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Everything posted by nara

  1. I think it’s interesting that in Swan Song, Dean is the brother that got the happy, normal life and in this one, it’s Sam. Do we know if the aired version of Swan Song was how it was originally planned? Or was Dean originally going to be the one who died then too—until it was decided to extend the series?
  2. Just saw this movie for the first time. What a dreadful family. Everett was a jerk who allowed his family to treat his girlfriend badly and then chased after her sister. The scene in which he forced Julie to wear the ring was cringeworthy. I wish she hadn’t gotten off the bus, although I would have been okay with them getting together later. Interestingly, I can see why he’s immediately attracted to Julie, but I found her returning the attraction to be unrealistic. I felt no sadness at Sybil being terminally ill—she was so hateful. I think a better ending for Amy would have been to grow up and lose her brattiness, not to get together with a nice guy. I hated Meredith’s comments to Thad and Patrick, but she didn’t deserve all the hostility before that. I think her and Ben getting together should have been the only couple happy ending, though hints at the other two would have been fine.
  3. Although the conference was preplanned, he left the phone behind after the murder so he could run and not be tracked.
  4. But the character herself pronounces Elena the second way, so even if it is not the traditional pronunciation, why shouldn’t she say her own name the way she wants to? Also, rewatching episode 1 and Nicole is showing more expressions on her face. I think the stiff expression is an acting choice.
  5. The “accident” would have happened in the ‘70s or ‘80s so therapy might have still been considered taboo in Jonathan’s family. I thought that the 500k was to support his lifestyle after he was fired so that he could hide that fact from Grace. He probably also used it to pay medical bills for the baby’s birth and set Elena up in the fancy studio. Also, the Cleveland conference was an annual conference that he had to pretend to attend to keep up the ruse of still being employed. I don’t think either of these are directly related to the murder so they probably don’t require further explanation
  6. I don’t think there was much risk from his perspective. He’s always gotten away with things his entire life. I actually immediately jumped to the conclusion that he deliberately encouraged his sister to run outside so that she would get hit by a car. Perhaps he was jealous of the attention she got or was annoyed at having to watch her...It’s possible that I am being too cynical from watching too many twisty shows, but... I actually think he might. I remember being really annoyed with a man who was trying to flirt with my mom, and I was only 6 at the time. Henry is much older and might be able to draw wilder conclusions. However, I don’t think there was any real risk of them breaking up, because of the money factor. The risk is much higher now, post-murder.
  7. Here’s my wild speculation. Jonathan killed Elena. His statement that he loved her is just an attempt at manipulation. He put the hammer in Henry’s violin case to make Grace think Henry did it. She confesses to save her son. Franklin kills Jonathan.
  8. I was under the impression that it was a conference he attended every year, so he had to pretend to go because he didn’t tell Grace her was fired. The left behind phone was to avoid being tracked...
  9. I wasn’t sure if this was her natural hair or an ‘80s perm...I actually thought her face looks more like her younger self that it has in a while.
  10. I am waiting to hear that she had an affair with Jonathan...
  11. This season has been interesting. I honestly think I might be a better priest than Sidney and Will...and I am not even Christian! But seriously, this season has been heartbreaking! Vronky’s gang rape to Jack’s cruelty to Vic’s cruelty. Luckily, we still have Daniel as the voice of compassion. I did appreciate the realism of Leonard’s hypocrisy towards his dad. I cringed at Will’s drunken behavior at his mother’s wedding. I liked that Geordie is finally over his midlife crisis and is a good husband. I like that Jack is not a cartoon bad guy. The mysteries are mediocre but the character development is very strong in this series
  12. I really enjoyed this series. Not sure that a second season makes sense, though, given the concept. I was really moved by the entire Simone/ Karl storyline. I was a kid in 1984, so I was aware of AIDS when Rock Hudson’s diagnosis went public, but not really aware of the ostracism against gay men. I liked that snobby Simone was ultimately the most generous one of all. Really great cast, all around. Some really fine acting. Anyone else think the last woman homeowner looked like Jennie Garth? And the kid they cast as young Tommy was spot on.
  13. Does anyone know of a site where all the plot lines are explained? I find that I have forgotten half the characters and how they are related.
  14. I was fine with Frank and Bonnie dying—it made sense. I liked the return of Alfred Enoch as his son, but I thought his accent was weird and distracting , given the way his mother speaks, but I guess he grew up outside the US. Potential spinoff for Michaela—having learned nothing, she murders her way to a judgeship? Happy ending for Connor and Oliver. It’s sad that of all people Connor is the one that did jail time, but life is not fair. I called BS on that happy photo of Annelise at her funeral. I knew there was no way that she smiled that much during the timeframe of the show. But I am glad she found happiness.
  15. I hope that this issue is explored in the next season. I think that it‘s reasonable that they didn’t focus on why the stones didn’t work because there was a higher priority of helping Claire, but I hope they don’t just forget it. Is the stones not working specific to these people or is Wendigo stuck too?
  16. I guess I need to stop doing other things while watching the show...
  17. Happy Mother’s Day! Enjoy a gang rape! WTF? Other than the tone deaf timing of the episode, I rather liked it. Bree and Roger, I am glad that they are still part of the story. I do think that they both subconsciously consider this home and now they openly acknowledge it. Now Roger, in particular, can build a life here without one foot in the future. I thought it was very appropriate that he could only confess to killing someone when Bree could not see him... Fantasy sequence. Everyone looked so cute in their 1960’s garb. Jocasta/Maria Doyle Kennedy in particular. I think I have literally never seen her look so happy in any tv show. Marsali was almost unrecognizable. I enjoyed the retreat to a happy place. I assume we will see more of Wendigo next season. I get Claire’s anger, but I am also sympathetic to him. He did help her and tried to prevent the rapes by painting her as a witch. I hate that this series relies so much on rape. I really hope we’re done with it. But that being said it was portrayed reasonably well, and in this case it was realistic for those men to behave that way—unfortunately. I get that they didn’t want it to be a rift between Claire and Jamie, but she would still be sore so I think they should have waited for them to have sex (which is what I assume happened in that scene). I am glad that Claire did not kill Lionel. He deserved it but that would have really haunted her.
  18. I like the show, but having trouble seeing January Jones as old enough to be Kat’s mother. Agree with the comment about Justin. I hope his character gets fleshed out.
  19. Great episode. Very moving, from the euthanasia to the goodbyes. Agree with everyone that Bree and Lord John have oodles of chemistry. Her temporary idea of them getting married was a really good one if Roger didn’t return. I hope Marsali is okay. Without Claire to treat her it’s especially bad. Glad Ulysses found a way out. I was thinking that he could travel to England with John, so I am glad that happened. His loyalty to Jocasta was even more moving when you realize he didn’t have to stay. Lizzie barely speaks but she certainly packs a punch when she does. The stone traveling was unexpected. I honestly expected them to decide to stay. When I saw their reaction I wondered if they ended up at Craigh Na Dun still in the 18th century. It seemed like they recognized something.
  20. nara

