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Steph J

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Everything posted by Steph J

  1. How much does a website cost? Not $400k, I'm sure! Plus, why are we talking about "averages" for businesses instead of the specifics for this. God, this guy is bad news.
  2. I think she knows his age and she slipped up because she forget what age she originally said she was. She should start writing the lies down on flashcards or something so that she can refer to them again later.
  3. I agree with this. The text could easily have said that they wanted to get together "just the three of us" so that it wasn't specifically singling out Karen and that would have avoided the drama. Although maybe the drama was the point.
  4. Maybe he just wants more frequent access to camera men. I genuinely can't believe he was allowed to come back to the show after sexually assaulting a crew member. Mia is annoying. For someone who claims to be transparent, the "facts" she shares with the group sure do seem to change a lot from one telling to the next. I felt so bad for Gizelle's kid, having to deal with the disappointment of failing her driver's test in front of a camera, knowing that it would be aired on television. That must have felt so humiliating.
  5. I really liked it, but I was surprised at Did you stay for the end credits scene? I only heard that there was one well after getting home from seeing the movie and I'm curious about what happened, given the film's official ending.
  6. I kind of get the impression from Luann's reaction that it's one of those "a portion goes to charity" type deals and the rest is going into her pocket.
  7. Seems like Wendy is threatened, period. I thought it was quite telling that when the last question from the Newlywed Game came, it showed Wendy and Eddie muttering to each other about the answer and then when it was time for the reveal they both made a show of being delighted that they came up with the same answer as if they hadn't already discussed it. There's a lot of keeping up appearances in public for that couple, it looks like.
  8. I was shocked when she said that the Plaintiffs shouldn't be expected to pay for the carpets to be cleaned because they "only" lived there for three years. That's a long ass time in the life of a carpet! But I was honestly so distracted/fascinated by the Defendant's elaborate multi-direction combover (including what appeared to be a comb forward peeking out from under the front side sweep) that a lot of details of this case escaped me.
  9. I think Ramona also sensed that she was being led into a trap and didn't want to engage in an on camera discussion that could result in her saying something on the record that could be used as ammunition against her. You can draw an inference about her politics by how she reacted and Leah will probably make hay about that at the reunion (judging by the season so far, it's not like they're going to have anything else to talk about but I'm sure it'll still be a three parter), but she won't be able to use Ramona's actual words against her because she didn't say anything.
  10. I'm not familiar with Eboni's work on Fox News, but wasn't she a "counterpoint" personality? I mean, that was my assumption because the first episode showed headlines saying she was getting death threats after denouncing Trump's response to Charlottesville. I think talking politics is fine, too, and I think that friends should be able to talk about anything and everything under the sun, but I can't blame the women if they find it off-putting that the ratio of "fun" to "serious" is so unbalanced. Sometimes you're up for getting into the nitty gritty, but some times you just want to have a drink and talk nonsense.
  11. There's an article from 1988 available on the Classic Soap Opera Digest tumblr that breaks down a day on the set of Loving and it describes it pretty much the same way. It starts with dry rehearsal at 8, blocking at 10:30, dress rehearsal after lunch, and taping from 2:30 until about 5. The most surprising thing about that is the amount of rehearsal involved, given that soaps are often said to film at such speed that there's no time to rehearse.
  12. Oh, Lord, if Ramona doing this depends on her being able to use the appropriate words at all times...
  13. In fairness, the Thin Man movies are cumulatively 589 minutes long, which would be equivalent to just 14 episodes of the show at 42 minutes each. That's something like 6% of a year's worth of episodes for a daily soap. But I get what you mean. Getting married to the wrong people first is often a rite of passage for soap couples, but there should be long periods of happiness and togetherness, too. I mean, Eden and Cruz finally extricate themselves from their respective marriages to Kirk and Santana and are reconciled by episode 518, but by episode 532 Victoria comes along and their relationship is being undermined again. I'm on episode 638 and I understand that I'm still a couple of hundred episodes from them finally making it to the altar. Writers should be able to create story for a couple that involves them solving problems as a couple rather than constantly blowing the pairing up to get them back together. There's only so many times you can watch two people break up before you start to wonder if they're actually good together after all.
  14. It's like Bravo decided that it wanted to go out to dinner regardless of the fact that it couldn't find a sitter and now it's just sitting there at the table letting its child run wild, pretending not to see and not to know that it's ruining everyone else's meal.
  15. She's dying from being used as Leah's human shield against all criticism.
  16. Not just the center of attention, but also the "authority" on whatever is being talked about. Edited to add: Lol, how does this make Heather a "Karen," Leah? You brought up the fact that you don't care to vote. You said it in Heather's presence. She's allowed to have an opinion about that.
  17. Sorry, Leah, you can't bring up politics/voting apropos nothing and then get your back up when someone you're talking to has an opinion about what you've just expressed. If you don't want to risk being judged for your stance, you can always keep it to yourself.
  18. My first thought when Heather said "articulate" was this: You'd think that someone who can rattle off a long list of black people she hangs out with would have a better understanding of stereotypes and microaggressions.
  19. Turns out Lady Morgan was the dark horse. Heather is making me cringe.
  20. Well, until she started overcompensating by listing the ways she's been "involved" in black culture. Sonja's simple, non-performative understanding of the situation was more impressive to me.
  21. Those are the get-togethers that get left on the editing room floor. I will say this for the New York ladies: at least they have a series of different fights over the season rather than one drawn out fight stretched over 15 episodes.
  22. If Ramona goes for Alfredo, does he retroactively become Sonja's type?
  23. You would think Lu would know what Sonja likes since they've shared so many men. Also, Sonja is an artist?
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