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Everything posted by juneday

  1. juneday

    Rose Wilder Lane

    And physchaitrists were looked at like "kooks" or frauds at that time, right? So she probably never got any substantial help for her mental problems.
  2. juneday

    Rose Wilder Lane

    They certainly had bad luck in that family with baby boys! I think Rose had a dark sense of humor or just a dark way of writing. I've heard somewhere that it was speculated that she had depression.
  3. juneday

    Rose Wilder Lane

    Is Innocence the short story about the little girl going to Florida with her parents? And there is a lady named Aunt Molly there who tries to poison her with a gumball or something? If so, I've read that multiple times in The Little House Sampler and found it intriguing but very odd.
  4. juneday

    Rose Wilder Lane

    Thank you for the links, henrysmom! I've yet to read Diverging Roads but I think I will start tonight. The death certificate was interesting but sad. One thing I've always found a little strange was how mothers and fathers didn't pick out names for their babies before they were born. I know they didn't have the technology to tell if they were a boy or girl but you would think they would have potential names picked out. "Infant Lane" is so sad. I am also of the opinion that Almonzo wasn't necesarily a *bad* farmer, just that he had a lot of back luck and maybe not the best brain for finances. Sort of like the Ingalls, except I always got the feeling that Almonzo was a lot harder worker than Pa was.
  5. I'm Baptist, Southern Baptist actually, and I will agree that the denomination is not near as Fundie as the Duggars. In fact, I don't know of anyone who has considered themselves a fundamentalist within the denomination, or a follower of Gothard. Most people probably wouldn't even know who Gothard was. I've heard people in my church say that the Duggars are strange and a bit crazy-although they do have well-behaved children! (eyeroll)
  6. I completely agree with this. That is how my mom looks at it. Whenever she watches an episode of 19KAC, she always says, "They're raising their children right! So Godly and kind to each other!" I have to bite my tongue.
  7. And not only are there swim suits in the movie, but Bethany (the surfer girl) and her friend blatantly flirt with a boy! Who isn't even her boyfriend! She better watch out, she's giving away pieces of her heart!
  8. I wonder how they kept these "friends." Taking advantage of people is no way to keep friends. Unless the friends they speak of are Gothard-followers as well and do the same thing to their own friends. Funny, I can't see the Duggars chipping in to help someone feed or provide clothing for their many children or help build their house or...anything, really.
  9. That is the most pathetic excuse ever. She seems perfectly fine in the way of her back to me
  10. I was also born premature, on June 16th when my mom's due date was September 9th. I had to be put on oxygen for a few days & I had a heart monitor for a while, but I never had any learning disabilities or anything else because of it. Now I did have chronic migraines as a child until I was put on medicine for it (finally!). I was a small child and was also very shy and quiet, but I'm still like that.
  11. Maybe some women do, but I ride English and jump, and also ride Western, and have for years. And have never gotten a "special feeling" besides soreness. Lol. And I can definitely see the Duggars making their daughters ride side-saddle or not at all. Riding pants would be a no-go!
  12. That part creeped me out. I felt really sorry for Mrs. Boast but at the same time-imagine how awkward that would have been for Laura and Almonzo next time they saw the Boasts! And yeah, just because they're young and seemingly healthy doesn't mean they can/will have more children...
  13. Gravity by John Mayer (the version I prefer) on the right day can make me tear up. I'm not really sure why though, as it's not a particularly sad song. It just gets to me. The A Team by:Ed Sheeran always makes me more serious every time I hear it. Free Fallin' by Tom Petty makes me happy. I love that song & have good memories associated with it.
  14. I hate Anaconda. When Blurred Lines came on a hundred times a day I wanted to punch my car radio in. A completely sexist song coming on once is once too many, thank you. Here's another one: Pompeii by Bastille. I do not like all that "ah-ah-oh-oh-oh" they do in the intro.
  15. Oh no, it's only *her* knees. They have the ability to defraud every straight man in America in MeChelle's eyes. {sarcasm intended}
  16. I think of Barney Fife. But worse-a smug, know-it-all Barney Fife.
  17. I'm waiting to see if Pioneer Girl will reveal how Pa *really* was and show life on the prairie in a more hard, realistic view. I love the original books from young Laura's POV. It'll just be interesting to read Pioneer Girl.
  18. juneday

    Rose Wilder Lane

    Oh yes, I remember reading that and having to read it again because it just struck me as so sad. And admitting it out loud to your daughter was even more sad. I know that at least the first years of Laura and Almonzo's marriage really was terrible in terms of all the struggles they went through-financially and physically. But I have to wonder what made Almonzo feel that his whole life had just been a disappointment. Rose's attitude towards being poor was very different to Laura's. While Laura always seemed to have a spunky, I'm-still-just-as-good-as-you attitude towards it, Rose always seemed deeply ashamed & like she blamed her parents for their lack of luck and prosperity in life. Also, I also wondered about Gillette Lane, the man she married. We never heard much about him. Who was he exactly?
  19. Whoa, pants! Shouldn't all the guys in that room be staring at their feet right about now?! I wonder if Grandma Duggar was just behind on the wash that day and all her denim skirts were in the wash.
  20. Yes yes yes! That's one of the things that bothers me most about this family. They have nineteen children, yet none of them seem to have individual interests or hobbies. Jill may be a midwife and actually enjoy it, but I don't believe that they *all* enjoy learning to play violin and piano. And what if Hannie actually turned out to be interested in horses and horseback riding and its different forms? Would they take her for real riding lessons and let her further her interest? I doubt it. That's not one of the pre-approved Fundie activities is it, and that's sad.
  21. I love Rilla of Ingleside as well as Anne of Ingleside. Just looking at my series of AOGB books, those two are the most creased down the spines from being read so much. I love how LMM was able to create such vivid pictures of the world, nature, and her characters. It really did make them feel like they were real people. She was a great writer imo. I like the first two movies, and Megan Follows portrayed Anne wonderfully, but what's up with the third movie? I could never figure that one out. I'll have to make a little confession here and say that as a book-loving, slightly nerdy ten year old, Gilbert and Almonzo Wilder from LHOTP were my first book crushes. LOL. Edited for typos.
  22. Hah, that's a classy way to put that, I suppose
  23. juneday

    Rose Wilder Lane

    I've read that letter and was very put-off by it! I agree that it did seem very spiteful. What was the point in writing back to your father to tell him that your mother had gained weight? I imagine Laura would have been embarrassed if she had found out, as most anyone would. Yes, she did seem ahead of her time, but she also seemed unwilling to budge in her opinion of anything and narrow-minded. Which might seem like an odd thing to say since she was so ahead of her time, but she seemed very stubborn. She also seemed to not like the way her parents lived-a simple life out in the country (why would she have a problem with this?) and tried to force modernizations on them, IMO. Edited for typos.
  24. I like the pie idea! She could have all different kinds. I love pie, lol, and it's a good idea for an autumn wedding. The ice cream is nice but not the best in the fall, even in the south.
  25. I'm not sure how much weight these types of boards have, especially with the Duggars, but I do agree that Anna seems like she has a better grasp of things than Michelle does. She seems to really love and be grateful for the children she has, and not see getting pregnant as some weird way to get and keep attention. It just seems that way to me.
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