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Everything posted by helent

  1. Love Dave's wonderings about Ethan Chandler's moustache. Whenever I watch Vampire Diaries and they vamp-speed somewhere I start thinking about the practicalities of vamp-speed. Does it burn huge amounts of calories? Can they run at that speed for long distances, or like a cheetah can they only do it in bursts? Is this why every place in TVD seems to be so close? Also, Eva Green = Evergreen. Just noticed this...
  2. I spent most of this season thinking the guy was called Duke Alien.
  3. Matt's a real panicker, and he combines it with taking setbacks personal - when all their potatoes got dumped out, the way he said 'Why did she do that?!' was hilarious. And any time they would get turned around with directions, he's so confused how it could have happened. To his credit, though, he doesn't actually seem to get angry, just frustrated. There's been a pleasant absence of Ugly Americans on this season.
  4. Not that I want to be in the position of trying to justify Dan's remarks, but my read on that was that he was trying to say that he also didn't have any blood relatives. It's still a totally nonsensical and insensitive comparison, and the slightest bit of thinking before speaking would have shown it was better to keep quiet.
  5. Then when you're away from the table. "I tried to tell her to order the steak, but women always order fish. You tell them they're wrong, but they don't listen! Women, amirite?!"
  6. Watching everyone riding bikes right alongside tram tracks without paying any attention to the tracks was making me so anxious - I have made that mistake myself, and it ended with bone poking out from my wrist...
  7. Don't Stop Me Now is as perfect a lip sync choice as it is a terrible karaoke choice. It would be so much fun.
  8. I pondered the same question during this scene. In the first season Jamie was sleeping in the stables, because of his fugitive status, but Clare of course is a guest of the Laird. So maybe officially he is still out with the horses (or possibly in the doghouse). I broke my arm last year and had to do that in order to do up my jeans one-handed, so it made me laugh.
  9. I thought that Todd spotted Hans, meaning that letting Todd go is a mistake, because he will be able to get someone on the trail of Hans to Elizabeth and Phillip.
  10. Flukeman. Because monsters coming out of the toilet to eat me bum-first was an actual childhood nightmare of mine.
  11. Further brought down the reputation of Australian culture?
  12. Jacko was the Energiser guy. He was a football player. He also released this single, which... is far worse than I remembered. It's two and half minutes long and yet it goes on and on.
  13. One of my first crushes was cartoon Ray Venkman from The Real Ghostbusters. And smrou, you are not alone in lusting for foxy Robin Hood: http://jezebel.com/one-of-the-best-things-about-jezebel-is-the-fact-that-t-1674053019
  14. Why does she need a divorce from a fake wedding? That's pretty much all I could think about through this episode. It was less than rote, it was so dull.
  15. I want a Neal Stephenson adaption - I'd be happy with anything, but especially Cryptonomicon/The Baroque Cycle. You've got multiple characters, multiple eras, famous figures, pirates, kings and queens, politics, humour and just a touch of fantasy. Plus I'd love to see an embodiment of Half-Cocked Jack, one of the most fun characters in literature ever.
  16. A question for the American viewers: I recently read somewhere that, in the US, the name Veruca just a quirky name from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Is that true? Because is British (and Australian) English, a veruca is a type of wart. So that adds something extra to the introduction of a character called Veruca, which I always assumed was deliberate, but may not have been.
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