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Everything posted by yourmomiseasy

  1. I don't want to watch a show that Scheanna is the star of.
  2. I'm way too excited for this show's return. Everyone's faces look weird, except maybe Katie. Katie's dress looks like shit in her talking heads (but not as ridiculous at Sandoval's jacket!). Did Jax run into another window and cut his forehead again? He's got the mental capacity of a parakeet, so it is probable. Kristin looks happier. Her new apartment seems less depressing too. She's still crazy, but in new ways. WHY? WHY? WHY? With the naked Jax? AGAIN? Why does god hate me? I don't need to see so much of Jax that they have to blur. How did that lady end up raising Jax? She doesn't seem like a wolf or a crack whore. She actually seemed really nice and normal. Jax is such a klepto. And that's like the least of his problems. Not loving the sideburns on Schwartz. I hope they were just for the party. A decades party is kind of a fun idea. Everyone gets to pick what they'll have the most fun with. There were a lot of really good costumes. The Toms looked great and so did Peter. I was like "Lisa just looks the same." when she walked into the party and then she explained she just went as herself. Who made day-drinking Kristen the sober police? I mean she's right that DJ Baby Muppet shouldn't be getting shitfaced while DJing, but maybe she's not the best person to deliver the message given her BAC is probably permanently in the illegal range. All those fools swigging on handles of fireball is such a bad idea. Shay was double fisting and DJ Baby Muppet is messy. What? There's a Vanderpump's Rules After Show with the girls from the People's Couch? OMG! She didn't fry her hair, she just used a crimping iron which is no worse for it than a straightening iron and totally decade appropriate. My conair crimping iron was totally fancy and had interchangeable plates for different looks.
  3. This episode probably would have been okay if it wasn't 90 minutes long and placed in the season where it was. I was just so bored and annoyed with it because of that. and irresponsible.
  4. Speaking of dogs. One of mine is kind of a Rocky. She needs to constantly be the center of attention, whines, is always wiggling her cute little butt, causes trouble all the time, her mood changes on a dime, she sings a lot (howls) and it's annoying, and she licks her fingers (toes) a lot. She had trouble in puppy school so I had to get her a private trainer. She was sent to boot camp to get her act in gear (it worked for the really bad stuff). She should probably go to the dog shrink and has a referral for one from the vet, but that's just too ridiculous and she's mellowed out a bit so she's just kind of annoying and not a danger to herself or others. She's only still alive because she's cute and she kept me too exhausted to murder her. Thinking about the parallels, I wonder how much of a terror Rocky was to deal with as a child.
  5. From your keyboard to God's ears. More Rock of Love please! I'd even settle for some Daisy of Love, but please no Rocky of Love. Although, the lunatics they try to set her up with might be amusing, I don't think the validation of getting her own show would be a nice look on her.
  6. Tru dat. They would chew her up and spit her out. And then we'd have to watch her cry to her parents on the phone every episode instead of just every other like right now.
  7. You are right. After that conversation he probably gave up on trying to talk to her. I think he was curt and abrupt and tying to push her away in their interactions, not just his talking heads, but I'm flip flopping on my opinion and deciding he was probably justified in not trying to talk to her about it.
  8. I totally agree, I just don't think she's wrong to feel miffed by it. It was also pointed out that she's getting as good as she gave to Emile. I agree with that too. IT was shitty when she did it to Emile. I still give Eddie the side eye though because he showed poor judgement overall and we weren't shown him trying to disengage from her in a mature fashion before he started pushing her away via somewhat rude behavior. I've been the Eddie and in retrospect, I'm not proud of how I acted in that situation (not that I showed bad judgement and boned a crazy person at work, but that I acted immaturely when trying to express my disinterest).
  9. I'm assuming that first job, the only one she held more than a few months, was an after school/summer job when she was in high school and they didn't expect much of her. After that, it looks like she cannot hold a job long. I wonder if she grows bored or the employer gets tired of her antics. To be fair to her, some jobs look like seasonal work.
