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Everything posted by Stuffy

  1. I was surprised there wasn't more of Billie because the three of them were really close. Having the younger generation would've been interesting. I think it may be a combination of everyone desperately not wanting her to go into entertainment, and Billie possibly still being in college. I have no idea when she graduated NYU, but she was the family member at Debbie's Jersey show.
  2. Stuffy

    The Star Wars Saga

    I'm going to have to go back and watch the old Star Wars movies because I have completely forgotten Leia had the force. I haven't watched the original movies straight through since I was a kid, and that was a really long time ago. I always thought it was just Luke. I think they're On Demand right now, so I'll watch them this weekend. One of the prequels was on during thanksgiving, and we couldn't believe how boring it was. It had a lot of talk without much action. My brother's Star Wars obsessed kids however were glued to the screen. It was probably because my brother only shows bits and pieces of the movies to them for now.
  3. I recovered my deleted episode, and they said Leah's in talks for season two.
  4. Scientology really really made a mistake pissing off Leah. They should've realized who she was at her core. She was never going to sit back and be quiet.
  5. I'm still trying to figure out who Billie looks like. She seems to have both Debbie and Carrie in her facial features. I haven't seen enough of her next to her dad to figure out what traits of his she got. According to her appearance Kelli Ripa's show, she has Debbie and Carrie's singing ability. Kelli had a video from a party they both went to.
  6. I think Nicole's always had contact with the kids just not the amount she'd like. It's probably why she won't say anything about CO$. I'm pretty sure Bella is still in it just maybe not as gungho as Conner. Bella did call the rumors she doesn't talk to her mom bs this year. She of course could be lying.
  7. I believe Katie and Suri were living in NYC while Katie was rehearsing or either staring in a play. I also think Tom was out of the country filming. I don't know if it was as dramatic an escape as it was played out to be by the media. Of course Katie was probably conspiring with her dad for awhile before it was official. Tom really didn't stand a chance. I remember the pictures that came out of them right before the split because Katie looked miserable. Tom shouldn't have been surprised.
  8. People aren't confused. They just view the electoral college as outdated. Losing by almost three million is ridiculous. It's not a democracy if your vote doesn't count. I live in a red state my vote doesn't count. I didn't vote for trump but that's where all my state's electoral votes went. They don't represent me or my vote. My vote is counted in the popular vote though. Yes I know how the electoral college works, but it doesn't change my feelings. I'm also a Christian, and I don't like that our supposed leaders like Franklin Graham are sell outs for party politics. Trump bragged about sexual assault, and we hand wave it because he says he's pro-life. This is not what Jesus would do. His heart would be broken for all those women, for the beauty contestants who had their privacy violated, for anyone who is facing bigotry. He was the physical embodiment of God's love and now our so-called religious leaders are leading with hate.
  9. Schools do teach the constitution and electoral college in both middle school and high school. It's also a requirement in college or at least it was at mine. I'm assuming you don't mean talking about the candidates because that's against the law and grounds for being fired.
  10. Here's a little bit from the photographer about it http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories/E/EU_TURKEY_RUSSIAN_AMBASSADOR_EYEWITNESS?SITE=AP&SECTION=HOME&TEMPLATE=DEFAULT
  11. If I remember correctly the only reason they are tax free is because of the 1000 lawsuits and harassment of the IRS. The IRS asked if they'd drop the lawsuits if they gave them tax exemption. Either David or someone else told them yes so, as soon as they got their exemption, all the lawsuits were dropped. I wan to say it was talked about in Going Clear but it could have been an article I read too. Basically the IRS just caved.
  12. We were kinda guinea pigs for the sheriffs department too. We only did it the one time.
  13. We did it for a professional development day. The students do the standard drills you mentioned.
