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Everything posted by juneday

  1. Holy crap. I haven't visited this forum in a few months or watched/read anything to do with the Duggars (which has honestly helped my sanity a bit lol) but I was watching dateline on TLC last night and saw a commercial for that new show with Jessa and Jinger. So I came on here to read and saw Josh cheated on Anna with a prostitute?!? What??? I have definitely missed a lot!
  2. Lol, that was good. I love reading LHOTP snark. :) "I don’t know about you, but some days I just want to lock myself in the outhouse to have a moment of peace. But they find me. They always find me. I can’t escape their whiney little voices. “Ma! The baby is getting attacked by a badger!” “Ma! The grasshoppers are eating all our crops!” “Ma! Mary’s bliiiinnddd!” -That made me laugh. :)
  3. I completely agree. The Duggars have a large following of young people-particularly teenage girls-who believe everything the Duggars say. They believe the Duggars are this righteous, pious, pure Christian family where all the kids are happy and loving all the time and everything is grand. So now Michelle and Jim Boob are saying "oh, he was ONLY 15, it was ONLY over the clothes, they were asleep!" and the thousands of young girls who religiously follow this family on social media and watch the show now may, and probably do think, even if subconsciously, think that molestation and sexual abuse are no big deal. Just innocent mistakes. I think that's a dangerous way of thinking. Sure, you can forgive somebody-and great if you do! But that doesn't excuse what the other person did or make it right in the eyes of society or the law or morally. This whole thing and the way a lot of the leghumpers are responding to this is so odd to me because if any atheist or agnostic family or even just a "normal" Christian family that hadn't paraded their supposedly superior belief system around for ten years had come out with a sex abuse scandal like this, they would be going nuts. They would probably shun the family and talk about how the abuser should be put in prison and how sick it all was. However, in this situation, they didn't. What makes this one different? Prairie dresses and tater tot casserole, lol? I don't really understand why people follow the Duggars so blindly and believe everything they say. Molestation is molestation, no matter what family.
  4. I'm catching up on reading this thread and this actually made me laugh out loud. Well done, lol.
  5. Hahaha that was great!! I wish there were more parodies like that. That is exactly how I think of Mechelle and Jim Boob in my head.
  6. My curiosity got the better of me and I read that. I'll sum it up for you: she basically said the liberal media is evil and out to get conservatives because they're discussing and talking about the Duggars and what Josh did while they didn't say much about the whole Lena Dunnam (sp?) situation. While I absolutely do not think that talking a lot about one situation and basically ignoring another is in any way right, how is that addressing what Josh did AT ALL? It's basically saying "Oh, what he did wasn't right, but since they ignored the Lena Dunnam thing and she didn't get this much judgement it's okay!" I don't understand that logic at all. As the old saying goes, and I know it's said a million times but it's still true: two wrongs don't make a right.
  7. When does this air? I'm hoping that even if the Duggars managed to get all of their children lined up in the room so that it makes it much more awkward and they can use the excuse of "not appropriate for the children" or whatever to ask to the hard-hitting questions, that Megyn somehow figures out a way to do it anyway. Even if she has to ask Mechelle and Jim Boob to remove all kids from the room. And oh my yes, I bet she'll be wearing a dress above the knee!
  8. That makes sense. I know moving around a lot is usually very hard on most children, as well as not having any siblings to play with or relate to. I guess I just never could have any more sympathy for Rose than I do because I always thought of it this way: Laura had a similar childhood to Rose in terms of the poverty, moving around, and hard living conditions, and she never had the resentment towards Charles and Caroline that Rose seemed to have towards Laura and Almanzo. Now I know of course that Laura and Rose are separate individuals; and the fact that Laura had sisters to talk to and be around probably helped her feel less lonely and isolated. But they were both poor and both moved around a lot-in fact, it seems to me that the Ingalls moved more than the Wilders. I may not be looking at this correctly, though, now that I'm really thinking about this-because Rose seemed to be a much more sensitive child than Laura was. So maybe she just couldn't handle the traveling, and the "roughing it" lifestyle like Laura could. That's not her fault, it's just sad that she took it out on her parents.
