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Everything posted by cuppasun

  1. Yeah, they're my go-to listings source, too, and when I couldn't play the special early in the morning, I ended up checking other sources and found the error. I sent them an email to alert them, but I have no idea if that does any good (though I imagine I wasn't the only person to alert them!). What I read is that the start time in the U.S. corresponds to the start time on BBC in the UK, which makes sense. If FC doesn't correct their listings, I'm just going to assume the rest of the specials (and probably episodes, too) will also drop around the same time as this one. Really wish Disney was more forthcoming!
  2. Note: all times I mention are Pacific time, so folks elsewhere should check their listings to be safe Began last night (Sat 9/17) with the one-hour "Road to Halloween Wars" prequel ep and then a two-hour airing of the first two episodes "Terrifying Nursery Rhymes" and "Good vs. Evil" featuring two elimination rounds of 3 teams each. According to my listings, they're all being rerun on this Thurs 9/21 at 10 am, 11 am and noon. The two competition eps will also rerun next Sun 9/24 at 7 and 8 pm before the new one at 9. I assume it's also available on whatever streaming services are offering it at this point (Max? On Demand from by your tv/cable provider? Food network app? I'm honestly not sure anymore where it's kept after airing!) Hope this helps!
  3. Yeah, I like how quickly it's moving, not dragging out each element of the mystery too far. I'm liking it pretty well, and each ep seems to improve (for whatever that's worth three eps in!). hmmmm... I thought the brother couldn't see her, just sense her. The visuals showed him looking around and seeing nothing, but things going a bit visually wonky, plus sound distortion, and him seeming to hear her a little. I got the impression she realized he knew something was there, but couldn't actually see her. I'll be interested to see where it goes--if I'm right, it wasn't crystal clear (maybe could have been done better?), and if I'm wrong, then yeah, wonder why there was no follow through. Hadn't thought of this! I assumed it was something affecting those after death (or near death too, maybe, since the girl who was driving the car survived)--something connected to the supernatural element of the dead person who is somehow still there, and/or the living person who can see dead people (or person) who are there. Maybe connected to violent death? But yeah, it's eerie, and I hope they get to it quickly as well. So... are Neve and the other girl (rats, can't remember her name!) going to be supernatural girlfriends? ; )
  4. These are two different parts of the process: first is the guilt phase, where the jury decides if the defendant is guilty or not guilty, and if guilty, of what crime (if there is more than one choice available). If found guilty, then the penalty phase happens, which determines what the punishment will be. In the penalty phase, except for death penalty cases, the jury is generally not involved; it usually involves a separate hearing where the judge imposes the penalty, based on a number of factors (sentencing guidelines, DA recommendation, etc) How much time in prison ultimately depends on all those factors. So at this point, the decision isn't about prison at all (and it could absolutely be less than life, if the jury convicts her of a lesser charge), just whether or not she's guilty of the crime she's been charged with beyond a reasonable doubt. Her lawyer keeps reminding her what the consequences might be if she's found guilty to try to scare her into cooperating with his strategy, but technically, the jury can't take that into consideration in deciding whether she's guilty. I gotta say, when they had her lawyer cross the medical examiner (I think) to emphasize that even if Betty was still alive she was likely unconscious, all I could think was "ummmm... did you just basically spell out to the jury that even if your claim of self-defense was true at first, most of the attack took place when Betty was clearly and unequivocally not a threat anymore?!!" Seems a pretty dumb move in my view, not to mention making it even clearer that there was way more to the attack than self-defense (assuming one believes that... which I'm disinclined to. I think it's reasonable to conclude it wasn't premeditated...but I just don't find the self-defense theory very credible. YMMV, of course.).
  5. Okay, was it just me that thought within the first few minutes of the ep (or, truthfully, a week earlier when the promo aired) "well look, it's SVU's take on Norman Bates and Mother!"? Or had reinforced that Vera Farmiga and Freddie Highmore did it so much better, both creepier and with more pathos, on Bates Motel? And is L&O in an alternate universe where Psycho and its spinoffs (book, movies, tv, etc) never happened? No one makes a Norman/Mother crack?
  6. lol, yeah, my first thought was "for the place they used to call Seattle Grace Mercy Death"?! 😆 But yeah, I was relieved when Addison pulled out without getting blown up, shot, stabbed or otherwise destroyed. Though I agree with the many wth takes re her driving that thing with only one arm! I'm surprised she couldn't find at least one partner to work with--seems like the kind of thing that would be better with at least two people. Or a rotating roster of partners. She can't be the only person in the country willing and able to do that kind of work.
