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Everything posted by Maximona

  1. Gawd, these women are stupid!!! And phony, beachball-sized breasts do nothing for me. Do they really do anything for the testosterone secreters they're designed to ensnare? I mean, I guess they must. But they're so fuggin' ugly! I do like some of the clothes, though. 😀
  2. But there was a mention of Nicky. Marilyn talks about Nicky when she's talking about fixing hotdogs and tomato soup for Jack.
  3. Well said. I agree. There's a degree of guilt abuse survivors feel that's difficult to understand if you've never been in an abusive relationship yourself. This is my fault, you think. If only I had done X, Y, or Z, this would never have happened. Confronted by deep shame like this, the easiest thing to do is to reinvent yourself as a person to whom the abuse never happened. Both Jack and Marilyn do this. And the reinvention process leads to (mostly) happy new lives. But to get that happiness, they had to sacrifice their relationship.
  4. Coco Rocha's a Jehovah's Witness. I kinda imagine a Jehovah's Witness might avoid surgical work because of the possibility of blood transfusions. But I don't know for sure, and maybe there are ways around that. Why didn't they provide adequate lighting for the model? None of the fabric textures stood out in the absence of that lighting—and Shantall's design, just as an example, only stands above the other when you see the textures she incorporated into it. Bones essentially lost because they provided him with such terrible lighting that the color of his garment could not stand out.
  5. ALSO nobody who knows anything considers Montauk part of the Hamptons.
  6. That's the other reason why I like Julia. 😀 She may have had work; I dunno. But she can actually wrinkle her forehead, so no Botox (I think.) Hard to say what Julia's relationship with Martina is. For some reason, I get the hit that Julia is the objet du desir, but I'd be hard pressed to say why exactly.
  7. Best moment on Episode 7: Anono-fiance asking Alexia, Wanna see my underwear? and poor, simple, guileless Frankie, shaking his head: NO. If I were getting surgery anywhere in the greater Miami metropolitan area, I would definitely demand to learn the name of the anesthesiologist, and if it was Nicole, I'd reschedule—in New York City. I find Adriana physically unattractive to the point of physically repulsive. Plus, she has a repulsive personality. Totally uninterested in Larsa & Lisa. I do like Julia, though. Eggs in the Chanel bag! Visible bra when wearing (what I presume is) red designer dress!
  8. Pretty obvious foreshadowing, I thought. I cannot bring myself to care about Madison or the twins. True, I haven't tried very hard. But whatever the opposite of "charisma" is, the actress who plays Madison has it. Someone remind me please why Kate has elected to remain in LA while her husband is working in the SF Bay Area. is it so she can spend more time with increasingly-dementia-struck Rebecca? But she doesn't seem to actually spend much time with Rebecca, does she?
  9. Question: Have there ever been this many women before in the Project Runway top five? Didn't much like Chasity's look at all. The print was fine, but I found the slashes and shineys on the top—what were those things? Sequins? Rhinestones? Crushed beads?—kinda cheap-looking. She's being groomed pretty obviously for the big win, no? My favorite outfit was Chantall's. Didn't understand why her jacket got no LUV. I thought it was sensational. Aaron definitely deserved to go home for that jumpsuit. Probably the most hideous thing I have ever seen on Project Runway (and that's saying something.)
  10. No, there's a Door #3! Jamie can move to another state and take their bar exam (since Montana doesn't offer reciprocity.) And never have anything to do with those Dutton creeps ever again. Please, Taylor Sheridan. Have the toilet from an orbiting space station fall on John Dutton's head. Or something.
  11. The actress who plays Madison is the real-life Mrs. Dan Fogelman, so I'm pretty sure that is the angle they're pushing. 😀 Boring actress. I don't care about her or the twins, though I did like the adult Kate/Kevin interaction toward the end of the show. I also thought the dementia storyline was handled exceptionally well. I can date the beginning of my aunt's dance with dementia to a moment when she forgot the word "rollercoaster." She remembered it after two days at 3 in the morning—I know this because she called me up as soon as she remembered it.
  12. It is really difficult to sing and sound decent when you haven't warmed up.
  13. Not to me. 😊. I thought it was fun learning what was really going on behind all those manufactured narratives and character storylines. First time I can remember any of the Housewives talking about "jabs." Some of the Housewives view jabs as part of their job description; others use them as an excuse/pretext to go crazy-angry. But they know they're using them as an excuse/pretext. Fascinating. Wendy felt justified about using outrage-over-Eddie-cheating-rumors as her storyline even thoough Robyn's January text message specifically asked, So, Eddie is a lawyer. Are you gonna sue this website over planting a false rumor? Robyn said that after that scene when Juan rolled up the window and drove off while she was telling him if she had another kid, he'd have to be more hands-on, that he actually drove back, they continued the discussion and came to some sort of rapprochement. I assume Bravo filmed that. Why didn't they show it? Karen seems to have accomplished something solid with the Surrey County ambassador storyline—bringing WiFi to the sticks is no small accomplishment—so good for her. I also liked the moments the masks dropped—Wendy telling Ashley her hair looked funny; Candiace sticking up for Ashley: "She just had a baby two weeks ago." I imagine the cast members real relationships with one another are fairly different from what is portrayed on the show.
  14. I know! I was thinking the same thing! I guess we viewers should all be grateful that Daniel didn't pause for a pit stop in Kenosha, Wisconsin, or something. No, actually, Alex did cough. It didn't sound like a COVID cough—I will out myself here as an emergency room nurse—but it was a cough. Alex faced with the prospect of her own extinction—or death, as we non-Alexes like to call it—was comedy gold. In fact, this entire episode was pretty hilarious. Although not intentionally, I suspect.
