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Everything posted by helent

  1. I think Clemons was gaslighting Miss Stafford - she got too close to the truth and he was trying to get her off the scent. I like Norris too, I wish we saw him again.
  2. Never forget, Jessica Alba was nominated for a Golden Globe for Dark Angel...
  3. It's been a while so maybe my interpretation is wrong, but I always thought that Veronica's thinking of Carrie as a gossip really came down to that one overheard conversation about Duncan, and her assuming at that time that Carrie was making things up to be malicious, because outside what Veronica says, I don't think we see anything to back up 'Carrie the gossiper'. So it's another example of Veronica realising she has judged someone rashly, as has been done to her.
  4. Yeah, I thought VM didn't manage this too well general. The stories black characters are involved in include a violent hip-hop mogul, Jacqui's retired athlete father, Wallace's drug dealing and/or undercover cop father (I always found that really unclear), Wallace's college basketball recruitment problems, Jacqui's secret teenage parenthood...
  5. Baz being short for Barry is a very common way that nicknames are formed in Australia (and somewhat in the UK too). Gaz from Garry, Shaz from Sharon, Chez from Cheryl. Most names with an 'r' in them, you can do it. Or it can be Bazza, Gazza, Shazza...
  6. Sarah didn't even clip the worst bit of the Animal Kingdom theme, the thematic anvil of the last line "I've got a big black hole, a big black hole.'
  7. Didn't she say something like 'If I pass, I'll try and apply for a Masters'? Pretty sure Masters programs generally look for better marks than "just scrapped through".
  8. If this fellowship is being offered to students all over the country, why are they announcing the winners straight after the Californian interviews? Did the interstate students all have to fly in to one spot? And did the assessors not need to confer and consider their choice, or was Brandon's interview just that good?
  9. I've been to SLC, and thought it was hilarious how you'd be in the Temple area, where all the young women working as guides were in ankle length skirts and long sleeves despite scorching hot weather, then go across the street to the shopping mall, where the young people looked like young people anywhere else in the world, in shorts and minis. Outside that single block of LDS buildings, it was Anycity, USA.
  10. Or women apparently sleeping with their bras on, even though we saw them having sex naked earlier.
  11. There's a line in the REM song Man on the Moon 'Moses went walking with a staff of wood' which, post reading Brave New World in high school, I mis-heard as 'Moses went walking with Mustapha Mond'. I may have written a somewhat cringey letter to Michael Stipe about how clever the line, which was clearly a request for praise for getting the reference. I may have also included a mix tape. Still, it's only reason I can still name one of the characters of BNW.
  12. Especially since the Chancellor should probably recuse himself from a case involving his daughter's boyfriend.
  13. I hate it when someone cooks a huge breakfast, with a stack of pancakes, a pile of bacon, several eggs on the go in the pan, for someone who is not even awake yet, who wakes up, declines it and leaves.
  14. That tv movie sounds hilarious. Your description of the plot makes me think of some student-film level deep story where we follow an ordinary person around getting a slice of life-style look at them, and then at the very end they walk into a building, the camera pulls back, and IT'S THE WORLD TRADE CENTRE, oh shit! "'Cause the guy who caught the Son of Sam was just a guy, you know?"
  15. So glad Father Ted made it into the Canon! I submitted the version of the video from the dream to KODTTM but it didn't get used. It's such a delightfully bizarre show at that times, like the fact that they share a dream, and this fact just goes un-commented on? One of my very favourite clips for cheering myself up is Ted trying to explain perspective to Dougal: Sadly, Dermot Morgan, who plays Ted, died very young. They were contemplating a fourth series at the time, after originally planning to end with the third. The show is largely written by Graham Lineham, who also wrote Black Books and The IT Crowd, and therefore is responsible for some of my favourite comedy ever. He also used to write a hilarious column for the film mag Neon, and I just found them all scanned here. They are all pretty wonderful: https://neonmagazinescans.wordpress.com/category/graham-linehan/page/2/
  16. I think Roger should get 10 Dave Points for Malcolm's Dad and Major Dad, that was good.
  17. From the description of Steve's jacket I was imagining this: Also, that Kelly with Tara-the-stalker picture is magnificent.
  18. It was driving me mad trying to think who she looked like, you hit it on the head, thank-you. It threw me off because I kept expecting that character to come back in a bigger plot.
  19. Obligatory any time I hear the Hawaii 5-0 theme.
  20. Despite claiming at the pitstop that it was Ashton he didn't like, it's skinny, nerdy and bad with words Vanck that Redmond intimidates and trash-talks. What a hero. And Becca... I'm done with you. Switch the genders and then see how funny it is to joke about breaking someone's nose. Not cool. I'm surprised how much I like Sara. From memory, she is a 'luxury realtor', which just makes my eyes roll, and led me to presume she'd be a bit precious, but she has not been. When Shamir was struggling I thought how tough it would be if she was eliminated because of him.
  21. A big yes to Patriot, it is wonderful. So weird, and dry, and charming. For example, there's a plot point that hinges on the main character's online arguments about Willie Nelson's version of Pancho and Lefty.
  22. That is outrageous, I am so offended on her behalf.
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