. A song that kicks me in the gut is He would be sixteen.The first time I heard it I was driving and thank goodness I was alone.I can't imagine why it gets me every time.Things like that usually don't.A movie I will not watch is Marley and me.I read the book without hearing anything about the story.It wasn't a good scene.I am immune to alot of people stuff but not animal stuff.
  17. I need to regress to Halloween for a moment to get this off of my chest.A big pet peeve of mine is rude children.Well rude anyone.I always said it didn't matter so much what my kids grew up to be as long as they were happy but they would have good manners.Maybe my grandson has something to do with my slight change of heart.He is autistic and was non verbal for many years then was just not very vocal except for his tantrums(which I admit I am not able to handle because I am a if you can't behave be gone person).My daughter celebrated the fact that he had clothes on at all forget the costume,but she wanted him to try the experience.So he was the not dressed up child that never said thank you.Her other kids have great manners and he does now for the most part all these years later.I also must say if he did go up to a door and hold his bag open my daughter did say thank you for him.She was overjoyed that he did it.So now I try and remember there are some that can't help the way they are.Please I mean no offence or disrespect,and I know that some are just plain rude.For them I will make no excuse and will call them on it.I just hope I don't do it to the wrong child.I meant this for my own peace of mind not to point fingers at anyone. I can remember when I took all three of my kids to a movie and my oldest one had tears just rolling down her cheeks and I could hear her sniffling at Lady and the Tramp.
  18. You guys have me yelling yes yes that one at my screen over and over.There are several car related ones lately that drive me batty.The ones where kids interrupt the parent and sales person to inform the parent about the cars features.I can't stand know it all kids.I actually avoided some car dealerships because of them.We have a couple of very local ads that I don't know who I want to strangle the kid or the business owner.I do not want a kid trying to sell me an automatic car starter or fix my stone chips in my windshield.Like it was said earlier Your kids are not cute. Now my age is showing.One of the first kids I remember wanting to reach through the screen and choke was the kid that said It's Shake and Bake and I helped. in her stupid fake accent.That one made a brief comeback with a new annoying kid several years back.
  19. My daughter has MS and has to go for MRIs and is also claustraphobic.She is also afraid of the dark so she won't try covering her eyes.She will not consider going for one unless she takes Ativan the night before and then an hour or so before it.She is still anxious and terrified but she says the threat of having to repeat the whole procedure keeps her going. I am not poking fun at drug reactions but I now laugh at the one my partner had when he took ativan.I was glad we were at the hospital anyway.He was having some medical issues and i took him into outpatients.The issues were making him very agitated and I finally got the Doctor to give him something to help.Yes Ativan.I noticed changes.He was kind of giddy Making funny answers then grinning at me.Making faces at the nurses backs.They decided to admit him to run tests on our original complaints.While we were in the room alone waiting for transport upstairs he was getting angry.The nurse taking us upstairs was a friend of mine and i told her that i thought he was having a reaction to the Ativan.She said he seemed fine to her but to monitor it.I was helping him undress in his room when he took the notion that he was going to leave.I said its better not to the Doctor wants you to have these tests.Long story short he was in his underwear only, trying to open the door and leave to go home.I was holding the door shut trying to get him to see he had no clothes on but he was beyond that.He was threatening me with bodily harm and asking me when i turned into such an idiot.I called for the nurse saying please get someone in here because I was just agitating him and maybe a different person wouldn't anger him so much.A couple of them came right away and blocked the door to keep him in and asked him if something was wrong.He said yes you are all lunatics and she is the head looney pointing at me.I left seeing I was the one the anger was directed at but they had a terrible few hours with him.I came back when he was sleeping and chatted with the nurses.I was informed it was on his chart not to give him ativan and for me to just state it as one of his allergies to make sure it wasn't repeated.It was just so far out of his personality that I can now look back and laugh.It was not funny then.
  20. I wasn't able to watch the show this week because I was working but hope to catch the next one.I had seen the Americas Got Talent audition on you tube a long time ago and ended up watching alot of their videos.I just hope their show is less offensive to me than another large J name family I could mention but won't.I will give it a chance.Fingers crossed!
  21. Kids playing with used pee sticks Yuck.I guess its a requirement that they know what those are before the age of 5.I wonder if they save up all the used ones and let the kids build little houses with them like we did with popsickle sticks?That and the thrift store excitement overload are really the only things that set my teeth on edge.Quite noticeable was that Ben was a decent human being.Polite, kind and very patient with his stuck like glue other half.Did I really hear the word articulate out of someones mouth when describing Ben?I guess I should be happy that a Duggar would know that word.I wonder if they know what it means?
  22. I decided to save my sanity and not watch this.Now with everything said here I have to watch it.Its on all you guys if I run screaming out of the house with my hands over my eyes and ears and end up in traffic cause I no longer know enough to uncover my sense detectors.Why do I watch anything with this family in it ?
  23. Last winter there was a large outbreak of the Norwalk virus going around.Talk about sick people.Now I think the original virus is on our screens.Her total life makes me feel ill.Bringing a stranger to live in her home without worrying about her children.Spending like a fool on foolish whims when she obviously doesn't have the means.Snorting and slobbering.Just a mess.I hope her childrens immune system can fight and let them reach for a better lifestyle than their mother has chosen.Better start washing your hands well Mo or you just may catch the Norwalk Virus.I have to add I feel bad when someone is unhappy and their life is a mess.I wish she could get herself together, get some help to teach her that she can depend on herself and when she learns this then look for a man.
  24. I am also not a fan of team pearly whites.He just makes my skin crawl.Between the horrible skin colour and the I've got the crazed eyes of a berserk lunatic you don't even have to look at her to know you don't like this team.I was glad to see they went to London.It was also nice to see the express pass handled in a fresh way although I agree it was a bit too simply handed out.Where was the risk involved in deciding to try for it?I like the firefighters when they are just plain racing but the constant back to Boston references need to go.We get it.You are proud.You were there in a crisis.We just want to watch the race.They seem like they are nice guys they even thank their drivers.Please don't make me want to see you go.I like seeing the racers run by Phil.That is a nice addition.So far I don't have any team that I like more than others but I will soon.
  25. I was also of the I guess mistaken opinion that the five dollars for a good time makeup look would go against modesty standards.Maybe they figure it draws males eyes to the face instead of playing guess the size of my boobs inside my in no way fashionable clothing.I usually cringe when Anna is on screen but her hair was actually pretty in a few shots there.Does the idea of used footwear bother anyone else here?I have bought used clothing for my kids but I drew the line at underwear or shoes.
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