  7. Yeah, I had a "huh?" moment about that until I realized the point was the flight attendant was helping her with her shot because her arthritis was acting up, making it difficult for her to manage her own shot (not giving her insulin for the arthritis). I think the dialogue was clunky and maybe missing a few words that would have clarified ("I'm helping her with her insulin shot because her hands hurt from arthritis," or something). For the Chekhov's payoff, the word "insulin" had to be prominent in the exchange, but it was juxtaposed badly, I agree.
  8. oh crap, now I'm confused too... wasn't that Xavier? As for the stalker access... I'm just gonna roll with it, assuming the supernatural and/or supergenius/villian (super hacker?) abilities. If we get a season 2, we'll either find out...or deal with the disappointment <insert Wednesday glare here>
  9. Yeah, I too think the show should be in Genres; I get that it has a comedic slant, but it absolutely has dramatic elements as well and it's a vampire show. About as genre as you can get!
  10. My first thought exactly, especially since the horse seemed very approachable as long as no one was pulling on the halter rope. Grab a rag, throw it over the horse's eyes, and guide it out. I don't get fussed too much about manufactured drama in shows where that's the point, but in this case the drama doesn't preclude the entirely reality-based and sensible solution that gets the horse safely out!
  11. I cheered, and then (because I'm old, and truly wonder if anyone else went there) heard Peter Finch's voice in my head, from Network, bellowing "I'm mad as hell, and I'm not going to take it anymore!" It's about time... and I kinda wish we'd start hearing it this side of the pond, too, from the folks with power. I used to mutter "fuck off and die" a LOT in response to so much of the monstrous crap from all sides in the last few years...and lately it's "fuck off and die in an actual fire." But I'd rather hear someone in a platform position pulling no punches about how furious and fed up they are! That broke my heart. I've been a poor person jailed (just from arrest, not trial, for crime I didn't commit, blah blah U.S.criminaljusticeisbscakes) way back in the cretaceous when I was young. Consider myself lucky I'm here. Kind of blows my mind that the discussions about it sometimes seem...as if it's new info no one ever thought of before. Sigh. See first quote above re: every time someone says we need to be patient and understand that change happens slowly.
  12. Yes yes yes!! Even when tv/movies make an (apparently) earnest effort to give a positive depiction of polyam/ethical non-monogamy*, it's almost always pretty cringeworthy to anyone very familiar with virtually any variety of it. They always seem to draw from decades old concepts and "poly 101" lists that weren't very accurate back then and were heavily weighted by the need to emphasize "it's okay, we're not freaks or <drops voice> swingers..." to the general public.** *Polyamory is only one form of ethical non-monogamy but has kind of become its face (which is fine, I get why). Still, a really good exploration would include clarifying things like this, looking at the different ways folks do ENM and how wonderfully adaptable and individual it all is. And that it's not the religious polygamy/polygyny that is so often the only depiction of multi-person relationships. I'm a Relationship Anarchist, for example, and non-monogamous (though not all RA folk are), but I tend to use "polyam" for the 97.3% of people who have no idea what that means! : D **nothing wrong with swingers, and plenty of them intersect with polyam; it's just one of the more highly stigmatized and stereotyped relationship styles out there.
  13. Well, I'm going to own getting legit choked up and blurry visioned during the moments when Bob spoke in Lenape and Sass listened rapturously to hearing his language after so long. It was so incredibly moving, and it really hit home to me (along with the ultimate reason for the grief over losing the tree) just how hard it must be on him to lose everything from his community, culture and environment over those long years. Beautifully done. And as already copiously noted in this thread, the rest of the ep was marvelous. The humor and performances in this are so deft, perfectly timed, and filled with so much genuine sweetness and connection that it's really a cut above most other comedies. Loving it. And I second the suggestions for more of the history of Sass and Thor's friendship!
  14. While I'm not going to search out the pre-airing description (which isn't always identical depending on source, anyway, and can be inaccurate if it's based on earlier provided summaries that change), I can say definitively the surprise visitor was referred to as "Congresswoman" in the show. I noticed it in part because it's a pet peeve of mine--at this point, the gendered version of the term is antiquated, and it should just be "Representative," just as all senators are "Senator." House of Reps minimum age requirement is 25, and as noted, House terms are only two years, so the reference to "several terms" could mean six+ years and she would still be quite young. I would assume she was in her 30s, though I don't bother trying to guess from looks in tv and movies exactly where along the age spectrum someone is (I'm really terrible at it!). Hope this helps!
