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Everything posted by SailorGirl

  1. Not arguing it isn't the best optic, but there's no way that that kid went anywhere without security and likely his nanny -- they just weren't in any of the pics. Its not like it was just Pete and Saint heading off for a quick run to Walmart. Staged and escorted, I'm quite sure. As for the rest of it, white trash with cash is still white trash.
  2. So what's your take on how they're going to manage Howard's death? I seem to recall Mike staging a murder to look like a suicide in BB, so it is among his skill set. I'm sure Mike would have access to whatever type of gun Lalo has. Fire a bullet using Howard's hand and Howard now has gunshot residue on his hand. Given Howard's erratic behavior, I doubt they would go so far as to match the bullet to the specific gun. Police: "He shot himself with a XY-caliber gun name and we found an XY-caliber gun on site." Suicide would be a logical conclusion.
  3. Are Mike's guys still watching Kim and Jimmy? Or did Mike pull everyone from every location to protect Gus based on Lalo's call to the tapped phone line at Casa Tranquila? If Mike's guys are still at the Jimmy/Kim location, we know Mike will quickly call in a clean-up team. I'm thinking Mike et al are going to set up Howard's murder to look like a suicide.
  4. I realize this is more of a speculation, but . . . This comment overlaying an empty shot of Kim's condo, combined with the suit commercial for the second half in July, is making me think that Kim is the first of the BCS/BB world to order a Hoover Max Extract® 60 Pressure Pro™. As part of the condition of her disappearance, Saul is able to know where she is/who she becomes. Now that "Gene" is no longer safe being Gene, he leaves and finds Kim, and they live "happily ever after. . . " and the final outfit on the hanger is a tiki shirt or something like that. That said, however, Gilligan/Gould are not known for creating "happily ever afters." But unless it involves Kim being safe, I can't imagine Jimmy/Saul ever saying, "after all that, a happy ending." I guess we shall see!
  5. Okay, for those of you not watching Talking Saul, they just did a commercial for the second half starting in July. It was a clothing rack that panned suits on hangers equally spaced out . . . clearly Jimmy into Saul's suit transitions. The last outfit hanging was Gene's Cinnabon shirt and visor, and then . . . an empty hanger. So we got the hint that Gene is going to be left behind, and now we have the question of . . . what clothing will ultimately end up on that empty hanger. . . a final Saul Goodman suit? A vaccuum repairman shirt (maybe Jimmy becomes the disappearer?) . . . we shall see!!
  6. Man, that was THE moment. Even before we knew for sure it was Lalo, the sense of dread created by that flickering candle and "who is it going to be" (other than Saul for the obvious reasons), is what these writers/producers do like no other. Even once Lalo was in the room, I wondered if it was going to Kim. Literally until Lalo pulled the trigger, we couldn't be sure . . . .
  7. Don't forget -- they're doing an episode of Talking Saul with Odenkirk, Seehorn, Fabian, and Peter Gould . . .
  8. HOLE. LEE. SHIT. BALLS!!! I just permanently traumatized one of my cats because I jumped, gasped, covered my eyes, and yelled the above... This. Show.
  9. Imperial Airlines HR needs a shake-up. That we know of: an alcoholic who sleeps with passengers, a North Korean spy, a trained assassin, a CIA agent, and a senior attendant who sells her pax benefit on the black market . Someone is NOT doing the proper background checks!!
  10. OMG -- I could not love this idea more. I hope it turns out to be true! And Donna naming her daughter Rose makes a LOT of sense given the original Rose/Donna interactions. . . .
  11. I read the opening scene differently in that Kim tried, as teenagers are wont to do, stealing the necklace and earrings but got caught. Her mother didn't know (as most parents don't), got called in, we saw the scene, and then the guard/manager walked Kim out. I thought the mother saw the manager being distracted by Kim as an opportunity to provide something for her daughter she might not otherwise have been able to and snagged the necklace/earring set. That's why i interpreted the Kim holding her mother's hand scene (because she did that prior to her mother giving her the necklace/earrings), as Kim reaching out to her mom as thanks for getting her out of the situation -- like a moment of "wow, my mom does care about me" kind of thing. I thought Kim being quiet in the car was her processing/realizing that her mistake of shoplifting is what got her mother to show she cared about Kim, making Kim wonder if this was how parents show their love for their kids. But, most reviews I've read and what many of you have said (and I am going to listen to the insider podcast today to see what they confirm), is that it was in fact a mother/daughter team con -- maybe the first one and Kim in the car was processing what that meant in terms of equating love with cons . . .