    JAG - General Discussion

    Just rewatching JAG on CBS a all access, which for some reason doesn’t have all the episodes. DJE is ridiculously handsome and I could watch him for hours on end. However, Harm’s behavior is actually pretty problematic. He could not admit he loved Mac but repeatedly undermined her attempts to have a relationship. He was frequently sexist. And frankly, in the episode where he was being tested for being a judge and then when actually was one, he was immature, biased, and derelict of his duty IMO. I mostly like Mac, but she should not have gotten engaged to Mic Brumby while she was in love with Harm. In all fairness, he was persistent and didn’t hear her protests. I did enjoy the Australia episodes... But Harm and Mac do have incredible chemistry. I did not watch the NCIS episodes that other folks have mentioned, but I do think it is a travesty that they did not end up together. And if they didn’t, I wish Mac had found someone else...
  21. I suspect that Carrie might be cautious and not snoop in Yevgeny’s stuff, but look for other sources. That way, she would behave pretty naturally around him
  22. The apartment is definitely real estate porn, but I do enjoy that. It’s possible that Saul is not moving to a facility and is just moving out of the house where he was almost murdered...but perhaps he can officially retire from his high position and secretly run 1 or 2 assets under cover of retirement. I thought that woman in the bathroom was the one who gave Carrie the deets on the weapon flaw...Carrie herself doesn’t have to have access to anything. Wasn’t the guy who made the announcement the Russian rep to the UN? He might also be the GRU head, but the announcement seemed appropriate. I would have LOVED Dorit being Mossad, even if she didn’t do anything dramatic. Missed opportunity!
  23. His sister made it sound like he was moving into some facility to be cared for, but I thought it was just a retirement home. Chick interpreted it as more serious. The thing is that he was blooming with health, and the implication was that he was going to be Carrie’s handler—so how could he be dying?
  24. It does appear that one of the things that happened was some sort of romantic relationship with Yevgeny. She might not have remembered it, but his actions were clearly impacted by it.
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