  10. Leon didn't get fired and wasn't disliked by Kate because he was a POC unless immature, stubborn, arrogant, lying, lazy asshole is a color. It wasn't some racist plot to whiten up the ship. Rocky's popularity on the ship hasn't changed. I think Eddie just realized what a massive mistake he made and is now trying to distance himself from her. It still is a bad look, but the motivations are different. I did the same thing in Junior High to make it perfectly clear I wasn't into some guy that asked me to the dance. He's got to see her everyday so he can't just not call her and duck her calls - not that that is the mature way to handle the situation either. Rocky is correct in her quote about Eddie at the end.
  11. I cannot stand the sound of Rocky talking. I saw her doing the ceiling stare while talking to another person on this episode, not just during the talking heads. I can't imagine what it must be like to deal with her in real life. I laughed so hard when she called herself a chef. Of course she used cookies and grenadine in her dishes - -she's a child and kids like sweets. There's no similarities between cacao nibs and a cookie crumble. At all. It is no surprise Rocky stripped down and jumped off the boat, it combines all her strengths in one ridiculous action. I cannot believe they let her back on the boat, let alone let her just act like nothing happened. I would have thrown all her shit off the side of the boat after her. It should have been like Dane, where it wasn't her choice to make. And then her being so insubordinate to Kate in the galley after that meal Again she should have been booted. It was hilarious when she was like "Walk off because I'm a child." and meant it sarcastically, because she is a fucking child. How great that Rocky has done a "really frickin' awesome job stepping up and doing the stew role" -- the job she was hired to do and accepted. I don't understand why she needs accolades for doing her fucking job. Millennial. Her parent's should be super proud of the job they've done. When even Connie and Amy are talking shit about you, you're an asshole. Poor stupid Emile thinking the chef job might have been offered to Rocky. LOL. He really is dumb. But I guess he's loyal. I hope he doesn't join Rocky in being disruptive in misplaced loyalty to Leon. The boy just needs to keep his stupid head down and get his job done. Leon mentioned spilled juice in the oven before Rocky cut him off. He knew it wasn't the "clean dry pans" and was just trying to throw blame wherever he could and Rocky harping on about the pans gave him something to grasp on to. That all the sensible people have mentioned the dirty oven being the cause makes me think it was pretty obvious that Leon did a shit job of cleaning the galley. Leon was a dick straight off with the Captain. He might have kept his job if he had a better attitude and also didn't lie straight to the Captain's face. Also, way to be a mature professional and storm off instead of finishing your shift. I'd expect someone that considers himself such a professional to rise above and finish out the day like an adult. I was laid off and they needed me and my team to stay on for 7 months after the layoff to help shut things down and consult on projects for other divisions. We continued on with the same professionalism and standard of excellence that we had conducted ourselves with throughout our tenure. It's a small world and word gets around, why shoot yourself in the foot when you're going to be looking for a job soon. The Captain didn't handle the situation perfectly. Capt. Lee should have called Rocky out on her bullshit right then and there during the incident report interview instead of just commenting on it in a talking head. He should have also made it clear to Leon why he was leaving. He probably should have also corrected Eddie's mistaken impressions on the decision drivers. While I enjoy anyone talking shit about Rocky and not being charmed by her special snowflakeness, Eddie can take several seats. He did do a good job taking over and cooking the steaks though. It was hilarious that the guests wanted to thank the chef. I didn't enjoy the boys club of Eddie, Ben, and Lee laughing about Ben banging Kate. I did like everyone being so happy to see Ben and then Rocky's face falling when she realized he already knew everyone and likely wouldn't be her ally. The guests actually seemed really nice and appreciative. I'm glad that they got to go on their shark dive and that all the nonsense drama didn't seem to have an impact on their enjoyment of their trip. Luckily, they were too drunk to notice Rocky's awesome recipe ideas. The Primary was just so thrilled with his birthday and appreciative of the experience. He didn't even seem upset about puking. The puking might have been from too much drinking and not Rocky poisoning him. I can't even be mad about his sons seeming a tiny bit douchey. Hope the promo monkeys are just having fun and the guests next week are not as demeaning to the staff as it appears they are going to be.