  15. Annber03, this queer, nb elder, their trans grandson and queer daughter all thank you for this magnificent rant. Basically saved me a lot of typing! (Though I did yell all of this and more at the screen while watching...) I've lived in a bunch of the states we never hear good of anymore in my younger years, but have been a west-coaster for decades now, and to be honest...I'd never go back, at this point. I know y'all progressives are there (I've still got family and others there, and I'm damn grateful to all of you for carrying the standard in sometimes hostile conditions), but I live with enough apprehension even where I am, and just wouldn't be willing to give up having some legal protections (so far, anyway!). It's always startling to see the "[insert current enemy/group to denigrate here] are both mysteriously powerful but also creepily weak and useless" propaganda happening in real time, and more than a bit disconcerting to be a member of that group. I mean, I spent a lot of my life joking about how the Jewish World Controllers seemed to never update their records, because I never got any checks... and now I find I've apparently been imbued with the powers of the Pied Piper (while I slept, I guess? I didn't feel it happening. And I can say definitively it doesn't work on the cat.). Really, I'd rather have magical healing abilities (like ET?)--now that would do me some good. Just not being cisgender is honestly kinda boring. Glad John covered this. The attacks are really ramping up, so there's kind of no such thing as too much (positive and ally) attention. And yeah, Bloomberg is singing the pale, pathetic song of the terminally center-right and he's so full of shit. There are plenty of folk about, everywhere, who respond robustly to unapologetically progressive, inclusive and more leftist socio-political positions. I'm always chuffed to see it. Thanks!
  16. Oh hell, this. Sooooo much this. Sigh. 🙄 Otherwise, I'm satisfied. It's a comfy, familiar place to visit once a week for me, so it doesn't take much to make me happy!
  17. Well, the character of Serena Joy was originally based on the real anti-feminist/"traditional values" champion Phyllis Schlafly, because that's exactly what her role and impact were (she was a primary reason the ERA never passed) and she absolutely believed she would continue to be the special exception...until she was shunted aside when the menfolk took over (basically once they got Reagan successfully elected). That woman was vile in the exact same ways Serena is. Look, I don't wish bigotry-based oppression on anyone from a marginalized group... but it's awfully difficult to conjure up sympathy for people who are (for all intents and purposes) willing collaborators with the oppressors.
  18. I have comcast too -- I looked and show the finale episode repeating this Sunday at 9:30 am (I'm in Pacific time, fwiw; could be a different air time depending on your time zone) if you want to set it to record. I assumed the comcast/xfinity on-demand would have it the next day, but who knows these days... Anyway, hope this helps! (Oh, I also have Tivo, which is how I record, and my Tivo showed all three as "new". But I never set stuff like this to auto record anyway, because I'm an old fuddy duddy with control issues, so... 😁) She went mostly white this time instead of black, with a heavy hand on green "accents" (and I love greens, and blues and yellows, but this was not a good green to exist in sudden big bursts against a sea of blinding white in my opinion). I do really hope the kid who's off to college does have at least some small space we didn't see of her own, or that there's a guest space we didn't see. Otherwise... she's gonna sleep on the couch when she comes home? There's zero chance she will ever ever again live with her parents? What happened to the parents' old room? And then there was the table made out of the rescued pecky cypress. Look, I'm a weirdo and I really didn't hate that wood; I appreciate hardy wood that isn't common and has a unique look, and have a visceral aversion to wasting material like that. So I'm all on board for reusing it. BUT... it's a table. A really beautiful table, actually. But a table, meant to be eaten at, with deep divots in the wood. And she doesn't have the craftsperson do an epoxy seal over the top? Or put a glass top over it? Something... so that you can see the beautiful wood but aren't going to have to try to clean food and dust and whatever out of all those deep spaces?? I'm gobsmacked at the stupidity of that. Have to hope the family is smart enough to cover it pronto, or maybe haul it outside for outdoor furniture, or something. Yikes. I wouldn't want that woman anywhere near my home no matter how bad it was.
