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Everything posted by steff13

  1. This was my thought. Good lord, she came all the way to KY, at least let her have the wedding she wants. And, if we're going to exclude venues based on where Matt has had previous weddings, well...
  2. I'm just now watching yesterday's episode. I thought I was a terrible singer, but I have nothing on this woman. Yikes. Please tell me someone tells her she sucks.
  3. It's so annoying, I don't even care what her outfits look like. It's almost as though she's playing it up on purpose. Between the laugh and the eyebrows, I'm totally done with her.
  4. RE: the new couple, I am embarrassed to admit that I had to see the preview several times before I realized she was saying he told her he was a Nigerian prince. The way she draws out the "aaaa," I thought she was saying he told her he was gay. That might have been an interesting twist.
  5. I agree with all your points. I didn't watch the season with Russ and Paola, but I like her a lot. Russ bugs. He commented that he doesn't know if they move to a big city what that will mean for his career. What is his career? A farmer? Oh, yeah, and Brett needs to not give his mom any info on their house, their budget, etc. Unless she's paying, it's none of her business. Good fences make good neighbors, Brett.
  6. I so want to touch her lips. I bet they feel really smooth and hard. Perhaps we should call her "Anfish," because of her huge fish lips. I think Jorge's sister is beautiful, and she is right on about Anfisa. Although, I don't think Anfisa has gone to a lot of effort to hide her intentions.
  7. I actually came here to suggest this; I was looking at photos from a local comic-con, and there were some girls dressed as Ghost Busters in jumpsuits almost identical in color and style to Laurence's.
  8. YES! Kaylee's a mechanic, so it's perfect.
  9. Dexter's jacket - I think Zac called it "androgynous." I know that's exactly what I look for in clothes, something androgynous. :/ To me it looked like a jacket someone would wear out in the middle of the night to tag some buildings. I expected the model to open it up to show off half a dozen cans of spray paint in pockets inside.
  10. My friend and I watched together, and we were torn between prison jumpsuit and Rosie the Riveter. Not good, in our opinion. I liked Erin's dress, but I totally agreed with Heidi's "cartoon," comment. I thought it looked like something from Coraline.
  11. We didn't. We closed at our attorney's office, and they previous owners had 30 days to vacate.
  12. DVR didn't catch this one, so I'm a little behind. I can't believe Nicole is going to Morocco without any planning or research. I'm torn between feeling bad for her, because I think she's naïve and not very bright, and cringing because she's clearly going to be an ugly America. As an aside, her stepmother looks strikingly like Toni Collette. Matt, he seems dopey and nice enough, but if you've been divorced three times you might just realize marriage is not for you. It's odd that he's had 3 wives and no kids, unless there's some sort of issue. Alla does seem like she really wants to be with him, so maybe the 4th time's the charm. Jorge - I felt bad for him until the feminist comment. I think he's going to get what he deserves with his bride. His sister and niece are beautiful. Pedro seems sweet, but I think Chantel's plan is going to backfire on her. Her family is going to be livid when they find out she's been lying. Is her bed in the living room of her apartment? What's up with that?
  13. I was very excited to see Matt and Anfisa shopping at Jungle Jim's. Kind of weird, though, assuming it's the Eastgate location, it's about an hour drive from where he lives. Maybe he took her there because it's a huge international market. She was so perplexed by the apples, I would like to see what her idea of an apple is. Maybe just smaller. I really like Pedro. He's sweet and seems sincere.
  14. I don't know if this was a blooper, or just sloppy writing, or maybe it was intentional, but here's mine: The episode where Lane gets married, Mrs. Kim gives Lorelei her wedding dress, which she says she wore when she married Mr. Kim 27 years ago. Then, she has "the talk," with Lane about how Zack is going to want to "do it," and she's just going to have to do it. She then tells Lane that maybe if she's lucky, she will only have to do it once, like Mrs. Kim herself did. Then at some point Lorelei mentions that Lane is 22 years old. So, did Mrs. Kim wait 5 years to consummate her marriage with Mr. Kim?
  15. Agree. I thought she looked like Quasimodo schlumping down the runway. I got a kick out of Dom's model (Lloyd?). I thought he was handsome and seemed to have a lot of fun with it.
  16. I think she gets it done by Wolverine's stylist.
  17. Oh my gosh, that's maddening! They showed that scene and every ad break, then didn't actually say what it was?! Ugh. My guess is twins. Or maybe she's farther along than they think.
  18. Did the episode cut off before the doctor gave Elena and Preston the news for everyone, or was it just my DVR?
  19. I feel really bad for Mitch. Emily was being ridiculous trying to make him feel bad that her friends hurt her feelings questioning his sexuality. And when she dumped the ring on the counter - how big was that thing?! It looked like a key ring it was so big. Mitch, you're better off without Emily and her size 15 fingers. Tom seems sweet. I hope Christina gives him a real chance.
  20. I hope Mitch and Emily are happy. I'm dying to know what happened when she told her family. She got a bit snippy when they were asking her why she didn't invite any local friends to the ceremony. Odd. John looks like the love child of John Corbett and Paul Rudd.
  21. That spa manager girl had the tiniest legs I've ever seen. She didn't have a thigh gap, she had a thigh gorge. I cried when Christina's dad cried. They seem like a nice family.
  22. I had missed it, too, until I watched the marathon yesterday. Mark gets out of bed in the morning, looks at himself in the mirror, and says, "you're a specimen." A specimen of what, he didn't say, but I have some ideas.
  23. The Lorelais First Day at Yale, and the stupid Yale mattress! Lorelai tries to make Luke store the janky Yale mattress, because she got Rory a new one, and he refuses, as he has no space. She says she has no space. It isn't as though she has a HUGE garage right next to her house or anything. I get her not wanting to store it there, but why didn't Luke suggest it? Hep Alien was practicing there at the time, but how much space does a twin mattress take up?! Just lean it up against the wall. I think at the end of the episode, Luke ends up stuck with it, because she leaves it in the back of his truck. It just really bugs that Luke doesn't point out that she has a garage where she could store it.
  24. I've always preferred Janelle's kids to the others. Good for Garrison for standing up to Kody.
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