  15. I thought this was one of the more interesting Housewives reunions I've seen. For one thing, I learned that Candiace can apparently cry on cue! I didn't get what seemed to me to be Wendy's over-reaction to the Eddie rumors until she explained it here: Had to do with the size of the social media platform dispersing the rumors. Excellent point and 100% percent correct. I wish Candiace and Ashley had talked more about colorism and that the other housewives had been drawn into the conversation. Colorism isn't something I know much about. The thing I do know about (being very tall) is that there's also this strange thing in definitions of female attractiveness that pits petite against big. Supermodels aside, I've always thought that petite women are considered wayyyyy more attractive than bigger women, so every time Candiace disses Mia's size-12 feet, I bristlle. Quite a lot of Candiace's brand of attractiveness has to do with the fact that she is so petite.
  16. Always assuming there is a next season. Has it been renewed for a third season yet? I'm on the fence. On the one hand, The Morning Show is a kind of fun schmaltzy melodrama. On the other, The Morning Show is a kind of not-fun, schmaltzy melodrama. 😊 In case any producers' assistants are reading this bbs: I do not care about Bradley's brother. Trust me! Nobody cares about Bradley's brother. And nobody cares about Bradley's romance with Laura either since Witherspoon and Margolies have about as much chemistry together as an eighth of a cup of Tide in a cold water wash. If you really needed to spice things, you should have drafted Stella and broken two-two-two taboos in one! (girl-on-girl action plus Gen-X-on-Millennial action.!) Corey's pinball machine solitiquy was bizarre. Nobody plays pinball anymore. Was the screenwriter just too lazy to get someone to explain Fortnight well enough to extract some metaphoric subtext from it? Or was the screenwriter making a generalization about the viewers of this show? (Okay, Boomers.)
  17. I think it's Isabel Wilkerson's more recent book Caste that introduced the term "generational wealth." At least, that where I remember first running across it. I'd probably lie about working in a strip club too if I didn't trust my audience to refrain from making judgements. Mia is new to this group; this group is nasty. I don't blame her one bit for playing cadgey. And I don't care if Dorothy supports Candiace. I throw money at my grown children; it gives me great pleasure. And if I could afford to throw more, you bet I would.
  18. Well, that is absolutely true. Jamal gave the girls the restaurant in—what? 2020? I think. That's how long I've been watching Potomac. Hopefully, Gizelle is savvy enough to have someone with accounting skills keeping an eye on it.
  19. Doubt very much that Candiace would tolerate physical violence in her marriage. I'm not a big Candiace fan—she is wayyyyyyy too entitled for my liking—but I gotta admit she's smart, and she knows what she wants. She does have the best verbal comebacks, too—so much so that I've often wondered whether she has someone behind the scenes writing quips for her rather the way standup comics deploy teams of backstage writers. Askale looked the best last night, I thought—followed by Candiace & Ashley. Robyn is a beautiful woman, and her dress was beautiful—but somehow, the rest of her styling didn't seem to go with the dress. I think Mia must have looked better in person than she did on my TV screen (but then I always think that if I'm looking a a dress more than the person in the dress, the dress is a failure.). Wendy just looked like she had rushed in from a quinceañera for somebody's aging Rottweiler. I think Wendy is a complete disaster when it comes to style. It was interesting to me that Gizelle and Karen wore the same color. 😊 I thought Gizelle handled her moment on the hotseat extremely well. She is obviously bored with the show, but she isn't bored with the paycheck. So, she'll deliver what she has to deliver and not an ounce more. Also, she'd only be on the hook for Jamal's 2008 tax problems if they filed a joint return that year. From her cucumber-cool reaction when the question was put to her, I am guessing she did not file a joint return with Jamal in 2008.
  20. You're not. 😊 I don't hate her or anything. But I've never understood why she has a career. (Note: I never watched Friends because I don't do laugh tracks.)
  21. Stevens-Johnson syndrome?? Vaccines are also known to trigger Guillain-Barré syndrome in some individuals. But these reactions are very, very, very, very, very, very, very rare.
  22. That whole stuff with Bradley's brother was ridiculous. Like scenes inserted from some other show. I felt sorry for the actor who was playing the brother—he was acting his heart out; the segue from singing Simon & Garfunkle to hearing Simon & Garfunkle was nicely done (though why that particular song?), but WTF? Did the episode not have enough tension already? And we're supposed to believe all this happened in the standard 4-minute advertisement break during a morning show? Also, why does Chip not immediately call UBA with the second confirmation after Alex gets off the phone with Paola? And Paige (the wife) needs to hear from Alex (the work girlfriend) that her X is dead? I. Don't. Think. So. Abysmally bad writing, although I understand this show is more about creating showcases for Jennifer Aniston's hystrionics than about creating substantiative plotlines. I couldn't figure out if the Chip/Alex fight-in-the-car was being played for drama or comedy. (Honestly, it worked better as the latter.). If only they could have gotten into a car crash! In fact, everybody on this show should die in a car crash! While they're driving themselves to the ICU on the way to their COVID diagosis.
  23. I'm not defending Erika either, but it's very, very, very common for people to attribute the beginning of illnesses, mental declines etc in their loved ones to specific incidents even if it can be medically proven those illnesses, declines etc have been going on for quiite some time. Back when I was an emergency room nurse, I saw this all the time.
  24. Don't be ashamed! Many of us will need RHOBH detox now that the season is over! 😊
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