  14. We (teachers) had ALICE training. The police acted like a shooter with fake bullets, and we had to use the training we had just learned to survive different scenarios. Beforehand they went through the Virginia Tech classrooms and told us how many were killed in each room and what each room did differently. They also showed us a movie scene that looked like Columbine security footage. They didn't tell us it was from a movie while it was playing which I thought was a dirty trick. I was so pissed. We also had a teacher slip on a shell casing and bust her mouth. It was a very morbid day.
  15. This is what I was thinking too. I didn't know who she was because I never watch the Disney channel but I thought she seemed great for the Bye Bye Birdie role. I was thinking maybe Zachary Levi for the Dick Van Dyke role (I never remember character names). I thought Zach was great in "She Loves Me." Jennifer is older but I don't know by how much. Zachary is late thirties.
  16. Looks like Trump is picking Scott Pruitt to head the EPA. He of course is anti-climate change and extremely pro-oil just like Mary Fallin. Also his claim to fame is wasting my tax dollars by filing a lawsuit to the U.S. supreme court asking Colorado to repeal their weed law.
  17. It's been awhile since I watched Going Clear, but I feel like it talked about LRH knowing he was going crazy. I wish I could remember better.
  18. Well I know that if I go into Jennifer's tag there will be pictures of Lana. For some reason they tag it with Jennifer even if she's not anywhere in the post at all. It won't even be swan queen stuff just random tags in the wrong place. So if they are posting Lana stuff in a completely wrong tag, I figure there's probably even more that is actually tagged correctly.
  19. No it was kinda wedged in toward the end of Supergirl before the Flash part. I remember because at first I thought it was a weird commercial because I wasn't paying attention.
  20. This is one of the dumbest things I've ever heard a tv writer say. If it happened off screen, then it didn't happen. It doesn't exist. I don't watch the show off screen because there's nothing to watch. Seriously so stupid. I'm to the point where I think it should just be cancelled. Put everyone out of their misery. I'd worry about the crew, but Vancouver is booming. I think they'll find more work. Let the actors move on to something not embarrassing. Btw fan fiction also happens off screen, so I guess it's real too.
  21. In Oklahoma they can't even find a decent democrat to run for governor because they know they'll lose to straight party voting. It's how we ended up with a dentist for supt. of schools. At least she never made it out of the primary for a second term. The lady trump chose for education secretary reminds me of the dentist. It's going to be a disaster.
  22. So the whole point of the original curse was to find Baelfire but in this alternative world Bae was still Emma's baby daddy. It was really dumb for Rumple to still be talking about that original curse because apparently his son was no longer lost just dead. Rumple wouldn't need a curse anymore.
  23. There was a penny sales tax bill in Oklahoma up for vote because of the education crisis. It was trending positive with extremely high approval rates then the Koch brothers paid for attack ads completely filled with lies. People believe whatever they see, so it was defeated by a landslide. One ad even said the money would go towards vouchers and private schools. The bill specified exactly what the money could be used on and that the state couldn't touch it. Public education has been so underfunded that some schools went to four day school weeks. Teachers are fleeing the state because they can't afford to provide for their families on such a small salary. They had years to make a change, and we tried the sales tax because they refused to do anything. Oklahoma is in debt by a billion dollars because Fallin refuses to tax oil, gas, or the wind industry. She also approved a tax cut even after she was begged not to. The cut was supposed to give people spending money and boost the economy. Yeah that didn't work. If Fallin's chosen for interior, it'll be just as big a disaster as Bannon and the rest. She will let the oil industry do whatever they want without consequences. Just look at Oklahoma's earthquakes.
  24. Stuffy

    Super Wish List

    ^ I'd love to have Laura back, but I can't see her taking her baby cross country and away from her husband for extended periods of time. He has his own job that keeps him in New York. I'm not sure what he does, but I know it's not in the entertainment business. Whatever we get of Laura will probably be filmed in NYC like her Alura appearance or maybe a really short trip here or there to Vancouver. I'd love to be wrong though.
  25. That's the way I remember it too, but I need to go back and watch it again to be sure.
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