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Everything posted by FlowerofCarnage

  1. Uncle Daddy and Mrs. Uncle Daddy are a match made in Jerry Springer heaven. Given how Jenn referred to UD as her "father-in-law", I guess he pretty much raise Bryce and Roller. Funny, how Bryce turned out relatively normal. So, does Roller have a government name? I am not going to call that a wake, that was a straight up Grand Master-level ratchet afterparty.
  2. "Let me tell a gotdamn story!" Lol Who played the king that tried to seduce Bilquis? Very hot! I am confused about Bilquis and the woman dying of HIV.
  3. Bryce and Roller and his actual nephews?How did I miss that? Oh, boy! That just makes it all the more creepy whenever Roller said "Uncle Daddy"!
  4. Poor Nova inherited Catelynn's big forehead and unfortunate-looking hairline. Someone mentioned that Cate and April probably had a falling out since Butch suddenly fit toward Nova and now she is suddenly ready for pre-school(day care). Guess they aren't use to a kid interrupting Cate sleeping in or her many excursions to Boogie town. So Amber and Matt can buy out Sam Ash but can't pay back child support or Uncle Sam?
  5. I have to find a way to use " smells like a dead hooker's cervix" into a conversation. I don't what was more vicious; the foreskin management line or Desna and Co. all laughing in unison when Virginia proclaimed that Roller loved her.
  6. And yet they spent 3 grand on a pig and have at least 4 cars sitting in the driveway.
  7. Just call this "the poop episode" Tyler telling Dawn that they would have never found the poop if Nova hadn't picked it up tells me everything I needed to know about their cleaning habits. No one needed to known that Bentley feels uncomfortable pooping at school. So, you don't spend time with your kid because you're pissed you aren't allowed to spend more time with your kid?
  8. Makes me think that Zachary Stephens knew of Ryan's drug problem and took action accordingly regarding his son's welfare. Now, I am sure if he knew about it, Maci damn sure knew. ETA; I definitely think there was a change in custody with Mr. Stephens now being the primary custodian but I wonder did Mac fight this or was it mutually agreed upon?
  9. According to the Grace Report, MacMenzie's divorce from hubby no. 1 was finalized in Nov. 2016.
  10. Now there is speculation that Mackenzie may be pregnant. That would make shotgun marriage no.2 for her, I guess.
  11. Apparently, Ryan and Mac married on May 15th http://starcasm.net/archives/370953
  12. I am curious what MacMenzie's ex-husband thinks of all of this. Assuming he doesn't have any addiction issues, I can imagine he isn't too keen on his son living with a drug addict part of the time.
  13. I bet he did considering he is broke ass college student with a baby on the way.
  14. I know Kim works(why am I even including her because I really believe she doesn't care for Nova)and I don't know if Tyler's sister works but they couldn't watch Nova. Tyler and Catelynn don't have any trusted friends they could leave her with instead of Booger Sugar Baltierra?
  15. I can just imagine the producers explaining to them that Puerto Rico is a US territory. I will say that I think Taylor has some semblance of cultural curiosity as exhibited by him wearing a guayabera in that one scene.
  16. Honestly, I think B& T are done with the visits especially after the open pot-smoking on national TV.
  17. So next week ep., Catelynn says she text Teresa about a visit and didn't get a response. Take that as a "no", Catelynn!
  18. So Rosalind marries Benvolio but continues to see the Prince on the side? Shonda sure loves her adultery. Lol I am calling it now: the sister whose name escapes me falls for fuckboi Paris while nursing him back to health.
  19. I wonder if Jen, Larry and Mac aren't so much in denial but scared that if they give Ryan some tough love, he'll get deeper into addiction.
  20. Catelynn, the correct term you're looking for is Latino; Spanish is a language. Also, way to go with generalizing Latino culture and of course you're generilizations are related to food. So many shitty tattoos on such a small group of people! Why do I feel like they went to PR because none of them have passports? Finally, a confirmation that Ryan is an addict. I know Maci can be an PITA, but I did feel for her in that moment of crying because imagine having to explain to your child that their father OD'D on drugs.
  21. I am.postive that Amber has it stipulated in her contract with Vivid that filming will start after 12 pm since she doesn't get out bed before then. Oh, and best believe, she'll be filming on a weekend she is supposed to have Leah.
  22. Can you imagine? Ryan trying to remember his vows...someone having to make sure he gets up so he can get dressed and show up on time. Please let MTV air the wedding
  23. So you know that Butch still has an issue with the booger sugar and you leave you toddler with him anyway? Anyone care to guess what drug Ryan is addicted to? I think he was on painkillers and may have graduated to heroin.
  24. Maci is just now realizing that Ryan is on drugs? She watches the show, right? Reads the boards and blogs? She never once questioned Ryan's behavior? And what is Mackenzie thinking? Having your son around a druggie...or maybe she is a user too...you never know. I bet Kim wanted nothing more than to throw that collage in the trash. Good for Bubby for putting that monkey wrench in Matt's plan.
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