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Everything posted by Stuffy

  1. It’s ridiculous they were even allowed a hockey team at all considering the huge scandal they had with their U18 national team. The entire team was dropped and the coach was fired for several positive tests. I believe it was the Sherapova(sp?) drug. The U17 players took their place for the tournament which I think was worlds. Of course I was skeptical that the U17 team would be clean.
  2. Well at least those Sochi venues they wasted all that money on will be used. Unless I'm wrong and the pictures of it being an abandoned area were debunked.
  3. Well since the bob came in around that time, maybe they'll let Elizabeth get a haircut. I'm not loving the wig Erin is wearing at all.
  4. The original press release said multiple injuries including cuts and bruises, along with the broken wrist. It just never said where the cuts and bruises were. People in Nashville respect other's privacy and usually leave celebrities alone. There's not a big paparazzi presence, so no photos would leak. She recently posted a workout picture with her son, but it was only the right side of her face. The part of the face shown doesn't look like any work has been done to it. I don't think she would have cancelled the Oklahoma Hall of Fame induction or the charity concert she was supposed to do for plastic surgery. She doesn't have a reputation for cancelling on people, but she cancelled three appearances after the accident. She usually shows up to perform no matter how sick or injured she is. She only cancels/reschedules if she doesn't have a singing voice.
  5. Are we talking about the Russian pairs that had bad music, costumes, and choreography? Maybe they should've made sure they had a decent program that made sense.
  6. Not this time. It's about the president thing. Julie Foudy commented on it, and you should see some of her mentions too. Lindsey was trending last night, and 85% of it was people calling her anti American etc. The hate mail Lindsey Van has mistakenly been getting has been recent too.
  7. I’m going to need Vonn to medal eventually because of all her injuries but mainly because of the ridiculous hate she’s getting. Apparently it’s been so bad that a US ski jumper named Lindsey Van has been getting Vonn’s hate Mail for weeks. She’s sick of it too. I hate this “karma” nonsense. They did it with Carrie Underwood when she had her accident after the CMAs. Celebrating the fact that she broke her wrist and cut her face. I tried to make this post as vague as possible because I don’t want to get into trouble for politics.
  8. I haven’t noticed them talking about Vonn excessively. They are spending all their time talking about Mikaela Shriffin because the ski events keep getting cancelled.
  9. Stuffy


    Unless something changes, it's sounding like Aly is going to pass on the next Olympics to focus on holding USAG and the USOC accountable. She's keeping her options open, but they're not a priority right now. That seems like it'd affect her training.
  10. Stuffy


    McKayla Maroney (sp?)
  11. Stuffy


    They need to follow the rules that educators follow. As a teacher, I'm supposed to go directly to either the police or the section of DHS that deals with abuse. Also don't ask questions let the kid tell their story without prompting. That way the kid doesn't have to tell their story repeatedly because of the trauma.
  12. Stuffy

    NHL Thread

    Mike Fisher is coming out of retirement to play for the predators again. He's getting back in game shape now and will sign a one year contract before the trade deadline.
  13. Given the way women are treated in country music it was even more ridiculous. They work work work and barely get top 20. Meanwhile there is a line of male artists many with mediocre songs/music waiting their turn at number one. The newer male artist also are not asked to do ridiculous stuff like sit on the laps of male DJs or program directors in order to get their song played. There's a lot of skeevy stuff the women of country music have to deal with. If they don't follow along, they are punished. Look at Kasey Musgraves. She can win the awards, but radio stations refuse to play her music.
  14. Stuffy


    I know Simone is on a medicine for ADHD that is a banned substance. Some still think she's cheating even though she needs the medication and has gone through all the necessary steps to allow her to take it legally. That could have something to do with why she's tested so much. I don't know about Laurie. It's not a good look if those aren't the reasons.
  15. I'm a fan of both Carrie and Miranda, but I never bought into the label conspiracy. The WME/CAA thing seems more realistic due to the sheer numbers of WME artists winning in recent years. In the past there have been years when there were four CAA artists and Miranda the lone WME artist in the female category. Miranda would win even in her years off. I don't think they could get away with it when Carrie won in 2016. Miranda was between albums and singles. Meanwhile Carrie had her most successful tour with many sellouts to go along with several successful singles and a well reviewed album One of the Sony bigwigs said something about not worrying about Carrie because she's so successful, but I don't remember it being about awards. I want to say it was Overton. I don't think it was the current label head. Carrie's definitely not with Arista/Sony anymore. She's Capitol/UMG. There was/is a lawsuit against Sony because Carrie and Kelli supposedly were stiffed money. They both left their labels. Carrie also joined back up with a woman who helped her early in her career. Normally I would've said Carrie went with her because she's big on loyalty, but she's been making changes. Last album had less Mark Bright, and she also switched PR firms this year. I thought she'd stay with her original PR woman her entire career.
  16. Stuffy


    It was still the goal when she was promoting her book in the fall. I only remember that because it seemed like every interviewer asked her about it. Priorities change though. She took two years off in between her last olympics.
  17. Stuffy


    Yeah I think they're more likely to shut Aly out. She has been the most vocal of the possible olympians. She's really going after them, and she's definitely not letting up. I saw a tweet Simone Biles liked the other day that basically said the USAG is probably regretting giving Aly all that media training. It made me laugh because she really was bad at interviews when she first started. She talked so fast. She still does it when she gets worked up about something but not like she used to I'm really hoping that by the time for the next olympics she's still kicking butt and injury free.
  18. Sorry I can't help you. There's so many male artists that it's hard to keep track of the new ones. The only long bearded guy I can remember is Chris Stapleton, but he's not young. He also wears a different kind of hat. Dierks Bentley has a beard with his new project, but he's not young either.
  19. Stuffy


    Michigan State has even bigger problems if the ESPN Outside the Lines report is true. I haven't read the report yet, but the show made it sound like it was another Baylor-like cover up in basketball and football. The athletic director "retired" today. Also the USAG board will resign too.
  20. Stuffy


    Yeah Aly and Simone need to dominate the year leading up to the Olympics because I can see them screwing them over especially Aly. The USOC told the entire board to resign, and they still haven't done it.
  21. Well this just proves my point because I couldn't even get the spelling right. Ha ha
  22. When I first started reading everyone’s comments I was thinking, “Who the hell is Irma?” I worked it out though. The funny thing is during the episode I was thinking “Her name isn’t really Matilda is it?” I guess the character isn’t clicking with me. Also Mon-El didn’t bother me last year and now I’m waiting for him to go away. I realized I didn’t miss him the first 1/2 of the season. Also he’s married so Supergirl and his relationship is pretty much dead to me now. He’s not really needed anymore so show the other characters. I always lose interest when 2/3 of a triangle gets married.
  23. Stuffy


    Last I heard that's the goal for both Simone and Aly. I think Aly may want to go after the Shannon Miller olympic medal record. It won't be easy for either of them to make it because there's always someone younger in the pipeline. Also if I remember right, the number of gymnasts per team is only four at the next Olympics. However if anyone can do it it's those two.
  24. They still didn't listen about putting it in a family friendly time slot.
  25. I haven't heard of her ever acting like that on set. She's always stuck up for herself, but I hadn't heard of her treating people on set like crap. Just not letting people walk all over her. She's still friends with many of her costars even going back to Cruel Intentions. It's why people were shocked when she had her car moment. She was also drunk herself when she did that.
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