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Everything posted by FlowerofCarnage

  1. Please tell me Jenn and Larry are deeply disturbed by this dumpster fire of a situation and are just trying to save face! Tyler should have served Catelynn with divorce papers while she was away on vacation. It would serve her right because she doesn't give damn about his feelings or Nova's. And can we please ban the word "trauma" from being spoken on this show?
  2. Assuming Dirty Dan's claims are true; why are they begging Jenelle? What about Mama Eason's precious baby boy? Why is he ignoring his daughter's medical care?
  3. But is she really sticking up for him? More like, she doesn't want to be bothered with him.
  4. Apparently, this person use to date David's sister.
  5. Someone said that Kail doesn't have feelings unless you call her fat. Lol
  6. He reminds me of Franklin the Turtle.
  7. What is that saying? "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt."
  8. No, Amber, you're still a bad mom! And Discount Hagrid can have a stadium full of seats because he will be in the same situation when Amber dumps baby James off on him and his family.
  9. If Tyler goes away for 7 days, I bet Cate will send Nova to April for 6 of them.
  10. Lazy slobs who exaggerate their mental health issues so they can continue to be lazy slobs have to stand in solidarity with one another. Lol
  11. In all seriousness, what the heck happened to him? I know he is coddled but at one point, Ryan had marketable skills( diesel mechanic), lived on his own and wasn't hard on the eyes. Was it the car accident?
  12. Curls matter because Soap Baby actually looks cute.
  13. I hope my comment didn't make it seemed like I was co-signing Ryan's threats. I was more so confirming the validity of Taylor's accusation that Ryan threatened him. @druzy Ryan's brain is too fried to engage in a Twitter war. Lol
  14. March 20th? Isn't that the day after Taylor tweeted about Ryan being 30 years old and still needing his ass wiped? Sounds legitimate to me.
  15. Maci is sleeping until 11:30 am because she is probably hung over.
  16. Since they're filming randoms, let's have Zachary Stephens on. I would love to hear his thoughts on his ex-wife exposing their son to a junkie.
  17. Congrats, Mac. Now we have confirmation that you have unprotected sex with an intravenous drug user...your parents must be very proud! Seriously, I would love to know what the Standifers think about this situation.
  18. So we're following the lives of random dysfunctional relatives of the cast? Stick a fork in this show because it's done! You know Ryan needed to go for "haircut" complete with backpack after that pregnancy test came back positive.
  19. Are we shocked she would make fun of a child with a disability? Did she not tell a man that be should have died fighting in Iraq. And let's not get into how she treats Barb. Interesting how the physical deformities and suspected developmental delays Endtable suffers from are a result of Jenelle's neglect and drug abuse( drug use can increase the risk of clubfoot). Sounds like a bit of karma to me.
  20. I am going to assume Maci has sole physical and legal custody of Bentley with Ryan having visitation.
  21. Either she is wearing a brace or two different socks. Interesting how on pant leg is down and one is up.
  22. IMO, it should be battle of the first name. He should have pretended he cared about her enough to convince her give that baby a more suitable name.
  23. Who sends their Grindr profile pic to their wife?
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