  12. Alameda Street is where Kaylie and her mother live. We know Mike has "guys" watching the street because in their face-off, Tyrus told Mike "Alameda Street is a long shot" and to pull the guys from there. Mike refused. We then saw the importance of Alameda Street to Mike and why he won't pull the guys. RE: them having the picnic outside of HHM -- I wonder if either they didn't know Howard hired a PI to follow them or that once the PI got the shot of Jimmy leaving the bank with the cash, Howard pulled him. Because otherwise, the PI would have followed them to HHM and taken pictures of them "picknicking" on the HHM lawn.
  13. Kim, Kim, Kim -- you're on the brink of something amazing and you choose the self-destructive path. . . having done the same, I get it that the low road side takes over, but I was hoping you'd stay on the high road to Santa Fe!!! I'm thinking all the foreshadowing we've been getting about her in jail is going to result from this U-turn back to ABQ. Poor Francesa. Tried so hard to make the office nice. . . she's come a long way from being nervous to call HHM for the call-in info to making the call about So many more Easter eggs tonight!! Also, who is the German mountain man? And how did he know to run? Lalo didn't take the gun out until he ran. Mountain Man responded when Lalo said the name "Fring" so he definitely recognized the name. None of the workers knew about Gus. Their only contact was with Mike. . . .
  14. Don't hate the player . . . . 😎 🤣 😎
  15. I was just preparing to say the same thing -- 36 hours -- that's cute. I only stopped watching because I fell asleep, and I'm glad I ended up watching it all on Netflix because there are some episodes where I couldn't imagine having to wait a week to find out what happened next. I didn't believe/buy into the whole "OMG this is the greatest show ever" when it was airing in real time, and honestly, I didn't watch in part on some weird sense of principle. I have rarely been more wrong in my entire life. Truly brilliant and definitely absolutely one of the best tv shows ever. What Cinnabon said. You're going to be in that bedroom for longer than 36 hours. It just keeps getting better.
  16. I definitely agree that Lalo is going to end up buried in the superlab. That is absolutely in line with Gus' character and his desire to exact revenge over all the Salamancas. It would give him satisfaction every time he goes to the lab, and I can easily imagine him telling Hector that he killed Lalo but not where his body is, just to further torture Hector. As for the fly . . . Gus is way too meticulous to not ensure Lalo is well sealed in the bowels of the lab!! But I like the way you think!! :-D
  17. True to form though, the episodes where nothing much seems to happen later prove to have been providing the groundwork or dropping easter eggs for major stuff that's going to happen. Kim inviting Lane Kim (she will always be Lane Kim) to fish for what is happening in the case is likely going to pay off too.
  18. Ahhh . . . thank you!! I know we were discussing last week which of the BB characters could be Cliff Main's son. I'm leaning toward Skinny Pete as the tie-in, because he knew how to play classical piano very well. Typically, someone who is raised with piano lessons that lead to the talent Skinny Pete has come from money. Now I need to go back and watch BB and find all the Skinny Pete scenes for Easter Eggs. I feel like there were a few hints that Skinny Pete came from money/upper-middle-class family, but I might be projecting. Plus, the age would track because, if I recall, Skinny Pete is older than Jessie Pinkman. He and Tuco did time together, which would have been when Pinkman was still in high school. Clearly, Kim and Jimmy have a bigger play going on with Howard, which makes sense because it was all pretty easy to track it to Jimmy. Wonder what the real play is!! Sort of related side note: I found out after the fact that Bryan Cranston and Aaron Paul were promoting their Dos Hombres Mezcal at my local liquor store! I was so bummed that I didn't know until afterward! Apparently there were close to 1,000 people lined up!!
  19. How the hell did Lalo have any idea about the Germans and the superlab???
  20. I can lead y'all to the article but I can't make you read it. . . . yes the video was from a fitting but the article says it still didn't zip day of. . . and she dyed her hair only the day before, so the video isn't necessarily out-of-date.
  21. It didn't. The wrap was covering that it wasn't fully closed. Even with the weight loss, they couldn't fully zip the dress and apparently getting it over her butt was . . . problematic . . . there's video . . . https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-10779669/Kim-Kardashian-ZIP-Marilyn-Monroe-dress.html
  22. Okay, I HATE the Daily Mail with a passion, but this is just funny. Even with the weight loss, they couldn't fully zip the dress and apparently getting it over her butt was . . . problematic . . . there's video . . . https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-10779669/Kim-Kardashian-ZIP-Marilyn-Monroe-dress.html
  23. She's glad its over . . . "for the girls." Ummm. . . . what about Rob, you know, the person who was actually involved with Chyna?? The one who had a gun held to his head and a cord wrapped around his neck by that whack job? But yes, I'm sure it was just horrible "for the girls." Seriously PMK?
  24. "He 'Love Actually-ed' Me." One of the best throwaway scenes/lines ever.
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