  12. I don't think that Heather actually thinks that Tamara is a fabulous mother, but she was sure as shit aware that they were being filmed for a TV show and you don't say shit like that on TV about someone you're supposed to be friends with. She was trying to keep Vicki from blabbing on TV about something Tamara didn't want brought up.
  13. One more thing I forgot to mention, was I just imagining things, or was Helen not the only parent driving that horrible brood around while intoxicated? It seems like self-righteous Noah threw a few back at his sister's house before storming off like a baby. I doubt he sat out in the car with his asshole children waiting to sober up before driving.
  14. The cigarettes or whatever Allison gave the Syrian that she said were from Saul were too small to have been the bomb that blew up the plane, right?
  15. So, there actually is a person worse than Noah and it's his son. If I was Helen I'd give Noah full custody and run away and start over without my horrible family. The only downside is that she'd have to pay child support. We already knew the older two were horrible, but the younger son is the absolute worst ever. I loved how even when biased through Noah's memory his sister made complete sense in everything she said when calling him out on being a selfish asshole and he just didn't get it. Poor Noah, the world just doesn't get how special his great love is. I thought Max was thoughtful in his own oblivious way remembering Helen's court date, freeing up some time to spend with her, bringing her flowers and tickets for a trip. Bummer for him that Helen was never really into it.
  16. I am literally that lazy, but I'm not a professional chef and my oven also isn't dirty enough to catch fire. I've had it for 5 years and never used the self-cleaning function because I'm irrationally afraid that I'll burn the house down and I'm too lazy to get out the manual and read the directions to make sure I do it properly. I just wipe the oven down on occasion, but mainly I just try to keep it clean by not using it. I did use it twice today though (once to bake some yams and once to make a delicious casserole), which is like a record in this house. Neither time caused a fire.
  17. Which is worse? Vicki in no clothes or Vicki in her normal clothes?
  18. It's totally not Vicki's fault that others started calling her that, but it is her fault and ridiculous that she "expects respect" due to it and that she claims to have started the franchise and be responsible for the other HW series. As was stated in the clip, she fully does expect newbies to "kiss her ring." It makes no sense that they should just bow down to her because she's managed to stick around the longest.
  19. Her 6 year old daughter probably ghost writes the blog. I think the tapeworm diet was already really a thing. It might have been some other parasite though, but I remember idiots swallowing a parasite as a diet.
  20. I heard an ad on the radio yesterday for a laser treatment for sagging necks and thought of Vicki. When my nephew was born he was not cute. At all. He looked like a little troll. My mom wouldn't let me say anything to my sister and made me pretend that he was cute. He's grown into a really cute kid, so it worked out, I guess. I said something to my sister about a year ago about how he was not cute when he was born and mom made me blow smoke up her ass and she started laughing so hard and was like "He was a troll! Did she think I didn't know!?" I don't think $30k is a down payment for any house Heather is going to live in. It's all relative. I kind of freaked out about my car costing as much as a house, but I realized that I'm never going to live in a $65k house, so it really isn't like a house to me. A big clue for me is it says Lisa Vanderpump makes $500k per season, but Yolanda makes $100k per episode. I do not buy at all that Yolanda makes so much more than Lisa and doubt any of the figures are trust worthy.
  21. This won the internet for me today. Re: the yelling at girls being so bad -- it's because he specifically said he yelled at girls in his kitchen and made them cry and seemed proud of it. He didn't say he yelled at everybody, he made sure the world knew he yelled at "girls." I also think, the females working in his kitchen were probably women, not girls, and calling them girls is yet another way to undermine them. I totally agree about Captain Lee needing to step it up in real life and not just talk a big game in his blog after the fact.
