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Everything posted by FlowerofCarnage

  1. No one mentioned Soapy's birth certificate! So, I take Chris refused to sign Voluntary Acknowledgement of Paternity papers at the hospital? Not shocking that he wants to play daddy off the books.
  2. How do I say this without it sounding problematic? I am sorry, I find Discount Ruby Rose playing daddy to Lux and interacting with Kail's older children just as wrong as Javi playing daddy to Stella and Nova. Keep your romantic partners away from your kids until things get serious!
  3. I fear for that therapist because we all know how Lurch reacts when someone tells him something he doesn't want to hear.
  4. I adore Jo but I have to admit that he looks like if a insect flew near his face, his tongue would shoot out of his mouth, grab the fly and eat it!
  5. For all of Kail's insinuations about Briana, she is quite similar to her. Let's see both like having their flavor of the week play daddy to their infants. Keyword: infant; both have had the flavor of the week around their older children;both have multiple kids by multiple men; both went to the same plastic surgeon for botched plastic surgery and both have fucked Javi! So Javi finally admits he is a Captain Save-a-ho? Coven HQ looks like something out Hoarders. Good lord, I don't know how the camera crew isn't tripping over themselves or baby shit! Oh, Barb. I wouldn't declare "over my dead body..." because you know Lurch has no problem trying to make that a reality. Are Jenelle's visits court mandated because if Barb is really serious about raising Jace properly, she needs to cut off all contact with the Easons.
  6. I guess Briana isn't that dirty and needs to be kept away from children if Kail felt comfortable enough to have sex with Javi after she knew he had sex with Briana.
  7. Private school was most likely a very pricey pre-school. Kail probably figured that since the charges tuition, she could call it private school and not pre-school/day care. Lol
  8. And Kail knows this! She knows Javi is spiteful and petty and on top of that, desperately trying to remain relevant on the show, yet she feeds right into the drama. She really could nipped this whole thing in the bud by remaining unbothered by Briana and Javi. She could have given them enough rope to hang themselves by remaining calm and rational. *SIGH* But, of course, she had go stomping through the halls like Godzilla through Toyko, insinuating that Briana and Co. were diseased and therefore Baby Sinclair needed a private room and sending the help/ hanger on in to escalate the situation.
  9. Sweet Jesus, that kid really is morphing into Herve Villachez, complete with tiny mustache!
  10. So much for for the notion that Maci is still in love with Ryan. Lol
  11. Bone and her FUPA went into that room to start some shit plain and simple. If they were smart, they should have just dismissed her as the nanny and sent her on her way. IMO, that is more effective than all the threats and theatrics.
  12. I don't blame Barb one bit for losing it! Those two are so infuriating, causing all that drama over a hug. You want nothing to do with me but want to police who interact with? I am tired of Kail and this no camera thing. Nope, nice try! You're trying to control the narrative and I don't blame Briana or Javi for not falling for it. And this insistence about how everything is so trashy now? Are these girls allergic to self-awareness. You know Kail, you have a three piece and none of those pieces come from the same chicken. A lot of people find that to be trashy. The Coven is ...well, the Coven. At least Brittany does have some self-awareness regarding her behavior.
  13. More like a reality TV check addict. Lol
  14. The only response I can muster up is , "Really, bitch?"
  15. Lol, you beat me to it. Maybe if we say her name 3 times we can banish her from our screens and back to obscurity.
  16. Exactly! Played by a labia lipped-famewhore.
  17. Waiting for the " just called Carly and wished her a Happy Birthday"post to appear later on today.Lol
  18. Baby steps. A petalton can go right in the living room, a few steps from her precious couch, plus she can sit down on it. Lol
  19. She could have taken the money she spent on a horse an bought a Pelaton exercise bike.
  20. I was a proud owner of Hysteria at the ripe of age of 10. Lol Had a shirt too, so seeing this band t-shirt as a trend thing irks my soul to no end.
  21. He is pathetic. I keep seeing comments about how dare Bri go after her co-workers ex-husband bit none admonishing Javi for dating his ex-wife's co-worker( his co-worker as well). Not to mention, he is doing it mainly to remain relevant on the show.
  22. Can Hulk stop bitching about Soapy not having his vaccinations when she willing had him sitting on a flying petri dish for 5 hours. And I don't believe for one second that Soapy cried for an hour so she just had to leave. Kail conspired with Bone to find a legitimate reason for Kail to get out of filming that NYE special. You sure you want it with the Coven, Kail? Looks like they were about to form Racket Voltron and vanquish your very Robeast-looking ass. Lol I have to say, I enjoy seeing Javi and Briana stir up drama for a storyline and Kail feeding into it. Oh, and Kail, you aren't a good person either and you really aren't any better than Briana. David+alcohol +small space packed with people = disaster. I see why the bar cut him off. Forget the drama at the reunion! What about all the drama he is exposed to on Land, Jenelle?
  23. Finally we get to see Gaius Chau! I guess seeing Sunny with Henry softened Moon up to some extent. Still, he let go of his desire for revenge a little too quickly for my taste. Sorry, but Pilgrim just isn't doing it for me as a villain. Maybe it is because I can't stand religious zealots. Cool to see Stephan Lang lend his voice for younger Waldo.
  24. Lol! I want to say she knows good and damn well Lurch would go on murderous rampage on the Land if Jenelle cheated on him with Nathan....but, she seems to be blind to her brother's violent behavior.
  25. http://www.mtv.com/video-clips/90bdgi/teen-mom-2-sneak-peek-kailyn-wants-a-separate-room You weren't worried about Soapy not having his vaccinations when you hopped on a plane with him to LA. Lol.
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