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Everything posted by helent

  1. After watching this last night, I ended up re-watching an episode of Banshee - was a nice reminder that Antony Starr can act beyond wide-eyed wild-card. Although he was a bit more varied in this episode - there was some nice, realistic sibling interactions.
  2. Brandon you turd, your friend who has money just saved the business of another friend who doesn't - you could try being happy for Nat maybe?
  3. i thought the dna test was supposed to be unofficial and under the counter, so that Brady could rule out the family himself and not have to show the police the photo of Cam with the belt. And then this episode suddenly the test is in the open.
  4. Curse you for that gif of Brandon's pumpin'-iron face.
  5. Student Union was pretty big at my uni in Australia, and actually can lead on to a real career in politics. The major political parties run in the student elections (as well as a bunch of fringier ones - hmm, shall I vote Socialist Alliance or Socialist Alternative?). And there have been stories in the news recently about things that our most recent PM Abbott got up to in his student politics days, so he clearly started there. The union provided a lot of services that the uni didn't so it was somewhat important. It was very cut-throat - I remember groups staging late night raids to tear down other parties' posters. And we used to get 'lecture-bashed' - you'd turn up to class to see some sweaty candidate pacing at the front, who would then try to steal a couple of minutes before the lecture started to stump. But it was probably a minority of people who actually voted and cared. And definitely it wasn't that way at smaller or more specialised unis. I also credit student elections with my ability to blank anyone trying to sell me something in the street because the union building during elections was a total mob scene that required you to fend off all the candidates and their lackeys trying to shove flyers at you.
  6. In year 12 we decided to protest some rule that had offended us, so of course we had a walkout and chanted 'Donna Martin graduates!'. Sadly this was not effective. Even as we were smuggly entitled enough to complain about no longer being able to leave campus at lunch time, we still knew that Donna didn't deserve to get off after blatantly breaking an explicit rule (and law).
  7. Thanks. Did we see that Will and I've just totally forgotten?
  8. I'm confused about something and can't remember if I've missed something or the show has. Blaine revived his father specifically so that his 'legal death' would be reversed and Blaine wouldn't lose his inheritance, but his father was included in the newspaper story about the Chaos Killer, so he hasn't gone public. Have we been told anything about what's happening with Angus? It seems like a slightly ineffectual plan for Blaine, since he only inherits when Angus dies, and so if Angus goes back to his regular life, he can just change the will? But maybe Blaine is planning a natural death for dad and still has him locked up somewhere.
  9. "One time it was both." (also paraphrased due to bad memory).
  10. The teams didn't even get to move into the shade once they were done with the challenge. And when it's fifty per cent luck whether you find a ball or someone else does (although Alecia's kicking-dirt approach was pretty weak).
  11. Attention tv and film makers: if you show a character skeevily staring at a woman, and we're clearly meant to think this is gross, you maybe shouldn't also include the shot that focuses on the woman's bum, or guess what, you are no better than the skeeve you're pretending to disdain.
  12. I'm curious about this. The rationale for the nominated people in a two-way tie not being able to vote in a re-vote is that they can't vote for themselves, and therefore can only vote for the other person, and so their vote is irrelevant. But that's not true of a three-way tie. Given that this season was filmed before Second Chance, and they didn't use this concept on that season, maybe it turned out to be unworkable?
  13. Wow, that is painful, I'm going to cultural cringe myself to death over that.
  14. I love the gif of the chickens in Steve's car - clearly some poor PA was in the backseat thowing handfulls of feathers into shot.
  15. Cry-baby squat!
  16. Alice Krige was also on Deadwood, . And when that's your main memory of an actor, it does tend to colour her other appearances...
  17. Any time I hear even a snippet of the Hawaii 5-0 theme I need to listen to Radio Birdman. 'Book 'em Danno, murder one!' https://youtu.be/lkKiZ9VSD6U
  18. We never did the the Electric Slide, but the Time Warp was big at my school discos.
  19. That picture of Shannen Doherty! Fantastic.
  20. Jemaine Clement wrote a really nice piece today about writing the 'Bowie's in Space' episode of Flight of the Concords: http://thespinoff.co.nz/13-01-2016/david-bowie-the-man-we-idolised-imitated-and-failed-to-get-on-our-show/ Includes a video the first time they performed the song on NZ tv an eon ago.
  21. From the description of Steve's naval-hiding tank top, I presume he needs an A-string (it's a little higher than a g-string): https://youtu.be/QvJWvmR3Gjk?t=421 Also, the description of Brandon's homeless project made me think of Thomas Jane in AD: http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/arresteddevelopment/images/8/8c/2x02_The_One_Where_They_Build_a_House_(086).png/revision/latest?cb=20121126040613
  22. How did Dave manage to get through all those names without losing it?!
  23. About this time I had a very favourite skirt that is sadly close to Donna's shorts here - purple and black diamonds and super (but not butt-cheek revealingly) short. It was suede, and the most expensive item of clothing I had ever bought (until I got a long black velvet overcoat, anyway...). Usually worn with opaque tights full of holes and army boots. Sadly I can not find any photos...
  24. What is the song from Dave's one?
  25. And once again I should have checked my facts before posting. I'm Australian, and here, long-distance buses and trains are so close to non-existent that I always think of distances in terms of driving yourself. So I get the distance, but not the mode of transport.
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