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Everything posted by Broderbits

  1. I think he can be entitled, privileged etc. but still not be guilty of murder. Ted Bundy was said to be extremely charming and personable, and yet he was a serial killer. I can't believe the daughter is doing her dissertation on Jung and didn't know who Toni Wolff was! Guess she's going to need several extensions.
  2. Totally agree! Wish I had waited until all the episodes were up so I could binge it.
  3. Even if he didn't have dementia, I don't think he would care. His only real interest is himself.
  4. I'm pretty sure that if I had found a big bag stuffed with cash I wouldn't just throw it under the bed and go merrily on my way! Also, why aren't there any door cameras that can send alerts to her phone? Why are they still using their regular phones? And whose credit card is she using?
  5. I thought the same thing. Don't know how much her new job pays, but I can't believe it would be enough to afford a decent place in NY, especially if she has to house daughter & son-in-law. I certainly wouldn't want to be cramped in a tiny space with that daughter! Furthermore, I think Lily was absolutely wrong and stupid to clean up that urine. She should have just waited for her idiot principal to come to his senses and figure out a solution himself. I bet he didn't even speak to that kid's parents.
  6. At least that despicable Didier got blown to bits, but I was sorry to see Julian Baptiste go. I love Vincent Cassel and Eva Green!
  7. I really enjoyed that, and don't feel confused just intrigued. I don't know how much other people expect from a pilot episode, but IMOl this one delivered enough for me to keep watching.
  8. I'm convinced that dear old dad had his son killed not only for the above reason, but also because Brooks was going through money recklessly with no sign of stopping. I'm really surprised the brothers are still alive!
  9. Yes, they definitely used it over the finale credits. The current music sounds like it was lifted from Chinatown, which I guess is appropriate, but I'm finding it distracting.
  10. Warner Bros Discovery is doing everything they possibly can to destroy HBO. There is less and less that I am willing to pay for, and I can't be the only one who feels that way. HBO used to be ground-breaking, now it's ground down.
  11. I haven't had a Netflix subscription for more than 5 years.They had fewer and fewer new shows and movies for me to watch, so the asking price wasn't worth it. I had always thought HBO was a must-have until the recent merger. Now they are cancelling stuff willy-nilly and rarely have new movies. In fact, most recently the new releases I want to see have been on Peacock of all places; films like Nope and Tar, series like Poker Face. Even the latest Jurassic Park crap movie was on Peacock, not HBO.
  12. I predict that when (or if) this show finally ends, Saint Olivia Benson will be appointed Police Commissioner. After all, she's the most honest, most competent, most effective, most photogenic person on the whole force!
  13. Broderbits

    Season 05

    I also felt she was hoping against hope that he would react exactly the way he did. She seems happy that he wants to have a relationship with the baby even if there's no deeper relationship with her.
  14. “When Somebody Loves You Back” by Teddy Pendergrass.
  15. I think you are absolutely right. If the world hadn't changed into what it is now, Diane and Kurt could have made it work; but things are so desperately fucked up I don't see how she could just keep on ignoring the fundamental differences between them. I LOVE John Benjamin Hickey! He looked like he was having a ball playing Neil Gross, maybe for the last time. And great job directing by Carrie Preston.
  16. "I'm in the hospital! You can't arrest me!" Right. Hope he spends some time in the prison law library.
  17. I believe his last name is Lane; but he uses the first exclusively, like Cher or Bono. It's branding.
  18. His confession was just a strategy to save their son, they obviously discussed it before court.
  19. My trips were much more coherent and interesting than this show!
  20. She had some good moments in The Split, plus a handsome adoring co-worker for an affair and the nicest wardrobe of all her roles. I'm loving the asides and humor!
  21. I'd never heard of this series so thanks for mentioning it! Marc Warren is in it too!
  22. Wait, what? Benson was raised by a single mom who I believe taught at a university. Hardly rolling in dough.
  23. The killing of that awful tenor reminded me of Dr. Lecter dispatching the off-key flutist in Red Dragon. Musicians beware!
  24. At first it was an amusing kind of dumb, but now it's a boring kind of dumb with way too many characters.
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