  22. Not only was the oven a wreck, it looked like there were forgotten potatoes or something in it on the racks and I can't tell what was on the floor of it. It looked way worse than mine and I'm a slob and not a professional chef working in a kitchen as my job. Maybe Leon is sleeping so much and a cranky ass because he depressed over being away from his kids? Or he could just be a lazy asshole.
  23. I hope that Captain Lee's look of disgust at Eddie and Rocky was real and not edited in from some other time. It was so great. Leon smiled at one point like he was enjoying cooking. Kate was funny in her Betty Crocker sous chef birthday cake talking head. I realize Leon is annoying, but Kate should have just let him keep his jerky box. That was ridiculous. Kate also went overboard in her comments to Leon about the bipolar kitchen and the smears. Up until now it seemed like she was taking the high road. She doesn't need to get down in the mud with him. I don't need to hear about Emile and Leon's masturbation records. Maybe if Eddie is worried about the professionalism in the crew he shouldn't hook up with Rocky in the first place. Seriously, why was Leon still napping at 6:20pm. Shouldn't he have been prepping dinner by then? And then of course he was derisive about quesadillas. His oven was gross. Rocky can't sell me on her being a trained chef that went to culinary school with her thumb sucking, quesadilla microwaving, and raw chicken serving. I don't think she realized it, but she totally sold Leon out to the Captain. Then her and Leon shit talking the Captain "trying to make a big deal" about Leon not doing his job. Also, those quesadillas looked gross. I'd expect better from Del Taco, let alone a yacht kitchen. It is also unacceptable that there isn't just crap for quesadillas stocked in the kitchen, it seems like the all the guests ask for them every single time they want a drunk snack. So Leon is proud of being an assholey screaming chef that makes others in the kitchen cry? In most other workplaces that'd get you sued. I don't understand why it is a badge of honor in kitchens. And of course it was "girls" he was talking about making cry. Even I'm sick of the apple and squid ink smears, beef cheeks, and summer pudding, and I'm not on the yacht. He uses those components every single time. Rocky is a shit worker. I can't believe she was just hanging out and dancing and dangling her feet off the side of the boat looking at the view while Amy was doing all the work. I love that Amy knew to just hold her tongue to avoid a weepy Rocky. I guess maybe Kate wasn't just being mean to Rocky, huh Amy? I fucking love that Kate is putting tickets in for the food like it is a diner. People don't just feel like Rocky doesn't get it, she actually doesn't get it. Who on the ceiling was she trying to convince that she does get it? And of course weeping and tears. I guess Rocky and Leon are the only ones that "get it" according to her? The charter guest that had the rabbit farm story looked like she had a much nicer ass than Rocky's much lauded glutes and she didn't feel the need to hang it out. I can't believe Leon just went ahead and served rabbit after she asked that he not, I mean I can because Leon doesn't change course ever, but jeez. Rocky doesn't seem to want to do any work unless it involves flirting or "being cute." Instead of doing a loose job buttering a banana, maybe she should have kept an eye on the popcorn while Kate did 100% of all the other stew duties. I've accidentally heated a clean empty pan in my oven before and it totally did not catch on fire. That oven couldn't have been running that hot or for that long -- the pizza looked fine. I suspect something else, like the oven being a fucking mess caused the fire. i hope next week when Leon tries to blame it on Kate that Captain Lee points out that maybe if he was awake and doing his fucking job other people wouldn't need to be cooking.
  24. Caroline was getting pissed and asked what time it was and someone said 9:30 and then it was explained that they were told to show up at 7:30 for dinner at 8. I'd be pissed and hungry too, especially if I found out I was standing around waiting for those idiots to take their group bubble bath. No harm no foul. Sorry if I came across as scolding. It's just one person says something on one of these forums and it snowballs into the truth. There was a whole thing on the RHOC forum where someone made a joke about Tamara having HPV and calling it cervical cancer and it didn't take that many posts for it to become the truth.
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