  9. I'm sorry if this is OT, (I looked and thought this was the appropriate thread?) but I just watched the clip where Josie has a seizure (I haven't been watching the show lately but I thought I'd watch some of the "important" or more telling clips) and the fact that her seizure went on for 10 minutes is very concerning, as well as the fact that Jana says she was turning blue and purple. I have epilepsy and have grand mal seizures that are controlled by medication, but when they weren't controlled and I did have them I was always told by doctors that a seizure lasting more than 5 minutes can be harmful to your brain's functioning and breathing and can be deadly. I felt so sorry for poor Jana, who obviously didn't know exactly what to do. It's good that they got the ambulance and paramedics out but I really hope that they have a neurologist seeing Josie or at least getting her checked out regularly by a doctor.
  10. Yes, that's exactly the letter I was talking about... I remember reading that and just being so horrified that you would write that about your own elderly mother...much less send it to your father! That's an interesting story about Rose. I feel bad for her as she had fallen on hard times, but she sure could have handled that situation much better. I, too, would love for her diaries to be published. I always wondered why she had so much resentment/disappointment/negative emotions towards her parents, especially Laura. It might be her bouts with depression causing the negative feelings, but I have never read anything that would cause me to think that Laura and Almanzo weren't good parents to her. They did seem the "tough love" kind maybe, but weren't most 1800's-early 1900's parents? I think Rose resented how poor she was as a child, mostly. I remember reading the review of that as well. Maybe I should read it...I have yet to read Pioneer Girl so I have lots of Little House reading to do. Haha
  11. That was exactly what I thought the Duggars would fall because of as well-people finding out the weird blanket-training methods they used, or finally figuring out how they basically arrange marriages for their barely-adult children, or Jim Boob stealing money from the car lot or something. I never thought it would be this, and truthfully my first reaction was to be slightly shocked and then very saddened for the victims and the other children in the house.
  12. Lol interesting, because I'm almost 100% sure Fireproof was about the husband who was a firefighter who was addicted to porn (which was implied heavily in the movie) and the wife was about to leave him because of it.ETA: and then the husband converted to Christianity and found God and the couple reconciled, of course. But the porn thing is ironic to me.
  13. Wow, that's a pretty low thing for Rose to have done. I have never read Let the Hurricane Roar, but I have read reviews of it and the general consensus seems to be that it is written in a very similar style and with some of the same material that was in Laura's Little House books. I always got the feeling that Laura and Rose's relationship was strained from reading some letters in the book West from Home and the like, but I never knew Rose would really rip stories and material from her own mother. How sad. ETA: I've read reviews and summaries of a book, supposedly more of a biography of Rose called The Ghost in Little House, and always had no desire to read it whatsoever. Honestly, even the summary about it made me a little angry. It's a book that seems to vilify Laura and vindicate Rose. However, it would be interesting to read all the biographies/books of this nature written about both of them and see what my final opinion is.
  14. I just watched the Marsiah courting announcement video on YouTube and Marjorie seems like a bright and energetic young girl. They seemed much less awkward around each other than some of the other couples have seemed around each other at the start of their courtships, which might be speaking to the friendship they apparently had before they started courting. If this courtship continues, I really do hope Josiah spends his time courting Marjorie over at her house around her family rather than Marjorie being over at the TTH. He probably needs to get away from the mess over there and he needs to see what a halfway normal family (they seem more modern, right?) is like. Also, at the end of the video Josh was talking to Josiah about what it means to him to court, etc. and all I could think was ughhh no. How about not asking him for advice, please.
  15. Yes. I also think had the Duggars not tried to cover this up for years and had they not tried to act like the perfect, model family that everyone should look up to there would be more sympathy for Josh. As well as if he had shown more of a sign that he is remorseful and regretful for what he did. No one wants a person's life to be ruined because of mistakes they make as a teen, and I know teenagers mess up and make mistakes, but IMHO this goes beyond just a normal teen mistake like making a bad grade or sneaking into an R rated movie or something. Those are "normal" mistakes that don't really hurt anyone but yourself-this isn't.
