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Everything posted by helent

  1. I hate this trope so much. 'Hey you! Professional athlete! Don't you know you're a girl and you play a girly sport? How dare you imagine that your hours of weekly training make you a challenge to my innate masculine ability.'
  2. Yay for Press Gang! Also had Dexter Fletcher in it with a terrible American accent as bad boy Spike. I actually bought the DVDs a few years ago. It holds up reasonably. You have to look past the student newspaper that is taken seriously thing, which doesn't play once you're over the age of 17, but it's very cohesive and has great continuity - I think Moffat wrote the whole thing, and you can tell, because it all makes sense. Salt and vinegar chips are divine, you shut your whore mouth.
  3. Wow, I'm speechless. But completely failing to take into account that Diana's charisma was needed to, and she was telling him she couldn't do it.
  4. Yikes! Sounds like he was better off afterwards. I'm guessing lots of those 'Dating for four months / going on the race to see if they're the one' teams don't last.
  5. Seeing Justin and Diana arguing in this ep I wondered, has TAR ever split up a couple?
  6. I enjoyed Tara's slip of the tongue (Hey yo!) about Brandon kissing Andrea on the gif. OK, that's not even a single entendre but it amused me. Also, as someone living in the southern hemisphere, Cindy can just shut up with her 'It's not Christmas without snow' bullshit. We've had family come to visit at Christmas time and whinge about this. 'Oh, Christmas with your family who you hardly ever get to see, but it's not cold so it doesn't feel like Christmas? Fuck you.' Also also, isn't New Mexico next door to California? How did it take Steve four days to get there.
  7. What is that poster behind Steve and Kelly in the classroom? It looks like John Cazale in Dog Day Afternoon.
  8. Hang on, I haven't watched this in a while. Is this comedic hyperbole, or is he actually a terrorist? Because if so that sounds like the kind of cack I should be watching.
  9. Especially when first is already gone and there's no advantage to speed at this moment. I remember doing them as a kid without trouble (if I knew the trick, it was sub-consciously), but watching tonight, I think I would have struggled as well. Hopefully not for four hours though...
  10. Any time I read about this show, I feel compelled to mention that Philip Winchester looks too much like Tucker from Danger 5 to take seriously, as demonstrated in this gif:
  11. Wasn't Donna smoking with the Bad Kids last season, when she was about to be diagnosed as special?
  12. Loved this about Veronica Mars, the way that plots or details seemed like they were done with after an episode but could come back and add layers to later stories. I think in the ep with Wallace and Logan doing the experiment, Moe says something like 'I did the experiment in freshman year: changed my life', which is now super-creepy.
  13. The Carvel/O Fortuna mash-up reminded me of this favourite Australian ad for Carlton Draught, who had a tendency to take the piss out of event advertising (also I get to boast that my mum is singing in this).
  14. Can I nominate 'And then we never see her again...' for this podcast's catchphrase? Seems like it comes up every week.
  15. Vanessa's mother has already appeared on Penny Dreadful, she was played by Duckface.
  16. Did the cop sounds like the flash-the-cash dj to anyone else?
  17. Nothing of substance to add to everyone's great comments, so I'll just respond to this: At one point she offers Ethan a smoke, he says he doesn't smoke tobacco, and she says "Neither do I". So - oregano leaves, right? Clove cigarettes?
  18. You want to be careful calling yourself B1, or you'll get mistaken for one of these guys: Yes! I am loving all these women. I wish I could do that thing with my boobs like Standing O does. Can someone gif that please? It's so female without being at all a sexy come-on, love it.
  19. That's what they want you to think.
  20. And then Madame Kali clearly knew, or even intended, that all the others would come, so Vanessa got totally played. I wonder if the Putneys know of any other 'freaks' to lock up, or are they just banking on finding more. And in regard to Sembene, .
  21. Weird, thanks for the clarification. I thought this was something I had seen enough times in tv/movies to believe was actually the case, but I'm probably over-generalising from seeing this once or twice (like the scene in Clueless where Cher, a virgin who can't drive, swipes a parked car while driving with her friends). Also though, you say 'in Jersey where the driving age is relatively high (17)' - in Australia this is low, most states it's 18. So I'm just not use to seeing teenagers driving full stop. This has been today's edition of 'Tedious details that no one else cares about'.
  22. If Brenda can't drive and isn't allowed to drive, why does she have keys to Brandon's car on her key ring? In Australia you can't drive on your own until you get a full license, and any teenager spotted driving would get pulled over without fail, so this is one of those 'only in America'-type moments that always stood out to me.
  23. And I am only just now realising that Angus MacFayden is not MacFadyen.
  24. Maybe I'm especially unobservant, but most the shows mentioned in the podcast, I never even notice the pregnancies. I've watched all of 30 Rock several times and never realised that Tina and Jane both had pregnancies during the filming. Are some of those episodes the ones were Jenna has been starring in Mystic Pizza and eating pizza on stage every night? The stuff aimed at Charisma Carpenter by the 'fans' was pretty horrible. It's also definitely the 'best' example of bad incorporation of a pregnancy. I nominate It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia.
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