  19. Literally everything you said, every word, every thought, every quote, every analysis, for all your posts. If I tried to write my own post, I'd look like a plagiarizer. Are you me? Is this the matrix? I'm up to my...6th? I think? rewatch. So there's that. I tell the cat how scary he is with those knives in his feet all the time now. And the foot touch always makes me shriek (the cat runs away now when he can tell it's coming, lol). And "his name is Ed" always makes me cry. Or at least well up. And I'm revisiting my youth in a big way playing Fleetwood Mac's Rumours album over and over. (I keep waiting for someone to make an Izzy Hands compilation video to Oh Daddy off that album. It's kind of perfect. Honestly, I have a head theory that David Jenkins wrote a lot of the scripts with that playing in the background!) I honestly won't relax until a season 2 confirmation is announced. Thanks for the fabulous reads, Paramitch. For however long you choose to post them, I'll be here for them.
  20. Well, there was Mary Kills People from a few years ago (2 season show, on Lifetime I think) as an example of someone being an agent of euthanasia for compassionate reasons in circumstances where it’s not legal. (She was a doctor if I remember correctly, who provided private euthanasia services to people who were terminal or had something incurable that caused intractable suffering.) The difference between her and Bertram, as others have pointed out, is consent. Someone like Mary (which I would wholeheartedly approve there actually being, in enough numbers that anyone could access them) acts only with the full consent of the person they help. Bertram is acting without consent, removing agency and choice from the people he “rescues.” Real life angel-of-death “mercy” killers often engage in similar rationalizations, framing themselves as being kind and knowing what’s best for others. Even if they really believe it (and not all of them do), it’s just murder. Taking trophies is a seriously creepy nod to the drives of a serial killer, too. Personally, I’m not opposed to access to safe, gentle euthanasia for people on a spectrum of need as a choice. But I’m pretty sure I’d prefer to decide when, why, where, etc than have a Bertram decide for me. Just sayin! 😏
  21. Excellent playlist! Now I want to put together a couple of others--Buffy's got an embarrassment of riches when it comes to characters and themes that can be carved out into an entertaining and thoughtful experience.
  22. A little late, but popping in to say I laughed out loud at that choice because I know its provenance, though it seems none of the judges (or anyone else there!) did: kitten poker is a direct reference to Buffy the Vampire Slayer (the 6th season), in which the vampire Spike takes Buffy to a backroom demon poker game, where the stakes are (you guessed it) kittens. It's campy and kitchy and the fandom tended to either love it or hate it (I thought it was pretty funny, personally, even if it was kind of dorky), and it gets called back a few times in the remainder of the show. The team member who suggested it was almost certainly a Buffy fan, lol. And I can't endorse the fuck Zak Bagans more, he was so repulsive and stupid that I resorted to fast forwarding through any of his appearances in the last few eps. If he's not dumped after this season, it's likely to be my last of Halloween Wars because he ruins it that much for me. I sincerely hope the producers are paying attention to the fan complaints about him because I refuse to believe it's not most of the show following howling in indignation. The degree to which the hosts were forced to sing his praises was grotesque... and not in a fun Halloweeny way!
  23. My thought exactly! Go to the FBI, tell them everything, verify level of threat, offer to help in return for going into Witsec. And I don't care what part of that might not be technically realistic. This is Teevee Kops 'n' Kriminals, and regardless of the occasional very special storyline that attempts to address something sorta-kinda real for a minute here and there, the show is not at all realistic. I mean, their ragtag off-book bunch went to another country and defeated the Worst Guys, until then untouchable for apparently years, all by their little selves. In this world, the FBI would fall all over themselves to get Wesley's help.
  24. Yeah, same. I found myself thinking "this kid would creep out Damien from The Omen." Seriously the creepiest Creepy Child I've ever seen, I think, and there have been a few in fiction that made my blood run cold. Hell, I think Anthony from Twilight Zone's "It's a Good Life" would run crying from Alma. I am seriously okay with a bad end for her. Which, I suppose, means big kudos to that young actor!
  25. My TiVo glitched right at the end of the Crete episode so I missed everything after the obligatory pro/con chat— can anyone tell me which house they ended up in? I was pulling for the beach place, but then again I’ve got an aversion to unnecessarily large houses and raised my own kids in decidedly more cozy quarters! I must say, Crete is gorgeous. I lived in southern France for several months 20 years ago, and spent some time on the Mediterranean then, it really is breathtaking. I’d have been thrilled to live there with my kids for a time, for sure. Thanks!
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