  16. This definitely makes sense but I'm just wondering how exactly Mechelle and Jim Boob thought some of the chaperones were going to make sure whatever courting couple didn't tell the family secrets before the wedding day. Some of the chaperones were young, weren't they, like Jackson, etc.? What were they going to do, start going "shhhh" if they talked about it? They might not even be old enough to understand what the couple was talking about or old enough to "tattle" back to Mechelle and Jim Boob. I've always wondered if some of the couples were like, "Here's five bucks, go play for a few minutes while we have a real discussion by ourselves."
  17. This thread gave me a good laugh tonight! Lol I always thought Laura and Almanzo's courtship was too short. It was like one episode Laura was pining away after him and he hadn't even noticed her as anything other than a little girl. Then bam-the next episode, Laura gets her teaching certificate, puts her hair up, and wears a more mature-looking dress that shows off her curves and Almanzo notices her. Then suddenly they're courting. And that didn't bother me as much as how short their actual courtship was-like they court for one episode-Sweet Sixteen. Then they are engaged in HLM, HLMN. Then a few non-memorable (IMO) episodes in between and they're married. I guess we are supposed to believe that more time passed in between Sweet Sixteen and HLM, HLMN but I would have liked to have seen at least another episode or two about it. Although I do always enjoy the engagement and LIW two-parters.
  18. I'm imagining just complete and utter chaos at that house right now. It had got to be scary for the younger children.
  19. I can see that happening unfortunately. And Jim Boob and Mechelle sitting in the front pew of whatever church they're in with plastered-on smiles and dollar signs in their eyes. Ugh.I'm also wondering what churches would allow him/want him to come speak. I'm sure some would still be clinging to the idea that the Duggars are this pristine modest family. But I'm thinking that a lot would not be willing to let Josh speak...hopefully?
  20. Oh my gosh. That all makes sense now. Makes me feel sick. I don't think he felt/feels any remorse for what he did, just from that remark. People who are truly sorry for things they do don't say stuff like THAT about the person who "told" on them. Especially about such terrible things.
  21. Absolutely. This is exactly why I have been thinking for a long time now-that something big was going to come out about the Duggars. For years and years they tried to come off as this perfect, pious family who just happened to love popping kids out every year (it was God's plan for them!) and who set up such strict rules and regulations and over-sexualized everything it's no wonder that something this big and horrible came out that has to do with sex. I really hope the girls get the counseling and therapy they need and/or want. I know they've lived with this for years but I doubt the youngest girls ever understood fully and with JimBoob and Mechelle for parents there's no way in hell they ever discussed in depth and at length how it wasn't their fault, it was wrong what Josh did, etc. Also you know how emotions and real personalities are repressed around TTH so if they were angry or upset or whatever negative emotion they might have been feeling at the time, they were probably told to "have a cheerful countenance" or something like that. It has to be jarring for it to come up in the media after all these years, too. As for Josh, I don't really know. I am a Christian, although not a Fundy, and I think what he did was both a sin and a crime and should be treated as both.
  22. Oh yes, I'd recommend the Mansfield site, too. We went through the rock house and muesum faster than I would have liked (I like to read everything lol) because we were with other people who weren't "muesum-y" type people, but it was also very nice and I think I liked it best out of De Smet, Walnut Grove, and Mansfield. Also, if you like the LHotP television series the Walnut Grove site is good. It has lots of stuff relating to the show as you can see Plum Creek. However, the town of Walnut Grove is still very small and there isn't much to do outside of the muesum. But it was nice as well.
  23. I went to DeSmet a few years ago (actually 6 I think, whoa, time flies) and I really liked it. You could see the Surveyor's House as well as the house that the Ingalls family lived in; very interesting. I hope you have fun!
  24. Does anyone have the link to this? I read some of it but would love to read the rest.
  25. Oh boy, does he have a lot in store for him. Hehe
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